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Episode 1 - Beginning (Part 1)

Leaving everything up in the air, they never told anyone even a clue about what to do or how to dress. Those who chose to dress mildly died, only those who were the slightest bit warm survived. Thankfully, I showed up with a business casual outfit not some shorts or anything, dealing with the cold many times before.

Well, that was because I was thrown aside homeless. Even if I mourned the situation it wouldn't change, so I learned to accept it.

Besides from that, this whole situation was sketchy. I should've known that from when I entered the building, but I can only blame my poor decisions. The only thing told before applicants entered the building was to not huddle together at any cost.

It was definitely strange. We were told we were a 'family' yet we could hardly interact with each other, leaving most of us in our seats to die alone. Being told there was only one form of communication, I had an odd feeling we were being watched ever since we stepped foot near the place.

I'm being sarcastic though! Of course we were being watched, seeing hidden cameras every few minutes on the path here. I would've been ignorant to have not known that for sure.

Groups of people with the name tag "Monitor: Staff" then appeared out of nowhere to physically throw people to the ground looking upon them with hateful stares once applicants tried to warm themselves up. Some applicants a bit more well off than the rest decided to leave, causing more of a headache for those who stayed behind as it took longer to settle down every entry. Only the promise of a living kept most stuck here.

Was it to assert their control? Prevent other's speculation? A riot? I am not sure! I just knew I wouldn't be seeing any human connection with other people any time soon. 

「Entering entry 65, Code name-..., There are no more entries, commencing announcement…

Ending Simulation. Entering Unity's Head Council. We welcome the universe's guide.」

The freeze was suddenly lifted and those who were alive survived for the most part but those who were dead never woke up again. As such when everybody dies, it was truly dreadful to see the sight. It wasn't just a simulation, what we felt was real and I could hardly hold myself up.

I can only wish they passed on peacefully and wish for the likeliness of mine as well.

"Truly a gruesome simulation for the survival of the fittest.", the person beside me spat out exhaustedly, I looked towards my right as they looked at me back with lifeless eyes.

"I-", even though I couldn't agree enough, distress and anxiety set in before I could even finish my response.

"...Let's not talk about this and focus on the person about to speak." The other person then looked away, I guess they assumed I would take their side.

Well, it's not that I'm fearful of speaking, but the organization would definitely take actions against me. A nearly all powerful organization is difficult to go against. I was certain they had malicious intent either way, who would try to hire me if that was the case? I learnt the hard way to never speak up against authority.

A spark lit in my mind, as curiosity peaked my interest when they did not stop communication. They would physically separate us from warming ourselves up but not stop when others were talking badly about them. I wondered what they were planning, but I ended up paying it no mind as I have with most of my situations.

I had set my eyes to the front platform once again just as everyone had. The only surrounding area of life resembled that of what others would call a 'school assembly', rows of uniform seats that sat below the facing platform. Although, I can't comment on an event I have never had the experience of, so I can be mistaken.

Just then, an individual strode in with a tall, bulky stature fancily dressed with a suit and a silky cape draped around their shoulder adorned with luxurious fur that dragged along the floor. He had black hair tied into a long thin ponytail and piercing dark gray eyes, a vibe of unfriendliness radiated around him.

Personally, it was a bit exaggerated and unnecessary with the clothing choice, but to others it might've been appropriate as the 'head council' who was welcomed in. I'm lying, it was a very grotesque outfit.

Some of the people in the very front rows began to grovel to their feet and did a 'dogeza bow', shockingly enough. Ignoring what was told to us in the beginning, a few people whispered around that they were advisors who advocated for the organization. Looking at the name tag "Advisor: Staff" I could tell it was true. (1)

「Attention! We are The Organization of Universal Unity and Peace otherwise known as the OUP, we share the same goals, mindset, and mentality alike. To establish unity, we have gathered you here today as new recruits and members.」

「New recruits are expected to do the following. If you cannot, please send in a notice of your letter of resignation 2 weeks beforehand.」

I couldn't help but scoff at that, well, in my thoughts at least. If anyone was able to get up, they would've by now. No one would succumb themselves to torture unless you are currently in the lowest peak of life or you actually believe in them. Of course, I am the former, unfortunately.

Everyone else who left thought those who stayed were pitiful, looking upon us with weary eyes. It's hilarious because they wouldn't help a single inch if it came down to it, instead truly mocking us 'poors'. Maybe it's just my opinion though, I do hold a grudge against the wealthy and powerful.

I really wanted to stop thinking and focus on the present, but this person just took so long to process words speaking in an exaggerated manner. Please, just get to the point.



1. Dogeza is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status. (Google)

Anoniiyy Anoniiyy

uhmm i try to maybe update weekly! sorry about any delays I would have!

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