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71.33% Naruto, Be My Son / Chapter 219: Chapter 219: Are these three really Genin? Big Fox, lend me some strength! 

Chapter 219: Chapter 219: Are these three really Genin? Big Fox, lend me some strength! 

"The final match... Kusagakure Village Genin 'Uzumaki Naruto' vs Kusagakure Village Genin 'Haku' vs Konohagakure Village Genin 'Uchiha Izumi'!!!"

The broadcast echoed throughout the final venue, making everyone stunned.

The big screen above their heads also displayed the names of the three people.

Many people thought that after a Kirigakure Village Genin chose to forfeit, the remaining three might need to draw lots for a bye.

But they didn't expect that what they had imagined did not happen.

The final round of the competition turned out to be a brawl between three people!

As the organizer of this Chunin Exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen's old face couldn't help but flash a look of astonishment.

Because this is a bit different from the Chunin Exam process he planned.

Why would there be a situation of a three-person fight?

What were the examiners of this round of the Chunin Exam thinking?

Why did they act on their own?

Why didn't they come and ask him, the Hokage?

Why didn't they seek his opinion?

In a short moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind flashed one doubt after another.

His brows couldn't help but frown deeply, and his expression seemed a bit dissatisfied.

This time... The Chunin Exam held by Konohagakure has actually strayed far from Sarutobi Hiruzen's original intention.

His original intention was to show off Konohagakure's strength, to show all the ninja villages how powerful the younger generation of Konohagakure is.

But after Naruto's intervention, his original intention was shattered.

The entire Konohagakure only had two candidates enter the third round, and now only one of these two candidates is left.

The one left is still Whitebeard's adopted daughter.

Is there anything more distressing than this?

So... now Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't ask for much, he just hopes that the Chunin Exam can go smoothly and go in the direction he wants.

But such a simple idea.

It turns out that it can't be done at all!

If it were normal times, he would have stood up and then went to question the examiner.

But now there is no way, there is a Whitebeard sitting next to him.

Whitebeard doesn't stand up, Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't dare to stand up.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sneak peek at Whitebeard next to him, and found that Whitebeard still looked interested, and his posture was very relaxed.

Only he, the Hokage, was sitting here like sitting on pins and needles.

It can be said to be suffering.


On the audience stand...

"A brawl? It's starting to get interesting." Shikamaru's hands were cushioned behind his head, and the small grass in his mouth had been chewed up unconsciously: "Will there be a situation where one joins another, and then it becomes a two-on-one situation?"

Ino's palms were sweating slightly, and she began to worry about Haku: "Haku, it's okay if you can't win, just don't get hurt!"

Hyuga Neji squinted his eyes: "Perhaps only Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Izumi, these two people, can force out Haku's strongest strength?"

Inuzuka Kiba was envious and muttered: "My sister has been eliminated, but Naruto and Haku, those two guys, actually entered the finals... How are they so powerful?"

"Woof woof!" Akamaru in his arms, followed by two barks.

Hinata was in a dilemma, because whether it was Naruto, Izumi, or Haku, they were all Hinata's family.

For a while, Hinata didn't know who she should support.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally said: "Naruto, come on! I believe in you!"

Sure enough, unrequited love still takes the upper hand.

"Naruto..." Iruka's expression was complicated, he had already seen the three contestants in the finals go to the ring: "Haku... You two gave me a big surprise! Especially Haku, your progress is really great, so great."

When the ninja school started, Iruka had fought with Haku.

At that time, neither side actually won, because Haku chose to surrender at that time.

But at that time, Iruka felt that he could definitely defeat Haku.

But now it's not necessarily the case, Haku was able to easily defeat two Kirigakure Village Genin in a short time.

This is enough to show that Haku's strength is much stronger than when the ninja school started, at least doubled!

Even Iruka, who is already a Chunin, is not sure if he can defeat Haku.

The main reason is that Haku's Ice Release Kekkei Genkai is a blind spot in many people's knowledge.

