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22.22% TVD/ORIGINALS The New Elijah Mikaelson / Chapter 2: 2 Grounds

Chapter 2: 2 Grounds

I took some time to acquaint myself with the present state of New Orleans, thanks to Mikael's efforts. Having access to Elijah's memories enabled me to understand the intricacies of the place and determine what could be salvaged and what needed rebuilding. Mikael had not focused on killing humans in New Orleans, so that aspect remained intact; our primary concern was organizing the supernatural community before anyone got carried away.

After discussing with Marcellus, we decided that the first step in regaining control was to reestablish dominance over the vampires, and then gradually incorporate the rest of the supernatural factions. Vampires tended to be quite arrogant, particularly towards those they considered weaker. Some older vampires were initially resistant to Marcel's leadership due to his relative youth, assuming it equated to weakness.

In most cases, they might have been correct, but Marcel was sired directly by an Original. As I had learned from Elijah's memories, being closely connected to an Original made one more powerful. If I were to sire someone who subsequently sired another person, that second individual would possess greater strength than someone with a far-removed connection to an Original.

While age still played a role in determining power levels, a 100-year-old vampire sired directly by an Original would lose against a 400-year-old vampire with a diluted sire connection. However, age differences of 100-150 years didn't significantly affect power disparity. The Originals arrived in New Orleans at the beginning of the 18th century; therefore, the oldest vampire would be around 200 years old, while Marcel was turned in the early-mid 19th century.

Initially, we decided not to confront rebellious vampires directly; instead, we focused on establishing Marcel as the 'king' of New Orleans before either banishing them or eliminating them. It did not take long for Marcel to demonstrate his aptitude as a ruler—his charismatic personality naturally drew people to him. It certainly didn't hurt that he was an honorary Mikaelson and had learned from both myself and Klaus, who were charismatic leaders in their own right.

With Marcel's leadership validated, it was time to address the rebels. Marcel knew he needed to handle them without Elijah's assistance to solidify his authority. I had no concerns about him doing so alone; I was confident that Marcel would devise the most effective strategy for dealing with the dissidents. And that is precisely what he did.

By making an example of four rebel vampires, Marcel not only impressed his newfound followers but also demonstrated his commitment to maintaining order atop New Orleans' supernatural hierarchy—regardless of the personal connections he may have had with those who defied his authority, he would not hesitate to punish them accordingly.

"You certainly created quite a spectacle," I remarked, cradling my drink in hand. 

Beside me, Marcel held his beverage, nursing it too. "I know," he grinned. "I was attempting my best impression of Klaus."

I chuckled, "Well you certainly convinced me."

"And how does it feel?" I inquired.

Noticing his confusion, I clarified, "Being the King of New Orleans."

"It feels great, but there's still work to be done," Marcel replied. "It will feel even better once the werewolves and witches are back in line."

"Don't get too comfortable yet, Marcellus," I cautioned with seriousness.

His smile faded as I continued, "One werewolf bite and it's all over."

Marcel looked determined. "Don't worry, Elijah. I'll reclaim this place for our family by any means necessary." He smiled once more. "When I'm finished, this will be the greatest supernatural gathering spot on Earth."

Seeing no deceit in him, I responded, "If that's the case, Marcellus, I eagerly await the day we Mikaelson's can reunite again."

Surprised at my reference to him as a fellow Mikaelson, Marcel quickly composed himself.

We continued talking briefly before I bid farewell and informed him that I would be leaving town to address other matters.

After our conversation, I bid him farewell and explained that I would temporarily be leaving town to address other matters.

Marcel aimed to regain control of New Orleans and reestablish some connections to the Mikaelson family.

With New Orleans being secure under Marcel's watch, I embarked on my journey to tackle other urgent issues demanding my attention.

My top priority was Mikael, whose presence needed to be eliminated without question. Thus, I initiated the plan to bring about the demise of my father.

In order to achieve this goal, acquiring white oak wood was crucial, and Mystic Falls, the birthplace of The Originals, held the only location where it could be found.

Upon arrival in Mystic Falls, I took a moment to familiarize myself with the surroundings. It was surreal to be in a place known only in fiction, and I also searched for any signs of supernatural activity.

Fortunately, the Salvatore brothers were absent. The only supernatural presence in town was the Bennett family.

Given their potential assistance, I decided to introduce myself, fully aware that my arrival might not be well-received.

To their credit, their reaction was not as negative as I had anticipated. They recognized their limited ability to impede me if I truly desired to create chaos, while also being uncertain if any other Originals were lurking nearby.

To establish trust, I assured them that my intention was not to harm anyone during my stay. I would be in their midst for a few weeks before departing abruptly.

Reluctantly, they agreed, wisely refraining from inquiring about my original purpose for coming. If they were to discover the presence of white oak in their town, I could not be held responsible for the subsequent bloodshed.

I compelled myself to find a comfortable abode and began the search for the white oak tree, driven by the urgency to depart as swiftly as possible. This place attracted various supernatural beings, which I was desperately wishing to avoid.

I enlisted the help of some individuals in my quest to find the white oak tree. I realized that I had no idea where it was located, so I investigated the prominent families of Mystic Falls for any useful information. After compelling a human Salvatore who possessed the knowledge I sought, I compelled him to assist me in my search. Finally, I located the tree and promptly began cutting it down. I stored the tree in a secure location until I could find a truly safe place for it.

To ensure our safety, I planned to distribute the wood across different countries, dividing it into as many pieces as possible. This way, even if someone were to discover the wood, they would not possess enough to pose a threat to all of us Mikaelsons.

Once the task was completed, I took up residence in an uninhabited manor, relieved that it lacked an owner.

Of course, I decided against storing any piece of the wood in Mystic Falls, as it would inevitably end up in the hands of someone crucial to the story. Instead, I hired a team to transport it to a warehouse I owned in another part of the country. I also recruited some capable vampires, I knew, that wouldn't dare ask questions as long as they were properly compensated, to guard the wood, temporarily until it could be relocated, to an even safer place.

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