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83.33% EVIL DEGENERATE IN MARVEL VERSE / Chapter 14: Ch 14 Party?

Chapter 14: Ch 14 Party?

(One Week Later)

(Cringe Ch but its already posted on well)

Tony was holding a party Stark sees the soiree as a chance for the Avengers to schmooze with the city's powerbrokers in a post-S.H.I.E.L.D. environment, showing that they are not merely superpowered vigilantes. Half-filled glasses of wine, bottles of beer, and partially eaten plates of sushi and cookies litter the tables in this three 

At the Stark Tower which is now the Official Avengers Building Tony Held a Party and invited many of New York's top men and women to mingle with us and show we weren't just vigilantes in fancy suits.

Hundreds of Supermodels, Politicians, Businessmen and the like filled the Spacious Area as tables filled with glasses of Champagne, Sushi, Tapas and more lined the walls.

A live Jazz band served to live the mood as many people danced on the lower level while many sat on comfortable seats drinking the finest cocktails just above while overlooking the Band and Dancefloor.

All the Avengers intermingled as Thor talked it up with War veterans, Captain America spoke with major Politicians, Maria spoke with Nat as they both worked the Bar serving drinks for the customers, they wore disguises to keep them hidden, right now they just looked like two regular women to everyone.

Bruce sat at the edge of the bar as he solemnly tended to a beer, a few girls went up to strike a conversation but he turned them off rather quickly with his glum mood.

One Question that was often asked was Where is Alucard? No one knew what I looked like since it was top secret.

I still hadn't appeared since I hadn't spotted any women who caught my attention yet and Nat and Maria were interested in adding a new sister since I was riding all my girls raw with how much sex I needed to calm my libido.

Felicia was the only one who always wanted more but by the end she wouldn't be able to move unless I cast a few healing spells on her.

So finding a new one was a priority....Nat kept speaking through her mic but I always dismissed her choices after I used my senses on them.

They were a supermodels but one whiff was enough to see how they got their positions.

Eventually a white skinned girl walked to the Bar and Sat down to order.

She was not as pretty as the rest but she had juicy tits and straight black hair with milky white skin.

Her Big Red glasses were the most noticeable thing about her as Nat made her a Gin and Tonic.

One guy came and sat next to her, she turned to look at him and spoke. "Look buddy, whatever you say...I'm not interested okay, you're just not what I'm looking for." Darcy spoke and the guy scoffed.

"Yea whatever, all the other girls here are prettier than you anyways..." And stormed off.

Then a chill ran through the room for a moment as I appeared in front of the scumbag out of nothing.

All went quiet immediately at the second of bloodlust that was released.

I stared at the frozen guy and reached out slowly with my claws extended as they gently brushed over his soft weak skin as he and a few people around me trembled in fear....Here was Alucard.

I spoke in my demonic voice. {"Apologize...."} I spoke in my demonic voice and none made a sound as even the band stopped playing.

The only other noises was from the other end of the party as Thor made a ruckus with his new drinking buddies.

"I....I....I'm.....S...So...Sorry....." He spoke out while sweating and trembling.

{"NOT TO ME!!! TO HER!!!"} I Growled and he pissed his pants then turned towards Darcy.

"I...I'm.....S...Sorry Miss....." He shouted then ran off.

I extended my hand as a wave of magic cleaned up all the piss on the floor as all eyes watched on.

I turned to the band and growled out. {"More Music."} And immediately they began playing some songs and eventually the party started once more.

I sat beside Darcy and she stared at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Why?" She asked curiously.

I cast a sound spell so only the music came through and not the ruckus then I turned and spoke through the darkness of my robe.

"You will have to be more specific with your question Miss." I spoke and she took a sip of her drink.

"Why come to me and make that guy apologize? If you want to get in a girls pants there are far more beautiful women here who will gladly put out for the Vampire Avenger." She spoke mockingly.

" may be right in one sense...but you and I may measure beauty in a different way, I can assure you that to me you are the most beautiful of all the guests." I spoke, Nat and Maria were working the Bar after all.

"What is so beautiful about me?" She asked curiously as she looked at me with her big beautiful Eyes.

"Maybe I think your blood smells the most delicious..." I said jokingly and she snickered a bit.

"I haven't introduced myself and I'm already talking about drinking your blood, where are my manners.....Alucard, Blood Enthusiast, and New Avenger at your Service."

