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73.07% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 73: Chapter 67: New World Order 2; The Great Revelation

Chapter 73: Chapter 67: New World Order 2; The Great Revelation

Guys, I've already said it, but leave your review so more people can read it. 




"Ghost Rider Voice"

"Sabbac Voice"


Kiev, Ukraine, March 1, 11:50, 2017 (10 minutes before the event starts)

In the city of Kiev, 10 minutes before the event started, a rather old-looking man was unloading a truckload of goods at the door of his home. The goods were several cases of 'Green Cola' brand soft drinks. Said sodas were the most popular in the world, and the most sought after of most.

This was not strange, as the man, whose name was Anatoly, was the owner of a very popular restaurant in the capital of Ukraine. One of those restaurants steeped in history, as it was an establishment that had been maintained since the former USSR. And that its food, it was said to be utterly delicious. A wonder for anyone who tried it.

In short, it was quite popular, and a place where day by day it was filled with diners.

Next to him, helping him unload this merchandise, was a young man with dark skin and a kindly countenance. He was tall, at least six feet tall, and looked quite energetic. He was the delivery man for the soda brand.

This was not unusual to see. Since, with the arrival of such an important event for the whole world, many restaurants had stocked up on all kinds of merchandise, as the city knew it was going to be filled with tourists.

At the event, there were not only dignitaries and journalists. But also many foreigners who had come to see the event that would mark the beginning of the new era.

And clearly, hotels, restaurants and tourist sites would be full. Among which, a restaurant as popular as Anatoly's would be no exception. The fact that so many sodas were supplied was indicative of the fact that he expected the restaurant to be full for the whole week.

The capital, which threatened to be destroyed by Doomsday, was returning to the way it was. Lie. It was getting better with all the help and solidarity in the world. The Ukrainians were smiling and happy, trying to forget the dark time that ended a few months ago.

When they finished unloading the last box, the delivery man addressed Anatoly.

"Sir, this would be the last box to unload. That's a lot of sodas. But considering the circumstances, I think they're going to come up short"

"I think so too, young man. And thank you for helping me unload the sodas. It wasn't your job and you still took the time to help me. You are very kind" Anatoly took a bill out of his pocket and held it out to the young man.

" No, no, no, no, no, I can't accept it, sir. It was my pleasure to help you. If all this has taught us anything, it's to show solidarity with all of us. The new era is beginning. And I want to start it in the best way by helping you in any way I can"

"And let me tell you, young man. You know. I thought we were lost. When that gray-skinned monster came, I just questioned 'Lord, is this your way of telling us we've made a mistake?' I thought it was the end. That it was our divine punishment for all the evil we humans have contributed. And yet, when I thought all was lost, the Justice League came and put their lives on the line to save us. Finally, this city, and this country, sees hope again"

"What beautiful words, sir. You make me feel hope again" The delivery man shed a tear as he heard the beautiful words of the old man. It seemed that these words had touched him deep in his heart. However, his countenance changed to a worried one.

"However, sir. I am also scared"

"Scared?" the old man asked in disbelief. He didn't understand why this young man felt this way. This whole event was supposed to bring him joy.

"Yes, sir. I am very scared to know what is going to happen in the future. Everything is back to 'normal'. But what if the League goes rogue like The Light. Who's going to stop them. Besides, how do I know this isn't all a sham. Those questions and that uncertainty for the future make me feel afraid" the delivery man changed his countenance again and smiled a slight apologetic smile "I shouldn't feel that way, though. In the end. I'm just a simple delivery boy. I have no power to influence the world"

Anatoly took the young man's hands and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't say that, young man. All this made us realize that even the 'most insignificant' person, can make a difference if they put their mind to it. And don't be afraid. Although no one can guarantee us that heroes won't go rogue, I'm sure it won't happen. I saw it that day. They didn't help for recognition or power. They helped because they are heroes. Have faith in them, young man"

The young man nodded and smiled, "I will, sir" The young man smiled again and returned to his cheerful countenance. Giving him a good view of the popular restaurant, he changed the subject, and said to the old man.

