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Chapter 2: No mere entrance exam

Aoroi's eyes fluttered open. Harsh fluorescent lights blinded him momentarily as his vision adjusted. He found himself sitting on a desk in a classroom filled with unfamiliar faces staring back at him. Their gazes burned into him, some with curiosity, others with admiration.

Aoroi shook his head, trying to clear the fogginess. "How did I get here?" His mind raced to make sense of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was...nothing. His memory was a blank and still hazy.

Aoroi scanned the room, taking in the motivational posters and academic charts decorating the walls. Fellow students sat at neat rows of desks, whispering and pointing at him.

He locked eyes with a pretty girl in the front row who batted her eyelashes and offered a flirtatious smile. Blood rushed to Aoroi's cheeks. He wasn't used to such attention, especially from someone so attractive.

A brutish boy with yellow skin tone and black goggles in the back row flexed his bicep and shot Aoroi a threatening glare. The boy's shirt strained against his muscular frame. Aoroi swallowed hard, intimidated.

Where am I? How did I get here? He wracked his brain for answers but came up empty. A creeping sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach. He felt like a lamb among wolves, completely exposed and vulnerable.

Aoroi took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He had to figure out what was going and he had to do that fast. But for now, all he could do was sit very still and hope he didn't attract any more unwanted attention. The pretty girl continued to bat her eyes at him as the brutish boy cracked his knuckles menacingly.

This was shaping up to be one very strange first day of...wherever he was.

"Hey there, could this be your first time here?" A cheerful voice broke Aoroi from his daze.

Aoroi turned to see a kind-looking girl with wavy brown hair smiling at him. She extended her hand in greeting.

"I'm Mirrai. Welcome to Emoji Academy!"

Aoroi hesitantly shook her hand, still confused. "Uh, thanks. I'm Aoroi. Nice to meet you."

Mirrai's smile faded. "Wait, you have no idea where you are or how you got here, do you?"

Aoroi shook his head. "No, I just...woke up here. What is this place?"

Mirrai sighed. "This is Emoji Academy, one of the top hero training schools in Emoji Land. Don't you remember taking the pre-registration for the entrance exams?"

"Entrance exams?" Aoroi furrowed his brow. "No, I don't remember any of that. The last thing I remember is..."

He trailed off, flashes of memory returning - his ex girlfriend's humiliation, his family suffering and his quest for revenge. Rage simmered within him.

Mirrai studied him with concern. "Hmm, maybe the joy of being considered for the exams has you so excited that you can't remember ever taking the pre-registrations? Anyway, congrats on being considered! Hope we both pass the exam and become classmates and friends."

She grinned, but Aoroi just stared back blankly. Hero school? Emoji Land? None of this made any sense. All he wanted was to get revenge, not become some emoji hero.

Mirrai patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll both pass. Just stick with me, new friend! I'll show you the ropes around here."

Aoroi managed a weak smile, despite his swirling doubts. Mirrai seemed nice enough. And he needed allies if he was going to survive this strange new world. For now, he'd play along and bid his time until his true quest could begin.

Without warning, a bone-chilling screech erupted through the classroom, reverberating off the walls. Students gasped and covered their ears, faces etched in shock and fear. The noise seemed to pierce into Aoroi's mind like a dagger.

Just as quickly as it started, the screeching stopped, leaving an eerie silence hanging in the air. Students looked around nervously.

"What was that?!" Mirrai whispered harshly.

Aoroi shook his head, senses on high alert. His eyes scanned the room.

A few seconds later, the floor began to rumble. Cracks split through the tiles as an amorphous creature emerged. Oily black tendrils whipped around a distorted body with too many limbs. Red eyes glowed with murderous intent.

Students screamed and scrambled back. This was no ordinary virus - it radiated malice.

The creature opened its maw, revealing rows of jagged teeth, and let loose another nerve-shattering screech. Students crumpled to the floor, blood leaking from their ears.

"It's killing them!" Mirrai cried.

The virus lashed out with its tendrils, ensnaring random students and dragging them towards its gnashing teeth. Their screams were cut short as they were devoured.

Aoroi stared in shock, rage building within. This thing had to be stopped before it slaughtered them all.

Aoroi's body locked up, fear rooting him in place. He wanted to move, to fight, but he couldn't will his limbs to cooperate. All he could do was watch the carnage unfold.

The virus continued its rampage, smashing desks and swallowing students whole. Blood spattered the walls and pooled on the floor.

"We have to do something!" Mirrai yelled, ducking to avoid a flailing tendril.

Bombshell stepped forward, hands glowing red with explosive power. "I'll blow this ugly freak back to hell!"

He launched a volley of explosions at the creature. It recoiled, tendrils flailing wildly.

Mirrai rushed in, morphing her arms into battering rams. She smashed into the virus with bone-crushing force.

The virus screeched in fury, red eyes blazing. It whipped a tendril at Mirrai, catching her leg and slamming her into the wall. She cried out in pain.

"Hang on!" Bombshell shouted. His hands glowed brighter as he prepared another blast.

Aoroi watched helplessly, shame burning through him. He had to do something - he couldn't let his friends face this demon alone.

With monumental effort, he pushed back the paralyzing fear. He forced himself to take a step, then another.

"Congratulations! Ultimate skills - Hero's Conquerer Sword and Hero's legendary courage unlocked!" Aoroi heard a voice in his head.

