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72.41% DxD | Eyes of Malevolence / Chapter 21: The Turbulence of a Good Christmas

Chapter 21: The Turbulence of a Good Christmas

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"They're doing well?"

Sitting on the sole patch of grass in the wasteland that remained of her forest, Frieren the fae queen didn't expect to be back so soon. Truthfully, she was excited to leave the forest and explore the world but what was a month when she had already lived here for so long?

Oddly enough, it actually wasn't too bad either. She expected the month to feel just as boring as the past thousand years but it was anything but. It felt pleasant when in the past it felt like she was just wasting the day away when she wasn't learning magic or speaking to Merlin.

"Fairly so. Rias' been complaining quite a bit though."

And it was all thanks to him. Noel Asmodeus, the third Asmodeus of the Devils. Back when the fae still lived in this forest they had told her that there was only one Asmodeus so she couldn't even begin to guess how the world had changed since then.

Before now, she hadn't even spared a thought for the outside world. All she knew was that Merlin cared deeply about it and occasionally spoke about how dangerous the future would be while drunk. That was the extent of her care.

"...What is Earth like?"

But now, she was more curious than she ever believed to be possible. She had thought that she would never care for it and that she would die without even sparing it a thought. The only change that could have caused such a stark change would be him.

"It's an interesting place. You'll have to see it yourself to get a good grasp of it though."

Smiling cheekily Frieren could tell that Noel just wanted her to explore Earth herself. It was odd but, she found the idea oddly intriguing. She hadn't spoken to them much but all of Noel's friends barring Amaris Branwen had made it sound quite appealing.

"I see. Let's continue."

Shifting the conversation seeing as she wouldn't get anything more Frieren stood up, her staff manifesting in her grasp as she stared down Noel Asmodeus. None had managed to match her before so there was a hint of excitement in her eyes at fighting an equal.

"Sure. Just don't complain when I win this round."

Smirking like a cocky brat Noel's body was replaced by one of liquid shadows.

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Standing atop the tower he called home, Merlin didn't quite know how to feel. He had long since gotten used to using proxies to accomplish things that needed to be done in his stead and yet most of those proxies were not teens that may die in the process.

These teens were all monstrous luckily so there was little risk of that but the risk still existed. It was a risk Merlin didn't wish to take but felt as though he had to. That shell of a man was waiting, watching. They were running out of time.

"What was that old man thinking?"

Sighing felt like an old friend of his though Merlin would hardly admit it in front of the youth. They had an odd way of showing affection to their teacher which included calling him 'old' at all opportunities. He wasn't even that old!

Regardless, he was relieved to see the growth of his students for every percent they grew their survival rate would shoot up. Merlin didn't care for teaching them the 'proper' way to fight or teaching them the importance of steady progression. He just needed results and he was getting them even faster than he had expected.

Morgan was the first problem he was worried about because her clan trait had become much more tangible. That wasn't a bad thing by any means but it did make it a tad bit harder to control as it was less malleable.ย 

To counteract that, Merlin made her control even worse. In areas of extremely dense natural energy, it would become extremely viscous and make even the most basic of spells difficult to utilize freely.ย 

The task Merlin had given her was simply to catch a sprite. It was a game of tag thinly veiled as something more important but Morgan didn't seem to careโ€”or maybe she just didn't realizeโ€”as she followed his instructions without a complaint.

However, sprites are quick and tricky little things so she was still struggling. It would take a few weeks longer for her to catch the tiny thing but in the meantime, her ability to control her demonic energy would grow.

Next came the two nekoshou Shirone and Kuroka. Those two were a bit of a tricky case even for somebody as experienced as him. It shamed him to admit it, but if it weren't for Ajuka Beelzebub's precedent Merlin would be quite lost on how to teach them.

Natural energy wasn't something that could be taught, not by him at least. There were two things that were required to even begin teaching it, the ability to sense natural energy and the proper wording to explain that phenomenon.