"Sir, now that I get a good look at this place, it's very nice. I can see why this place has such good reviews. If the food is half as good as how nice this place looks, it sure is delicious to eat here"

"It's very nice, young man. And when the event is over, if you like, and you don't have work, I'll be happy to prepare the house specialty, for you"

"Thank you live here, too?"

"Oh, yes, just upstairs. These houses are very old as most of the establishments around here are houses left by our ancestors. This restaurant was started by my grandfather"

"Wow, how cool. But you don't live alone, do you?"

"Unfortunately yes. My wife died already a couple of years ago. But don't worry, young man. I have a son doing his master's degree in gastronomy in Madrid. He will be the one to inherit this establishment when I die"

"Sigh, that's a relief..... I had already worried about leaving this beautiful place without an owner when I kill you"

"Wait, what did you say-"



Anatoly couldn't even speak when he started to feel cold. Looking at his chest, he could see how a blood stain began to form and enlarge as the seconds passed and how two holes pierced his chest.

The young delivery boy changed his demeanor to a cold one while all this was going on. Looking at Anatoly, who was bleeding out and clutching his chest, he began to count in his head.

'3, 2, 1...' when he counted 0, Anatoly dropped like a rag, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"It's nothing personal, old man. You're very kind, and a great guy, but that's the job" said the delivery man who walked away removing his delivery suit, while revealing that he was wearing an armored suit underneath. It was a wine red armor.

'Where did I put them... here they are'

The young man began to take a couple of boxes from the stack he had brought. When he opened them, it was revealed that these boxes did not contain sodas. They contained various parts of a sniper's rifle.

In one box was the sighting equipment. In another was the base of the rifle. In another was the infrared. Etc. When he opened at least 5 or so boxes, he finally assembled the sniper rifle. This rifle looked different from any that were sold. And this one was special.

This rifle was the only one in the world that had the power to launch a bullet projectile more than 10 kilometers away from a target. When, normally, a sniper can only launch at a target between 800-1.2 km away. That this rifle could do that only indicated how high-tech it was.

Of course, a gun is useless, if the person firing it could not use it properly. But this 'young man' didn't really have that problem. Since, perhaps, out of everyone, he was the only one who can use this gun correctly.

The man locked down the entire facility and began programming various devices and sensors to warn him of upcoming dangers. Finally, when he secured the place, he moved upstairs where Anatoly lived. It was an old house. With only a couple of rooms. But that didn't matter. What mattered, was that this house was totally central to the location of the event that was to take place.

Setting up the rifle, and positioning it at the right angle, the man finally finished getting ready. The rifle's sights were directly overlooking the stage where the respective protocol speeches would be given. The man looked at his watch

'One minute to go' he stood up, and finished this whole routine by putting on a white mask that covered his face. The mask had a special lens to detect heat signals. And it also had a communication device. Activating said device, he spoke

"All set up and ready. No problems"




"Well done... Deadshot"

That's right, this sniper wasn't just anyone. He was Floyd Lawton himself, but known in the criminal world as Deadshot. And the one who was known to the world as the 'shooter who never misses'

Deathstroke was the best mercenary in the world. With the highest success rate. His level of danger was such that he specialized in almost every weapon in the world, and his mastery of combat was such that he was a formidable opponent on par with Batman himself. And despite all that, he also had great marksmanship with the sniper rifle.

However, despite all that skill, and enhanced abilities, he was no match for Deadshot when it came to shooting. Deadshot was not a super human or a super soldier, and yet, his level of marksmanship was such that not even Green Arrow, Merlyn or anyone else could match him.

Although he had fewer kills to his credit, and thus less success rate than Deathstroke, his exploits were no joke at all. His exploits were such that they even sounded comical when he told them.

I ask you, dear reader

Would you believe someone who claims to have killed a group of enemy mercenaries, simply by throwing a couple of marbles?

Well, it happened. And he did it. And that was just the tip of the iceberg of his crazy exploits.