His shaking hands began to stabilize, he stretched his arm and a glowing red sword materializing in his grip.

"I'm with you," he said through gritted teeth.

Together, the three of them launched into battle against the horrific virus. Aoroi slashed with his blade while Mirrai and Bombshell pummeled it with brute force.

The tide was turning. They just had to hold on a little longer.

The virus thrashed violently as the three students attacked relentlessly. Black ichor sprayed from its wounds, splattering the walls and floor.

Mirrai morphed her arms into spiked maces, smashing away at the creature. Bombshell hurled explosions that rocked the classroom, blowing chunks from the virus.

Aoroi ducked under a swiping tendril and drove his sword deep into the virus's torso. It let out an unearthly shriek that rattled the windows.

"We've almost got it!" Mirrai yelled over the din.

With a final, desperate surge of power, the three delivered crushing blows in unison. The virus convulsed, then collapsed into a oozing pile of decaying flesh.

Panting and covered in ichor, Aoroi, Mirrai and Bombshell stood over the vanquished foe.

The classroom was in shambles, desks overturned, the floor littered with debris.

"We...we did it," Aoroi gasped. Relief flooded through him. They had survived the trial.

In the faculty conference room, the teachers watched the conclusion of the exam on a bank of monitors.

"They have tremendous potential," remarked one teacher, an elderly man with a wispy beard.

The severe-looking woman beside him gave a curt nod. "The entrance exams this year seem promising. We may have some excellent new recruits."

They observed the students on the screens, battered and exhausted but radiant from their victory over the vile virus.

"Yes," said the bearded teacher thoughtfully. "I believe this crop will shape up nicely."

A heavy silence fell over the ravaged classroom as Mirrai, Aoroi, and Bombshell caught their breath. The remains of the hideous virus lay strewn across the floor in a pulpy mess.

Aoroi wiped grime from his face, his hands shaking. That had been too close. If not for Mirrai and Bombshell's fierce determination, he wasn't sure he would have survived.

"You guys were amazing," he said. "I don't know how to thank you for-"

His words were cut off as an ominous sound echoed down the corridor outside. Footsteps, slow and measured, approached the classroom. Aoroi felt the hairs on his neck stand up. Who could be coming? Another enemy? He tensed, ready to fight or flee.

Mirrai and Bombshell also turned wary eyes toward the door. The footsteps drew steadily nearer, sending dread curling in Aoroi's gut. What fresh horror awaited them now, after the nightmare they had just endured?

The footsteps halted right outside the classroom entrance. Aoroi held his breath, poised for whatever came through that door. Beside him, Mirrai lifted her mace, face set in determination.

A shadow fell across the doorway. Then a figure stepped into view...

The woman who entered was strikingly beautiful, with long platinum hair and piercing violet eyes. She wore a sleek black dress that hugged her slender frame, and moved with predatory grace. Aoroi's mouth went dry as she surveyed the ruined classroom, lips curved in a cryptic smile.

"Well done," she purred, her voice oddly melodic. "I'm impressed you were able to defeat the virus."

She stepped further into the room, the click of her heels sharp in the tense silence. No one dared speak as those violet eyes moved over each of them in turn.

"My name is Miss Sasha Drugo," the woman introduced herself. "I'm a teacher here at the Emoji Academy, and I wanted to personally congratulate the three of you on passing your entrance exam."

Aoroi's jaw dropped. Entrance exam? Is that what the virus attack had been about?

He saw similar shock register on Mirrai and Bombshell's faces. Miss Drugo's smile widened, as if enjoying their confusion.

"Please, come to the front of the class," she beckoned.

Exchanging uncertain glances, the three of them moved to stand before the teacher. Her gaze assessed them like a drill sergeant inspecting new recruits.

"You all demonstrated tremendous courage and quick thinking today," Miss Drugo said. "Exactly the traits we look for in our students. I am honored to welcome you to the Academy."

Pride swelled in Aoroi's chest. They had passed! The grueling trial had proven their worth. He had taken the first step on the journey his parents had set him on so long ago.

Miss Drugo's melodic voice pulled him from his thoughts. "I expect great things from all of you. Your real training starts now."

Aoroi met her gaze steadily. He was ready.

Aoroi's mind raced as he tried to process everything that had just happened. He had passed the entrance exam to Emoji Academy, despite being totally unprepared. How was that possible?

He thought back to the chaos of the virus attack, how he had been paralyzed by fear while Mirrai and Bombshell fought bravely. They deserved to pass, but not him.

Aoroi leaned over and whispered to Mirrai, "I don't deserve to pass the exam? I didn't do anything."

Mirrai smiled reassuringly. "You were chosen for a reason, Aoroi. The Academy sees something in you, even if you can't yet."

"He's right," Bombshell chimed in. "We're in this together now."

Their words lifted the cloud of doubt in Aoroi's mind. Whatever the reason, he had been given an opportunity to follow the path set out for him. He would not waste it.

As Aoroi looked around at the eager faces of the other students, he felt a growing sense of excitement. This was where he was meant to be. At Emoji Academy, he would gain the skills needed to avenge his parents and make them proud.

The road ahead would be difficult, but he would face it with courage. Aoroi set his jaw determinedly, ready to meet the challenges to come. His journey was only just beginning.

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