Should a son of the Emperor loss his army, may he find them reborn!
Si filius Imperatoris exercitum amittat, inveniat eos renascentes.
Even with power, pouring life back into the ship, it took to much time for our team, with Delta and the crew staying on the ship tasked to bring other systems online and ran checks through the systems internal defenses, searching for any reason why the other team came in contact with hostility, as for Rylanor and I raced through the guts of the ship to save Delta.
With the roar of weapons and clashing metal, the sudden burst of battle fell silent as the walls echoed the screams of our fellow soldiers, I gritted my teeth, unsure of the threat ahead. Looking towards Rylanor, we stood still, not making a sound we waited to here the sound of foot steps hitting the metal floor and yet we are deafened by the sound of nothing as if the void crawled into our ears.
With centuries of experience in warfare and being a Space Marine, we should have heard something like sound of blood dripping or sound of armour shifting with movement... yet nothing, I turned to Rylanor, " Our allies have gone silent, there are only two ways of leaving this aera, move to secure that exit." Rylanor nodes silently not to draw attention of unkown threats ( as much as a dreadnought can), my bolter raised and a round chambered, I approached the door, not rushing in I waited for about thirty seconds taking the time to listen again... screeching ( the sound metal biting metal).
Charging into the door to engage, mere seconds away from unleashing a hail of bolter rounds to anyting that dared moved, the smell of iron stained the air and the bodies of Detla team were scattered around the floor with Las guns showing a faint red color from barrel as smoke seeped out like it was taking it's last breath.
The bodies of these men were torn and ripped to shreads, guts scattered across the room. Bodies showed that large gushes gave hint to a close quarters weapon, moving around scanning with aupsex I noticed gunfire was exchanged.
The ammunition that was used could be or similar to bolter rounds but the major difference was that it went right through the Guardsmen and almost making it through the wall behind him.
Putting my Bolter away I walked towards the bulkhead examining the deformed round and the impact it made in the wall leaving a most caught in its path doomed.
A silent sound of metal scraping against metal fell onto my ears which sounded alarms off in my head that whatever did this was not finished yet, giving the impression of going unnoticed of its presence I slowly grasped my Power sword and did not make the sceptical of unleashing overwhelming power into the edge of blade I instead slowly coated the blade while it was inside the sheath.
Not long after I started pouring my power into the blade whatever was there made its move and launched itself from the darker corner of the room I launched a counter-attack I twisted pulling my sword out and clashing with jet-black metallic fingers which sparked lighting my opponent for a mere moment revelling a cold robotic face rusted and black from times grasp.
Rylanor form the shadows of the corridor he came form let forth a firestorm, setting the machine ablaze melting the away rusted and exposed areas in its armor.
Now being able to see the the horror of what stood before me, a metal machine who I thought would be long died and gone brought back a dreadful reminder of stories passed on from veterans of the legions, of a races of machines that brought down humanity in it's most golden age to their very knees, a Man of Iron...
Taking no chances and seizing the advantage of Rylanor's flames, I pressed forward maneuvering past the failing arms of the machine as it's systems began to overload, from the heat.
I started by cutting off it's arm and shoulder charging it to the ground, the Man of Iron not accepting it's fate trying to stand but was all but to late, Rylanor had already closed the distance, lifting his foot above the machines chest and with the his centuries of experience, millennia of rage, he caved in it's chest making sure what ever powered it was no more but junk.
Standing above the killing machine catching my breath, I could not help wonder what this terrible machine was guarding, *beep*... *beep*...*beep* the sound of a rhythmic tone came from the darkness beyond low hanging cables which gave an eerie feeling of pressure.
"Rylanor, follow me... there is something behind here" I gestured towards the cables, Rylanor removing his foot from his most recent kill, " Trend with caution Brother this place seems to have many shadows that have yet to make them selves known."
Lifting the thick cables that obstructed my view. Only four meters in and force beyond reality started to make me doubt my surroundings, as if out of the corner of my eyes those very cables came to life, turning and contorting.
Like mortal man I was born but I was made into the man I am today. Like my brothers of old and our oaths "Kill for the Living l, Kill for the Dead!" These words hold the very soul of our duties and essence of who we are.
Now dozens of meters in, a small and alone light stood at the very edge of my vision. I pressed forward allowing the darkness to encroach upon me, giving my undivided attention to my only source of light... I continued for a moment, then my thoughts came to me like a vision telling me to "stop..." I am not to ment to walk this path.
My mind slipped into a quote by the Emperor "They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them. They shall be of iron will and steely sinew. In great armour I shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight them. They shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines...and they shall know no fear." I turned towards the darkness understanding that his words were more then to give us purpose but direction.
A Golden door at least twenty meters high, showed a massive army of Space Marines, holding the banners of all the legions fighting the very darkness that eats away at his plans and above all their stood the Two head eagle of the Emperor.
Words above the door describing in High Gothic it said "Hic Thesaurus continet futura Filii mei Legionis Astartes, et si Legio cadat, resurget fortior!" English version "This Vault contains the future of my Son's Legion Astartes and should a Legion fall, they will rise again stronger!"
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