"Floyd, let me remind you how important this mission is. I stuck my neck out giving you a way to get there so you could take that shot. ONE SHOT. Just one. You're never supposed to miss. Today better not be the first day you do"

"I won't, Waller. I won't miss" Floyd said to the voice on his communicator coming from none other than Amanda Waller herself.

The woman was observing the event, which was beginning, from a private and secure room in an unknown location. At that moment, the event had begun and Bruce Wayne was starting to give his speech. However, Batman was not the target. Because that would accomplish nothing.

Amanda had another target. That is, Michael Holt. The one who was the new head of the World Legislative Committee Center. And the one who was said to be the most righteous man in the world.

"Get ready, Floyd, when I tell you, you shoot"

"Roger that..." Deadshot took aim and visualized the dais. He already had the gun loaded and ready to just pull the trigger. The air favored him. Despite the great distance from the restaurant to the Ceremonial Center, it would be a clean and easy shot for him.

"But answer me one question, Waller, What's in this for you? I don't get it. The Light lost. This assassination is useless"

"That's of no interest to you, Floyd. You just need to do what I tell you. And you know what will happen if you don't…" Amanda said putting a lot of venom in her voice at the end.

"I understand" Deadshot no longer asked anything. Floyd's daughter was being threatened by this lady. If he didn't do what she asked, then she would be killed.

He thought that killing Michael Holt, it was useless. Sure. You're going to kill someone who's fair and good for the big job he's been given. But there are more people. They could even put Superman in and no one would complain about that. As Michael himself said in his speech. To the world, HE WAS NOBODY.

Also, something didn't sit right with Floyd. And that was Amanda asking for this mission specifically today. Today everything was cordoned off and secured. The city was secured by the largest security forces in the world. Besides the League, of course.

The only advantage Deadshot had was, that no one expected anyone to shoot from so far away. And that his cover as a delivery man, which was actually months in the planning, was well done. Simply put, after the assassination he would have little time to get out of there. But, with his role as a delivery boy he could make it.

However, the whole thing was weird. But he could not complain or question anything, because his daughter was in danger.

The event continued. Michael Holt said a few nice words in his hurried presentation. And finally, the opening event began. As Michael cut the red ribbon, Amanda finally commanded.



A loud popping sound, derived from the rifle's high power, echoed through the area. At a speed that exceeded the speed of sound, the bullet flew and headed for Michael with an almost impossible trajectory.

As if in slow motion, the bullet traveled spinning, comically passing windows, and old houses without stopping or deviating because of all the obstacles in front of it. Getting closer and closer to Michael, who still didn't realize that his life was in danger.

The bullet came closer. Closer and closer to Michael's forehead. By the time he noticed the bullet it was too late.

However, just as the bullet was about to hit Michael's forehead, a red blur came much sooner and stopped the bullet. Flash was there, stopping the bullet just two fingers short of Michael's forehead.

When people realized this, chaos ensued.

Everyone began to run, derived from the fact that a shot had been fired. Although they did not know where it had been, the global panic grew as everyone wanted to protect their lives.

However, before a catastrophe occurred and the whole event was ruined, Bruce moved and spoke into the microphone.

"QUIET. And calm down!" everyone stopped for these words of authority. At this point, the cheerful Bruce, who gave the very inspirational speech, was nowhere to be seen. He now only denoted authority and assurance. "Please return to your places in an orderly fashion. That all this, it was already foreseen before. At this point, the shooter has already been apprehended. Even Michael was aware of all this, Right, Michael?"

"That's right. This was a decoy to learn about those WE knew were making an attempt on our lives. Those who did not want this Center to open. And who we knew would make an attempt on this event and try to stop it. And the League has not disappointed. As you can see" Michael said pointing to various sides where various Justice League's members like Black Canary, Green Arrow, and even in the sky, where the pair of Hawks, were securing the location.

"There was never a danger. EVERYTHING here has been secured. This shows that the League is still strong. And that it is ready to safeguard our safety. Let's hear it for the League, please"

With that, everyone calmed down and returned to their seats. Many even began to applaud the heroes who were guarding the place. Journalists, at this point, were making calls to secure the news. They were already planning tomorrow's headlines in the newspapers.

