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Chapter 9 - The Repercussions Of A Bloodline




My teeth were grit as I realized the repercussions of my actions. In the effort of wanting to see what my bloodlines were, I evidently led to what was keeping me safe, disappearing.

Not knowing my bloodline was probably one of the main walls keeping me from being seen by all the big shots that looked around.

Yet in my haste to unlock my bloodline abilities, I had destroyed my primary protector and not gained any powers due to not going through my evolution path and choosing a bloodline.

I thought it would be like Osiris, where my main bloodline was good, and any secondary ones were just the ones I had to make things interesting.

Now I knew that this wasn't a game anymore and that I had to max out as quickly as possible before the worst fate imaginable could befall me.

My bloodlines, even though they may be fighting for dominance over each other, may offer me some soul protection against anything trying that, but for right now, until I get to choose, I'm stuck with this.

The reason I had chosen this mountain out of all the others was because it had an altar on it. The same altar that allows beings to be summoned throughout the multiverse.

I built my base inside this mountain in the hopes that when the altar is connected to another universe, I could be the one to go in first.

I decided to go out of the cave in order to find more souls to replenish my supply, but before doing that, I had decided to fill the turrets and generator before leaving. Ark habits die hard…

Standing in front of the cave, I saw plans for about a mile out that then turned into trees, and I thought that all eldritch creatures had the same base parameters, but it seemed that due to my bloodline, I was way stronger than the competition.

For those with high bloodlines, if every ten points in agility, gain 23mph in speed, then I do it in five, and this is an example for those with a very high bloodline potential.

The ideas were nowhere near that, and the only reason the group of them could hold me down was because of an ability one of the inheritance holders had to make clones of himself.

The plains were weirdly bare, but I guess that had to do with the ocean being so close to where I am as the things in the sea were even putting me on edge, so what about a bunch of ideas or lesser spawn?

No matter how much I searched, I couldn't find anything. Even though The Outside is a dimension of twisting paths and places, I couldn't find a single soul within my territory.

Could it be they could sense my bloodline? Or maybe the ocean really was scaring them? I had no idea and sat there for an hour contemplating as I didn't know what was happening.

That's when I heard it. Stretching my sense of sound, I listened to what sounded like thousands of footsteps all rushing in my direction.

It seemed that the creatures in the ocean really wanted me as thousands of oceanic eldritch horrors poured out of the trees a mile out, all rushing to my location.

I took stock of the situation. The thousands of them, and I do mean thousands, as there had to be over 10,000 rushing toward me versus just me…

'I like those odds.'

They were all different kinds of biological sea life you would find on Earth, yet they were disfigured and had tentacles on them. 'Always the eldritch beings and loving tentacles, I swear.'

I stood on the plains, awaiting their assault to get close enough. When they crossed the 500-meter mark, that's when I started. I clasped my hands together in a finger lock.

"Chaos (Ruination). Order (Preservation). Hollow… Crimson! (500%)"

A massive crimson sphere shot directly toward the oncoming hoard!

Anything caught in it was eviscerated, with not even the ground being left behind in its wake. The sea horrors were no different as I saw the hoard of them get absolutely disintegrated.

The damage was so heavy that I had seen my soul count rise to over 5,000. My mana was almost full again due to my regeneration and my Hollow Crimson technique, 500 percent only taking 30 percent of my total mana.

Like a gamer who just saw the boss drop legendary loot in front of his friends, I could only do one thing.

"Chaos (Ruination)!"

Upon hearing my voice, the sea horrors started to try and run, but it was already too late as they had grouped even closer together due to the hole in the ground left by my first Hollow Crimson.

"Order (Preservation)!"

"Hollow… Crimson! (500%)"

Again, I blasted a Hollow Crimson into the horde of sea monsters, watching as their screams and cries were buried under the weight of my technique.

With that, I gained over 3,000 souls! Something must have been shining over me today because business was booming!

In total, I had gained 8,575 eldritch souls! That brought my total soul count to 8,769, and that was a LOT that I needed to use carefully.

To account for human souls, most eldritch creatures' souls are 100 or more times an ordinary human soul. Due to this, the exact amount of souls in human quantities wasn't the 8,000+ I got but was…

876,900 human souls! I made a killing doing basically nothing! No, really, I did two moves, and I already made a godlike profit!

Maybe I should go anger the ocean more often? I know I could make a pill that gives me a singular stat point in exchange for an eldritch soul, but is it not worth it to bring out more abilities?

I think I'll do a mix of both and spend 3,000 souls on upgrading my stats and the rest on abilities.

Name: Eren

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: Two Very Powerful Ones

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Shub-Cxarru Taallist Cnyggdotl… Azaogdesz

Form: Newborn (Perfectly Born)

Hierarchy: Peak Of The Lesser Spawn

Attribute: Chaos

Strength: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Magic Energy: 1,000

Activity: 1,000

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: Ultra Speed Regeneration, Hollow Crimson, Gravity Defiance

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Items: None

Number Of Souls In Possession: 7,052 (Eldritch)

I used 1,717 souls to upgrade all my stats to 1,000 each, as this was the limit until I upgraded myself to the next tier stage. I made sure they came in a pill, upgrading the stats by the exact number and being color-coded. I made sure they tasted good as well.

Leaving over half the souls I planned to use on stats not used, I decided to use them on skills instead.

Custom-Made Avatar: This ability allows the creation of an avatar that has 25 percent of all the stats the user does and also has all the skills the user does. The avatar can be controlled wherever and whenever. (Can change forms at will.)

Soul Protection: Make sure to have protection… This is the safest form of protection as it defends against soul-based attacks or anything trying to snatch, merge, steal, or break the user's soul. (It is a powerful defense but isn't all-powerful.)

Boosted Gear: Multiplies power by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128, but it does take mana to keep it running. The gear cannot be pulled off or used by anyone other than the user. (Left-handed red gauntlet with the ability to boost your power, and it also says "boost!")

I spent 5,000 souls on these abilities, and I made sure to leave leftover souls for when I made my evolution happen.

I then activated my avatar and made it a chibi copy of me to catch any enemy off guard. It even had a little red gauntlet on it as well when I activated the boosted gear.

I then sent it up the mountain to the altar to sit and wait for it to activate, as I wasn't going to send my main body to any dimension, not knowing where it could lead.

It's a good thing the avatar only copied 25 percent of my stats and didn't take anything, as that would make this a whole lot harder.

The only thing left to do now is pick up all my stuff and go toward the bloodline-unlocking place. Once I finally choose my bloodline, I can get rid of this "bloodline dominance" battle that my body is having.


(If we get 100 powerstones I'll do a double upload today.)

He didn't even get to use the cave, sadly, as how would he know that the sea would attack him and feed him souls?

Well, things are getting more hectic as he continues on this journey. You may think he's going quickly up this power system, but he's got so much to do I don't even think he'll reach the 4th to last level anytime soon.



(Don't forget the R!)

Currently making chapter 23 so if you want to see that early check it out!

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