They can't imagine what Ninjutsu Haku will use, lacking information about "Ice Release".

In ninja battles, unless you can crush the opponent with overwhelming strength... otherwise, if there is a slight lack of information, your side will definitely be at a disadvantage.

"Damn... two little kids of such a young age can actually get to this point." Mizuki's eyes are getting redder and more jealous, he can't help but look at Whitebeard on the high platform.

But the next second, his gaze was suppressed by Whitebeard's momentum, and he was scared to not dare to look at Whitebeard for more than three seconds.

"I, if I call him Pops, he will definitely accept me as his son, right? After all, he even accepted the demon fox!"


Just at this time.

The examiner on the stage shouted "Start" with a complicated expression, and the final match of the third round of the Chunin exam began!

The noise in the audience also gradually quieted down.

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Izumi, and Haku each tacitly formed an opposition seal.

The gazes of the three people collided in mid-air, their positions just forming an isosceles triangle, each separated by no less than ten meters.

Haku has gently opened the buckle of the Ninja Tools bag, revealing neatly arranged Shuriken, Kunai, and even a few Explosive Tags from unknown sources.

Uchiha Izumi used her white and jade-like thumb to hold the hilt of the Ninja Sword, and with a light push of her thumb, the cold light of the Ninja Sword slowly came out of its sheath.

Naruto has already put his hands together, he did not use any Ninja Tools, and made a gesture that he was about to seal.

A breeze gently brushed the arena of the final venue.

"Ah! My balloon!" A little girl's exclamation came from the audience.

A balloon was blown away by the wind and floated to the stage by coincidence.

Under the gaze of the three people on the stage, the balloon slowly fell to the ground and made intimate contact with the Kunai left from the last battle.


It was also at the moment when the balloon burst, Haku took out four Shuriken from the Ninja Tools bag at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears.

With his hands open to the left and right, he threw two Shuriken each to the left and right.

The flying Shuriken made a sharp whistling sound.

Uchiha Izumi's Ninja Sword has completely left its sheath, and she raised her hand to cut down two Shuriken.

The red light of the Sharingan in her eyes was shining, and the Sharingan Genjutsu was used by her in an instant.

But I didn't expect Naruto to have expected it.

Naruto's eyes were closed, and his eyes were no longer looking at Uchiha Izumi.

When the two Shuriken were close at hand, Naruto's last Ninjutsu seal had been completed: "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!!!"

This Ninjutsu... has almost become Naruto's signature Ninjutsu like the Rasengan.

The main thing is, it's really useful!

Naruto took a deep breath, opened his mouth to the front, and a gust of wind blew up.

Two Shuriken collided with a wall of wind, directly solidifying in mid-air.

The surging gale was not only aimed at Haku, but also at Uchiha Izumi.

"Ice Release·Dome Ice House!!!" Haku quickly slapped the ground with both hands, and a semi-circular ice shield enveloped his entire body.

The surging gale blew on the ice shield, causing the layer of frost on the surface of the ice shield to disperse, but it was not enough to destroy the ice shield.

Although Haku did not close his eyes, he moved his gaze away and did not make eye contact with Uchiha Izumi's eyes.

"Earth Release·Earth Flow Wall!" Uchiha Izumi's best Ninjutsu is the Fire Release and Earth Release Ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan.

She slapped the ground with one palm, and a thick earth wall rose from the ground.

The gale fell on the earth wall, blowing the mud on the surface of the earth wall everywhere.

The entire arena was full of flying sand and rocks, frost was pervasive, and the wind was howling.

The moment the gale ceased.

Haku, through the translucent ice shield, felt a touch of blue light approaching quickly.

Haku's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately realized that it was Naruto approaching!


He only saw Naruto holding a Rasengan, and slammed it on the semi-circular ice shield of Haku.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The ice shield shattered instantly!

Haku, who was inside the semi-circular ice shield, also shattered with the ice shield.