Merlin couldn't do either. Well, maybe he could do the latter but that wasn't important without the former. In the end, Merlin couldn't help them with regards to natural energy. Luckily, he didn't have to since Ajuka managed to teach it even without fulfilling those conditions.

In the end, Merlin focused on their overall combat ability. Kuroka was a Bishop, a far off fighter who utilized illusions and nature itself to make herself difficult to touch let alone defeat. It was a fighting style he was quite familiar with as a mage so there was little issues there.

Shirone was the bigger problem of the two. As a Rook, she was all about physical combat which wasn't exactly Merlin's forte. He did have a few ways to teach her luckily but they were far from elegant which was somewhat displeasing.

Golems were the solution he created. Mostly immortal monsters with immense physical strength and near impenetrable defenses. Merlin made them with the image of fighting off a heavenly dragon but they fell far short unfortunately. Still, they weren't something Shirone could even scratch let alone defeat.

She was rapidly approaching the correct answer but it would take quite a while for her to discover the path he laid out for her. In the meantime, her ability to dodge and deflect was growing which was good enough.

Amaris was perhaps the easiest of them to teach because she had only one glaring weakness that must be fixed. Unlike most other Longinus users, she had never actually contacted the spirit within her sacred gear simply because it was too 'young' to have any form of intelligence.

To fix the issue of her Longinus affecting her emotions all she had to do was communicate with it enough to figure out where exactly it sat on her plate. After that, restricting its influence on her soul would come naturally.

Rias and Akeno came next and they were an odd pair. Rias was once a pure mage type combatant but with the arrival of the Boosted Gear that quickly changed. Her abilities as the former were slightly lacking so Merlin mostly focused on training that while using the Boosted Gear as a supportive tool. It angered Ddraig a bit but Merlin wasn't one to fear spirits.

Akeno on the other hand was the closest to him and so Merlin had no issue teaching her. All he had to do was teach her the dos and don'ts of being a mage that Noel hadn't taught her. Merlin wasn't sure if it was because his nephew had forgotten or because they didn't tend to apply to him but skipping them was unforgivable in his mind.

Yamato was the only one he simply couldn't teach. It wasn't because he couldn't assist her in any way but rather because she was a muscle brained idiot. Anything he said went in one ear and out the other. Ultimately, he just threw her to Cath Palug to play with.

"Oh, they're at it again."

The sky darkening as that familiar eerie chill and stale air washed over Avalon was a dead giveaway that the last of Merlin's students was playing around again. Noel Asmodeus, the most monstrous boy Merlin had ever had the displeasure of meeting.

Prideful, vain, and with a complete disregard for common sense he was both a mage's idol and worst nightmare. Even Merlin would readily admit he wished he had even a fraction of that boy's potential let alone those less blessed than him. Noel was a monster through and through.

At the ripe age of sixteen, he could rival the fae queen who had lived for over a thousand years and dedicated all of them to growing stronger. He was quite literally ten times younger than her and yet he still could match her power. If that wasn't talent, nothing was.

To be blunt, Noel didn't need his help. More accurately, he didn't need anyone's help. The issue Merlin fretted over each day could be solved by him alone and it likely wouldn't even be particularly difficult. The casualties would be immense but he could do it alone.

And that was where the issue began. Noel was too talented and few could rival him let alone those of a similar age. Those his age couldn't reach his heights and those of similar power couldn't match his talent. He was at an odd impasse where he alone sat.

Noel Asmodeus was impossible to understand. Even when surrounded by people he loved dearly he was isolated, alone. Noel was content with his life and Merlin had no intention of meddling with that butโ€ฆ it was a shame, wasn't it?

All the people Noel gathered together to fill the void couldn't help but look at him the same way as everyone else. He was the ultimate solution, the fix for all issues they may face. The way they looked at him was saddening. Noel was akin to a flower, it could be admired and even respected but it would never be truly understood.ย 

"Luckily those two get along well."

Smiling softly at the cage of darkness that enveloped the former Fae Forest, Merlin was relieved to see that it had worked. Frieren was too strong, too empty, and too lacking in common sense and eventually all her subjects left her. She was lacking in peers and Noel would fit that role perfectly while she would somewhat fill the void in his heart. It was a win win.