<Justice League Saves Biggest Event of Current Era>

<Justice League made it again>

<World Legislative Center stands strong>

<Michael Holt makes us believe in the Justice League>

And more headlines were being planned at this point stemming from this whole event.

However, for Deadshot, this was anything but cheerful....


'Shit' thought Floyd as he saw that his shot had been stopped. Technically he hadn't missed, but was externally stopped. That was something he couldn't have planned for.

"Waller, I missed" Floyd said into the communicator. What greeted him, however, was pure static. "Waller, Waller, can you hear me?"


"Shit" Floyd no longer tried to communicate.

He should have followed his instincts that told him this was all very weird and get the hell out of there immediately without taking the shot. Now, sure enough, the heroes were headed right where he was.

Unfortunately for Deadshot, the heroes weren't headed there. The heroes were ALREADY there.

"Are you leaving already?" said Anatoly's voice. At this moment, the old man who had previously been 'killed' by Deadshot's bullets, looked totally fine.

At that, his entire elderly body began to transfigure and change until he was a green humanoid in a black suit with an 'X' on his chest. It was Martian Manhunter.

Although in the fight against Doomsday he was thought to have died, the Martian had survived by sacrificing his arms and breaking free from Doomsday's grip.

Martians had a capacity for bodily regeneration. The problem was that it demanded a lot of energy from them. It had taken him many months to recover, but now he was as good as new.

When the Martian revealed, Deadshot realized that it was all fucked up. And that it was always a trap all along.

Deadshot pulled out a device with a red button. Turning around, he walked to the window and jumped out. As he jumped he activated the device, which would detonate the bombs and devices he had set while securing the place.




However, the expected detonation never happened. And unfortunately, neither did the fall, as Superman just stopped Floyd mid-jump.

"Deadshot. Sigh. Really?" said Superman, with a look of pity. Floyd there realized there was no escape now. Raising his hands in surrender, he said.

"I surrender. Even if you want, I'll talk about who hired me, but help me rescue my daughter-" Deadshot was about to ask for help to rescue his daughter, but he wasn't finished asking, when Superman interrupted him.

"Your daughter has already been rescued. And she's fine. Amanda won't be able to use her against you anymore. She's safe. You have my promise"





"You think we're only in the business of ending riots and disputes in countries. No, Floyd. In all these months we've been imprisoning everyone involved with The Light. Ending what little resistance this group had left. And Amanda Waller, she was the last on our list. Elusive. But thanks to you, we now know where she's hiding"

"But I didn't say anything" there realization hit Floyd. "The Martian. He impersonated the owner, Anatoly, and read my mind"

"That's right. Right now, I think she's being apprehended by the Beta group. The Light dies with her"

'Finally, it's all over'

Or so Superman thought. What he didn't know was that it had all started…


Las Vegas, while all this was going on

In the secret facility where Amanda Waller was located. Which, in fact, was a subway facility, whose surface cover was a casino in Las Vegas. And of which it was used as a cover to move resources. Amanda, along with her entire team of operatives, who were monitoring Floyd's mission, were captured.

Unlike other times, where Amanda had large work teams, the best of technology and other resources to carry out missions, at this time, it all looked pitiful.

Sure, she still had state-of-the-art computer technology. And a fairly large and capable staff. But, it was clear that resources were very limited. And Amanda had to make do with what she had for the missions. And this was seen when none of them put up any resistance for the Justice League.

In fact, Amanda had only a couple of soldiers and Deadshot. The others were mere computer operators. Some had not even received training and begged not to have anything done to them.

In reality, Amanda worked on the basis of blackmail. Like with Floyd and his daughter, she had many of the people here under threat. She didn't have much money and had to make do.

And this was for one reason. The Justice League. 

As Edgar mentioned. The Justice League didn't have the resources to help him track down the Obscurus and it was for a good reason. Not only did they 'fix' the world's conflicts and put a new order in place. But they actually did a total 'cleansing' of the world.

Politicians. Businessmen. Villains. Important and powerful hidden people who helped The Light in the shadows to become the great organization it was. Every time The Justice League thought they were finally done. More and more names came up involved in this past events.