Obviously this is not Haku's body, but an Ice Release clone.

But under Naruto's Observation Haki perception, the location of Haku's body is exposed.

Just as Naruto turned around quickly and kicked a roundhouse kick behind him, he caught a glimpse of a cold light attacking from the side out of the corner of his eye.

Naruto's action suddenly paused, and he hurriedly dodged to the side.

A Ninja Sword grazed his trouser leg and slashed past.

It was Uchiha Izumi who came to kill.

Uchiha Izumi, who did not succeed in one blow, turned the tip of the sword in her hand and turned to Haku behind Naruto.

The Ninja Sword quickly stabbed forward, and the tip of the sword went straight to Haku's throat.

"Ice Release·Mirror Weapon Body!"

A layer of frost enveloped Haku's entire body, and the Ninja Sword stabbed on the frost.

This blow splashed out a few lumps of ice slag, but did not pierce the ice layer.

The cold chill, even more, climbed up the blade continuously.

Uchiha Izumi reacted quickly, and it was not a problem for her to seal with one hand: "Fire Release·Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

The Great Fireball Jutsu spit out from her mouth hit Haku head-on.

Directly knocked Haku's entire person out.

The cold air climbing along the blade was also dispersed by the high-temperature flames.

Haku, who was flying backwards, stabilized his figure in mid-air and landed steadily on the ground.

The layer of frost covering the skin was melted by the high temperature.

The whole person looked wet, as if it had been fished out of the water.

"Ice Release·Super·Thousand Flying Water Needles!" Haku whispered softly.

Both of his hands slapped hard.

The surrounding air quickly condensed into thousands of ice needles.

The dense ice needles were so many that they made people scalp numb, and at the same time attracted the attention of Uchiha Izumi and Uzumaki Naruto.

"What an exaggerated Ninjutsu, this is already considered an A-level Ninjutsu, right?" Uchiha Izumi raised her eyebrows, very surprised, and quickly became alert.

"Ha... Haku is starting to get serious." Naruto's expression showed a trace of solemnity.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh——

The dense thousands of ice needles, the momentum of flying out of the sky, is like a pouring rain.

Some ice needles are stuck in the ground, even the solid ground, are deeply penetrated by the ice needles by ten centimeters.

Moreover, the ice needles were still emitting a chilling cold, frosting the ground.

Even the ground under their feet could be pierced.

Not to mention the fragile human skin.

Uchiha Izumi decisively stuck the Ninja Sword into the ground, her hands quickly forming seals: "Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!!!"

The sea of flames she spat out not only wanted to block Haku's Ninjutsu attack, but also wanted to engulf both Haku and Naruto.

At the same time, Naruto also clapped his hands together: "Wind Release: Uzumaki Naruto Style: Chakra Never Exhausted, Super: Vacuum Serial Sphere!!!"

Naruto took a deep breath and spat out wind clusters with a diameter of two to three centimeters.

In just one second, he spat out hundreds of wind clusters, like a fully automatic wind release machine gun.

One after another, the wind clusters collided with the flames and ice needles.

First, it shattered the surging sea of flames, and then shattered the ice needles that were shot at them.

The sea of fire and the ice needles canceled each other out, and steam continuously filled the stage.

The scene was spectacular.


Everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene.

Is this still a battle between three Genin?

Even a battle between three Chunin wouldn't be so outrageous, right?

Many Chunin from Konohagakure Village in the audience were somewhat ashamed.

Because they found... if they were on the stage, they might not be able to beat these three little kids.

Even facing the attacks of three different but powerful Ninjutsu...

This group of Konohagakure Chunin had no confidence that they could block it.

If they were facing such a wide range of attacks, they would just turn around and run, so as not to be affected by the Ninjutsu.

But these three little kids... actually chose to use the same wide range Ninjutsu to bombard the opponent's Ninjutsu!

This led to a very spectacular scene on the stage.

Wind clusters, ice needles, sea of fire.

