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12.5% Being Spider-Man is a Sacrifice || Marvel x MCU Fic / Chapter 2: Oscorp Origins

Chapter 2: Oscorp Origins

Oscorp, a towering institution of scientific prowess, stood as an architectural marvel within the bustling cityscape. Its facade, a fusion of sleek glass panels and polished steel, shimmered under the sunlight, exuding an aura of modernity and innovation.

The entrance to Oscorp was adorned with grand double doors, their surfaces intricately etched with elegant patterns representing the intricate dance of DNA strands and the microscopic wonders of the natural world. Stepping through those doors felt like crossing a threshold into a realm of boundless scientific possibilities.

Inside, Oscorp's headquarters unfolded into a vast expanse of corridors, forming a labyrinth of scientific discovery. Soft, futuristic lighting bathed the halls in a gentle glow, guiding visitors through the intricate network of glass-walled laboratories and research facilities.

The laboratories themselves were a spectacle to behold. Transparent walls allowed glimpses into the world of cutting-edge research, as scientists in pristine lab coats diligently worked on experiments that sought to unravel the mysteries of genetics and biology. State-of-the-art equipment hummed with precision, surrounded by rows of meticulously organized workstations.

Throughout Oscorp, the atmosphere buzzed with an energy that only the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs could generate. The air was filled with the whispers of scientific discussions, the soft whirring of computers, and the occasional burst of excitement as a breakthrough was made. Everywhere one looked, whiteboards were covered in equations, diagrams, and complex genetic sequences, revealing the depth of research and exploration happening within these walls.

As the trio stepped inside Oscorp, their eyes widened in amazement at the breathtaking sight. The sleek and futuristic architecture surrounded them, imbuing the place with an air of cutting-edge innovation. Peter, Gwen, and Ned couldn't help but feel a sense of wonderment at the possibilities within those walls.

Their excitement, however, was abruptly shattered by the snide remark from Flash, who strutted past them, intentionally bumping into Peter. "Looks like the nerd brigade is here," he jeered, a smug grin etched on his face.

Gwen, never one to back down, couldn't contain her frustration. She shot a glance at Flash and defiantly extended her middle finger, a silent gesture to convey her disapproval. Her bold act caught him off guard, leaving him momentarily speechless before he continued his way, fuming silently.

Peter couldn't help but admire Gwen's audacity, his admiration for her growing even stronger. Ned, though less confrontational, couldn't hide his amusement, offering a subtle chuckle as they resumed their exploration of


"Can you believe we are really here!" Ned exclaims with excitement as he grabs onto Peters'arm shaking him.

Peter and Gwen laugh at the excitement of their friend "I know buddy I'm excited too" he replies with a smile as he tries to stop the shaking.

"I heard we get to meet Dr Curtis Connors," Gwen said excitedly, he was her hero being one of the leading researchers in genetic research, at Oscorp he was leading the department for cross-species genetics.

"I don't know Gwen... you know what they say, never meet your heroes, Ned still hasn't gotten over the Comic Con where he found out Chewbacca was just a guy in a suit" Peter comments while elbowing her in the side.

This elicits a chuckle out of her as she covers her mouth, though Ned is less impressed "Come on I was 9 I'm sure you've thought of dumb stuff as a kid" Ned adds with a pout.

"He has a point Peter, didn't you use to think Han Solo and Indiana Jones were the same person," Gwen says cheekily with a smirk on her face.

Ned laughs as he remembers the situation Gwen was talking about "Oh those are fighting words Miss Stacy" Peter says while he cracks his knuckles.

"You used to think Captain Janeway was better than Captain Picard," Peter says with a smug smile. Though unexpectedly Gwen returns the smug smile.

"I know, and she is" Gwen replies holding her nose up and crossing her arms. Ned and Peter looked at each other in shock, how could their friend whom they had known for many years betray them in such a fashion? What followed for the next hour as they were led through the building was an intense debate about which Star Trek captain was the best.

"Picard discovered and defeated the Borg!!!" Ned cries out in outrage.

"Ummm excuse me! Borg and Species 8472 in the same month" Gwen retorts.

"The Q!" Peter shouts out.

"Q and Q2 and the Q civil war" Gwen replies the argument heating up.

"Professor Moriarty!" Peter shouts.

"Amelia Earhart!"

"Lt. Commander Data" Ned exclaims

"Seven of Nine..." Gwen says with a smug smile.

Peter and Ned look at each other, Ned looks down and sighs while Peter huffs "Shit" they both silently say before staying silent, now deciding to pay attention to the tour.

'Maybe he'd like it if I dressed as her' Gwen thought to herself as she looked at the back of Peter's head.

She felt like she was being stupid sometimes, but sometimes she felt like she should just tell him how she feels.

But every time she tries her heart starts beating and she gets sweaty, just the thought of being rejected by him makes her panic. So she's gonna start trying to test the waters.

'Maybe he likes me back and the outfit will make him jump me' Gwen thinks to herself before silently laughing.

