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86.04% THE EMBODIMENT OF WRATH / Chapter 69: CHP69: Helping a Broken Man before Heading to Hell Pt3 Fin

Chapter 69: CHP69: Helping a Broken Man before Heading to Hell Pt3 Fin

This is the last chapter of this little arc in Berserk.

I hope all of you like it.

If you have any questions, or idea, or places you would like to see Wrath go to.

Please let me know.



[Abyss, Vortex of Souls]

The Idea of Evil, the primal entity behind all of the evil in the world.

An endless swirl of consciousness, or the human unconscious mind sat in its position awaiting its visitor.

It knew of his arrival, so it sent this Hand far away from this place and by an extension him as well.

Of course, they all protested, wanting to protect it.

But it knew they had no chance against the man coming here.

Besides, it also had some questions for the visitor.

It doesn't know why, but a strange feeling of familiarity has been bubbling inside of it ever since that man had arrived.

The feeling intensified when the man gazed at him from the physical world, and now it has grown stronger from him getting closer and closer.

But the strange thing is, it couldn't feel any ill intent from the man.

This puzzled it greatly, and made it wonder what the man's purpose was for coming here.

So, it sat there floating in the vortex of souls, waiting for the man to arrive.

It didn't have to wait long, as no sooner did that last thought finished did a part of the vortex of souls split wide open.

And the man walked through the opening gazing curiously around the area and eventually his gaze landed on it.

"Before we start, allow me to introduce myself." The man spoke while smirking a little at it.

"Names Wrath and this pretty little girl on my shoulder is Visera."

Wrath looked at it and said, "Do you have a name you go by, besides your title."

The Idea of Evil was quiet for a moment until a childlike voice full of wonder and curiosity entered Wraths ears.

"I have no name, no memory of one."

"Only just what I represent."

It said to Wrath.

/Wrath Pov/

Looking at this sack of flesh, Wrath wondered of all the things it could have made its form, why did it choose a red fleshy ball sack looking one.

"It was gross to be honest, but it is what it is," Wrath thought.

"Are you here to hurt me, Wrath." The Idea spoke up.

Wrath looked at it and said, " If I wanted to, I would've already done so, besides I can tell you're a necessary evil for this creation."

"But what I will do after I'm done speaking to you, well that you or your little band of cheerleaders won't like."

The Idea responded saying, "And, what is it you're going to do?"

After thinking it over Wrath said, "To be honest, I'm going to make your antithesis or a better term your counterpart."

"Since you represent Evil or the unconscious desires of Humankind, I will make the opposite a thing of purity of goodness, and of righteousness."

Wrath could feel the air thrum with the Ideas anger from what he said.

"And why would you do so?" The Idea asked him.

Wrath simply said, "You cause unnecessary suffering, and your little band of crooks do whatever with no opposition."

Then Wrath said, "Speaking of your little merry band, you're going to need another one soon."

"Who?" The Idea asked.

Wrath smiled a little and said, "Use your power of Causality to figure it out, who of your group currently has the most karma with the physical plane."

The Idea's enter form shook as it realized who Wrath was speaking of.

"Femto." It said quietly, almost like a whisper.

"And bingo was his name O." Wrath said with a grin on his face as he saw how agitated the Idea get from this news.

"I mean did you honestly think that I took the human young man for no reason at all," Wrath spoke.

"This was all in the making the moment you chose the femboy all those years ago, cause and..."

"Effect, the nature of Causality is cause and effect." The idea of Evil finished the words for Wrath.

It was quiet in the area for a good few minutes until the Idea spoke up once again.

"If it happens it happens, so be it." It said emotionlessly.

Then it said, "Now, I know the reason that you have come all this way was not to speak of lesser pawns."

Wrath nodded and said, "Correct you are."

Then he said, "you know even before I came here, I felt a connection with this place."

"Consider me surprised to arrive in this place and feel such a familiar aura around yo-"

 "Me." The Idea spoke up, interrupting Wrath.

"Yeah, you, don't interrupt me again," Wrath sharply said staring at the Idea.

"Noted," it said.

Wrath just shook his head, then he said, "Now that I am in front of you, I now know why you have such a familiar aura."

"You're nothing more than a little forgotten seed from a much larger Oak." Wrath spoke seriously.

'Fucking Outer Gods.' Wrath thought to himself.

'No wonder this place was such a clusterfuck, one of them must've somehow affected the author of this place to create a place like this,' he thought.