The three combined to form a beautiful and dangerous picture.

"Three very powerful children." Hyuga Hiashi, with his Byakugan eyes wide open, took everything in: "Using such a wide range of Ninjutsu, the chakra in their bodies... hasn't even consumed half."

In his line of sight, he could see the flow of chakra in the three little kids.

Among them, Haku had the least chakra, followed by Uchiha Izumi, and finally Uzumaki Naruto.

Especially Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuga Hiashi found that this child's chakra was outrageously large!

He has a huge amount of chakra without borrowing the power of the tailed beast.

Is this the unique talent of the Uzumaki clan?

"My goodness, are the children nowadays so outrageous?" Akimichi Chouza was amazed: "Were we this powerful when we were so young?"

Yamanaka Inoichi shook his head: "Not to mention being only seven years old, even when we were thirteen or fourteen, we weren't this powerful."

Yamanaka Inoichi sighed: "This is the future of the ninja world!"

He didn't say it was the future of Konohagakure.

Because the three children in the field... although one is a Genin from Konohagakure, and one is the orphan of the Fourth Hokage.

But, are they sure they belong to Konohagakure?

Yamanaka Inoichi couldn't guarantee.

Nara Shikaku said: "The three children together, even I feel tricky, each of them can stand alone."

"To become a Chunin, you must have the ability to stand alone, obviously all three of them have it."

Shikaku sighed, "If only my lazy son could be half as outstanding as they are, but that brat is lazy all day long."

"Ah... Achoo!" Shikamaru sneezed involuntarily, rubbing his nose in confusion, "Could it be the cold air from Haku's Ice Release that has reached me?"

Inuzuka Kiba, sitting next to Shikamaru, was dumbfounded, "Are they really students from the Ninja Academy? Are they my classmates?"

Hyuga Neji murmured to himself, "Indeed, Haku hid his true strength in the previous two battles. Only Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Izumi can force him to go all out."

Neji couldn't help but look down at his own palms.

Do his hands... have the qualification to make Haku go all out?

"Naruto... you're amazing!" Hinata was shocked by the scene before her.

Karin smiled slightly, "Hinata, if you want to catch up with Naruto, you'll have to work even harder in the future!"

Hinata was taken aback, then nodded vigorously, "Yes! I will!"

"Karin, after the exam today, let's continue our special training together!" Hinata looked at Karin.

Karin's smile deepened, "Sure!"

On the high platform.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had clenched his fists, but he had to suppress his negative emotions, lest Whitebeard notice.

He couldn't help it, the amazing talent displayed by Naruto and Izumi made it hard for him to sit still.

Originally... both Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Izumi were from Konohagakure Village, they were his, Sarutobi Hiruzen's.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen, were to personally train these two children.

One day, these two children will definitely be the pillars of Konohagakure's future!

Perhaps, the Fifth Hokage or the Sixth Hokage will be born among these two children.

But ever since Whitebeard stepped in, the two most talented children of the younger generation in the village have been taken away by Whitebeard.


Soon, the commotion on the final stage began to gradually dissipate.

Thousands of ice needles had been exhausted, Izumi's mouth was a bit hot, and Naruto's lips were almost numb.

And the ring had been completely destroyed.

If you didn't know, you would think that Whitebeard had used his Quake-Quake Fruit ability to shatter the entire ring.

"Huff!" Naruto exhaled heavily, suddenly grinned, and said to the two people in front of him, "Sister Izumi, Haku, you two go together!"

Uchiha Izumi and Haku seemed to realize something in an instant.

After all, all three of them are family, and they know each other well.

What Naruto wants to do.

They knew as soon as they thought about it.

Izumi and Haku looked at each other and immediately stood on the same line.

Without hesitation.

And at this moment, Naruto said in his heart: "Big Fox, lend me some power."

"Stinky brat, you need to borrow even for a fight?!"

Kurama grumbled dissatisfiedly.

But still lent it.




(End of the chapter)



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