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9.61% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Teen Titans

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Teen Titans

I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, other than my created character, DC belongs to Warner Bros, and Marvel belongs to Disney, which almost owns the world.





Central City, December 14, 2014

Outside of one of the largest banks in Central City, could be seen, what could be described as a great chaos, as all the walls of the building were covered in ice. The police were cordoned off a kilometer away to safeguard civilians and reporters and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Outside the bank, which had been previously robbed, was the perpetrator of this act. He was dressed in an Eskimo type uniform, which, although Christmas time was approaching, was still a bit unusual due to the hot climate of this city. He had blue glasses that completely covered the eyes of this man, however, these glasses were special, since he had advanced technology that allowed him to calculate trajectories in order to better use his weapon. His weapon was a pistol that fired beams of cold that reached absolute zero, which made him one of the most dangerous criminals in Central City, this person was the great criminal, named Captain Cold.

However, at this moment the villain was having a bad time, because at this moment he was facing not only a speedster, but two speedsters. Immediately after robbing this bank he was promptly accosted by Central City's guardian, the fastest man alive, The Flash and his sidekick Kid Flash. Captain Cold was sending blasts of super cold ice at the speedsters, but they cleverly dodged it by running in circles disorienting the villain.

"Come on, we don't have time for this", Kid Flash commented somewhat impatient, out of nowhere he decided to take action on the matter, and, with a quick movement, he went towards Captain Cold to take the weapon away. Captain Cold fired several bursts at him that hit him slightly in the shoulder, slowing him down, but that didn't stop Kid Flash from fulfilling his mission, since, in less than a blink, Captain Cold had been stripped of his weapon, and, when he was disoriented due to to this action, he received a strong punch at high speed courtesy of the scarlet speedster, knocking him out cleverly.

"You have to calm down kid, that maneuver could have gone wrong", Flash commented to his protégé, despite being a guy who liked to be funny and see situations with a slightly comical touch, he also knew when to get serious if the situation deserved and at this moment he needed to make it clear to his young companion that he should not be reckless. "I know, but I'm excited, today is the big day."

Flash looked at him with a flat look and when Kid Flash was about to say sorry again, Flash grinned and with a slightly excited and proud tone commented, "that's right, today is the day."


Mount Justice, December 14, 2014

"Recognizing, Flash 004, Kid Flash B04, Martian Manhunter 007, Miss Martian B07, Green Arrow 008, Speedy B08"

A voice with a tone similar to that of the Watchtower came from the communicators of this mountain that was the previous lair of the Justice League before the construction of the Watchtower, seeing as they were the last to arrive, Kid Flash pitifully commented "Oh man, we are the last, I knew that I had to hurry faster to stop Cold". Flash just chuckled at his protégé's dilemma.

The heroes Batman, Aquaman, Superman, Zatara, Red Tornado, Cyborg and Black Canary were already in the cave, as well as their protégés, Robin, a 15-year-old boy, a little short in stature with a very thin complexion, it was clearly seen that he preferred to prioritize agility, dressed in a slightly flashy suit of red, green and yellow tones with an embroidered R on his chest, next to Aquaman was a young man with a slightly muscular complexion, chocolate complexion with deep ocean blue eyes although his expression He had a serious face, this was Aqualad, Aquaman's 17-year-old protégé.

Finally, next to Zatara was a 16-year-old girl dressed in a fairground magician outfit, she was of average height and quite beautiful for her age, with sky blue eyes, jet black hair, and slightly full lips that were beginning to develop curves. in all the right places, clearly in the future she would be considered one of the most beautiful superheroines, this was Giovanni Zatara's daughter, Zatanna.

"Welcome to Mount Justice, this is the place where we can say that the league really began, as you know the Hall of Justice is considered a monument or a symbol of justice for the people, but here is where the commitment really began of what the League stood for, and we hope that you continue the legacy we left behind", Superman commented motivationally, all the young protégés had a slightly excited look to be here, they felt as if they were about to be signed to play in the big leagues.

"Now we are going to discuss who is the leader, as well as the assignments that will be given...", "Wait, Superman", the superhero dressed as a bat interrupted the man of steel, "Remember that there are still two to go", "That's right, I guess I was a little excited too haha", Superman lightly scratched his head with a slightly embarrassed expression, from the excitement he had forgotten that there were still two people who would also join the team.

Wait, two are missing?" Robin had a slight frown, she could guess who was one of the missing people, but the other one didn't come to mind. He did not have to think too much as out of nowhere the robotic voice sounded again on the communicator

"Recognize, Supergirl B01, Batgirl B03"

"She?!" exclaimed the bat's helper in a high tone, "Yes, she," Batman commented flatly in his unflinching tone. Batgirl, or as she was known to her acquaintances Barbara Gordon, was the daughter of Commissioner Gordon, the first cop to take on Batman, helping each other in their early years to safeguard Gotham City. Obviously Gordon was one of the few who knew his secret, but he didn't care who he was outside the mask, he knew that Batman was necessary, a millionaire playboy or something else, that didn't matter. However, it all went down the drain one day when his daughter, who had detective tendencies like her father, found out that her father was working with Batman and asked him nicely (practically begged) to tell Batman to teach her how to fight. She was in a karate dojo, but she was already very advanced at her age and there was no one who could match her pace.

