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2.73% Chronicles of the Artisan Nomad / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Late Night Visit

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Late Night Visit

I look up to see someone I didn't want to see today of all days the man in front of me has deep red hair. His shades are dark so I can't see his eyes, but he means to start trouble I have run into him once or twice before. The man's name is Holvick he is a known thug around these parts heard he has been arrested more than a dozen times. The man stands tall around 6 feet he has a chiseled jawline, he has a silk bandana around his head, and a dark jacket with dark black sandals. His hair is a wild red color and it remains untamed and foreflowing down his back he looks like a homeless musician. The man is around 30 years old and is known for being involved with various small-town crimes.

He looks at the doll I am currently clutching in my hands he says, "Oh you still making these silly little toys boy?" He smacks the doll out of my hands and it falls ungracefully onto the floor near my feet he laughs. He then mocks, "You seem to be making a decent little profit on these dolls mind if I take my little cut?" I snap back anger boiling, "Your cut? I never agreed to that." He snorts, "Watch you tone boy. Yeah, my cut. My protection fee naturally." I pick up the doll on the ground, "I don't need your protection." Holvick looks at me amused, "The protection fee isn't optional is it," he laughs. Holvick shrugs, "Well no matter you either pay now or later I don't  care, but you're gonna regret not paying me now I will see to that."

Holvick stomps out of the shop before I can get a word in edgewise that was weird I figured he was going to get violent. I tried to calm myself, but his words made me nervous what would he do? Would he come back tomorrow, and try to see payment? The police can't do much to Holvick he is in a gang, a very dangerous gang. They wield powerful fire magic I hear they could burn a lot of this city if they were ever angered. They have this entire town at fire point since making them mad would cause them to lay waste with their fire magic. Attracting their attention was the worst thing that could have happened at this stage of my plans I would need to think of something quick.

A little girl saw the doll I had picked up her eyes grew tearful, "Mister is the doll hurt?" I looked at her with a passionate gaze, "No the doll is fine ." I handed her the doll I was going to sell her, and with that, I had earned enough money that my goal was no longer a pipe dream. I had three choices I could make here to ensure that I was able to leave town tomorrow. The first would be shutting down business early taking my earnings buying what I needed now, and rushing out of town with my tail between my legs early tomorrow. The second choice was to close up shop and try to deal with the Holvick situation now via negotiation, or otherwise pay his fee, and stay in town for now. The last would be to stick out the full day today, and hope for the best, but try to get what I needed at first light tomorrow to leave town.

I pondered for a moment I looked around at the many happy faces that were still shopping the many adults, and children browsing. I would be a failure of a shopkeeper if I ditched all of these customers, and just closed up shop now. No way I would do that I would never turn my back on the wonder of the children who still looked at my goods with glee. I buckled down and spent the rest of the day until closing selling as many of my goods as possible. I made a decent amount of extra money, and overall the day was a huge success even more than I predicted. The shop was open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., so I hung up the closed sign once the last customer had left the store. I began the next part collecting all the money, and properly tidying up all the loose ends from a long day's work.

I had no employees obviously, so every day was a 12-hour workday for me, and while it was exhausting, it was also very rewarding. This lack of employees meant that all the profit I got was directly mine for the taking, so that kept me afloat even on days when work was slow. An hour had passed since closing, so I began packing some of the stuff I would need for my big day tomorrow. I told my customers today that I would be leaving town tomorrow, and a lot of them were pretty upset, but ultimately they supported my dream. Some of my regulars wanted to celebrate given I would be leaving, but I decided that I would be fine with just their regards. A big party would be even worse with Holvick still out for blood, so I figured I would just try to get out of the city as soon as possible.

I would buy whatever I needed for tomorrow at sunrise, and then gather the stuff I had packed already quickly onto my new caravan. I am excited about tomorrow, but I am also a bit worried about Holvick ruining what I have built up over a year. I decided it was best not to think about it too much exhausted after tidying up and packing for two hours I headed to bed early at 8 pm. I lay down on my bed upstairs, and sleep quickly finds me. I dream of my past the earliest memory I have was of my father with his golden blonde hair carrying me around the city. He was holding my hand showing me different shops I must not have been more than a toddler, but despite this I can remember this vividly. His short blonde hair, green eyes, and charismatic, but easygoing face. 

I look into a mirror to see my face no longer a toddler I see my face as it was currently. My hair was the same as my dad's hair natural golden blonde hair, but blue eyes that shined in the dark. My grandfather always said I had his face too, but my personality was more like my mother's he suggested. He said that I had my mother's smarts, and her natural talent for craftsmanship. I never seen my mom before, but I heard she had chestnut brown hair, and blue eyes, her face was also softer than my dad's face. Pain stirs in my chest as I think about never getting to properly see them, but maybe one day we will meet again. Just as I am thinking that as I wake up a bit from the dream I hear a loud bang coming from the first floor of the house.

I quickly jolt out of bed I take a few things from one of the drawers in my room just in case it was a thief in the night. I rush down to the first floor to see a bright glow in the dark as I rush down the stairs in a panic. I see a bright figure glowing in the dark it looks almost demonic with the flames dancing from its palms. I recognize the figure as Holvick seems he struck in the middle of the night my door was busted wide open. He chuckles when he sees my face, "Oh I was wondering when you would wake up sleeping beauty I took the liberty of letting myself in." I shout back, "What the hell are you doing in my home Holvick!" Holvick grins madly, "Oh is that any way of talking to a customer?" I yell at him furious, "We have been closed for hours you are no customer just a trespasser!"

He shrugs, "Now now let's think for a moment." He places his hand closer to the wooden wall behind him, "What if my hand were to slip? What then? We wouldn't want to ruin all this hard work of your hmm?" I snap back, "What do you want Holvick.." Holvick exclaims, "Right now that is better. I want all your earnings for today in exchange I will take my flames out of this dusty little shop. What do you say, boy? Sound good?" I feel my face getting hotter that wasn't an option I needed that money to get out of the city, my dream would have to be put off again. Knowing Holvick this likely wouldn't be the end of his visits here now that he knew this place was profitable he would likely return. Giving into Holvick here would practically be the end of my dream he would drain me dry anytime he could meaning I would be stuck here.

My mind raced I needed a method to get Holvick out of here at least for tonight that was all I needed. I quickly came up with a plan I said to Holvick, "F-Fine is money all you need? Ok, then I will give you what I made for today." Holvick laughed, "Good boy you see was that so hard?" I walked over to the desk in the front where I had today's earnings stashed in a pile. The coins were held in a burlap sack I put the coins down on the desk and stated, "Alright here it is please just take these coins, and leave." I walked away from the desk as he approached, "Oh no problem as long as I have these coins I have no reason to stay here. I planned to lure him away from the wall, I grabbed a wooden rod that didn't seem to sell today behind me. 

It would normally serve as a walking stick for the older folks in the city, but right now it would be perfect as a weapon. I brandished my makeshift weapon as I watched Holvick pour out the coins onto the desk. He seemed like he was counting the coins far for him to trust that I would give him all of my earnings. This was the chance was looking for he would need to concentrate a little bit as he counted the coins. I brandished my makeshift weapon held the rod over my head, and slammed down aiming for his head with all my might. The weapon snapped as it slammed into Holvick's head I expected him to go down, but instead he grunted for a moment, but turned to me with murder in his eyes. Holvick hissed, "You've done it down boy! You are dead freakin' meat!" His hand glowed as the fire raged in his right hand a fire that would be thrown at me only moments later. 

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