And Amanda Waller was one of the main ones. None other than the one considered the phantom executive member. The one who was the nexus for Vandal to ally with the entire U.S. Senate chamber, and who was the nexus to take over the UN.

Besides, for the Justice League, Amanda was considered the last resistance of The Light. The one who had the ability to reignite the bonfire of anarchy and chaos previously generated.

But not anymore. Because she was already retained.

Sure, there were villains who couldn't be found, like Poison Ivy, Deathstroke or Shiva, but they were loners and weren't as 'dangerous' as Amanda was right now. The League labeled Amanda more dangerous not because she had powers, because she did NOT. She was a mere human.

However, she was dangerous because, like Vandal was, she had a lot of charisma, poise and leadership. Traits that were detrimental to the League if they wanted to prevent another The Light from emerging.

"It's over, Waller" said a voice coming from none other than Batman.

But wait, wait, author, what do you mean by Batman if Bruce is at the event in Ukraine.

Ah well, you see reader. Actually, 'Bruce', or the Bruce who said the very inspirational speech, wasn't really Bruce. It was Miss Martian impersonating him.

She had studied Bruce for a long time, with his permission, to simulate him on this mission. Perhaps she lacked it. Because as was said. The speech was TOO inspiring for someone who was Batman.

But hey, it wasn't bad either. It even improved Bruce's image and popularity.

At this point, Batman, who was the real Bruce Wayne, was standing before Amanda, who was handcuffed by Vixen.

"Resistance is futile. You and your team will be apprehended for everything you did. With you The Light dies" Batman narrowed his eyes and became more serious. "One thing I wonder though, why did you do it, why today, and why Michael Holt. Speak, NOW"

"Ha, I guess I have nothing left to lose by telling you, Bat. I did it so people would see that the Justice League can't be trusted. If I killed Michael in front of the world's eyes and while the League was 'guarding' their safety. Then the world would lose the faith they have in you because of the events with Doomsday. And they would doubt again. Then I could re-influence and create another The Light"




'As I suspected. She's not Amanda Waller' thought Batman.

Just like Deadshot. Batman thought it was also stupid to do all this today. Sure, they were ready to act if anything happened at the event. And they already had Deadshot monitored. They were even ready to move when Martian Manhunter discovered, with his mind power, Amanda's hideout. But it was still weird.

Actually, a lot of the events that happened at the end with The Light were strange. As if someone had influenced it all to end earlier. Specifically Vandal, who turned from a cold and calculating leader to a desperate and totally hysterical one.

Some of the strange events were:

- Vandal rushing in and calling them to his territory for a final war.

- Choosing to become Doomsday when the project was a failure.

- And the worst. Inciting Edgar and pissing him off with the deaths at the orphanage.

All this, and more, made Batman wonder if something else was going on. And that would be discovered today. Today the whole mystery would end. 

Batman nodded to his companions and said.

"Take them away"

"So, we will be the first to debut the new laws and the new judicial system that will be used worldwide starting tomorrow. What an honor" said Amanda as she scoffed at all this.

However, despite the fact that Amanda's collaborators were taken out one by one, Vixen never lifted the woman. Even though everyone had left, Vixen, Batman and Amanda still remained in the room.

Amanda began to feel a sense of urgency about the whole thing. A thought began to pop into her head. Unfortunately that thought was confirmed when Batman told her

"You're wrong, Amanda. They and Deadshot will be tried by the new laws, tomorrow. But you. Let's just say you'll be tried like we did with all our old prisoners of war before the whole new order was established"

"And that is..."


A raspy, shadowy voice was heard. When Amanda heard and recognized who was speaking, she began to tremble with fear.

At that, an orange portal materialized, and out of it came Diana and Edgar in his Rider form. When Amanda saw Edgar, she began to tremble and cry uncontrollably.


Batman looked at her showing no feeling. For anyone, the desperate and sad behavior shown by Amanda would make anyone change their mind, but Batman was not anyone. He was unfazed by all this false acting.

Looking at Edgar, he said.

