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The First Demigod SonOf Zeus (Dc) The First Demigod SonOf Zeus (Dc) original

The First Demigod SonOf Zeus (Dc)

Author: UchihaIzuna

© WebNovel



Perseus (Tyr), the first Demigod child of Zeus.

Born from the union of a mortal woman named Calliope and the perverted God-King of Olympus, Zeus. With the affair between the two being found out by the wife of Zeus, Hera.

Tyr and his mother were condemned to a life of suffer and misery with the latter suffering far waste pain than mortal in existence until she died.

On the day of her death, Tyr was visited by Zeus making the young Demigod come to a realization and understand his origin and the reason for the suffering. Tyr, full of wrath at the gods for what they went through changed his name from what meant Deity(Tyr) to Perseus which meant Destroyer and made a proclamation to seek out revenge on the Gods of Olympus for his mother and himself.

Zeus not being able to tolerate the audacity and arrogance of his son smite his ass to the land of Hades but he came back to life and began his journey for revenge.

Powers and Stats:::

Tier: At least High 6-A, likely 4-A | 3-C: Galaxy level | Low 2-C | Low 1-C, possibly far higher

Key: Demigod, with the Power of Hope | After recreation of his body by Nyx and killing of all the Titans in Tartarus |Tapping into the full power boost provided by Deicide and activation of his divine wrath.

Name::: Tyr( Formally), Perseus(Greek: 

Origin::: Me

Gender::: Male

Age::: 16,000+ years old

Race::: Demigod(Formal), Transcendental God

Powers and Abilities:::

[Transcendental God Physiology: As the son of the King of the Gods Zeus and to the mortal woman Calliope, Perseus was born a demigod, already granting him godly superhuman powers and abilities. Already beyond most mortals and monsters, to where armies of them pose no threat to him, his acquiring a new body from the Primordial Goddess of Night, Nyx and becoming a true God which dramatically enhanced Perseus' powers beyond his previous self even with the Power of Hope, allowing him to become the most powerful deity in the Greek World, surpassing and killing all the Titans and becoming a threat that the most of the being in the Sphere of the Gods to be wary of.] =

[God-level Physical Characteristics], [Life Absorption, Magic Absorption, Energy Absorption and Power Absorption: { Perseus natural born divine abilities which makes him able to absorb and assimilate all the prowess of his killed enemies}], [True Immortality], [Accelerated Development and Empowerment], [Reactive Evolution], [Power Bestowal], [Resistance Negation], [Cosmic Awareness], [Omniscient], [Precognition and Clairvoyance], [BFR], [Conceptual Manipulation], [Law Manipulation], [Abstract Existence], [Reality Warping], [Space-Time Manipulation], [Spatial Manipulation], [Time Manipulation], [Matter Manipulation], [Mind Manipulation], [Soul Manipulation], [Life and Death Manipulation], [Fire Manipulation], [Solar Creation and Destruction], [Explosion Manipulation], [Radiation Manipulation], [Holy Manipulation], [Fusionism and Creation], [Light Manipulation], [Energy Manipulation and Projection], [Invisibility Negation and Intangibility Negation], [Portal Creation and Dimensional Travel], [Advanced Non-Physical Interaction], [Durability Negation and Deconstruction], [Immortality Negation], [Flight], [Teleportation], [Telepathy], [Telekinesis], [Sealing], [Lightning Manipulation], [Weather Manipulation], [Shapeshifting], [Size-Shifting], [Self-Sustenance], [Abstract Existence] (Became the Divine embodiment of each of the Divinities of the Titans and Gods that he killed throughout his journey for revenge), [Acausality], [Magic], [Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant], [Weapon Mastery], [Weapon Control], [Master Martial Artist], [Divine Wrath].

Resistance to the Following::::

[Precognition], [Illusion Creation and Perception Manipulation], [Status Effect Inducement], [Madness Manipulation], [Death Manipulation],[Empathic Manipulation], [Sound Manipulation], [Power Absorption], [Cosmic Radiation], [Petrification], [Transmutation], [Poison Manipulation and Acid Manipulation], [Soul Manipulation], [Mind Manipulation], [Memory Manipulation], [Conceptual Manipulation], [Curse Manipulation], [Disease Manipulation], [Power Nullification], [Resistance Negation][Deconstruction], [Electricity Manipulation], [Paralysis Inducement], [Possession], [Void Manipulation], [Corruption].

{Attack Potency}::: Multi-Continent level (Was able to push Zeus a couple of meters back with a single punch to the face a few minutes after awakening his divine blood and later went on to defeat countless minor Gods and monsters that Zeus sent after him), likely Multi-Solar System level with the Power of Hope| Galaxy level (Defeated all the Titans imprisoned in Tatarus and many hedious and powerful monster after the creation of his new body) | Low Multiverse level (Fought on par with Zeus and Hade and kept up with their latent power growth) | Low Complex Multiverse level, possibly far higher (Inconceivably more powerful than before after the activation of Deicide and his divine wrath, fought with all twelve Olympians Gods, Gaia, Helios, Selene and Eos along with many Giants, the three Furies and many monster for many decades)

{Speed}::: Infinite (Perseus possess multiple levels of superhuman speed with Hyperion's and the Titan's divine abilities and strength making him FTL in speed and with Chronokinesis, his speed reached Infinite making him able to keep with and brutally beat up Zeus and Hade simultaneously.) | Irrelevant (After activating the full boost of Deicide and his divine wrath together which boosted his overall speed and strength beyond anything measurable.)

{Lifting Strength}::: Immeasurable (Stronger than Atlas the strongest of the Titans and equal to Zeus in his base form) | Immeasurable (Wrestled with both Zeus and Hade in his base form and completely overpowered them and multiple Gods, Titans, Giants and monster after activating the full boost of Deicide and his divine wrath.)

{Striking Strength}::: Multi-Continent level, likely Multi-Solar System | Galaxy level | Low Multiverse level | Low Complex Multiverse level, possibly higher.

{Durability}::: Low Multiverse level (Was impaled by the Blade of Olympus on multiple different occasions, survived and managed to recover quickly and come back even stronger, even after being impaled as a demigod. | At least Low Complex Multiverse level, possibly higher (Immeasurably more powerful than his prior self with activation of Deicide and his divine Wrath)

{Stamina}: Immeasurable (Fought with the Gods, Titan, Giants and Monster for many decades without any rest.)

{Range}: Low Multiversal through his sheer strength and powers alone and higher with Deicide equipped.

{Standard Equipment}: Deicide

{Intelligence}: Supergenius. Went from being an untrained Demigod to a full on master of martial arts and weapon with a few months after he started his journey.

{Weaknesses}: Deicide. Being a weapon forged with his heart and essence infused into it, it is the only thing in existence that can pose a significant threat to him and possibly kill him if impaled in the heart.

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