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37.5% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 36: Chapter 33: Raven's Resolution

Chapter 36: Chapter 33: Raven's Resolution

Guys, Merry Christmas or almost Christmas, it depends on when you read it, but well, I'll leave more words in the last episode, but have a great time today. 

Now, before you read, I want to clarify 3 quick points, to avoid misunderstandings. 

1- This is the arc of The Light, not the arc of Trigon. This mini arc of Azarath, is for Edgar to learn how to use his powers correctly. If I were to use an analogy to describe his training, it would be like one of those times you go to the gym and do an exercise wrong, and it's not until someone tell you how to do it right that you finally learn correctly. It would be the same thing. 

2- I made a mistake and half implied that Raven killed the people there, that was my typo. Raven couldn't have killed anyone because her soul wouldn't be that pure. However, if she feels guilty about what happened, because she feels that because of her powers (origins) the women of Azarth died, it's going to show in this episode. 

3- Chapter 33, 34 and 35, truth be told, were not my best work. I know. I wrote them in the last week of November and it was a difficult time. My father had been hospitalized for high blood pressure, my mother was having difficulties in her job, I was also stressed in finishing my final project. It was difficult. If you feel that the quality is down, that's why. BUT, chapter 36 and 37... I'll just say that I came back with EVERYTHING.

With that say... Enjoy :)





<Book titles>


Azarath, 6 years earlier

"Rachel, hide in here and don't come out until I come and get you, understand?"

Angela Roth, or Arella, as she was now called, told her daughter as she tried to hide her in a special magical cabinet that would keep her hidden, inside one of the huts. At this time, Azarath was in chaos, as the Obscurus organization had arrived with many powerful members for a single purpose. To capture Rachel (Raven).

It had already been 4 years since they had arrived in Azarath, and in these times they had gone from years hiding like cockroaches to years full of peace and joy. Both had acclimated quite well to the place, and most of them had even grown fond of Rachel, to the point that they treated her like a younger sister. Needless to say, they spoiled her a lot.

Arella had become a powerful witch in these few short years. Her great affinity for light magic, and her powerful affinity for healing magic, had made her an outstanding acolyte, to the point where Azar, the Great Mother, was debating whether to make her the next successor so that, in the future, she would become the next Great Mother.

However, their time of peace came to an end when recently, Rachel, trying to simulate the magic she saw week after week in acolyte training, unlocked the destruction magic inherited from her father.

Needless to say, she destroyed much of the training hall that day. The worst part is that her power was such that Rachel could not control it, and Azar had to arrive to prevent her from doing more damage. Although it had not gone any further, it had injured a few acolytes who were close to her.

Since then, Rachel had stopped using her powers for fear of hurting someone. In addition, she had asked her mother Arella for some explanation of what had happened, causing her mother to tell her who her father was and how dangerous he was. This caused the girl to only begin to doubt her powers, and all that went with them. She began to fear destroying the people she loved with them.

Azar, to prevent further outbursts of power, taught Rachel a powerful meditation and breathing technique. Such a technique would prevent her power from getting out of control due to her emotions.

Unfortunately this was the most she could do for the girl, as they were not used to teaching someone with such a destructive power. Azar was looking for someone to teach the girl, and she had her friend Nabu in mind, but contacting him was difficult.

Unfortunately, what no one knew is that when Rachel unlocked her father's powers, she sent a probe to him, which let him know where she was hiding. And that's why it came to this situation.

"Mom, I'm scared" Rachel said as she trembled with fear. Screams of both men and women could be heard outside where they were standing. It could also hear the Latin of powerful spells from the acolytes, while lights of various colors reflected after those chants. Needless to say, what was happening outside was chaos.

"Rachel, listen to me well. It's going to be all right. Just don't come out until I come and get you. What's more, why don't you close your eyes and start counting. I promise you that when you get to 10000 I'll already be here, with you"

(AN: think that it's a slow count, and that each number is a second)

"Do you promise?"

"I promise... now close your eyes and start to count"

"Okay... 1, 2, 3" Rachel started counting as she closed her eyes. She had stopped shaking and was concentrating on the task so she wouldn't lose count.

Arella seeing her daughter who had started the count and was beginning to calm down, closed the cabinet and activated the camouflage mechanism.

This was a special cabinet, which would become invisible and camouflage with the wall, giving a false image that there was no one in the place.

