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90.99% Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm / Chapter 101: Chapter 100: Ken's Thoughts and Mumbling

Chapter 101: Chapter 100: Ken's Thoughts and Mumbling

Ken happily trained in the confines of Sarutobi residence training grounds.

It's been a week since Pakura was brought to Konoha. And the mission had succeeded to a perfection. He was quite happy because of the fact that the mission was graded as an S-rank mission. Even though the genins did not do much, they were still under constant threat and danger and also a part of the S rank Mission, thus they also got an S rank mission under their records.

But the part that made Ken happier was the fact that they also got an S-rank mission payment for the mission. And the amount was a lot even though it was divided four ways.

"Thankfully Uncle Jiriaya did not ask for any payment and Shikuro sensei only wanted an equal sum instead of a higher percentage that a Jonin sensei was entitled to get." Ken mused

"I wonder when would I next do an S rank mission. I don't think that I would be a part of an S-rank mission for a couple of years now. Well, that's good I would have some time to train before taking missions that are way up for my current level. This mission would have gone terribly wrong without Uncle Jiraiya and Shikuro Sensei being there." Ken kept on mumbling while he swung his sword to practice his kenjutsu.

"This mission success might be a fluke. Everything aligned with our plan successfully. Pakura was convinced easily. Kiri shinobi were not much stronger. No important person was killed that would have impacted the timeline much later on." Ken said thanking whatever god was watching over his fate and he did not forget to thank the goddess of luck too.

"Who knows if I don't thank her what she would do to me? She might get upset and make my life so unlucky that I might start getting targeted by Orochimaru, Danzo, and Akatsuki at the same time." Ken mumbled as he suddenly shivered at the thought of all these creeps who might come for his life.

"Now that I think about it, Would not I become a good bargaining chip for any of them? Like Danzo can steal Shisui's eye and put me under its genjutsu to make me agree to all his commands then he might ask me to tell Grandpa to make him the Hokage and seeing that I am the one that is suggesting it, Grandpa might even agree." Ken's mumbling got scarier and scarier as he kept on thinking about such things.

"Akatsuki might straight up ask for Naruto in exchange for my life. As much as I like my grandpa and how great a Hokage is, I am pretty sure that he would do this deal without a care for Konoha. As for Orochimaru, I don't want to even imagine what that Pedophile has in store for me. I should stop thinking about all of this, there is no way something like this would happen. I am keeping a low profile after all. Uhh.... I just hope that I did not jinx myself." Ken crossed his fingers before leaving one final prayer to the goddess of Luck and fate. He then moved to think about Pakura while practicing the movement technique of his Kenjutsu.

"Big Sis Pakura does not have any more suspicions of Leaf orchestrating their betrayal thanks to Suna who confirmed to the world that Pakura had died and the culprit is Iwa. Whoever had even a tinge of suspicion about Konoha having done something dissipated with the release of this statement. This also solidified her belief in Grandpa and Konoha."

"Though it seems like the Kiri shinobi are still looking for signs of Pakura. It looks like they are not sure of her death since there was no complete dead body present on the battlefield. So they discreetly started searching for big Sis Pakura near the Land of Water. They might have thought that if she was badly injured, she would not have gone very far with those injuries."

No one except Hiruzen, Shikuro's team, Jiraiya, Shikaku, Ken's dad who was the anbu commander and the anbu who healed Pakura knew about Pakura being alive and being assigned as one of Lord Third's personal guards.

Even the other personal guards like Mukai did not know who the young girl who had joined their squad was.

Pakura was completely unrecognizable since she dyed her hair and masked her chakra signature with some fuinjutsu. Although this is just a temporary solution as sometime in the future, it would be relieved that she is alive. But Hiruzen wanted it to be as far as possible in the future so that they could milk all the benefits they could with the extra S-rank shinobi in the village.

While she could not leave the village because of the fear of her identity being revealed but an extra S rank village for the protection of the Hokage and the village freed the other Anbu personal guards from their duty and they could undertake more missions outside the village.

"Well, All things worked out in the end. Even the elders think that Pakura is dead according to Grandpa. Danzo's face would be a spectacle when he realizes that the supposed dead S Rank shinobi is alive and is acting as a personal guard of his long-time friend and the third Hokage." Ken imagined Danzo trying to assassinate his grandpa with the help of the entire root when he thinks Hiruzen is vulnerable and has only a single guard with him.

"Oh, the hell Pakura would release on those root shinobi. I don't think that she would take it kindly when fellow Konoha shinobi attacked their hero Hokage after what she had just experienced. Oh, I almost feel pity for Uncle Danzo." Ken stopped his training and his mumbling as he saw his grandpa stroll into the training ground.


A/N: Well, I have disguised Ken's thinking as mumbling and him talking to himself. Some might find it annoying but I think its something natural. We all talk to ourselves when there is no one that we can share these things with. Ken cant talk baout the things that he has seen in theanime so he shares it with himself to lighten the burden.

Anyways it's the 100th chapter. Oh how time flies. Thankyou for supporting me until now and I hope that you keep on supporting ne.


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