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Chapter 57: Old Endings & New Beginnings.

Chapter 57: Old Endings & New Beginnings.


Emperor Hall.




"What an interesting performance this was!" A sweet, youthful voice echoed through the hall.

Everyone shivered hearing the creepy voice.

Turning towards the voice, they saw a young man crouching near the burnt body of Ume. He looked youthful, tall, and lean, yet possessed a toned and muscular body. His platinum blonde hair flowed in the air as his multicoloured eyes gazed at the charred remains.

"Burning her own body to prevent others from touching her. It is the first time I have encountered something like this," the young man remarked with a smiling expression.

Despite the pitiful expression on his face, everyone could sense that his sweet voice was laced with nothing but indifference and condescension.

"Such defiance is…"

"…Worth Tasting!!" Doma declared with a carefree smile on his face as he broke off one of Ume's burnt hands and took a bite.

"Hmm… Mmm wow, your charred flesh is radiating such anger that it's almost making me tremble!" Doma remarked, savouring the taste of the outer burnt skin before delving into the inner flesh of the hand.

"I am tasting deceit… hehe, a manipulative woman you are." Doma continued, his indifferent and unsettling demeanour contrasting with the macabre act he was showing to the onlookers.

Witnessing the inhumane scene, everyone trembled, their knees weakened and their heart raced.

"W-What is this M-Monster?!" Someone shouted in terror before hastily running towards the door as if they had never run before.

Nobody attempted to stop him; most were paralyzed with fear, and those who still retained some courage waited to witness what would happen next.

His heart raced, and the door seemed to draw closer with each pounding heartbeat. Just as he was about to pass through the door, with his hope burning brightly.

He suddenly stopped.

N-No, not stopped, but froze.

He was frozen like a statue, as his face was still adorned with a hope-filled expression. And just like a frozen statue, he suddenly shattered into a million pieces.

No one uttered a single word at this. No one.

If anyone had observed the expressions of everyone in the hall and described them, all would say the same thing: "More ashen than any ash."

"Why is everyone silent? Isn't this a celebration," Doma said in a friendly voice to everyone.

Then, turning to Gyutaro, who was still lying on the floor with his paralyzed body, Doma expressed surprise, "You are her brother!! How odd."

Walking to his body, Doma crouched down and remarked, "How are you so ugly, man! with a sister like that."

Gyutaro, still paralyzed and unable to respond, could only stare at Doma with a mix of hate and helplessness.

Doma, seemingly unaffected by the lack of response, chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose beauty is subjective. But no matter, let's see if you at least taste good like your sister," Doma said, pressing a pale finger against Gyutaro's eye, popping it like a pop tart.

Gyutaro's body convulsed in visceral horror as his eye succumbed to the grotesque pressure. Doma continued, his fingers delving into the ocular cavity, causing warm blood to spill in grotesque patterns

Finally, with a disconcerting calmness, Doma withdrew his fingers, now coated in the warm crimson liquid, and delicately brought them back to his mouth, savouring the taste.


The guttural sound of revulsion echoed through the hall as someone couldn't contain their disgust at the horrific scene happening before them.

Doma spat on the ground, expelling the blood from his mouth. "Tch. A blood filled with nothing but rage and insecurity. Such a waste to my palate," he commented, disdain evident in his tone.

"Then let's continue our little celebration, shall we?" As Doma stood up, his attention shifted back to the silent and sombre crowd. "Come now, don't be shy. This is a momentous occasion!" he exclaimed.

"Lord Doma, please spare me!"

Suddenly, the Emperor, who was seated on his throne at the highest point, was on all fours like a dog, desperately begging for mercy.

The prince, unconscious, would have mirrored his father's desperate plea if he were conscious and aware of the dire situation.

"Oh! But why?" Doma asked, his expression innocent and seemingly devoid of malice.

"Lord D-Doma, it was all the Shogun's mistake. She wouldn't have burned herself if it weren't for him, and I would have surely sent her to your temple," stammered the Emperor, desperation evident in his plea.

In a desperate bid to shift the blame and secure his own survival, the Shogun pleaded, "N-No, he is lying, oh great lord! The Emperor planned to defile her all along before sending her to your temple. He intended to send an impure whore to your sacred temple. He should be punished! I-I was about to save her and send her to you."

He knew the moment he saw that man killing and consuming another with a carefree expression that he was dealing with a psychopath who could end his life without lifting a finger. So the only way to leave here alive was to beg him.

The crowd, also gripped by fear, began blaming either the Emperor or the Shogun. Whispers and accusations spread through the hall as individuals chose sides, hoping to align themselves with the perceived lesser threat.

Hearing the accusations Doma, maintained his amused expression, and couldn't help but mock them. "Ah, the pleas of desperation, it always amuses me," he mused with a chilling smile. "A splendid display of treachery, deceit, and fear. How delightful it is to witness humans squirming in the grip of their own schemes."

His laughter echoed through the hall, a disconcerting soundtrack to the chaos. "Do you truly believe your petty acting intrigues me?" Doma's words cut through them like a knife.

"Lord D-Doma, just give me one chance. I would never fail you," pleaded the Emperor.

"No, Lord Doma, give me the chance. I will provide you with hundreds of young women each year," the Shogun countered.

"Haha~ You humans are really funny!!" Doma laughed loudly, making everyone fall silent.

With an air of nonchalant amusement, Doma continued, "Very well, since you both seem so eager to please." His tone carried a sinister edge as he considered their pleas. "I will grant you both a chance."

The Emperor and the Shogun, their expressions a mix of relief and apprehension, as they eagerly awaited Doma's conditions.

Doma then slashed at his own wrist, creating a large gash as blood splashed everywhere.

