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95.69% Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic) / Chapter 89: Chapter 88: Countless and Only One

Chapter 89: Chapter 88: Countless and Only One

There was a battlefield that had gone off the rails. Until a few hours ago, it was supposed to be the grounds of a mere magic school. Now, it is filled with the blood and corpses of numerous magical creatures and the destruction caused by the battle. The lake is murky with blood and poison, and debris is floating in it. The forest is still burning, and the beasts are running around in confusion. Even now, the roars and death cries of various magical creatures are echoing everywhere.

An even more incredible sight was unfolding just near Hogwarts Castle. A group of men with exactly the same face and physique were fighting a single boy. Multiple Dark Lord Voldemorts, each with more power than their prime, were pressing against Leonard Taylor. They, who have the same soul, are fighting with an unruffled combination to defeat Leonard Taylor. Their bodies, which have the same magical properties as the Horcrux, nullify half-hearted magic and have powerful physical strength and recovery power due to modifications. Even Albus Dumbledore, said to be the greatest wizard in history, would surely lose if he were old now, let alone in his prime.

But Leonard Taylor is fighting them on equal terms. He knocks down the approaching emperor with high-speed movement and avoids him with the same speed. He breaks the magic that approaches with a density that leaves no escape route head-on. He instantly activates more magic alone than the bullets of a Muggle machine gun. Surely Voldemort is the greatest dark wizard in history. But he is a wizard. On the other hand, Leonard Taylor deviates from the common sense of wizards in the first place.

A body incorporating the characteristics of numerous magical creatures. The water of life created from the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate healing, the very life itself, is converted into infinite magical power by a body that is not violated by anything. Equipping several incredibly powerful magical items on his body. A soul that will never perish. Can such a being be called a wizard? This is no longer such a thing.

The Voldemorts know this all too well. They understand it better than anyone else who is fighting. Still, they have no intention of losing or dying. More than ten emperors have already fallen to the ground. They know they can't win with individual power. Then, they will just throw everything at it! More, more, more! If they don't fight with all they have, they won't have a chance to win! The speed of being defeated is faster than the speed of increasing.

"Ha ha, there are too many to keep up with. Well, how about this?"

In an instant, the air in a space about 30 meters around Leo changed. The emperors, who immediately sensed the danger, retreated, but some were left behind in that space.

"What ...this...!?"

"What..... is.....?"

Their movements and words within that space had become incredibly slow. Attacks from outside the range also only advanced sluggishly once they entered the range. It's as if, yes, as if time has gone awry.

"That's right. As you guessed, the flow of time in this space is slower than usual. Only I can move normally here. Well, let's reduce the number a bit."

As Leo said that, the dark lord within the effective range were destroyed one by one.


"Well, let's continue with the field test of the new magic. The best dream, Suma Somnium."

One of the emperors hit by Leo's flash of light collapsed to the ground. His face was happy and sloppy, covered in tears and drool.

"Next. State Excess Pubble."

The next spell was cast. Of course, the emperors are not dull and take evasive action. They defend against the magic that follows them with the shield spell Protego, but three of them were done in. The three didn't even leave proper corpses. They evaporated into a gooey liquid or gas. But there's no time to worry about such corpses. The goal is to break through the defense, destroy the body, seize any opportunity to stop the movement, and seal it so that it can never be revived. For that, there's no need to spare sacrifices, and even if they die, it's okay as long as at least one person survives.


The roar of the dark lord echoed through Hogwarts.


Several minutes later.

The hostile magical creature forces had dwindled to a few. Ku, a colony of single-celled organisms carrying the water of life, is almost immortal. Therefore, no matter how many modified magical creatures there are, they cannot be killed. There's no chance for the opponent just in that point. While exterminating the remaining magical creatures, Ku was watching the battle between the emperor and Leonard Taylor.

Most of the emperors were scattered around as corpses. Unscathed, dismembered, liquid, not a trace left, burned, various identical bodies were scattered around. Only five remained. No additional emperors appeared, and their lives seemed to be at their end.

"Is it almost over? Don't you have any new magic?"