'Pffft yeah right Peter Parker putting the moves on a lady" Gwen smiles thinking about how bad he was at talking to MJ when they were younger. Though they had finally reached the floor that all three friends were interested in.


A hushed excitement filled the air as Peter, Gwen, and Ned were led into the inner sanctum of Oscorp—the Cross-Species Genetics Lab. The mere mention of this lab sparked both curiosity and trepidation among the scientific community. It was a place where the boundaries of biology were pushed to their limits, where the lines between species blurred, and where the potential for remarkable discoveries loomed.

Dr Curt Connors, the brilliant mind behind the lab, greeted the young visitors with a warm smile. His lab coat, adorned with countless ink stains and the residue of countless experiments, embodied a testament to tireless pursuit.

As they stepped into the lab, a symphony of scientific apparatuses hummed with purpose. Glass enclosures housed an array of intriguing subjects: reptilian creatures, arachnids with intricate webs, and even small mammals displaying peculiar traits. The lab was an embodiment of Oscorp's ambition to harness the transformative power of cross-species genetics.

Peter's eyes widened, his heart pounding with anticipation. He couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the research before him. Years of fascination with biology and the intricate mechanisms of life flooded his mind as if each specimen held the key to his understanding of himself.

Gwen's gaze darted from one enclosure to another, her mind racing with questions. She understood the ethical considerations surrounding this type of research, yet the potential benefits for human health and well-being enticed her. She exchanged a knowing glance with Peter, silently acknowledging the gravity of the possibilities within their reach.

Ned, though initially hesitant, found himself swept up in the awe-inspiring environment. He marvelled at the dedication and ingenuity on display, recognizing the immense responsibility that accompanied such groundbreaking work. He whispered to his friends, "Imagine what this could mean for the world, guys. It's like we're witnessing history in the making."

As Dr Connors shared snippets of his groundbreaking research, his voice trembled with a mix of excitement and caution. He described the delicate balance between progress and the potential dangers that accompanied tampering with the building blocks of life. It was clear that he carried the weight of ethical considerations on his shoulders, seeking a path that would lead to both discovery and responsibility.

As they are being shown around the lab at the different species they were cross-breeding with human DNA a lab technician pulled Dr Connors to the side and whispered something in his ear, a frown made its way onto Connor's face.

"Escaped! Find it! It was the last one left we can't afford to lose It!" He whispers to the technician though it's loud enough to be heard by some of those present. The technician quickly rushed away and outside of the room and Connors came up to address the tour group.

"I'm very sorry everyone but we are going to have to cut our tour a bit short, it seems we have a bit of an emergency on our hands so please make your way to the exit of the lab and continue with your tour," Connors says politely though it's clear he's a bit impatient.

The group make their way out of the lab and is going to leave the floor, Peter realises his shoes are undone and tells his friends to go ahead and he'd follow after them. Peter was always a bit clumsy so when he'd got up from tying his shoes he realised that the group had already gone.

'Come on Pete, learn how to tie your shoes in less than 30 seconds' he thinks with a sigh as he walks the catch up with the group.

Peter hurriedly weaved through the bustling corridors of Oscorp, his steps quickening as he attempted to catch up with Gwen, Ned, and the rest of the group. However, fate had a different plan in store for him.

In an unexpected twist, Peter felt a strong grip on his shoulder, jerking him to a halt. Flash, with his signature smirk plastered on his face, materialized before him like an unwelcome spectre. The derogatory words he spat, "What's up, puny Parker," cut through the air like barbs.

Caught off guard, Peter stumbled for a response. Before he could gather his wits, Flash propelled him into a nearby closet, his taunting words trailing after him. "No need to thank me, Parker. I know you're comfortable in there."

As the door slammed shut, engulfing him in darkness, a mix of frustration and anxiety swelled within Peter.

Peter tried unlocking the door but it felt like something was placed in front of it and he couldn't muster up enough strength to push it open. He thought of screaming for help but he didn't want to disturb the scientists at work, this was a high-risk environment one wrong move could upset a chemical balance or ruin an entire experiment. Someone should notice something is blocking the door and open it soon.

And until then Peter would just sit and wait, he didn't mind the dark that much, nothing to do with being in the closet but he felt a comfort from having one of the senses removed.

Unbeknownst to Peter, a spider, its body shimmering with ethereal blue electricity, descended on an invisible thread, silently approaching its unwitting target. With precision and purpose, it landed on Peter's neck, sinking its tiny fangs into his skin.

An intense jolt of pain coursed through Peter's body, causing him to hiss in agony. Instinctively, he swatted at the spider, inadvertently ending its life. As the lifeless arachnid fell to the floor, Peter succumbed to the overwhelming shock and convulsions that wracked his body.

Time seemed to blur as consciousness slipped away from Peter's grasp. His mind became a maelstrom of confusion and discomfort, tangled in a web of searing pain. Darkness enveloped him as he teetered on the precipice between unconsciousness and consciousness until he finally passed out.