Turning to them, he said, "Drink it!" Seeing their hesitation, he repeated with a cold expression, "Drink it! If you want to survive!"

The Emperor and the Shogun quickly drank it without hesitation this time, driven by the primal instinct to secure their survival at any cost.

Soon, an eerie transformation began as their bodies mutated into grotesque, monstrous forms under the influence of Doma's blood.

Glancing at the burnt remains of Ume and the paralyzed Gyutaro, Doma casually remarked, "Since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you a chance as well."

His blood, flowing from the wrist, was carried by an icy mist to the siblings, infusing their bodies and triggering a transformation in them.

In just a few moments, all four of them underwent a transformation, as the onlookers were unable to tear their eyes away from the supernatural spectacle unfolding before them.

Ume, now restored to her peak beauty, exhibited an demonicaly seductive presence with her snow-white hair cascading in the air. Clad in dark bluish garments that draped her transformed figure, she emanated an enchanting aura.

On the other hand, Gyutaro underwent a less dramatic transformation. His stature grew taller, yet his waist and chest appeared deflated and emaciated, his protruding bones now accentuating the grotesqueness of his appearance. If he was considered unattractive before, the term 'ugly' now seemed insufficient to capture the extent of him.

While the Emperor saw his once massive and fat body undergo an even more grotesque metamorphosis. Twisted limbs and a bloated, nightmarish appearance now defined his horrifying transformation.

The Shogun, once characterized by a pleasing and friendly appearance, underwent a sinister transformation. His skin assumed a slightly pallid tone, his eyes adopted a reddish tint, and his facial features became distorted.

Doma, revelling in the chaos he orchestrated, smiled coldly and commanded, "Now, kill each other! The last two standing will be spare-."

Gyutaro, wielding two scythes that manifested after his transformation, swiftly charged toward the Emperor before he could finish speaking.

Simultaneously, Ume wasted no time, attacking the Shogun with precise slashes aimed at his distorted form.

The Emperor, with his twisted limbs, swung his massive form in a counterattack, attempting to crush Gyutaro with sheer force. However, Gyutaro's agility allowed him to evade the attack, retaliating with a quick slash at his body.

Meanwhile, Ume moved around the Shogun, utilizing her newfound strength and speed to exploit openings in his distorted defenses. The Shogun managed to confuse her senses and disorient her balance whenever she attempted to attack him with his distorted face.

Each time the four clashed, some of the attendees watching the fight would either get crushed by the Emperor or minced into pieces by Ume. In just a few minutes of their battle, casualties began to accumulate and it didn't take long before all of them were dead.

In a gruesome exchange, the Emperor used one of his distorted hands to grab one of Gyutaro's legs, trapping him. He then smashed Gyutaro into the floor, disorienting him for a moment, before tearing him apart in two.

Swiftly, the Emperor brought one half of Gyutaro's body to his mouth and devoured it. But just as he managed to gulp it down, the other half of Gyutaro's body, still in the Emperor's distorted hands, slashed at his neck, freeing his other from getting absorbed into.

Seizing this opportunity, Gyutaro, in a frenzy, slashed everywhere, cutting the Emperor's body into multiple pieces faster than he could regenerate. He then quickly rejoined with his other half torn body, and utilised his regenerative abilities to become whole again.

Meanwhile, the Emperor was still regenerating as Gyutaro had cut his body parts into many pieces and the poison in his slashes was affecting it.

Taking advantage of this moment, Gyutaro dashed at him, slashing his body open to show his demon heart and started eating it voraciously.

The Emperor's story came to an end, swallowed by Gyutaro's retribution.

Meanwhile, Ume struggled in a tough battle against the Shogun, his distorted features on his whole body continuously disoriented her senses.

Causing her to miss any chances to attack him.

Suddenly in a showcase of agility Ume dashed towards him, and executed a skilled acrobatic move, rotating her body and sending her sashes in all directions cutting everything.

However, the Shogun, exploiting his ability to distort senses,changed her trajectory just before she launched her attack creating a blindspot in her attack, allowing him to counter and appear right beside her.

With a swift move, the Shogun enlarged his mouth, attempting to swallow Ume's head whole. To his surprise, Ume's head suddenly transformed into water, leaving him bewildered.

Seizing the opportunity, Ume, with a smirk, sliced the Shogun's body into a hundred pieces using her sashes. In a final act, she collected all of his heart pieces and consumed them.


Doma, who had been silently observing the brutal spectacle, chuckled in amusement and clapped. "Well, well, that was quite a show! Bravo! Such delightful entertainment," he said with a chilling cheerfulness, his multi-colored eyes gleaming with interest.

He approached the siblings, Ume and Gyutaro, now standing victorious in the chaotic hall. "You two have proven to be quite fascinating," he continued, circling them. "I did not expect such resilience and creativity. The way you manipulated your powers, truly remarkable. Especially you girl!"

"What was your name again?" Doma asked with a smile.

Ume was confused for a second before responding, "Daki."

Doma grinned, "Ah, Daki! A fitting name for someone like you."

Doma then said his tone shifted to a more friendly note. "Now, as the last survivors, you've earned the right to live. But remember, the world beyond this hall has also changed for you. Embrace your new existence. You are a demon now!!"

The siblings, Gyutaro and Ume, stood silently as they followed Doma out of the hall, leaving behind the gruesome aftermath that had altered their lives forever.

As they stepped into the moonlight, their path was interrupted by two figures wielding katanas. The man wore a red-patterned haori, while the woman donned a blue-patterned one.

"Ah~ My meals have finally come. Do you know how much I was waiting for you?" Doma said with a sinister smile.

In the moonlit night, a blood-soaked tale played out once again.

The ghostly figure observed the unfolding events from beginning to end, its spectral visage shifting through a myriad of expressions.

- x - X - x -


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