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Chapter 4: Bully

Peter was on the roof of his house, the sun had just passed over the horizon and he was full of energy, not just because of last night but because his body just felt amazing, right now he was holding his body up with one hand upside down while he played a game on his phone with the other. He pushed himself off his hand and onto his feet without barely making a sound "Guess I should stop messing around and get some breakfast" he thought to himself as he jumped off the roof of his house and grabbed onto a tree branch in his back yard swinging onto the ground.

Such a stunt was as easy as if he was walking up the stairs and it still left him feeling amazed. He walked in through the back door and into the kitchen, he was also a lot hungrier than he used to be. He put together a chicken sandwich with peanut butter and a bowl of cereal, Peter thought it was a weird combination but he was just so hungry at the moment.

"Peter? Is that you? What're you doing up so early" his aunt said as she came downstairs with her night robe on.

Peter had just swallowed a bite of his sandwich when she came down "Sorry if I woke you Aunt May I was just feeling a bit hungry"

She gives him a gentle smile as she rubs his head "Don't worry Peter you know how much of an early bird I am, though try and keep it down your uncle just got back in a little while ago"

Peter nods his head and takes another bite from his sandwich, Aunt may can't help but raise an eyebrow "An interesting combination Peter... but try and be careful you might catch something if you eat your chicken raw" she said with slight disgust in her voice.

Peter stopped eating and then actually looked down at the sandwich, turns out they were out of sandwich meat and he'd grabbed the raw chicken instead 'I hope my powers will save me from this car crash of a meal' he thought to himself as he decided to put the sandwich down and move onto the bowl of cereal.

"You know I was thinking I could get a job, maybe help you and Uncle Ben out a bit" Peter said as he spooned the cereal into his mouth.

Aunt May smiled but shook her head "That's kind of you Peter but focus on your schoolwork, smart boys like you are rare and me and your uncle both want you to live a life better than this"

"I would rather be an idiot if being smart meant I'd have to leave, I'm happy right now I don't need a big shot job to make my life better" Peter said with a shrug.

Aunt May smiles at Peter and kisses the side of his head before taking away the atrocity that is a sandwich and throwing it into the bin.


Parkour is something Peter always wanted to try but was never able to because he didn't have the stamina for it. But now it was as easy as breathing, he ran through the alleyway and jumped pushing his leg off the wall and grabbing onto the fire escape. He climbed up like he was a monkey and flipped onto the building "I don't think I'll ever get used to this" he said with a smile as he started jumping from building to building sliding under vents and somersaulting over ledges.

Though he had to stop as his school was getting close and he felt like they'd freak out a bit to see the resident 'Puny Parker' backflipping off a building. He jumped off the building using a pipe to slow down his descent and was back on the ground, he brushed back his hair back with a smile on his face as he walked the rest of the distance towards midtown.

With his hands in his pockets, he crossed the road and fell into the stream of students that were making their way into the school, Peter heard the sound of footsteps quickly approaching him and he turned around only to see the smiling form of Gwen jump into his arms with a giggle, she pecked him on the lips and moved away from him "Have you gotten taller Pete?" She asks with scrunched-up eyebrows.

Peter shrugged, he had been around 5,6ft before the bite, he did notice that Gwen was a little shorter now. Before she stood just one once shorter than him but now he had a more noticeable height difference, he was probably around 5,8ft now. He put his hand into Gwen's and they both walked to the main school building "You know where Ned is?" He asked Gwen as they walked hand in hand, she shook her head.

Peter couldn't help but frown as Ned was usually the first one here, suddenly having a bad feeling creeping up his spine he stops "I think I'm gonna go look for him" Peter says to Gwen.

"Want me to come along?" Gwen replies getting a shake of the head from Peter.

"It's cool, I'll see you in class," he says as he kisses her on the cheek before heading off in another direction.

'Ned usually comes from the back of the school as it's shorter than walking around, check there first' Peter thought to himself as he lightly jogged around the school building. It was then that he started to hear something, his eyes widened and he started running as what he heard sounded like a struggle. Coming around a corner he sees Ned on the floor with Flash and his goons standing above him smirking.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" Peter yelled as he ran towards Ned to check if he was okay.

Flash turned towards him and smiled "My bad Parker, we weren't expecting you in today and you know how it is, someone needs to take a beating" he says with a shrug.

Peter kneels by Ned, he has a busted lip and a bruise that'll probably turn into a black eye "You okay bud?" He asks Ned getting a smile and a thumbs up in return.

He feels the wind shift around him

And he automatically holds up his hand to the side of himself without looking, as he turns around he sees that he caught a kick from one of Flash's friends much to his surprise. He pushes his leg back which makes the boy fall to the floor in a rather comedic fashion.