"He's all yours"

Edgar nodded and turned to Diana

"Diana, please" 

"Sure" Diana threw her lasso and tied the pleading Amanda with it.

"No, please, no, I beg you, please, no"

Amanda cried. She begged. She pleaded. But Diana didn't flinch either. When she bound her with her lasso, she requested.

"The lasso of Hestia, asks you to tell the truth. Reveal who you really are"

The lasso shone brightly and there, as if by magic, Amanda's whole demeanor changed. Her crying stopped, as her body began to convulse. Black saliva began to flow from her mouth, while the pupils of her eyes turned completely black. As this transformation passed, Amanda's voice changed.

A raspy, ethereal voice was heard. It was similar to Edgar's, but this one still had Amanda's feminine touch mixed into it. But that only made it sound more repulsive. Smiling 'Amanda' turned to Edgar.

"Hello, Edgar" 





Despite the voice combined with Amanda, by Edgar's good hearing, he was still able to discern that this voice belonged to none other than the 'leader' of the Obscurus organization, Sabbac.

"A demonic possession grade 2. And of a mental nature. You planted your seed in Amanda's mind and made it grow. Clever. So you didn't draw attention to yourself"

"Thank you, one of my best developed works"

There were 5 degrees of demonic possession.

Grade 1 was a simple possession where maybe you would come in contact with some evil artifact and a curse would stick to you. Typical bad things happen to me or accidents for no reason. Pretty simple really, and it didn't necessarily involve demons.

A grade two did involve demons, but they only left 'seeds'. That is, a trace of mild power, which they could grow over time. So the demons could suggest to these people that they would do, say or perform things on their behalf. But the difference is that they did it because they believed it was on their own account. Pretty subtle possession.

But it had a downside. And that is that as it was said. It was a 'seed'. A latent power left to grow. But it had to be worked out over a long period of time. The demons doing it had to have a lot of patience.

The other possessions involved taking over the bodies of humans more aggressively.

Being Grade 5, what Sabbac did when he used someone's body as his host. Practically the human body was a mere mold at that grade. A mere disguise for Sabbac.

Edgar would have noticed if, and only if, the grade 2 possession had been in Amanda's soul. But it was in her mind. Corrupting directly into her thoughts. Making her believe what Sabbac wanted.

 Although this possession did taint her soul, it was not so related. As it was said. They were mere suggestions to perform something on behalf of the demon.

In this case, Sabbac surely influenced Amanda to ask Deadshot to kill Michael. To her, in her corrupted mind, this decision was a great idea. But in reality, it was all suggested by Sabbac.

As stated. Edgar was invited to the event, but actually at Batman's request. He suspected there was something demonic or magical involved in all this and he was right.

The two had their friction. There was no denying that. But Edgar had already learned to deal with all the members of the League.

In fact, they even had a strong agreement that was quite permissive. The Outsiders, would be considered an offshoot of the League, to avoid trouble from the justice system, in exchange for them taking on all the paranormal cases in the world.

That is, as far as the paranormal world was concerned. Edgar had complete say in how to act on these cases. Without question. Practically Edgar was acting as Inza had asked him to.

The protector of the world. But specifically in cases of demonic nature, or chaotic beings. Cases where he, as Rider, could be unleashed. The 'normal' Justice League, on the other hand, would act in more mundane cases. Robberies, threats from villains, etc.

But of course, if it warranted it. Both would support each other. As in this case.

With this, both Batman, and the others present, confirmed that there was someone else behind all these events. However, the depth of it all was discovered when Sabbac continued to talk

"But, you're wrong, Rider. I not only planted my seed in Amanda. But in Vandal, too. And boy, did it work. I just gave him a glimpse of the 'future' I had in store for him, and he freaked out. You know. Earth destroyed. My dad ruling this earth over the corpses of humans. And look at all he caused. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WHAT FUN!" 

Finally, the safe of secrets had been revealed. The entire event of The Light.

All of Vandal's visions where Earth was being destroyed by Darkseid and Trigon. ALL....It was because of Sabbac. 

