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Pokemon Leafy Green Pokemon Leafy Green original

Pokemon Leafy Green

Author: Rqmk

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Alex is a very unfortunate orphan who has been without parents since childhood. As an abandoned child, he doesn't even know his own birthday. Fortunately, Alex managed to survive, but life in the orphanage is a constant struggle for him with no other aspirations.

Sometimes, while gazing at the sky in the yard, Alex yearns to transform into a bird and fly away, wishing for the freedom to go wherever he pleases. However, he has no friends; all the children here now dislike him, and it all began a few days ago.

In the orphanage, there's a caretaker, an unmarried woman in her forties, who bears a terrifying scar on her face, extending from her forehead to her mouth. This scar, which appears somewhat less menacing when she's calm and gentle, turns absolutely fearsome when she's angry.

"Get up, you children! Get up!" she barked angrily. It was just dawn in the midst of winter, so the children knew they had to rise promptly, albeit reluctantly. All except Alex, who stubbornly clung to his bed. Witnessing this unexpected defiance from a child who had never challenged her authority before, the caretaker felt her dominance was being challenged.

"Fine, if you won't get up, I'll use this broom on you!" she threatened, her scarred face growing increasingly ferocious. Yet, Alex refused to leave his bed, clutching his thin quilt with determination.

"All right, suit yourself!" The caretaker snatched a battered broom with her coarse hands and approached Alex. This broom had no bristles, only a rigid wooden handle. It was hard and unforgiving, especially in the winter cold. Being just a child and already enduring the cold, Alex couldn't bear the pain any longer, so he reluctantly shifted. Unexpectedly, the caretaker swiftly yanked away the quilt with her large hands.

"Oh, he's wet the bed!" she remarked with a grin, causing Alex to blush in embarrassment. Bedwetting is a common occurrence among children, but the caretaker was unwilling to let it slide. She continued, "This little one is so dirty; everyone should stay away from him!" Alex raised his head to meet her gaze and retorted, "Are you still staring at me?" The caretaker glared back at him fiercely and said, "Fine, I'll stare all I want!" She proceeded to beat him again.

Several days have passed since this incident, and the other children in the orphanage no longer speak to Alex. Although he's only six years old, he understands that the children here are unusually mature for their age. Alex has been unwell lately, leaning against the wall to watch the other children playing outside. He misses the days when they all watched Pokémon on the old TV together, even though they were eventually made to stand in punishment by the caretaker. Alex cherishes those cherished memories and longs for that sense of camaraderie.

However, the harsh reality is that the weather is growing colder, and Alex is not only sick but also abandoned by his friends. Even the caretaker pays him no mind. The orphanage's director has been away for days, searching for potential sponsors. Alex doesn't know when the director will return.

One fateful day, the caretaker's anger flared up again, provoked by some unknown trigger. The children in the orphanage were all on their guard, terrified of her wrath. During this tense moment, one child accidentally knocked over a bowl of soup, shattering it into pieces.

Sensing an opportunity, the caretaker swiftly grabbed the broom and moved to strike.

Alex, for reasons unknown even to himself, rushed to protect the child, as though he were protecting himself from two years ago.

The hefty and robust aunt, while uttering curses, forcibly seized Alex and hurled him outside the door, which she slammed shut with a resounding clang. The cold, howling wind outside immediately assaulted Alex, causing his entire body to shiver as his body temperature plummeted.

Strangely, though, when he looked at the wounded and bleeding areas on his body, he felt no pain.

"What's happening to me? This feels so strange!" Alex sensed as though his soul had departed his body. Something was amiss; the young child couldn't comprehend what was wrong and assumed he was ill. Little did he know that this was far worse than any illness, for it was the thing people dread most - death.

After a few hours, heavy snowfall began. The pristine white snowflakes gradually blanketed Alex's small frame entirely. His nine-year-old body vanished beneath the snow and wind. "Really, you expect me to bring him back on such a cold day!" muttered the aunt as she emerged, "Why are you still hiding?" She gave a forceful kick and hit a rigid figure, not realizing that Alex was already lifeless.