I spoke and took her hand in for a kiss, she flinched as the darkness approached her hand but was surprised when only soft lips touched it.

"And I am Darcy Lewis graduated with a doctorate in astrophysics and am Chief Assistant to the Nobel Nominee Jane Foster, Thor's kind of Girlfriend." She spoke and blushed at the kiss on the hand.

"I will be honest with you Miss Darcy, I have five other Women who know of each other....I would like you to be the sixth." I spoke and she burst out laughing.

"'re serious?... who just comes out of nowhere and asks a girl to join a Harem? Are you like insane." She asked while giggling.

"I'm a man who know what he wants, a chance is all I ask for...My Women have been begging me to find another sister for them but I haven't found anyone who I connected with until I saw you come to the Bar." I spoke and she looked at me strangely.

"Let me see your 'Women' as you call them." She asked wanting to see who the hell would be in a vampires harem and I nodded.

I pulled out a picture of me and all my girls cuddling, I edited my face real quick to hide my identity then showed her the picture.

"Oh My God....they're all so Perfect...Black Widow...Maria Hill as well....Why would they want you to find another woman?" She asked.

"I am not one to brag but....." Was all I said before she covered my mouth with both of her hands as her entire face flushed a deep Red.

"DONT.....DONT EVEN SAY IT...I KNOW WHY.... YOU'RE A PERVERT...AND IM...IM.....A.....VIR....NEVERMIND." She spoke as steam nearly came out of her small ears while she was completely Red.

I gently took her hands off my face and held them as I appreciated her skin.

"Soft..." I spoke and she pulled away and chugged her Gin and Tonic before hiding her face in her hands while she was full of embarrassment.

Nat and Maria who were in disguise smiled then gave me a thumbs up and wink.

I just had Nat serve another drink for this Blushing Beauty and a Red Wine for Me.

"Just give me a Chance Darcy, I promise you won't regret it." I spoke and slowly she looked at me while her face was still entirely Red.

" chance....stupid vampire...." she responded and took a sip from her drink.

"Would you care to Dance?" I asked as I extended my hand.

"I don't know how, Ive never danced." She spoke.

"I can teach you, if you don't care to learn I can take you Flying anywhere in the City.....the skyline is quite beautiful at this time of night." I spoke and her eyes widened.

"I wanna fly..." She spoke exitedly and I smirked at that.

"How about one small kiss and I take you high up over the city where you can see the Stars?'s a small price to pay..." I spoke and sipped on my wine.

"I....It's not a small first.....Kiss.." she spoke meekly but I just grabbed her cheek softly and turned her face up to look at me.

Hundreds of people had been watching our interaction, many tried to snoop but found a barrier keeping our words silent.

She looked into my glowing Red eyes in the darkness and after a moment she closed her eyes and leaned forward.

I brought my face to hers and kissed her soft sweet lips for a few long moments then separated. 

Her eyes opened and she was blushing at the many partygoers that were recording the interaction as secretly as they could.

She covered her face in embarrassment and I just gave her a hug and extended my wings and wrapped them around her as I walked out with her in my arms as she complained cutely.

As we walked everyone made way as I walked with my large black and red wings wrapped around this cute chipmunk.

Before long we reached the balcony and I spread my wings out and jumped off with Darcy in my arms, I cast a spell to keep her warm and we slowly flew upwards and away from the City.

When she opened her eyes and took her face out of my chest she saw we were flying hundreds of feet above the city and she let out a scream but I just held her more tightly and she stopped screaming after a few seconds.

She looked around the city and marveled at the sights as we continually flew higher and higher and eventually flew through the clouds to reveal the beautiful stars above.

They were usually drowned out from the city light pollution but from up here they were like so many shimmering gems twinkling in the sky.

I kissed her cheek and asked. "Small price to pay right...." And she nodded.

"It's so beautiful up here.....and you get to see this whenever you want..." She spoke cutely and adjusted her glasses and then took out her phone to record the sights of the city below through the clouds and the beautiful stars above.

"So many people took video and pictures of us....Kissing...." She spoke with red cheeks.

"Aye, you're Alucard first known woman now....have any pictures been posted, I'd like to know if we look good together?" I asked and she took searched the news.




"Oh my God....the whole world knows we kissed." She spoke as she was blushing.

"Good, now they know you belong to me." I spoke and kissed her cute soft cheek.