'But for what is the question.' Wrath's mind spun with questions; it could be for a number of things, but he just couldn't piece it together.

And since everything was just so normal when he arrived, Wrath was immediately on guard just in case anything tried to pop off.

The Idea was confused as to what he meant, so it asked," What do you mean that I am a seed?"

Wrath wondered if he should say something, but he decided not to.

He didn't want to risk drawing attention to himself just yet.

So, he said, "Nothing important really, just some idle thoughts of mine."


He then felt an aura of sharpness, knowing that was Guts himself, Wrath decided to end this little talk.

Then he clasped his hands together and said, "Well this was an interesting conversation, but like all things it must end."

"After all, I have to make your opposite don't I."

And without letting the Idea speak, Wrath teleported out of the Abyss.

The Idea was just floating there looking like a baby that had its bottle taken from it.

He was disturbed by that sharp feeling a minute ago and now its visitor had just left without even letting it speak again.

Then the words Cause, and effect rung out in its mind again.

"Cause and Effect, eh?" 

"A really fickle thing." It spoke out loud.


[Hill Top Hundred Miles Away from Falconia]

Fourteen minutes before the Conversation with Wrath and the Idea of Evil.


The sound of a Horse breathing echoed out on top of a high hill.

Said horse was a very large black and red eyed monster.

It was saddled by a bone type of saddle, on this saddle sat a large and imposing armored man.

The man had a long black cape, the cape surrounded his silverish bone armor.

Coming up to the man's face he had no flesh visible, only just a skull with menacing red eyes.

The man was sitting upon his horse and looking of in the distance at the kingdom of in the distance.

His name was the Skull Knight, and he has been fighting this battle against the GodHand for nearly a thousand or more years.

it might have been longer, but he didn't care to try and remember.

He was an undead, but he had the power to see the flow of Causality and effect it.

But now, he was here with the once poor soul he had saved before.

Looking down at the much more robust and sturdy young man squatting, the Skull Knight wondered what Guts obtained from that mysterious man.

He could tell that Guts had obviously changed to some degree.

Especially his body, the Skull Knight saw that he had his arm regrown and his other eye reformed.

If that's not enough proof, then he saw Guts wasn't wearing the Berserker armor any longer.

But instead, he wore a different type of black armor and helm.

The armor was really gritty and powerful, if the aura the Skull Knight felt from it said anything.

Skull Knight took all of this in and wondered if this was a gift from the man who took Guts.

But that was none of his business, and the reason he was here was because Guts called for him.

When he arrived, he was shocked by the plan Guts laid out in front of him.

What Guts wanted to do was crazy, he planned to cut apart the veil between the Astral and Physical world.

Effectively bringing the entire Godhand into this world.

Then he would kill the incarnation of Femto and destroy his little paradise kingdom.

The Skull Knight listened to all of this and realized that he could finally end his miserable existence once and for all.

And now he was sitting on his horse thinking to himself, then a thought struck him.

"Are you sure of this path, Guts?" A tall and armored man asked Guts who was stretching on the ground.

Guts smiled a little as he stretched his left leg on the ground.

"Of course, Knight."

"It is time to bring back peace to this world for a change."

"And give the world a type of peace it so desperately needs," Guts said as he stood up.

"Besides, I'm owed my vengeance, and this place should not exist."

Skull Knight listened, then he remembered something so he asked, "And what of Casca, will you kill her or will you take her with you."

"You should know that nothing is above the Godhand's tactics, and they could use her against you."

The Skull Knight watched as Guts paused and thought about what he said.

Guts mind thought back to the word's wrath spoke to him about life, love and people.

The words were, "Sometimes things happen, life twist and turns in every direction."

"People change, they grow to be different people."

"Love is the same thing, it is like a flame, it can wither and die, but it can also explode into a much brighter flame."

"But you have to decide what is more important in your own reality, after all, on some level people's souls always chose what they have always desired."

Thinking of all that, Guts just nodded.

Eventually, Guts just released a breath and shrugged.

Then he said, "I once heard from a good man, at least in my opinion, was that life turns in every direction.

"Love is the same, and people on some level always chose what they have always desired deep down."

Skull Knight was quiet as he looked at the much more mature Guts.

Then Guts shrugged his shoulders and said, "I still have love for Casca, but I'm no longer in love with her."

"So, if it is required, I will do what I must."

