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Three Hours Away, Longing Sets In

"I'm here, Gab."

Knocking on Vigne's door, Gabriel was greeted by Raphiel.

"Why are you always the one answering the door?"

Entering the room, Gabriel complained to her.

"Is there something wrong with me opening the door?"

Raphiel smoothly closed the door and asked.

"It's okay, I'm just a little curious." Gabriel said casually, "Shouldn't hard work like this be left to fools like Satania who only have physical strength?"

"I'm not a fool!"

Satania, standing in the middle of the room, vehemently protested Gabriel's exaggerated statement.

"Well, that's because I wanted to be the first one to see Gab~" Raphiel said with the most ambiguous tone possible.

"Sorry, my bad. I shouldn't have asked such a cheeky question."

Gabriel took the initiative to apologize for her rudeness.

If Ren uttered these words from his mouth, she might have felt pleased, but when Raphiel said them, it just made her feel cold.

Of course, with Ren's character, he would never be able to say such a thing.

"Raphiel is closest to the door, so please open it for she."

Vigne intervened at the right moment and answered Gabriel's question without any doubt at all.

"By the way, Gab, you rarely look like this today."

Seeing the sparkling Gabriel, Vigne could only sigh.

"This is just a little grooming. Don't look at me with such critical eyes."

Gabriel straightened her clothes and tried to maintain her current tidy appearance.

"Gab is trying to hide the fact that she has become sluggish from heaven." Raphiel said.

"Is it necessary to go this far?"

Vigne approached, staring at her attire without a single wrinkle, and asked puzzledly.

"There's no other choice, heaven doesn't allow cell phones, laptops, and other human entertainment devices to be brought in." Gabriel explained gently, "But those with good grades are allowed to bring them in if they have a valid reason."

"That's why I plan to play the good grades card and bring all kinds of entertainment gear."

"You've really worked hard to achieve this." Vigne couldn't help but complain, "But, will your final exam results really make you a good student?"

"Who says those with poor grades can't be good students?"

Gabriel replied reasonably.

"Okay." Changing the subject, Vigne confirmed to them, "Did everyone forget to bring something?"

"No." Raphiel answered.

"I don't have any issues here!"

Satania said with her hands on her hips.

"I'm ready too." Gabriel said softly.

"In that case, I'll open the gate." Vigne took out a teleportation card and threw it into the air, "In my name, Vignette April Tsukinose, the teleportation gate will be opened."

As the teleportation card landed, the teleportation array also opened, including the four of them.

After a moment, the four of them disappeared.

The boundary between heaven and the demon world.

"It's been so long since I've been here."

Seeing the clear boundary between heaven and the demon world, Vigne felt nostalgic.

Raphiel echoed, "Yes, the atmosphere here is still soothing."

"It's so secluded that it makes people feel comfortable. At least some transportation facilities could be built." Gabriel complained with a smile.

"Only her complaints haven't changed at all." Vigne said softly.

"The gate to the demon world is here, let's go there first."

Pointing to the Demon World area on the left, Vigne said this.

"See you after the holidays." Raphiel bid farewell.

After saying goodbye to Satania and Vigne, Gabriel and Raphiel walked towards heaven.

"I have to bring this game."

Gabriel made a decision.

"Go for it, Gab!" Raphiel encouraged.

Of course, it's not easy to bring that game to heaven; the first step is to face baggage inspection in heaven.

"Welcome back, this is the Heaven Baggage Security Checkpoint." A staff member greeted them, "Returning this time are Tenma-san and Ainsworth-san."

"Thank you for your hard work." Gabriel tried her best to act like a good student.

"In that case, classmates Tenma-san and Ainsworth-san, please allow me to check your carry-on items."

The staff member began their routine.

"First, Ainsworth-san."


Raphiel took her suitcase, placed it on the baggage security machine, and approached.

Cell phones are strictly prohibited from being brought into heaven, so Gabriel didn't bring it at all, but left it in the human world.

'This is the moment to determine my fate! I will spend the entire holiday playing as a good angel.' Gabriel's idea was very firm.

"Is this?"

The staff member took out a box of snacks they checked from her luggage.

"This is a human snack, Baumkuchen, a specialty food that I brought for my family." Raphiel explained softly.

"Okay, everything's fine."

After returning the snacks, the staff shouted, "Next, Tenma-san."


Placing her suitcase on the security check machine, Gabriel quietly waited for the security check result.


Taking out a bag of potato chips, the staff asked her.

"Potato chips. It's a human product that I brought for my little sister." Gabriel explained without changing her expression.

"Is that all, what about this one?"

The staff member took out a bottle of Coke and continued asking.

Gabriel then said, "Coke. It's a human drink that my sister wants to try."