Unfortunately, someone with great power or powerful senses could easily discover that someone was hiding in this place. Even Arella would have to prevent them from entering the cabin.

With great resolve, she quickly left the place and set out to fight to defend her daughter.

'I will keep you safe... whatever it takes'


A few purple portals materialized in Azarath. From there, hundreds of people dressed in red robes came out of the portal. They were all members of the Obscurus organization.

Obscurus was an organization created long ago by Sabbac to bring back his father. It was made up of beings of tremendous darkness. Dark wizards who sold their souls to demons for power, vampires, werewolves and other evil beings. It was a powerful force that had gained a lot of resources over time.

They had performed a powerful ritual, sacrificing many people, to open several portals to Azarath. The special mission: To take Rachel alive to Sabbac.

The leader of this mission was none other than Kobra, Sabbac's right-hand man wearing his special snake-themed outfit. On his arms, were several sharp nails that were reinforced by the power of his master. Needless to say, a light touch and it would cut through someone's skin like butter.

When they arrived, all the acolytes of Azarath prepared to attack and defend. At the front was the leader of the place, the Great Mother, Azar.

"I see your master did not come with you, Kobra. Is he afraid?"

"Not at all, Azar. My master knows that you are so weak that you are not worth his time or effort. Now, why don't we avoid unnecessary deaths and give us what we want. Give us the girl"

"Kobra, you are not only weak, you are also stupid if you think we will follow your demands. When you get to this place, only one thing awaits you. Death"

"Perfect, the truth is I was praying that you would offer resistance. That way it will be more fun to kill you... Attack!"

With Kobra's words, the Obscurus moved. Some moved at thunderous speed, and others began to cast powerful spells from afar. However, the acolytes were not frightened by this, nor did they move. They just waited.

Azar merely raised her staff and slammed it hard against the ground. A powerful magical seal materialized in the sky when she did this.

"Sisters, defend your home. ATTACK!"

A shower of lightning struck with great force, eliminating the enemy forces. When this happened, the acolytes moved. Some launched powerful shields, and others launched powerful attacks. All coordinated like the great united force they were.

However, not everything was in favor of the acolytes, for some powerful creatures arrived before they could defend themselves and began to slaughter some of them. Gradually the scene was starting to become chaotic.

The acolytes were powerful and well coordinated, but the Obscurus were quite a few. For every one they killed, there were 10 attacking.

Right at the front was Azar and Kobra fighting. Azar was casting powerful spells, but Kobra was dodging them with superhuman speed. However, these attacks kept him from getting close to the old woman.

"You're old, Azar. You won't be able to hold on for long"

"And you lack power, Kobra"

"You think so..."

Kobra moved at a thunderous speed. Azar launched an attack to repel it, but it was too late, Kobra had grazed it with his nails, generating a cut on the old woman's arm.

Quickly, Azar began to feel sick. She felt that her tiredness began to become stronger, and her power began to diminish.

"What did you do to me?" Azar demanded. Her vision began to blur and her mind began to go numb. She felt her strength was rapidly diminishing.

"Even though you are old, you are powerful, Azar. My master knew that, so he leveled things up. Not only did he give me superhuman strength and speed, but he unlocked my metahuman gene. My power is about a strong poison, which, if you don't treat it in a few minutes, will stop your heart. Sure, you can use your magic to heal yourself, but, that will drain your power and you won't be able to avoid the inevitable" said Kobra as he pointed to the chaotic scene before them.

Azar looked around. Her sisters were defending themselves tooth and nail. But the Obscurus were too many. For every one killed, 10 were attacking, and all because the portals were still open, and troops were still pouring in from there.

Then, her gaze wandered to a remote hut. There she saw Arella, Rachel's mother, who was using all her power to prevent the Obscurus from reaching her daughter. She was powerful, and she was defending herself well, but there were too many of them. At this rate she would succumb, and they would not stop them from finding Rachel.

Azar finally made a decision...

"You're right, Kobra. I am old. I think it's time to give way to retirement..." Azar tapped her staff on the ground. A powerful magical seal materialized all over Azarath as Azar used all her power in the spell. She began to chant.