Yes, they deserved at least that much.

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"Looks like you've been enjoying yourself."

Scoffing at the report he just received Noel didn't expect anything else from his personal informant. Smiling playfully Zeke Oriax had no regrets about any of his actions even if his 'report' was nothing more than a tourist's diary.

"Totally! You'd never guess by looking at them, but the church really has revolutionized cooking!"

Rolling his eyes at his subordinate's claim Noel read the rest of the report, his amusement palpable and only growing. Over the last few weeks, Zeke had mostly remained in Italy which was partly by Noel's command.

Though most of what he recorded was the epitome of worthless to Noelโ€”maybe not the food though since if he ever took somebody on a date there it'd be helpfulโ€”but there were bits and pieces of important info snuck in as well.

"So they've finally moved?"

It was far from good news but Noel couldn't help but smile regardless. The situation in the church had been perilous for quite a while with the Golden Dawn splitting the clergy members in half but things have only just now gotten this far.

"I'm not sure if I'd call it them making a move since this happened entirely by the church themselves."

Humming in thought at Zeke's words Noel could tell they had value but he couldn't help but doubt them regardless. The church was one of the most stable organizations in the supernatural world, for them to split after so many years on the fence required some kind of catalyst.

Turning toward the door that slowly swung open a familiar head popped through, the face of Frieren the former fae queen impassively looking at him. Her expression was the epitome of serenity however Noel could see the bit of excitement in her eyes.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Head home Zeke."

Nodding his head Zeke teleported away, eagerness in his eyes. Today was a special day hence why Noel and the rest had returned home. It was the most wonderful time of the year, the time when snow blanketed the world. It was Christmas.

As always, Rias went home for the holidays and Akeno was much the same. As much as Noel wished to spend it together, he could see where the two families were coming from now that he had a child of his own.

Devils lived for a very long time however their adulthood came at eighteen like humanity often did as well. Rias and Akeno may have an infinite lifespan ahead of them but the number of holidays they'd spend with their parents was extremely finite. Hell, Noel had already moved past that stage in his life though he wasn't exactly a model case being a Satan and all.

From the little Morgan had accidentally shared it seems he had plenty to look forward to this year whether it be gifts or entertainment. Kuroka had taken it upon herself to guide Shirone and Frieren in the art of gift giving while Amaris took on the long endeavor of teaching Yamato common sense. Noel still held little hope for the latter.

"What do you think of the Underworld?"

Breaking the silence Noel was curious how somebody so accompanied by the perfect natural paradise of the fae forest would find his flawed home. The Underworld was pretty but it was corrupt to the core and far from pretty. It was a realm of tradition, innovation, and rampant desires that could only be considered the antithesis of Frieren's former home.

"It'sโ€ฆ loud."

Failing to stifle his laughter at her blunt response Noel found her slightly crimson cheeks beyond endearing. She was still as inexpressive as ever but Noel was finding it easier to read her emotions as the days went by. She was so used to crushing her own desires that it actually made her quite poor at hiding the more subtle details.

"I'll try to strengthen the barrier but you may have to work on things on your end."

Noel's response was the most he could offer the poor fae. The Underworld was a loud and bustling place, of which he had no doubt, but anyone could tell that wasn't what she meant. In the Asmodeus estate, there was something akin to an unspoken rule you see.

No matter what you hear at night, how loud it may be, or what sort of vulgarities are thrown to the wind, you are not to acknowledge them. Noel had made a point to put up various silencing barriers and the like and they tended to work well but people like Frieren whose mana sensitivity made such barriers as effect as a paper wall in front of a tornado found them unhelpful.

"... I see."

For a moment, Noel thought he saw a flash of hesitation and regret flicker in her emerald eyes for only an instant. Without even trying to hide the curling of his lips Noel was relieved that Frieren was so receptive to him.

Noel was a greedy man with a desire for love and affection that reached the stars. Unlike the other Satans who were far too busy with their responsibilities to take on a partner let alone multiple Noel didn't have such an issue. He desired love both carnal and innocent like a parched man finding water and nothing could stop him from getting it.