"Who says I belong to you, I only have you one Kiss you big meanie.....and I don't even know what you look like...." She said with a pout 

"You're welcome to take off my hood and find out what your future husband looks like." I teased her and she made a cute angry face before reaching up und grabbing my hood.

"Who said you'd be my husband.....let me see first....Ohhh WOW." She spoke and pulled off my face as she stared at my face.

"So old are you...." She asked while touching my face.

I leaned in and whispered my age into her ear which caused her to freeze.....

"That' illegal.....and you already have five other women!!!" She shouted with raised eyebrows.

"Oh relax, the government doesn't care what Avengers do, and my identity is secret so it won't matter.....either way you're mine already." I spoke and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she muttered some stuff and hid her face in my chest for a little while.

"You need to take me on a few dates first.....I want to get to know you, and I need to meet your women to see if theyd be okay with me." She spoke and I just nodded.

"Alright, that sounds like a deal....would you like to go back? I can teach you how to dance tonight." I spoke and she nodded.

I put my hood back on and dove down fast thousands of feet as Darcey first screamed then started laughing at the fun she was having dropping out of the sky.

I spread my Wings and landed on the large patio where many people secretly recorded us landing.

I set her down and used my magic to fix her hair before taking her face in my hands and beginning to kiss her deeply as the phones kept recording....

At first she struggled but soon enough she relaxed and my tongue made it's way into her sweet delectable mouth and I began to savor her little pink tongue and soft lips.

After a few minutes I separated and she gasped for air with a beet red face and clung to me tightly.

We walked together inside as she clung to my arm.

I walked her to a corner of the dancefloor and people immediately made room around us as I taught this clumsy but beautiful geek how to move.

Her warm body was glued to mine as I held her tightly as we spun around and chatted as a few people recorded the rare interaction.

There was info on all the Avengers except for me, I was the mysterious one and the public didn't know if I was interested in anything except for carnage.

After we finished half an hour of dancing I walked with Darcy to the upstairs lounge where we sat on a comfy leather couch.

There were hundreds of people enjoying the events and politicians and wealthy business men and women mingled amongst each other.

Eventually a group of seven models walked up and the most beautiful one spoke. 

"Alucard~ my friends and I would like to... for the Night~....since no one has ever met you before~"

she spoke seductively and her friends all raised their miniskirts to show their multi colored panties.

People all around us listened in to the conversation.

I noticed the nasty look that Darcey gave them...

{"My apologies Ladies but you smell Rancid to my senses.....please go and spread your loose legs elsewhere."} I spoke and they balked as a few people around us giggled.

"WHATEVER!!! SPEND YOUR TIME WITH THAT UGLY COW!!!" One shouted and the others giggled.... instantly my hand extended and a black mist enveloped the seven girls.

People screamed but soon after the mist cleared to reveal the supermodels all bald and full of nasty swollen pimples.

{"Go away before I become truly upset."} I spoke and all of them scurried off while crying and screaming.

"Did you have to be that mean?" Darcey asked with a blush as she leaned into my arm.

"You're mine, can't let someone insult my woman.....if they were men I would have gotten them but that is a small price to pay for insulting my beautiful, cute Darcy." I spoke and kissed her head.

She smiled shyly and buried herself in my arm.

After a while of chatting she took out her phone and took a selfie of both of us cuddled together and posted it to her twitter.

It had already received millions more followers after the pictures from earlier got out and instantly her phone started buzzing like crazy.

A call came in soon after from Jane Foster and she answered it.

"What's up Jane?" She asked.

"Since when have you been going out with Alucard!!!" Jane asked.

"Are you jealous? Now I'm going out with a superhero too and this one is way hotter than Thor!!! In your face!!!" Darcy shouted while smiling.

"Not true!!! No one is hotter than Thor and you know it!!! I bet he's hiding his face cause he's ugly!!!" Jane shouted.

"Nuh uh loser!!! You're just jealous that my boyfriend has cooler powers than yours, and hes a better kisser than that dumb blonde lump you parade in my face!!!" Darcy responded.

They kept bickering for a while in good fun as I cuddled up and smelled the delicious scent of this Bespectacled Beauty.

The party carried on and people started leaving slowly and now it was four AM.

I had flown Darcy to her apartment and kissed her goodnight before flying back to the Avengers Tower.

Only the avengers were left and we all sat on the couch, I had Nat and Maria in my arms....I felt a tremble of power from Tony Stark's Lab .....Ultron was awake.


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