Flash's look of shock quickly turns to rage as he glares at Peter "You're gonna regret that Puny Parker" he says as he cracks his knuckles. Peter wasn't a fighter, he didn't like inflicting pain on anyone but he had been bullied by Flash for years and years all because he had glasses and an asthma pump.

Peter was different now and he wouldn't take it, he'd show Flash that he and his friends weren't to mess with and that he has to leave them alone from now on "Walk away Flash I won't warn you again" Peter says with narrowed eyes.

Flash and his friends start laughing, even the one who was pushed to the ground "You? Warn me? What're you gonna do about it, Parker?" He says as he throws a punch, one that is unbelievably slow and Peter merely ducks beneath it and pushes him, though he tries to hold back his strength he still manages to push Flash straight to the ground with a thump. His friend joins in a few seconds later and a few seconds after that he's on top of Flash "Listen Flash you can't bully me and my friends anymore I won't let you" Peter says determinedly.

Not wanting to get into any more of a confrontation he picks up Ned and they head into school all while Flash is seething in anger he had never felt so humiliated in his life, he thought about getting up and going after him but he thought better of it, he can always target the other one, he thought with a malicious smile 'She's pretty in a punk way, I'll give her a taste of what she's missing and she'll ditch the losers' he thought to himself as he pushed his friend off of him and got back up.

"Holy crap Peter what you did was awesome, you showed Flash who's boss," Ned said as he excitedly grabbed Peters's shoulder seemingly forgetting the injuries he had.

"If there is one benefit to these powers it's that I don't have to put up with Flash's shit anymore," Peter said with a smirk as they both headed to class, he felt dubious about fighting but when he saw how easily he could take out Flash and his goons he felt a lot better about it.


Jessica Jones moved through the hallways of midtown like a ghost, pretty much how the rest of the school saw her anyway, she preferred it this way, much more than the pity and sad smiles that people sent her way. While she missed her family a lot she knew there was nothing she could do but move on, she was lucky she got adopted by a nice family, things could be a lot worse. At least that's what she thought until she accidentally broke the sink in her bathroom with nothing but her hands.

Whatever happened to her in that truck made her a freak and she had to concentrate to do even the most delicate of tasks, she was scared that if she accidentally bumped into someone she'd send them flying or if she shook someone's hand she'd crush them. But at least people went back to ignoring her, before the accident it used to bother her but now it felt like a blessing.

She was skipping class and hiding out in the girl's bathroom as she took out a bottle of whiskey that she had stolen from her adoptive parents, however, when she pulled it out of her backpack she accidentally crushed the neck of it. Jessica wasn't one to get emotional but at that point, she just started crying, just the realisation she would never have a normal life again. She sits in the bathroom with her knees tucked underneath her on the toilet as she cries.

She didn't know how long she was there before she was brought out of her misery by the door slamming open "Fuck off Flash! I'd rather kiss a dog's ass than you" Jessica recognised the voice, it was Gwen Stacy one of the nerd trio or so people call them. They always say she's a nerd trapped in a hot girl's body. Jessica opens the door to the cubicle slightly to see Flash approaching the smaller blonde girl with a grin.

"Come on babe, you know you want a chance with the Flash, you could finally ditch the losers and have a chance at being popular, look at MJ she only dated me for a few months and look where she is now," he says with a smug smile as he walks even closer.

Gwen snorts and looks at him in disgust "I think I'd rather turn lesbo than get with you Flash, you stink of BO you always breathe out your mouth and you've got a below-average IQ, so I think I'll stick with my loser friends, now get out! This is the girl's bathroom"

Flash feels his blood boil at her words, he grabs her arm roughly "Listen here you little bitch! You should be grateful I'm even paying attention to you" he said as she struggled to get out of his grip "Get the hell off me!" Gwen said as she punched his chest, though this only seemed to enflame his rage he pushed her and she ended up hitting her head off the bathroom wall and falling.

Jessica couldn't help but gasp and cover her mouth as she stood there and watched the whole thing. Flash stood there a bit panicked with his hands on his head "Shit" he said before he just quickly left the girl's bathroom leaving Gwen on the floor. Jessica quickly came out of the cubicle silently cursing at herself for just watching it happen. She knelt beside Gwen and felt the back of her head, when she looked back at her hand it was red with her blood 'Fuck, Fuck Fuck' she thought as she picked Gwen up easily and started running to the nurse's office hoping she would be okay.