"Oh, this...," she exclaimed upon picking up Alex, finally realizing, "Was he beaten too severely earlier? No one noticed, so he must have told the dean that he was killed!" The aunt hastily departed, leaving a trail of footprints in the snow. Over time, even those footprints vanished under the relentless snowflakes, as if erasing all evidence of the events that had transpired.

After some time, the orphanage was shut down. Rumor had it that an anonymous reporter exposed the situation, drawing government attention to Alex's case. All the staff at the orphanage were replaced, and both the caretaker and the director were apprehended by law enforcement. The caretaker eventually admitted her actions and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

People often say that after death, individuals enter the afterlife, undergo reincarnation, ascend to heaven if they were good, or descend to hell if they were evil. Which one is true? None of us truly know. But for Alex, he found himself detached from his original body, unsure of what lay ahead. Suddenly, he entered a dark abyss, only to find himself in a strange place in an instant, pulled into a different body that resembled his own. Alex was sucked in and lost consciousness once again.

"He should be fine; let's go!" a solemn voice said.

"Thank you!" replied a youthful voice.

Gradually, Alex felt as if he could open his eyes. His vision slowly focused on an elf standing before him, surrounded by a forest. A figure in the distance disappeared, as if intentionally avoiding Alex's gaze.

Alex asked, "Where am I?"

"This is a forest in Hoenn!" Celebi replied.

"Really?" Alex was briefly taken aback before realizing, "You can actually talk?" "Of course," Celebi responded, "Our Celebi clan possesses many extraordinary powers. You can too!"

Curious, Alex extended his right hand and released a green wave in an arc that swiftly cut through the grass below.

"What's this?" Alex inquired.

"It's like this: our clan's elders expended a great deal of divine power to transform your body and allow you to draw energy from the forest in the future. Close your eyes and feel it," Celebi explained.

Alex shut his eyes and sensed the surrounding green energy, which his body readily absorbed. "Your body was too feeble, but now you can grow up healthy," Celebi remarked.

"Really?" Alex responded joyfully. "Haha!" He had always aspired to make something of himself but had never been granted the chance. Now, with these special abilities, he could grow up strong and work towards his lofty goals.

"Pokemon World, here I come!" Alex exclaimed into the forest, startling a flock of birds.

That evening, Alex had an extensive conversation with Celebi. He learned that he had entered the Pokemon world, and his body had been altered to allow for healthy growth. Celebi also provided Alex with six Poke Balls. "You must practice diligently. I'll be leaving tomorrow. We've bestowed upon you a potent ability, but how you live your life is your responsibility," Celebi stated.

"Okay, thank you!" Alex replied.

"No need for thanks, but you must strive to become a great trainer," Celebi emphasized solemnly, a hidden expression in his eyes that Alex blissfully overlooked.

"All right, I promise!" Alex assured Celebi.

"You must be tired; go to sleep," Celebi advised. Indeed, Alex felt weary. He had been excited earlier, but exhaustion suddenly overcame him. Alex slowly drifted into slumber.

When he awoke, the sun was already high in the sky, and the forest teemed with various Pokemon. Alex observed a Rattata dashing by, and two Butterfree and Beedrill soaring gracefully overhead, their wings glistening in the sunlight. Alex felt an overwhelming sense of joy, eager to embark on his journey. But the first challenge he faced was...

"This is a forest; how do I find my way out?" Alex pondered, recalling how the protagonist Ash often got lost in the forest in the animated series. Would he wander for months on end?

"Never mind; I'm not in a rush to compete in any gym battles. I'll take my time. Step one is to bond with the Pokemon!" Alex noted that his body now brimmed with green energy and resolved to set out. When it came to Pokemon, Alex had a particular fondness for Grass-types. In Hoenn, what he yearned for most was a Tropius a Dragon like Pokemon capable of flight and have great strength.

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