Skull Knight nodded in agreement, there was sense in what his young friend said.

"Well then, I guess we should start young friend." Skull Knight spoke as he pulled out his weapon, the sword of Beherits.


Guts agreeing with him summoned up his armor back to full form, only he left his helm on the side of his face.

It looked like he had half a helmet.

Then gripping his very large sword, Guts raised it up in front of him. As he did this, a buzzing sound echoed around him and the blade.

Skull Knight who was looking at him felt a sense of sharpness that he has never felt before.

His skull felt a pricking sensation from this aura.


The horse under him buckled a little from being in the area around Guts.

Skull Knight calmed him down and watched for what Guts was about to do.

Guts holding his sword above him closed his eyes as he concentrated.

'One with the sword, One with the Sword.'

'One with the sword, One with the Sword.'

'One with the sword, One with the Sword.'

Guts repeated this in his mind over and over again.

And a sharp feeling blackish light invisible to the Skull Knight began to emanate from his body.

Then like a bat out of hell, he jumped in the air with a surprising amount of forced that cracked the hill under him.


Once he was in the air, and in front of the dumbfounded Skull Knight.

Gut opened his eyes which were completely black and an swung his sword down towards the kingdom of Falconia.


As he did, the same sharp aura around him formed a black sword light around his large sword.

That black sword light extended from him all of the way to the kingdom.

It was so fast that the world seemed to freeze for a moment, even the color of the world blanked out.

That sword attack echoed and was felt by all of the Astral, Physical, and ideal World.

Guts, who was in the air smiled and looked down at the dumbfounded Skull knight and said, " Yes, let us begin."

Not a second later after he said that, did a loud whistle sound echo out and the land from underneath him and leading all the way into the Kingdom of Falconia split open like a gash.


The line was so cleanly cut that no dust or dirt remained.

Holding his sword Guts said, "Well are you coming?"

"Ahem, right my young friend."

The skull knight coughed as he spoke, clearly, he was very surprised by his companion's new founded power.

The Skull Knight shook his head in embarrassment and his horse leaped of the crumbling hilltop that he was on.

Guts just shook his head and looked ahead at the chaos happening because of his attack on the kingdom.

"I coming to end this, Griffith!"

He spoke to himself, and he flew towards the Kingdom of Falconia.


[Kingdom of Falconia]

It was chaos all over the kingdom of Falconia, one moment the people were just going about their day and enjoying the cool breeze of the wind.

And the next moment the wind was gone, the sun darkened a bit.

Then the castle was split in half, so many people died, and many buildings were destroyed.

It took a while, but the normal humans began to run away while screaming for help, on the other hand many of the humans who did not like the kingdom took this as their sign to cause even more chaos.

They began killing and looting many things.

While all of this was happening, up on the top balcony of the king's castle, the femboy himself could be seen looking down at the damage done to his kingdom.

Griffith eyes were bloodshot, and his palms were bleeding from him clenching his fist extremely hard from rage.

As he knew only one person was brazen enough to do this in open daylight and without regard for anyone.


His mind roared, only he would do something so brazen.

Griffith knew this day would come; I mean who wouldn't, if they did all of what he did to a man.

And said man still kept crawling forward, I mean wouldn't you feel the same.

That's why he sent Casca to another place before all of this even happened.


The sound of his most trusted subordinate echoed up from above him.

Looking up he saw Zodd and surprisingly the reborn Band of the Falcon riding him.


And right when Zodd landed and was about to speak, an incomparably sharp black light struck down upon all of them.



Followed by an enraged roar saying, "GRIFFITH!"

/A few Seconds ago/

Up in the air some odd ten miles away from the chaotic kingdom of Falconia, Guts could be seen flying and searching for his target.

The Skull knight had gone and hid himself, all so that they could fool and make the Godhand feel confident enough to come down here.

It was all Guts plan, as he wanted to make this the last encounter with them and the area where he will finally put to rest his vengeance.

But imagine his surprise when he caught sight of the Apostle Zodd flying in the sir towards a specific direction.

Now that wasn't the surprising part, was surprised Guts was when he saw the empty husk of flesh that was the old Band of the Falcon.

What he meant by empty husk of flesh was that those people had no souls inside of them, none whatsoever.

This greatly angered Guts to no end, but he stilled himself long enough to watch where they were headed.

And he was glad that he did, he found the primary reason for all of his rage.

