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Staying Idle I became Overlord Staying Idle I became Overlord original

Staying Idle I became Overlord

Author: Kawsar_Ahamed_5809

© WebNovel

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In Earth,a boy called Mu Tian has just graduated from university.

In one night, he was returning from a party.While he was driving, his car crashed by a huge car.

The last moment before he lost his consciousness, there was only unwillingness in his eyes.

On the other side,In The Mainland of Everlasting Continent,where cultivator still roam,strong are respected and weak are being treated as ants,people could fly in the sky and move mountains.

In the west region, there is a third grade empire called Great Qin Empire.

At this moment, In General Mu mansion there is a young boy is lying in a bed.His face is very pale.

There is a beautiful middle age women sitting beside him looking extremely worried expression as her eyes were filled with tear.

"Why you have to offend Crown Prince for a girl?"

"Now that you have become like this, mother's heart ache so much.Why don't you wake up?"

As the women was muttering, there was sudden knock on the door.

Hearing the knock,the women hurriedly put away her tears and looked at the door.

"Come in."

Soon an extremely handsome middle aged men dressed in military robe entered the hall.There is pendent in his chest engraving the word "General Mu" on it.

Although he looked fine,there is a trace worry in his eyes.He took the women in his embrace and started to console her.

"Don't worry Madam.Our Tian has always been lucky.He will be fine soon."

"Have you found the girl? Emperor has given us three days."The women asked.

"If you couldn't find that girl Tian'er will be put on imperial prison."

How can you let Tian'er went to prison when he is already like that?" Madam Mu stared to question one after another.

"Sign.We still haven't found any whereabout. She seems to vanished is the air.No matter how much force we used it will all for naught."General Mu replied with depressed voice.

"What?Don't say me my Tian'er has to go to imperial prison in this condition?"

"He is already half dead.They have destroyed his meridians.It is still unsure weather he will wake up or not. Isn't it enough to punish him?" Madam Mu cried even more.

General Mu sighed helplessly.He hugged the women tightly and let her vent her anger.

"Don't worry.Our Tian will definitely be fine.I will find a way to wake him up.I just need to plead to Emperor Qi..."

Suddenly General Mu stop talking then he started trembling.

Madam Mu has also noticed something abnormal.

"What happened? "

"Madam our Tian'er is moving." General Mu said in a trembling voice.

Hearing this Madam Mu hurriedly separated her from General mu and ran towards the bed.

"Tian'er,Please wake up hurriedly ,please."

Madam Mu hold the boy's hand with one hand and started to caresses his face with her other hand.

General Mu also stand behind his wife, holding her in his arm.

Soon,the boy called Mu Tian stared to open his eyes.

"Um,Where I am?Aren't I already dead?"

But just at he said those word,a huge amount of memory started to flash in his mind with sudden pain.

"Ah,it hurts so much."He shouted in a low voice and then once again lost his consciousness.

"Tian what happened to you?Where are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Tian, answer me."

"Hubby, What happened to Tian?Why he lost his consciousness again?"

Seeing her son has lost his consciousness once again,Madam Mu become even more worried.

She started shout Mu Tian's name madly.Her eye once again filled with tears.

"Madam don't worry. I'm calling uncle Wu.He will definitely find a way." As General Mu said this he took out a spirit paper and engraved some word on it. Then poured some spiritual energy in it.

After being poured by the spirit energy the spirit paper fled in the direction of Wu mansion.

This Uncle Wu is a famous physician in the imperial city.He is also the sworn brother of Great General Mu.

Great General Mu was the previous general of Qin Empire. Few years age he went to travel the continent but never returned.

On the other hand Old Wu like to study medicine.So he stayed in the Imperial City to improve his skill.

"Don't worry Uncle Wu will be here soon."General Mu started to console his wife.

Soon,an old man with white hair and bread appeared in front of Mu mansion.

"Uncle Wu something happened to Tian.He suddenly wake up and shouted in pain.Then he once again lost his consciousness." General Mu hurriedly explained as Old Wu entered the hall.

"Let me see.Don't worry I will try my best." As Old Wu finished,he grabbed Mu Tian's wrist.

A few second later a frown appeared on his face but soon his expression relaxed.

"Umm,Tian'er is fine now.He will soon be able to wake up.His body is extremely weak due to his meridians being broken."

" I'm giving him some medicine to replenish his body." Old Wu said looking at General Mu.

"Thank you uncle Wu." General Mu hurriedly bowed with his hand cupped.

"Ahh,It's nothing. Mu come out with me." Old Wu said as he went out of the hall.

"Madam you should take some rest.Looking at your haggard face,I feel even more bad."General Mu rubbed his wife's face dotingly before going out.

"Mu Yan,Have you catch that girl?" Old Wu asked as soon as they went out of the hall.

"No,we still can't find that girl.She seems to disappeared in the air." General Mu replied with self blame.

"Don't blame yourself.Think about it. Mu Tian also didn't want that girl to be catched."

"He had become like this to save the girl from that lecherous crown Prince. He will be sad if the girls feel into crown Prince's hand again." Old Wu said.

"Then what should we do uncle Wu?Crown Prince is doted by Emperor and he is the only son of the Empress."

"Do my son have to go to imperial prison? "

Mu Tian asked.His expression clearly painful.

"I think if we plead for Mu Tian, Emperor will definitely undo his punishment for the sake of the contribution we have done for the Empire." Old Wu replied.

"Thank you Uncle Wu. I really don't know how to repay your favor." General Mu hurriedly bowed to Old Wu with tears in his eyes.

"Don't do it Mu.Don't forget I and Old Mu were sworn brothers.How can I not help when you are in trouble."

"I'm leaving now.We should go to imperial court tomorrow to plead for mercy."After Old Wu finished speaking he fled towards Wu mansion.


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