"Lord of light, who illuminates the world. Hear the prayers of this doe, and protect your house"

"Lord of light, who illuminates the world. Hear the prayers of this doe, and protect your house"

"Lord of light, who illuminates the world. Hear the prayers of this doe, and protect your house"

Kobra was not a wizard, but he could still feel the great energy coming from the staff. Quickly, he could discover that Azar was using the only thing left of her power and her life, in exchange for protecting her home. The earth was beginning to shake due to the great energy emitted from the staff.

"Damn old woman, do you want to bury everyone?"

"I told you Kobra. To come to this place, it would only be your death... Goodbye"

A powerful light materialized all over the place. Every Obscurus that touched the light was destroyed and turned to dust. Kobra seeing that he could die there, turned around and ran towards the portal at full speed. And just in time, because when the light touched the portal, it suddenly closed as if it had never been there.

This was a special spell. It was going to give extra protection to the place and, even if they wanted to enter, without authorization, they would never be able to as long as this barrier was there.

When the spell ended, the body of the old sorceress began to crumble into dust. With it the staff, which was the key to the place, also fell apart. Everyone stopped fighting as they watched such a scene.

However, they could not mourn the death of their beloved leader, as the Obscurus continued to attack. Despite the great spell and decimating much of the enemy forces, closing the portal, the remaining Obscurus remained numerous and powerful. The acolytes continued to fight with everything they had.


"9997,9998, 9999...10000" Raven finished counting. She had stopped hearing noise quite some time ago, but she hadn't come out yet because her mother hadn't gone looking for her. In the end, however, curiosity got the better of her and she came out of the closet.

Going out she could see that the place that was once bustling and full of shouts, spells and so on, was quite quiet, as if not a soul was in the place. Walking out of the hut, she was greeted by a sight that chilled her blood.

Just outside the hut was the body of her mother, who was full of bloody wounds, all over her body.

Beside her were many bodies of Obscurus who were trying to enter, but could not make it, as they died at Arella's hands.

However, despite the damage to the mother's body, she had an expression of satisfaction, as she had used all her power and effort preventing them from entering to capture her daughter. 

With this sight, Raven began to feel a myriad of emotions. Rage, anger, hatred, sadness, and so on. A great dark power began to emit from her body as she watched this scene.

Raven then looked around the place and saw the other bodies of her beloved sisters, those women she had grown fond of throughout all this time. They were lying there, as they had succumbed in the fight.

This only brought her one clear idea... She had been left alone.

Raven continued to shed tears as she walked all over the place, seeing the carnage produced. The energy, pouring out of her body, was getting darker and more potent. Finally she dropped to her knees and let out an almost demonic scream.

"AGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" a wave of pure destructive power shot out of her body wiping out an entire large portion of the area she was in.


Azarath, present day 

"Teach me how to fight" Raven told him in her usual emotionless tone, but that Edgar could discern there was great resolve.

After that weird dream. Raven had woken up with no memory of anything that had happened, but, even so, this didn't stop her from asking Edgar to teach her how to fight.

Edgar just had a curious look on his face. They were both seated at the table, where a rich breakfast awaited them.

"And why do you want that?" Edgar asked curiously.




"I don't want to be weak anymore. I no longer want to hide while I watch others die for me"

Edgar knew she was referring to what had happened of the deaths of the people in this place. He hadn't asked or talked about it yet. But he was sure that whatever had happened, it had been because of this girl. Not her fault, but the cause.

Even though he had asked, Edgar had already planned to do just that. His task was to protect her. But the best protection he could give her was to teach her how to use her power so that she could defend herself. Edgar was still debating how to approach that subject, but he never thought it would actually be Raven asking just that.

"Okay, I'll teach you how to fight. In exchange for you teaching me your meditation technique"

Raven only bowed her head, but Edgar who had already lived with the girl, knew that this was in question. So he continued.

"My powers... are very similar to yours. But right now, I can't use them. I need to learn to meditate in order to unlock them" Raven could figure out if he was lying. So he opted to tell her part of the truth. He needed to meditate to get to his mind palace, so he could train to unlock his angelic powers. It wasn't a lie.

Raven who sensed he wasn't lying to her, readily agreed by nodding her head. It was a fair deal. Besides, she spent time out of her day meditating. Having Edgar there, meditating with her, didn't displease her one bit.

"Fine, I'll think about how to teach you. But first of all, Raven, I want to ask you a few things. You don't need to answer if you don't want to. It will just help me think of a good strategy for your powers"

"Mmm, okay" Raven agreed after some thought.