Peter had just got out of his class, and he had texted Gwen and Ned to meet him at the usual spot for lunch but while he had gotten a reply from Ned, Gwen hadn't replied which was quite unusual. He was walking through the corridors heading to the cafeteria when he was tapped on the shoulder by someone behind him. He turned around and saw someone who he vaguely recognised as a classmate, he scrunched his eyebrows as he tried to remember her name "Jessica right?" She nodded her head.

"Can we speak privately for a second?" Jessica asked and Peter gave her a nod before following her into an empty classroom.

Peter leans on a desk and looks at the girl, she had black hair that went below her shoulders and pale skin, she was quite short and slender but was pretty nonetheless "Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked, with his new and improved eyesight he could see the slight twitches on her face as well as the fact she wasn't looking directly at him.

"I just wanted to let you know that Gwen was taken to the hospital, she's okay and was awake when they took her but they just wanted to make sure she didn't have a concussion" she explained, initially Peter felt panicked but when he was told she was okay he let himself calm down, he smiled at Jessica "Thank you for letting me know," he said as he went to leave.

"Wait!" She said as she grabbed him by the arm, she quickly withdrew it as she didn't control the amount of strength she had used when she grabbed him.

Peter however looks at her smile still on his face "Yeah?" He says calmly, Though for a moment Jessica looks at him as if he'd grown a second head, he should be on the ground in pain right now, she knew her uncontrolled grip could fracture someone's arm and he didn't even flinch.

She realises that she's just been standing there not saying anything so quickly starts to speak "It wasn't an accident... Flash was trying to make Gwen go out with him, but she told him to get stuffed and so he tried grabbing her but when she struggled he pushed her and that's how she hit her head" she explains though she slightly regretted it as she could see the look on Peters change morph from a smile to a frown and then to a look of rage. He didn't say anything else before just running out, with Jessica quickly following after him.


"FLASH!" Peter shouted as he stormed into the cafeteria getting everyone's attention, Ned who was already sitting at their table looked up his eyes wide, he had never seen Peter so mad before.

Flash who was joking around with his friends looked up at the approaching boy, he started standing up, even at such a young age flash was big, people often said he'd dominate any sports field he chose to go into so he had quite a few inches on Peter. "What do you want Puny Parker, I don't have a scheduled beating for you until later," he says with a smirk. However what he doesn't expect is for Peter to grab him by his shirt and push him down on the table, the metal frame groans as the large boy is slammed into it.

"WHATS YOUR DEAL PARKER!" Flash shouts as he tries to push him off but he discovers Peters's grip is solid "You ever touch Gwen again and I'll beat you worse than I'm going to do right now" he said with venom dripping off his voice.

The first punch hits flash in the face so hard that he doesn't even feel the second punch, it was like he was getting hit by a train and when the second hit connected with his stomach he felt like he couldn't breathe. Flash's friends all got up and tried to get him off of Flash but he just pushed them away before hitting Flash again breaking his nose.

Flash tried to grab at Peters's face trying to do anything to push him off but Peter just grabbed his wrist, up until this moment Peter had done a good job of holding back his strength otherwise flash would've been turned into a paste after the first punch, though he still could've afforded to hold back more he didn't have much experience with his powers.

Grabbing his wrist he accidentally used too much strength and broke the bones in his wrist causing Flash to scream and start to cry. Peter almost hit a person who grabbed him from behind but he saw it was Ned, he had a scared look on his face "Peter enough! He's done, look at him" Ned said as he grabbed Peters's arm. Peter led himself get led away and out of the cafeteria while Flash just lay groaning and weeping on the table.

"He hurt Gwen Ned..." Peter said in a low voice his anger still bubbling beneath the surface. Ned looked at him with shock on his face, which then morphed into relief.

"Jeez, I thought it was just him being a dick, if he hurt Gwen I wouldn't have pulled you off him so soon," Ned said with relief on his face, he had thought his friend had just lost it and had gone crazy, but it made sense if Gwen was involved and Ned couldn't help but think Flash deserved it.

Peter sighed as his anger slowly started to dissipate "I better go to the Principles office before I'm called there" he got a nod from Ned as they shake hands and both go their separate ways.

All the while Jessica was watching, she had watched the whole scene, watching a small guy like Peter destroy Flash just made her even more certain 'He is like me...' she thought as she watched him walk away down the corridor.

(AN: So things are progressing nicely, I'm finally getting passed the boring origin stuff and getting to the good stuff. If anyone is confused by the appearance of Jessica jones, in the comics she actually went to midtown with Peter. But this is a mesh of comic books and MCU so I'll be taking liberties with some of the characters. Btw characters are in last year of middle school so 13 which will be like 2008 So two years before events of Iron man will take place. If ya have any suggestions for the harem let me know, though some will have to wait till he grows up a bit more)

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