Vandal thought he was moving the world's chess pieces. But in reality, he was a mere pawn. And he played his role very well. Sabbac, now, had better developed weapons. Powerful resources left and recovered from the fight. And, above all, he had Doomsday with him.

He was the winner of it all. And without lifting a finger.

"And you know what the best thing is, Rider. Watching your friends die in this war. Jefferson Pierce. Ray Palmer. Roy Harper. The sisters at the orphanage. All those fallen bodies that only foreshadow YOUR future. EVERYONE YOU LOVE WILL DIE, EDGAR" 

"I'll find you, you fucking cockroach. I swear I will. And when I do-" 

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, lots of talk and threats, Rider. Can't you be original?, Oh, and if you think that ape detective you hired yesterday can find out anything, you're sorely mistaken. When you least expect it, I'll have already won" 

"And why are you telling us all this. What do you gain from it?" at that, the voice of Batman, who was watching this whole exchange with calculating eyes, interrupted. His doubt was obvious. Because revealing it all was his plan. He was gaining nothing, by doing so.

"Batman, forgive my rudeness, I was rude and I haven't introduced myself. But when I see the Rider, my more... demonic side, comes out of me. I see you are also present, Vixen and Wonder Woman. It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Sabbac. Actually, I'm impressed that you guessed this was all demonic. Impressive. And I win nothing, Batman. My only gain is to feel the despair in the Rider"

"Damn cockroach-" 

"Wait, that's not all" Edgar was about to curse Sabbac, but Batman interrupted him. "maybe that's one reason, but it's not the only one. Diana, get the whole truth out of him"

"Speak, and tell the whole truth, you monster" Diana requested with much venom in her voice. She had already heard of Sabbac from Edgar. But now, with all that he revealed, he practically became a sworn enemy in her heart. Anyone who dared threaten her beloved was.

"Impressive, Batman. And true, that's not all. Actually, I did all this so the world would trust you again. Now, by saving that Michael guy and keeping the event from failing, those who had doubts about you, will no longer have them. It was a gift for all the profit you made for me. Doomsday is a great weapon for my forces. But I would be lying if that were all. In reality, I did it because I needed everything about The Light to end and the world to return to 'normal'"

"Why, you don't win anything from it"

"Exactly, Batman. I don't win anything. On the contrary. I'll delay my plans by telling you this, but it's necessary. You see. My organization is not the only one that took advantage of all the chaos of The Light to become strong. A makeshift organization just as dangerous as mine has emerged from all this. Something that, truth be told, I never planned for. And the Amazon knows it very well, since her brother is responsible for that organization"





"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. Yes, your brother is creating an organization of ancient gods and other mythological forces, who are threatening to reconquer Earth. Something that ruins ALL my plans" 

"You want us to fight them, while you hide and secure your forces. Only a damn cockroach like you would even think of doing that" 

"Yes, I want that. And you will. After all, you are 'Heroes' and you cannot avoid but help the safety of the world. When there is a threat, you will act. It is in your nature. See it as a warning from me. The coming war is not only against the demons, but against the gods as well. Well I've said all I wanted to, so I'm leaving. Bye"

Amanda's body began to fail as a black liquid seeped out of every orifice of her body. When that happened, her heart stopped.

Amanda Waller was dead. 

Edgar didn't even think twice and burned the woman's dead body with his fire. There was no case he wouldn't do it. The seed (the black liquid that came out of her body) was practically destroyed. It was better not to leave traces of this demonic power.

With this, the era of The Light was over. The New World Order was established.

But not without a cost.

Demons and gods threatened to attack.

The age of demons and gods among us...had begun.



Last episode of the week. With this episode we finish the arc of The Light, and start the arc of Gods and Demons Among Us. 

This episode is for you to see that EVERYTHING is related. Everything unfolds in arcs that are slowly threaded together to give a grand final arc. Everything leads to something. 

And if you ask if Sabbac is the head of the organization, I'll just say NO. There is someone else. Something else, much stronger behind. 

Finally, I want to say that next week there is no episode. I will be very busy with adult life stuff. 



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (9 chapters ahead)

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

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