Saying that, he buries one. The Dark Lord doesn't answer. Instead, he grins.

"Of course there is. I expected that I wouldn't win just by doing this, but the difference is more than I expected."

Three of them put up the maximum defense, Protego Maxima, to protect the remaining one. It takes about ten seconds to activate the trump card. They create a shield with the momentum of shaving off their souls to buy that time. Leo has no intention of interfering with that. What kind of magic will show next after the soul split and duplication? Even though it's a top-level battle betting on the magical world, the world, for Leonard Taylor, magic is the most important thing.

"I am me, myself is in myself. All of me is to destroy the enemy in front of me!"

He puts all his nerves into concentration and spits out the spell with all his soul.

"All my souls, gather here!"

With those words, the three who were protecting him fell down. And something faintly glowing came out of their bodies and entered the last emperor who chanted the spell. Not only that, something flew out from all the bodies scattered all over the place, more than a hundred, and was sucked into the emperor.

"A soul, huh..."

Those were souls. Souls that had grown by devouring the souls of others were entering a single body. With each soul that was infused, everyone at Hogwarts could feel the presence, magical power, and everything else of Voldemort increasing.

When all the souls were absorbed, there stood an entity truly worthy of being called a dark lord.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting."

"I see, I see. Combining souls to increase power. That's something only you, with multiple souls, can do."

Before he could finish his words, Leo was blown away to the wall of Hogwarts Castle. The four-layered ring defense was broken through, and damage was definitely inflicted on the body.

"Come, Accio Leonard Taylor."

The emperor pulls back Leo, who was embedded in the castle wall, and delivers further attacks. He blows him away, slashes him, explodes him, and slams him to the ground. He fires the ghost fire of pursuit into the crater that was created.

"How about that? Can you hear me? I've bundled numerous souls, all of them just to kill you. Magic is the act of transforming magical power into form, it's basic. What is most important for activating that magic, there's no need to tell you now. A spell? A wand? Certainly important. But the most important thing is the mind! The secret technique I used now not only unites souls. This enormous magical power that I have gathered all of myself! I have remade myself so that I can only use all of it to destroy you! It's a trivial matter that I can only use this powerful power against you! Thanks to that, I can handle this enormous magical power that would be difficult to control just to kill you perfectly! Burn out like this!"

The flame increases its heat and momentum. He continues to pour magical power into it to burn every cell, even a piece of the soul, faster than its regeneration speed. Everyone at Hogwarts was watching the spectacle as if it were the end of the world.

At the bottom of the flaming hole, a non-human was smiling while being burned to a crisp.


Final Battle Part 2

The battle between Ku and the magical creatures is almost over.

In the end, unless there is a way to completely kill Ku, it is inevitable that they will eventually lose, no matter how much they surpass in killing power or destructive power.

Countless Voldemorts VS Leo

The battle situation is almost even. However, this is only if Voldemort has infinite lives.

It takes time and sacrifices to create duplicates, so the remaining lives are limited

Gradually, as the number decreases, Leo gradually gains the upper hand.

The reason for slowing down time is a by-product of analyzing the reversal clock.

The drawback is that the deployment time cannot be very long.

The Best Dream: It's like a more dangerous version of the Northern Star Affection Fist. A Voldemort face... who benefits from this?

State Excess: A spell that changes the three states of matter in an instant. It was created as a spell useful for making potions, but I was also interested in its effect on the human body and tried experimenting.

Voldemort's trump card

Even if the body was destroyed, each body worked like a Horcrux, so there were duplicate souls of Voldemort around. The divided souls were each absorbing other people's souls and growing, so when they were combined into one body, they became a considerable total amount.

As a result, all abilities increased by the soul division (about a hundred times).

In addition, it is designed to exert more than full power just to kill Leonard Taylor.

All magic has a special correction against Leo.

It's like all the magic has a special correction for Leo.

Voldemort VS Leo goes to the final round

So, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Including this time, the main story will end in 4 more chapter

After that, I will write extra episodes when I feel like it.

I'm also thinking and fantasizing about the next work.

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