"Griffith." He spoke.

Then with quick and precise movements he attacked with half full force, he still needed to keep the plan in motion.

So, he can't go all out as he need to draw them down here, and once he feels their presence eh will them take them by surprise and split the veil between them and him.

Then it can finally end, so he began.



Griffith who was down of the ground underneath the big form of Zodd heard his old companion calling out his name.

And with quick movements, he removed Zodd from off of him.


Once he did that, he saw the massive crater that was once his band of Falcons, and the missing wings from Zodd's back.

He quickly checked for any signs of life but found none.

'Damn Him!' Griffith thought to himself.

Then he felt a shadow above him, looking up he was met with the tall form of Guts standing in front of him.

Griffiths eyes looked into the man he once thought unimportant and saw nothing but absolute distain in them.

"How could you do that to your own followers, to make them soulless husk of their former selves all so that you could have your own fantasy to come to life." Guts spoke to him.

And before he could respond Guts said, "Don't bother answering, what else could I expect from a man who offered up his ass to another man." 

"Freely might I add."

As Guts finished his speaking he saw anger in the eyes of Griffith, 'Good,' he thought to himself.

Then he saw Griffith making a fancy movement to strike him, 'He is so slow,' Guts thought.

Nah, you just got a lot stronger buddy.

Guts sidestepped him, and with quick cleaving motion with his right hand, he slapped the dog shit out of Griffith's mouth.



Griffith was knocked to the ground bleeding from his mouth.

He looked up at Guts holding his mouth and all he saw was still distain for him, not even a trace of anger.

And so, he said, "You think your strong, you are nothing but some worm that I made, and I control, the same as Casca!"

Griffith upon saying the name of Casca expected some type of comment from Guts or an enraged look, but no.

All he saw was indifference, not even a speck of flame in his eye when she was mentioned.

Guts unbothered, simply looked at him and said,

"You better call your real form to come save you, cause if not then..."

Guts rose his right hand and black ghost like aura formed on his hand, and a red eyed dog shaped face extended from it baring its large sharp teeth.

"Your essence will be brutally dismembered." Guts said looking down at Griffith's private parts. 

Seeing nothing happening or feeling the space not being manipulated, Guts shrugged and said," Oh well then, suit yourself."

Then he nodded to his beast of Darkness.

And for the next hour, the screams of Griffith rung out like he was an opera singer.

/1 hour later/

The streets of Falconia's were lit a blazed with a black fire.

And a tall man in dark armor stood tall admiring his work, the form of Griffith stood impaled by his knees and shoulders.

His body bare for all of the world to see, his skin carved out of its place., the bones twisted and crushed in different directions.

The mouth that he would spew bullshit from, was now missing the lower half of his teeth and all of his tongue.

Then looking down we see tiny black sharp blades of sword intent slowly and carefully inserting themselves in the place where Griffith's dick and balls used to be.

Guts stood kind of happy, he was waiting for the one he truly wanted to arrive.

And he knew that it would come soon, as he just mutilated his incarnation and if that wasn't enough, then his fantasy kingdom was lit a blazed with fire.

Griffith was still alive, so he knew that his real self was coming.

So, Guts stood tall with is large sword in hand, waiting for Femto to arrive.

'And speak of the Devil.' Guts thought as he felt the space around him, and the kingdom fluctuate.

Knowing that the time was now, Gut struck out with full force to split the space.

Insane speed beyond what he saw previously shown, Guts reared up his sword covered it with the full power of his Sword intent, and he simply struck down.


A long black light struck the ground, and a line of space was cut wide open, and the surprised forms of the Goodhand stood at the ready.


Guts pulled his sword out of the ground and looked up at the demon, once man he knew and said, "It's time to finish this Griffith, come down to your fate!"


[In the Astral World]

After Wrath left the Abyss and the Idea of Evil, he kept his promise and went out to find a good place to create the realm of heaven.

He went from place to place, and he met all sorts of different creatures.

Elves, spirits, ogres, all manner of creatures.

Eventually he decided to go to the very top of the Astral worlds plane.

Once he arrived at the very top, he decided that since the Abyss was hell and deep down in the Astral World.

Then he would make the Heaven realm in a higher plane above the normal clouds of the Astral world.

So, with that thought in mind, Wrath rose his hands in the air and began his work.

With a simple swipe of his hands a large gap opened up above him, leading to a completely black area, devoid of color and creation.