"The first question, and the hardest one... do you know who your father is?"

"I do. It's Trigon" Raven nodded quickly. "My mother told me when I... unlocked my power. She told me a little, but then I learned more about him at the library. There's a tome called, <Dark Threats of the World>, it was written by Azalea, the first Great Mother"

'I need to read that book' Edgar thought. He was relieved that Raven knew of her origins. He didn't even want to imagine how to approach such a sensitive subject. The latter was useful information, as such a book would be of great help to Edgar because of all the trouble coming in the future. He was already planning to take some time to look it up and read it.

"Okay, thanks for answering, Raven. My second question is, do you know what your powers are?"

"Mmm, A little" Raven answered with slight hesitation "I think it's destruction, shadows, soul, and I have minor telekinesis"

'Wow, it's more than I thought' Edgar knew Raven was someone powerful, but not that she was that powerful. She practically had powerful and versatile magic at her disposal. That brought problems since Edgar had never taught anyone before. And teaching someone so versatile with magic that Edgar had only read about, but not seen... well, it was a total challenge.

"My last question. Raven, have you ever been trained before?"

Raven shook her head. "No. I think they were looking for a teacher for me, but..." She didn't keep talking anymore. Although she had hardly changed her emotionless expression, Edgar could feel that there was a slight lump in the girl's throat, denoting that it was difficult to talk about that topic. Edgar did not probe any further. The girl's past was her until she had the confidence to tell him.

"It's okay, Raven. That'll do it. I'll figure out how to train you and in a couple of days, we'll get started. I just want to know when you can teach me meditation"

"This afternoon, if you want"

Edgar agreed with that. With that said, Edgar and Raven began to eat their meal.


Raven and Edgar were in a special hut built for just that, meditation. White magic, unlike dark magic, needed a serene and calm mind to be able to exercise it to a great extent. This room was special as it helped a person find their calm state easier, which greatly aided meditation.

Raven quickly lit an incense. When Edgar felt the smell of the incense, as if it were a switch, all his troubles seemed to disappear. He felt light, and serene.

"What a powerful incense"

"Mmm. It will help you reach your calm state easier" Raven spoke in her usual tone. She quickly got into a lotus position, which Edgar mimicked.

"The technique I will teach you is called heart position. It's a special technique created here. And I think it's the best meditation technique I've ever known and read about"

Raven brought her right hand to the place where the heart was.

"Feel your rhythm, and listen to it. Forget about everything else. Just focus on that"

Edgar mimicked her. He quickly put his hand on his chest and began to listen to his heartbeat. His optimized senses made him listen more closely than the average person, which sounded pretty loud, to him.

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

'Does this really work?'

Edgar even though he was listening to his heartbeat, his mind had not yet reached its calm state. He wondered how long it would take to reach a calm state. However, he didn't wait long as before long he began to feel lethargic.

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

'I feel sleepy'

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

"lub-dub, dub-lub"

Edgar felt the sound was getting fainter, like a distant echo. His mind was beginning to become dark and fuzzy. His breathing had slowed to the point where he seemed to be asleep.

Suddenly, a strong light illuminated the place. There, Edgar could see that he was right inside the temple he had known. And right in front of him was Zarathos, looking just like him. Edgar was sure he was using that appearance just to annoy him.

"Oh, you made it. And rather quickly, I must say. I thought it would take you a couple of days to get to this place on your own" Zarathos spoke.

"What can I say, Raven is a good teacher"

"Well, enough talk. I'll give you the tour of the place quick, and we'll start training just today. I don't want, and I'm sure you don't want, to waste time"


Edgar and Zarathos walked through the place. They quickly made their way to that corridor that looked endless. There were dozens of locked rooms. In the end, curiosity got the better of Edgar and he asked.

"What do the rooms contain?"

"Everything. That one has weapons, all the ones you know, and even don't know about. That one is a recreation area. Everything you like is in there. However, there will be time for you to get to know each one in detail later. I'll focus on the main ones"

They made their way to one of the rooms, and opened it. Inside revealed a large library. There were Edgar's favorite books that he had read throughout his life. But also, on another shelf, were books he had never seen before, on a wide variety of subjects.

