"Welcome to the world of Cressia. A world of plagues, monsters, and humans. Where gods secretly play their games amongst the races to quell their eternal boredom. Torture is common and healers aren't always just. A world of common sense one could say."
A red and white colored jester dances into view. A masquerade mask held in either hand as he happily prances.
"But who am I? I am the reader of stories and recorder of histories.The jester of evers! I am Akasha as the gods have named me. A simple being fulfilling my role. Hahahaha!" His maniacle laughter echoes through the empty darkness around him. "But you are not here for me. No! But for another. At this moment a young orphaned boy longs to find his place in the world filled with his darker minded peers.
And where you ask? Not with the knights or priests. No. But with the true force that rules the streets and alleyways. Come close and I will tell you who they are."
The scene changes to smog filled skies and old European style streets of cobblestone. Filled with filth and grime as coughing and wheezing echoes through their empty channels. A carriage pulled by an old horse pulls up the lane. It's hooves clack against the road as the wheels bounce loudly against the uneven stones.
Though it's not long before it stops before a dilapidated and broken down house. And out steps a person dressed in dark clothes with a leather ravens mask adorning their face hiding the person beneath.
"The Plague Doctors. Ohohoho! You may think of them as your standard raven masked symbols of death. But they are so much more. But I won't give you the details now my pretties. You'll have to dig into the meal to get your dessert. Hehehehehe!" Akasha chuckles as he floats above the scene unknown and unheard by the doctor.
"Now! Our story begins!"