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Old Man from another Universe

Miles was in his room~

As he noticed the night sky getting darker, he stopped his gaming and made his way to his mother.

Rio was in her room, So, Miles knocked on the door.



"Hey MoM! I'm returning to the Academy!" Miles said loudly.

Hearing Miles's voice, Rio opened the door and asked "Aren't you going to see your father? He might be coming soon."

"I'll just drop on Friday, MoM." Miles replied as both of them started to make way towards the main door. As they reached the door,

"Will you be good to go by yourself?" Rio asked again in concern for the boy. She looked at the sky and saw the snow fall. Afterall, Big as he might be, he was only 14 yrs old.

"I'll be fine MoM, I can go by myself." Miles said confidently, he was spiderman anyway, his body fitness was off the charts after the Martial-arts Upgrade.

He opened the door and walked outside,

"Ok Bye!" after saying that Miles was about to walk away as his mother's voice sounded again. . .

"Miles, what should you say when heading out?"

Miles replied instinctively "I love you Mom".

After saying that he was embarrassed and started walking away.

"See you Fridayyy", Rio's voice came again.

- - - -

Some distance away from his house Miles took out his Mobile Phone and searched a certain 'Location'.

He was going to the graveyard, where Peter Parker was.

"I hope this works," Miles said nervously before walking in the direction of the graveyard.

The falling snow had already paved all the roads of Brooklyn in a pure sheet of white, it was very cold outside, yet this coldness didn't seem to affect Miles.

It wasn't long before he appeared in front of a large tombstone that was surrounded by flowers and Spiderman masks.

"Peter Parker 1991 - 2018"

Miles sighed as he looked at the tombstone, a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

'If it were a Chinese Wuxia novel type shit, then Peter Parker of this world was definitely killed by "Heveanly Dao".' He sighed inside his Mind.

He cleared his mind of those idiotic thoughts and continued looking at the gloomy tombstone.

A few seconds slowly went by as the snow continued to fall.

Miles who had a calm expression on his face suddenly reacted when he noticed a strange presence approaching from behind him.

His Spider Sense has been boosted by the instincts of Martial-arts that has reached 'Advanced' level and his reflexes have become more precise.

with a quick turn, Miles immediately stepped back and looked carefully at the person who had appeared.

"What quick reflexes" The man wearing a trench coat who had just appeared couldn't help but exclaim as he saw Miles taking notice of his presence.

"Who are you?" Miles put on a look of vigilance and got into fighting stance as he squinted his eyes and observed the man who had appeared.

"Wait, you- you are Spiderman? Peter Parker?" Miles suddenly said as he pretended to have a sudden moment of realization?

"Ah, well yes I am," Peter said as he took a good look at Miles, he couldn't help but frown as he noticed his Spidey Senses being triggered the more he gazed at Miles.

Miles's Spider Sense was also tingling quite heavily.

"You are just like me, aren't you?" Peter couldn't help but scratch his head as he looked at Miles with a bewildered expression.

"What do you mean just like you? I'm more good looking than you, quit comparing me to yourself old man!" Miles scolded as he kept his guard up.

"Well, just like me as in, you are also Spiderman, and I'm not an old man brat!" Peter felt that something was wrong with this kid's brain.

"How can there be two spidermen? also aren't you supposed to be dead" Miles couldn't help bu ask and dropped his guard slightly?

"Well, I am supposed to be dead, but I'm not, I am also confused, and why am I blonde in all the photos and covers?" Peter said, the more he talked the more he couldn't handle it.

"This is all weird, but since you are like me, I'm sure we can find a way to" before peter could finish his words, a flash of bright light enveloped the graveyard, and a couple of voices were heard.

"Hey, what are you doing over there, this is PDNY" it was a large group of police officers.

"Oh shit, it's the cops, let's g-" Peter turned to look at Miles but Miles had already ran ran away disappearing into the distance.

"Fuck" Peter immediately released his webs and swung away, following after Miles immediately.

"I've noticed you don't have web-shooters?" Peter said as he followed behind Miles who was rushing across rooftops like a parkour master.

"No, am I supposed to?" Miles looked at Peter who was swinging around next to him and asked in confusion.

Of course, he was faking it.

"Of course, you are, how else can you be a Spiderman without web-shooters" Peter felt like laughing as he looked at Miles.

"well, shit, I don't have any" Miles spoke these words and said nothing more.

But he had to admit he was a tad bit jealous of not having any web shooters.

Peter followed Miles back to an abandoned Warehouse that Miles had found during "fight for Justice" night.

Although Miles could've brought Peter to his home but he didn't want to put his parents in danger.

- - - -

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