Nodding Wrath flew into the gap, once he was inside, he used a bit of matter creation and made large brown land masses all of over the area.

The forming land masses formed all over there place, it went around in a circle shape.

He left a very big enough hole in the center the size of four oceans.

Wrath has something special planned for the hole.

Then he used the Dao of life to create vegetation on the circle shaped landmasses.

He even went as far as to create a way for natural life forms to be able to come to life.

After that he looked upon his work, seeing the green grass shining brightly and covering miles of land he was happy.

Next was the kingdom of heaven itself, looking over at the very large hole in the center of the landmass he created he flew over to it.

Thinking of different types of castles he has seen; he eventually decided that he would make a very tall castle that would float above the hole there.

So, with that idea in mind, he used matter creation again and made a very tall and wide silver golden castle.

With a long white tower in the middle.

"Hmm, not bad."

Satisfied with his work so far, Wrath the began releasing five complete Daos for the power of heaven.

The Dao Fire.

The Dao of Light.

The Dao of Thunder

The Dao of Death.

And the most important Dao of them all that would act as the overseer type of Dao and would be Gods main power to rule over heaven and the Angels.

The Radiant Dao!

Red, blue, white, black and golden light flowed out of Wrath body painting the dark canvas with a multicolored sky.

Stars of the Daos formed in the dark void above, while the castle and land hummed with energy filling them with power.

The Radiant Dao on the other hand Wrath made a gigantic Sun directly up above the white tower.


The entire realm began humming from the power of the Radiant Dao filling it up. That sun lit up the darkness with a gold light.

It shinned down upon the land, tower and castle making them all shine with its luster even more so than they already did.

The light Dao formed white clouds underneath the sun and surrounded to land to give them a form of shade from the powerful sun.

Wrath looked around the empty place and decided to make the portal for the dead righteous souls to come into.

Looking at the hole beneath the floating caste, he smiled.

Using his space-time manipulation, he made a small hole in the fabric of the realms that allowed souls to flow through and fill the hole.

Now you may think the hole may overflow, bit no.

Wrath made the hole always expand with the space Dao; it was its own separate dimeson of space time.

'So far so good.' He thought to himself.

He was done with the creation of Heaven and now all he need was a system in place to judge the Guilty and innocent.

So, he needed angels and God.

And with that in mind, he looked up at the sun.

"Hmm, that could work."

With a smile he used the life Dao to give the Radiant Dao sun a sentence or a mind.

Wrath put into the sun that it can choose who God is and to always judge fairly and if needed harshly.

And also, the hierarchy of the Angels.

Two winged angels will be the caretakers of the realm of Heaven.

Four winged angels will be foot soldiers and if they do not want to be sliders then they would be the guides for the dead souls.

Six winged angels will be captains of the soldiers.

Eight winged angels will be generals of the armies of Hevean.

Ten winged angels will be the overseers of the Armies of heaven.

Twelve winged angels will have the title of Seraphim, as they are the kings of Angels and only answer to God himself.

There can only be ten of them in total.

Now with that in place, he was done.

"Oh, wait forgot about that."

Wrath said as he made a bit of the death, light and lighting Dao merge to form a blue, white, and black multicolored stream of lighting.

This would act as the realm's protector besides the angel's and God.

And it would also punish any angel if they did something immoral or betray the realm.

Now he was done, with this place and this creation as a whole.

Visera who was silent the entire time said, "So, are leaving now, it is very annoying not being able to stretch my limbs."


Wrath laughed and looked out into the physical world, seeing the form of a skinned alive Femeto getting gutted by Guts.

And the Void person of the Godhand getting sealed into the sword of the Skull Knight.

While the one known as Ubik was getting ripped apart by Guts beast of darkness and the woman of the grou-

Wrath had to pause and get that image out his mind, "The actual fuck is wrong with that woman."

Slan was currently grinding up and down on a black sword aura construct Guts had made and well...she was really enjoying it to say at the least.

Wrath still traumatized by that image said, " Yeah were done here, it's time to go to actual Hell."

Before he left, Wrath sent a little message to Guts about this place and all of what it can do.

Along with any other information needed.

With that out of the way looked around the thrumming realm and said, "Well it was fun while it lasted, but now it time to leave."

"Stay true to yourself Guts, I see you again oneday, maybe."

"See ya."

And with that said he faded out this creation.



Next Up, Niggas in HELL :)


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