"There's nothing wrong with this specialty food." The staff returned the snacks and then took the game console she brought. "So what's this? It seems like some kind of entertainment device."

"This was given to me by my friend in the human world. It's a testimony of our friendship."

Gabriel put forward words she had long thought about.

"I'm sorry. Even if it's a testimony of friendship, this item cannot be brought in." The staff confiscated it. "We will return it to you when you leave heaven."

'My console!!!' Gabriel's heart bled.

To make the most of this summer vacation, she spent a lot of money buying games on the game console.

Now she can't play it at all.

"The last item is this laptop. Sorry, you can't bring that laptop either."

As the staff was about to put it away, Gabriel suddenly said, "It is a laptop, but it's not an entertainment device, but a tool needed to save humanity."

"How so?"

The staff member asked, puzzled.

"Use the internet to understand human information and take appropriate preventive actions. I hope by continuously understanding the latest information, I can guide humans in the right direction and help them." Gabriel said seriously, folding her hands in front of her chest.

"Right, that's a very noble intention!"

The staff seemed touched by her words.

"Great, then..."

Gabriel was so happy that she was about to take her laptop from the staff's hands.

"In that case, welcome to Heaven's grand library." The staff continued.


Gabriel was stunned, and the smile on her face froze.

"Although the number is not many, heaven has recently introduced a number of computers, and they can also connect to the Internet." The staff introduced. "Of course, games cannot be played."

"Excuse me, where is my laptop?" Gabriel asked hesitantly.

"Sorry, we'll keep it for you for now."

The staff member uttered the words she least wanted to hear.

"So I worked so hard, but what for!"


After leaving the security checkpoint, Gabriel pulled her suitcase and walked towards the Gate of Heaven with Raphiel.

"Gab, haven't you returned since you came down to Earth?" Raphiel asked in surprise.

"No, it's too much of a hassle."

Gabriel answered without hesitation.

During their time in the human world, they were free to return to heaven if they wished, as were the demons.

But she found it cumbersome and never returned.

"No wonder you don't know about the Heaven Library." Raphiel sighed.

"No way, who would have thought that a serene place like Heaven would introduce computers."

Due to lack of information, her most precious laptop was confiscated.

After walking for a while, they reached the Gate of Heaven.

"Well Gab, I'll go now."

Raphiel spread her wings and bid her farewell.


After watching her leave, Gabriel spread her wings and flew towards her home.

"If I didn't bring my laptop and game console, it seems like I'll just spend the summer vacation sleeping."

As she approached her house's door, Gabriel got down and walked slowly while pulling her suitcase.

"I'm back."

Opening the door, Gabriel unconsciously shouted.

"Welcome back."

Upon hearing the voice, a little girl with twintail hair ran out of the room and greeted she.

"Oh, Haniel."

Gabriel was quite happy to see her sister.

"Long time no see, Gabriel Onee-chan."

Haniel hugged Gabriel and shouted enthusiastically.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel touched her head, "By the way, where is Onee-san?"

"Onee-san said she has business at the university and will only come back later. Mom and dad went to work and will only come back tonight." Haniel let go of her hand and answered.


Gabriel pulled her suitcase and walked towards the inner room.

"Onee-chan, how are you in the human world? Are you happy?" Haniel asked curiously.

"I'm very happy."

"That's great, I want to go too."

Haniel was very envious.

Gabriel didn't say anything, and just casually placed her suitcase aside.

"Onee-chan, please play with me this afternoon." Haniel asked hopefully.


After hesitating for a while, Gabriel chose to agree.

Originally, she wanted to sleep, but she couldn't bear to refuse her sister, so she had no choice but to agree.


"So tired..."

Gabriel lay weakly on her bed and sighed deeply.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have agreed to play with her sister.

The main reason was that the game content was quite boring, all of them were simple games like jumping rope, throwing sandbags, and bouncing marbles, not even comparable to the most basic online games.

For her, it was very boring.

In the end, she told her sister to leave with a bag of potato chips, and then she could go back to her room to rest.

"By the way, what is Kamikawa doing now?"

Taking a group photo from her pocket, Gabriel involuntarily thought about this issue.

"Let's forget about it, I don't want to think about it anymore, let's quickly go to sleep. Besides, it's only for a month, and I'll see him again soon."

With this thought in mind, Gabriel closed her eyes and prepared to sleep to pass the time without doing anything.

However, thirty minutes had passed

Gabriel was still awake and had no intention of sleeping.

"No, I can't sleep at all."

Sitting up and looking at the clock hanging on the wall, Gabriel wondered if the time on the clock was wrong.

"It's going to be a long time before I can go back..."

She had been separated from Ren for three hours and missed him.

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