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Chapter 7 - Thank Your Enemies With Death!




"Imaginary Technique: Crimson."

With this, I let go of my fingers, forming a small crimson dot that expanded in size after falling for a second.

The crimson sphere rushed toward the chained one at speeds he could barely react to, let alone dodge.

I had made the skill using the souls of the enemies I killed, not only allowing me to grow but also improving my regeneration.

Hollow Crimson: By fusing Chaos (Ruination) and Order (Preservation), you can create a crimson sphere that does nothing but annihilate any matter in its path. Being entirely erased by this attack automatically gets their soul stored in the system. (0-100% and 200-500%.)

Gravity Defiance: Defy the laws of gravity and assert yourself above one of the many laws of creation. This skill gives minor control over gravity, such as floating, pulling, amplifying, and removing gravity.

Ultra Speed Regeneration: Allows the user to shrug off most attacks with sheer regeneration speed, turning the user into an unkillable force by regenerating all damage taken before damage can even accumulate. (Fully restores a hand in two seconds if thoroughly chopped off. Can restore from a drop of blood in one minute and can heal fatal wounds.)

I had killed over 200 spawns that were dogpiling me and stored their souls in the system. That may not seem like much, but that equals over 20,000 human souls due to the strength of the spawn and how eldritch statistics work.

With the chained one gone, even though they have two more inheritance holders, they'll be sure to run away due to how much stronger the chained one is compared to any of them.

I wasn't about to let that happen as I used my speed to slash and stab any that were in my way. I even used a Hollow Crimson 200% to blast as many of them away as possible.

When all was said and done, I had killed everyone, leaving a pile of corpses with no souls in my wake. I had 274 Eldritch souls in my system, as consolidating these weaklings would do nothing for me regarding my growth.

I would need to save these souls for when I go into The Outside for many reasons, but I feel as though after causing all this death, my reaction was a bit… Overexaggerated.

I could have done many things to not find myself in a position where I needed to learn the lesson I did, but as they say, "hindsight is 20/20".

There are only 19 hours left before The In-Between needs to be left, so I might as well try and enjoy myself.

If I use all my speed, I may be able to do it. This would pay off big time if I could get there. I'll just have to see.


The spawning cycle happens every 500 years, with billions of spawns being born and fighting in this battle royale.

What's stopping these billions from meeting? The answer is in the way that they spawn. They are in clusters of millions with a considerable distance separating them, but what if one of those spawns tried to cross said distance?

That's what I did, and it paid off as I slaughtered my way through hundreds of spawn who knew nothing of my existence.

With nothing holding me back and the spawns not knowing my titles, they would charge me any moment I appeared.

I had a great time as I consolidated, killed, and broke down my enemies until they learned that I was not something they could beat.

Yet they only learned of my impossible feats ten hours after I showed up, but that was far too late as by the time they started trying to run away when they saw me, I had already gotten what I needed.

Name: Eren

Race: Eldritch

Bloodline: Two Very Powerful Ones

Eldritch Name: Urdal Amhuthatl Shub-Cxarru Taallist Cnyggdotl… Azaogdesz

Form: Newborn (Perfectly Born)

Hierarchy: Average Of The Lesser Spawn

Attribute: Chaos

Strength: 329

Speed: 498

Magic Energy: 387

Activity: 356

Loaded Materials: None

Skills: Ultra Speed Regeneration, Hollow Crimson, Gravity Defiance

Talent Ability 1: Eldritch Spawn

Explanation: Being an eldritch spawn, you can do a lot of things, but the basics are seeing souls, being able to travel to The Outside, Understanding resistance, and many other minor effects.

Talent Ability 2: Eldritch Blood

Explanation: The eldritch are a race of chaos and destruction, and it is very easy for them to destroy their surroundings just by their presence. Eldritch Blood gives you a better affinity with disorder, death, and destruction.

Talent Ability 3: Chaos Addiction

Explanation: The eldritch are bringers of chaos, disorder, and depravity. The eldritch are attracted to chaos so much to the point that they actively seek it.

Items: None

Number Of Souls In Possession: 300 (Eldritch)

I had killed thousands, yet the gains I collected became lower and lower, but this is what happens when you're so ahead of the curve.

There were now only five hours left, and the exit to this dimension was opening up, allowing the weaker ones to escape my wrath by leaving.

There was nothing for me to do here as I could spend another four hours chasing down any leftovers, but it wouldn't really grant me anything but wasted time.

I looked around the In-Between one last time as I burned the image and feeling of this place into my mind and body.

I turned in a direction, gave an almost inconceivable smirk, and walked forward. After walking for two minutes, I suddenly stopped like I felt a barrier.

The In-Between has a certain way to walk if you want to get out when the time comes so that not a single soul exists in this place on accident.

Upon the barrier feeling my presence, I felt something in my soul change right before a gateway my size opened up in front of me.

What I had felt in my soul was something comparable to the "ouroboros mark," which would take a demon back to the abyss if they died after being summoned to a world.

This mark would do the same thing but for The Outside, allowing for more eldritch creatures to come back from "death" and return to a world they had died in.

The gateway didn't show an image or where I would end up, as it was just white all the way through.

I didn't let that deter me as I walked through the gateway, leaving behind The In-Between forever. This would be the start of my journey as The In-Between could be said to be child's play… I mean, we were just born, but who cares about the details?


As The In-Between got closer and closer to its end, the dimension started to shake as those that hadn't left were still given warnings on what was about to happen.

Everything in this dimension was about to come to an end, and as the clock ticked closer and closer to the end, the dimension also reflected this.




The timer continued to tick as everything began to rumble.




Everything could be considered to be disappearing and reappearing very quickly.




The shaking had stopped, and everything weirdly enough seemed to go back to normal, with nothing being destroyed.




And with that last second, everything froze for a second, like the entire dimension was locked in time.

Until it happened, the dimensions started being crushed by an invisible force as the souls, bodies and even terrain left in the place were being destroyed.

As that happened, true darkness was the only thing left from The In-Between, as nothing had been left of the once savage dimension…

Yet those dead wouldn't hear it, but chewing sounds could be heard.

The chewing sounds had stopped, and what replaced it was the sound of swallowing and then a sigh of relief.

No one had any way to realize it, but this entire time, The In-Bewteen and the whole battle taking place were actually being held…

Above the mouth of Azathoth…

The whole 500-year cycle was just Azathoth opening, breathing, and closing his mouth. Once every three days after those specific requirements are met, Azathoth's mouth will close, and he will chew anything that is detected inside.

Yet, with no way of anyone knowing this, the cycle will continue onward, and the next spawning shall wait another 500 years until Azathoth once again opens his mouth.


Yup, the entire battlefield took place in Azathoth's mouth. (Like right above it.)

Why do you think that I specifically wrote, "he could go up, but upon touching the ground, he could not go any further down."

That's because if he had gone any further down like the black dome liquid, he would have been eaten by The Blind Idiot God.

Don't blame me. Blame the Other Outer Gods for using this idea. With the aura that affects the surrounding void Azathoth is in, no other creature would be able to get anywhere close to the freshly spawned eldritch creatures.

This allows order in chaos, for they won't let the fresh spawns die without a fighting chance, but that's all for now.



(Don't forget the R!)

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