In the haze of his unconsciousness, Peter's mind was adrift, lost in a sea of disjointed fragments. Yet, amidst the disarray, a persistent banging reverberated through his consciousness, like a beacon of familiarity piercing the darkness. The sound grew louder and more urgent until it merged with the opening of the closet door, flooding the enclosed space with a warm, comforting light.

As Gwen and Ned rushed in, their worried expressions softened upon seeing Peter stirring on the floor. Concern etched across their faces, they knelt beside him, their voices filled with relief and urgency.

"Peter, are you okay? What happened? It was Flash, wasn't it?" Gwen's voice quivered with a mix of concern and anger, her eyes searching his face for any signs of injury.

Ned's voice, laced with genuine worry, chimed in. "Dude, we tried to find you everywhere and saw this metal cart pushed against the door. Is there anything we can do? You don't look so good."

Peter mustered a weak smile, his head throbbing and his body feeling unnaturally heavy. "I'm fine, guys. Just a bit sick, I think. Flash just pushed me inside here probably thinking it was funny, but it's nothing serious. Just need some fresh air."

Gwen's eyes narrowed, a fiery determination burning within her. "Flash will pay for this, Peter. No one deserves to be treated like that. We won't let him get away with it."

Peter's gratitude welled up as he looked into the eyes of his friends. Their unwavering support gave him strength even in his weakened state. They helped him up and he leaned on Ned for support.

They went and found one of the teachers that were with them on the trip, they told them that Flash was the one who had locked Peter inside a closet, the teacher shrugged and said it was their word against his and his friends would say he was with them the entire time. Gwen looks as if she's about to lose it at the blasé attitude of the teacher.

"It's okay Gwen it doesn't matter" Peter says with a small smile as he puts a hand on her shoulder.

Peter still felt awful and wanted to go home so he didn't want to deal with Flash at the moment, he asked his teacher if he could leave and he agreed.

Gwen volunteered to take Peter home as she knew they hadn't gone to the robotics department on the tour yet and it was something Ned was looking forward to for weeks. He did look unsure about leaving Peter but after he insisted he fist-bumped him and they said their goodbyes.

Gwen and Peter both went to his house, him supporting his weight on her body, it did make him feel a bit embarrassed being so close to her but he enjoyed the contact as well, she smelled really good and he had to stop himself from putting his nose to her neck.

Getting inside they were met with an empty house which wasn't too unusual.

"Is May still running the F.E.A.S.T in Queens?" Gwen asks as she helps Peter to his room and drops him on the bed.

"Yeah, Martin said she was doing so well in the Harlem branch that she should run this one" Peter replies as he sinks into his bed while keeping his feet on the floor.

Gwen sits on the bed and lies down as well. They often did this together when they were alone, they'd done it for so long that neither of them realised how romantic of a gesture it was.

"Peter, I think I'm in love with you" Gwen whispers out, but unfortunately for her, it falls on deaf ears as Peter has already fallen asleep.

Though she smiles at his sleeping face and kisses him on the cheek before putting his feet on the bed and covering him with a blanket.

She then leaves the room taking one last look at Peter before closing the door and leaving.


In Dr Connors' lab, consumed by his work, he was interrupted by the sudden entrance of a lab technician, breathless and holding a cup in his hand. Dr Connors looked up, a mix of anticipation and concern filling his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Dr Connors asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and urgency.

The lab technician, trying to catch his breath, spoke with a mixture of disappointment and relief. "Dr Connors, I found the escaped spider, but... it's dead."

Dr Connors' expression shifted from anticipation to disappointment. He approached the lab technician, inspecting the lifeless spider within the cup. A sense of frustration simmered beneath his composed demeanour.

"Dead?" Dr Connors exclaimed, his disappointment evident in his voice. "How did this happen? That spider was a significant specimen with immense potential. It could have provided invaluable insights."

His disappointment turned into irritation as he continued, his voice laced with frustration. "I cannot fathom how such a vital creature could be mishandled. This is a failure of responsibility and jeopardizes our research."

Dr Connors' words hung in the air, a stern reminder of the importance of their work and the need for meticulous care. The lab technician, visibly remorseful, hung his head in acknowledgement of the mistake made.

Dr Connors took a deep breath, regaining his composure. Though disheartened by the loss. "We must be more vigilant in our procedures. Double-check every aspect of containment and handling. Our experiments demand precision and caution."

The lab technician nodded, their regret palpable. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need to prevent any further missteps.

Placing the cup aside, Dr Connors gazed at the lifeless spider, a symbol of missed opportunities and lessons learned.

(AN: Peter's powers are gonna be a bit weaker, think like MCU spider man kinda, he won't have a fully developed Spider sense yet but eventually, it'll get to the point of no way home and TASM 2 and he'll be able to lift 5 tons and as he grows older it'll increase to the usual 10, rest isn't that different.... Or is it)

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