Batman declined, but considering the circumstances and the fact that Dick (Robin) didn't have any friends of his age, and was concerned that he was spending too much time as Robin and not enough time as a teenager, he accepted the offer. However, this did not go as expected, since they met a fierce competition began to know who was the best, first in training, then in school (they both went to the same academy), and finally, when they fight crime, when Batgirl was ready for patrols. Robin hoped Batgirl wouldn't be this team, he was sick of always having to share all the credit for what they did.

"Yeah, ME, Littlebird, do you have a problem?", Batgirl asked petulantly, she was a few inches taller than him, which he really hated, and what she took advantage of, by calling him Littlebird.

When Robin was about to answer him and start their famous fights, Batman took action on the matter, "Enough of you two, you will behave or neither will be on the team", these words took effect immediately since they both quickly straightened up and no longer returned to be discussed.

"Well, finally we're all here", Superman commented again, ignoring the tense atmosphere that had arisen a short time ago, clearly he also had the superpower of being superclueless. "Now, as I was saying, this will be your team's base of operations and will also be considered the home of some of you" he said pointing towards a girl with a green hue and red hair, this was the niece of Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian and Aquaman's protégé, Aqualad.

"Batman will be the one that generates his missions, they will be more covert since this team in the eyes of the world does not exist and we want to keep it that way", Aquaman quickly took over the mantle of the conversation, "The league is the face, but you will be the team that works in the shadows", "Black Canary will be your combat trainer, as well as a counselor, if you have any problems, not only related to the team, but to life in general, talk to her, this is not easy and sometimes , even for us, it can become overwhelming. Red Tornado will be the caretaker of the base and the one who will be here with you, and finally, Cyborg will be the one who will be in charge of the team.

Taking a step forward, Cyborg stood before everyone and looked at them, "I became a superhero not by choice, but by accident, and when I became this," he said pointing to his robotic body, "I won't lie, I was scared. The league is something huge, something good, something necessary, but I was too young to be able to assimilate it all, however, I was pleasantly helped by everyone in the League and they had the kindness and patience to teach me this honorable trade, being a hero is not a privilege, it is a responsibility, and I hope this team, will become the crutch you need to gain experience and in the future, if you want to continue, enter the League".

"This is nonsense," the young man next to Green Arrow commented aggressively, interrupting Cyborg's motivational speech, this was his sidekick named Speedy, although his temperament differed greatly from the emerald archer, since he was known to have almost always a bad mood. "This team is silly, they clearly don't want to let us into the League", Green Arrow commented with a frown, "Calm down Speedy, you're still 17 years old and even if you were ready, you're not old enough to apply to the League. Even Cyborg, who was in the foundation didn't become a member until recently", "I'm not interested, I won't be in a team with rookies", this made some of the young people who were here annoyed, the cousin of the superhero with an S on the chest, who was known for having a cheerful and excitable personality, aggressively commented "Who do you call a rookie, redhead, do you want to fight me to see how long you last?", "Calm down Supergirl, you're not going to fight anyone", Superman commented to his Cousin Supergirl.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, and knowing how teenagers were since until recently, he was still considered one, Cyborg cleverly intervened. "Speedy, right?" Cyborg asked the red-robed archer. "I propose something to you, you will be in the team until you turn 18, then I myself will advocate so that they let you have the same patrols that I spent, considering you being part of the League on an interim member. The members will evaluate you in those patrols to see if you have what it takes, and, if so, they'll let you in, but you have to be on this team, no complaints, no fights, and you're going to cooperate with everyone on the missions". "Okay but I don't want to be called Speedy anymore, now, I want to be called Red Arrow", commented the redhead, agreeing with the deal that Cyborg proposed.

"Well, now our first mission...", turning on a screen, some files were shown to the young heroes, these were files of several young people who were being monitored by the League who had awakened powers or who had sufficient skills to be part of the team, but that they were orphans or lived in delicate situations, which could become an unfavorable situation becoming a threat or worse, leading to an early death.

"These," he said pointing to the files on the screen, "are our first mission". One file showed a 16-year-old blonde hair girl with Vietnamese descent, her name was Artemis Crock, and her mother was sick and in a wheelchair, which caused her to start stealing at an early age in order to support herself and her mother. In the second file there was a 15-year-old boy, black skin, with big curls in his hair, in the file, it said that he had powers of electricity and electromagnetism, however, he was an orphan, and lived in an orphanage that barely had money to give the basic needs of all children, his name was Virgil Hawkins. And the last one was a young man who lived in Africa with his mother, who was an animal researcher, however, the curious thing is that this boy of no more than 13 years of age had a green skin, in the file it was said that he had developed a mutation that allowed him to transform his body into different animals in addition to copying their characteristics and abilities, his name was Garfield Logan.

"Our first mission is to recruit these three for the team, do you think you can do it?"