"Every book you read will be stored here. Practically this place will help you look up information you have that you've forgotten and need to brush up on. But also, as a gift, I updated the place a little bit with some information I have. I put them in books, but they are actually some experiences and knowledge of mine. Take it as a gift"

Edgar was numb to these words. If what Zarathos was saying was true, then this information was invaluable. Just imagining the knowledge that had been given to Edgar by a divine and powerful angel like him thrilled him greatly. Even if it was just a little, he knew that such knowledge was very useful.

However, Zarathos only passed him a couple of books. Edgar did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw them. The titles were.

<Guide to being a good father>

<How to raise a daughter alone>


"What, you're going to take care of that child alone. Don't tell me you don't occupy that information.... Nah, I'm kidding. But the last book, it's not"

The last book he had given him was titled.

<Magic Compilation: A New World to Discover>

"It has all the information that I possess about magic in this world. I am not a magician, and despite my great knowledge, I don't know everything, so there may be some things that are untrue or missing. But it will help you find a way to teach Raven. You're not wrong, Edgar. I think the best thing to do is to teach her to defend herself too"

"Thank you, Zarathos. I appreciate this very much"

Zarathos only made a gesture downplaying its importance. To him this was nothing. Besides, if it helped Edgar motivate himself, so much the better.

"Well, let's get on with it"

And so they continued through some important rooms. Some were going to help him learn how to fight. Another simulated some places on Earth and their environment. Some simulated enemies. There was everything.

But the one that surprised Edgar the most was the last room. In it were portraits of all his memorable events. With his parents, there were even portraits with Diana, Orsi and Duke.

"This is the memory room. Every memorable event since we've had consciousness is recorded here. If you want I can give you a few minutes-" Zarathos offered, but Edgar, contrary to the fallen angel's expectations, shook his head.

"That's not necessary. As much as I'd like to stay and watch them, I know I'll have more time to review them later. Let's move on"

Edgar of course wanted to review every special moment of his life. But, right now, what he wanted was to start training, so he could get out of there. He would have time in the future to review this room in detail, later.



"Your training will be the most difficult and rigorous you've ever had. You will spend 2 hours here, every day, with a different instructor. Mondays with Ezio, he will teach you how to fight with weapons. Tuesday and Wednesday with Lagertha, she will teach you hand to hand combat. Thursday with Carter, he will help you with your demonic power, and Friday and Saturday with Montezuma, he will help you find your angelic power. Sundays are breaks, but I would recommend you come to check and explore your mind palace"

"Why only one day with some and two with others, and why only a couple of hours?"

"Staying longer in the mental palace will only give you bad headaches. You're not a telepath, so being here already gives you an inhuman mental load. And about the other question, the frequency of days varies depending on how hard the lesson is for you. You use weapons well, but your hand-to-hand combat can improve. You use your demonic power well, but your angelic power needs to be unlocked. That's why"

Zarathos sighed and continued.

"Look, Edgar. The hard part is not learning here. I know that, with your ability, you are capable of learning all this in less than a month. The hard part is replicating what you learn in here, out there. Everything you learn you will try to replicate outside, except for what you learn with your demonic powers, because as I said, that will affect the protective barrier. But you also have to do your part. You have to start eating more with a stricter diet. To train your strength and speed to become powerful even without the transformation. We need to configure your body and mind to be the perfect vessel, to control the great power you possess. Which as I said, is much more potent and powerful than the previous Riders. That is what will take time"

"How much time do I have?" asked Edgar finally. It was the big doubt he had, since he knew there were enemies lurking.

"Actually, not very long. It's been years since the spell of this protective barrier was generated. Added to the fact of your intrusion into the place by force. I estimate that you have approximately 7-8 months before this dimension begins to destabilize, and is opened to the Obscurus. But, I expect that in less than 6 you will be able to accomplish all your training"

(AN: 6 months here would be 1 year and 6 months out)

"I understand. I'll do as I'm told" Edgar conceded. He also thought the hard part was replicating everything outside. It's one thing what you learn and another thing how you execute it. But he would work hard at it. He had to, if he wanted to survive what was coming.

"Well... today is Tuesday. Lagertha is waiting for you in that room. Good luck. You'll need it with her"

With that said, Zarathos vanished leaving Edgar alone right in front of the room where Lagertha was. Here began a new life for him, and a new era for the world.

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

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