"Yeah!" everyone strongly affirmed, although the mission was simple, they knew that, this was a test, and they were going to do their best to achieve it.

"Booyah", Cyborg whispered happy to see the enthusiasm of his new team, 'this will be good'.


Location unknown, December 17, 2014

In a secret place, there was an abandoned warehouse full of cobwebs and dust. In the middle of the warehouse there was a chair, and a person was tied to the chair with a rope, a blindfold and a gag in the mouth. His appearance was tattered and he had light stains of dried blood on his shirt and cheeks, clearly evidence of a struggle. The figure was asleep, clearly tired from the whole situation that had happened a short time ago.

  Out of nowhere, footsteps began to be heard echoing in the place, three figures were slowly approaching the chair where the prisoner was. One was a bald man but with a dignified and smug look, this man was Lex Luthor, owner of the Luthor Enterprise, another was a man dressed in an orange and black soldier outfit with a mask that had only one eye vision slit, that glowed red, this was the best mercenary in the world Deathstroke, and finally a fair-skinned woman, with short ash blonde hair that was caught up in a black sailor-type hat, dressed in an elegant suit, with a gray pencil skirt that accentuated her legs and big hips, this was Lex's secretary and right-hand, Mercy Graves.

"Wake him up dear," Lex politely asked her secretary. In Mercy's hand was a bucket full of water, which with a quick and skillful movement she sprayed on the face of this tied up subject. The subject was startled and began to gasp for air, he quickly tried again to free himself from his restraints, but to no avail. Removing the blindfold so that they could look at his captors, he could only look in horror when he saw who the person who kidnapped him was.

"Hello Mr. Jones, how are you feeling today?" Lex commented politely, this was Samuel Jones, a renowned researcher in the pharmaceutical area and one of the leaders of the Revenger Company.

"Have you gone crazy Lex?" Samuel commented angrily, having been released from his mouth gag. "No Mr. Jones, I have not gone crazy, I am just a person who has been patient enough and had enough with what your group has done. Since his arrival the shares of Luthor Enterprise have dropped more than 5% denigrating us to be in position 9 in the largest companies in the United States. For some, this is not relevant at all, but for me, this is just a disgrace and it has to stop". Lex said angrily, he only expected perfection, always hoping to be the best, this situation only caused him anguish and anger.

"You see Mr. Jones, I come to make you a proposal, you will be my mole in the company, and you will tell me all the relevant information that you see in your private meetings and what your group is working on and in exchange you will receive a very generous payment for this work. What do you think?", "I will never work with a maniac like you, Lex", Samuel commented with a confident tone, he was very grateful to the Revenger Group and all the support they gave him, he would not sell himself for anything.

"Mmmm, your daughter's name is Ruby, and your wife's name is Samantha, correct?" Lex commented, showing him the photos he had of his daughter and his wife. "Look, they look happy in this photo, imagine how terrible it would be if something happened to them, and if you weren't there to prevent it, it would be unfortunate, don't you think so, Mr. Jones?", "Don't you dare touch my family Lex! ", "Oh no no, I would never get involved with them Mr. Jones, I am not a monster, however, that person…", he said pointing to Deathstroke, "he is the best mercenary in the world, it is said that he would do anything for money and that he never fails a job, his rate is 100%...", the more Lex talked, the faster Samuel's complexion turned paler, he finally understood the situation and although he felt guilty, his family was the most important to him, 'I hope you'll forgive me for this' Samuel thought.

"I will Lex, I'll do what you say, but don't touch my family, promise." "On my honor I promise, as long as you continue with your deal I will keep my word, now, Mercy please untie him, and take our friend to our private club to receive a massage from our girls, maybe he will relax being in the hot springs, they're almost magical", Lex commented cheerfully telling Mercy to take Samuel to get clean, Samuel reluctantly agreed, he didn't want his family to suspect the deal with the devil he had just signed.

When they left, Deathstroke with a voice distorted by his suit commented

"Pay me Lex, I already fulfilled the deal", "Yes, another successful mission my friend", he said while using his cell phone to transfer the stipulated amount of his contract to the secret account of the skillful mercenary. "And don't ever use me in your negotiations again or I'll put a bullet in your head", Slade commented menacingly to Lex.

"It won't happen again, I promise. But I'm curious, out of all the files I gave you, why did you choose Samuel Jones, wouldn't the blind member have been easier?" Slade shook his head, "No, he had nothing to lose in this situation, Samuel was the only one who could be blackmailed properly using his family, besides, I'll tell you this as advice, don't underestimate that person, I don't know him and I don't care, but my instincts tell me that he is someone dangerous, and my instincts have never been wrong Lex, take or leave the advice I don't care" Deathstroke said before quickly disappearing into the shadows as if he had never been on the spot, leaving a thoughtful Lex for his last sentence.

'Could it be that he has a more extraordinary background than that Edgar Bones lets on?... who cares, my plan is finally working, soon the Revenger Group will be all mine' Lex thought with a maliciously smile.

Tio_Iroh99 Tio_Iroh99

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