But at the same time, Noel was more than willing to take a step back. It wasn't helpful to his desires but he found himself taking a more passive role than anything else. Part of it was that he genuinely believed bonds would form naturally but it was also true that he simply was afraid.

Noel Asmodeus was afraid of very few things in life but pushing away those he wished to connect with was one of them. Out of everyone in this world, he chose them so he dreaded a future without them. He would never admit it however it was his biggest fear.

Luckilyโ€”or perhaps unluckily depending on your outlookโ€”he had never encountered such a situation. If he did, he would be more willing to act but what works shouldn't always be changed let alone by necessity. He is more than content with what he has now.

"Kuroka probably told you but don't get caught cheating."

Cheating was the name of the game the Underworld played under the disguise of a holiday. In the human world things were different but this was not Earth. If they didn't cheat to pick the best gifts, they weren't devils.


Nodding calmly Noel was more interested in her methods than he'd like to admit. He didn't have quite the same level of fascination that the Emerald Satan so often showed but he did enjoy magic more than most. As they say, like teacher like student.

Still, Frieren's magic was a bit more interesting to Noel than somebody like Ajuka or even Merlin. The latter two were strictly logical, the 'magic' nothing more than the actualization of desires utilizing mathematical formulae as a pathway. Frieren's magic was a tad more mystical than theirs though.

Frieren's magic was very akin to ancient magic such as the Word Magic that Noel usedโ€”officially at least since he most just used his eyesโ€”but it had the efficiency and power of more modernized magic that had millennia to be perfected. He had heard from Merlin she did most of it herself to pass the time so he had found quite a talented comrade.

She was so talented in fact that he wanted nothing more than to add her to his peerage and he was quite certain she would accept. Unfortunately, such a thing was difficult and stupid though not entirely impossible or even idiotic if done correctly.

Magic was called magic because it was magical and as such it was an umbrella term at its finest. However, magic came in many different forms whether it be the devil magic Noel used or the Norse Runes+. It was as undeniable as the concept of gravity. That is to say, it gets weird when you think too closely so it was best to take everything a little loosely.

Regardless, magic came in various forms, and to those highly skilled in their form of magic altering their biology to grant them an entirely different energy source was more of a curse than a blessing. It would be no different than destroying all the progress they made over their lifetime.

But that wasn't always the case. Certain energy types could exist mutually with demonic energy, Akeno's holy lightning being the most prominent example. As a holy power granted by Yahweh's essence that had been corrupted by the process of an angel falling it was capable of surviving the reincarnation process.

Simply put, energy with a similar enough nature will either merge and nurture demonic energy or will simply be similar enough to not damage all the magic the mage knew. Additionally, if said mage knew not even one spell then it wasn't exactly a big deal now was it?

Unfortunately for them, Frieren didn't fit into any of those boxes so Noel had to scrap the idea of reincarnating her. To begin with though, it wasn't particularly necessary. The only things that would make it inconvenient were rating games which he couldn't participate in as a Satan and politics which he didn't give a shit about.

"Good luck. You'll need it."

Even with his hand on the door handle Noel had no delusion that he would get the chance to use it, the smug smirk he sent Frieren unchanging even when Yamato shattered the wall beside him, her joy infectious.

"Boss! Your kid is super smart!"

Cocking a brow at Amaris who stood behind the oni in a mix of anger and resignation Noel did take notice of Magnus' attempts to get his attention. Snatching his son from Yamato's embrace Noel completely ignored the oni's noise of bewilderment that was swiftly followed by demands for the boy. Yamato was intended to be a guard and she had gotten almost too attached.

"He was looking toward the door when you came close."

Now wasn't that surprising? Noel knew better than to doubt Amaris but it was still surprising that Magnus had known he was coming. It was long ago by now but Ajuka's lessons once focused on bodily control and that included eliminating all sounds escaping the body. Noel was far from his teacher's level but even he shouldn't be noticeable unless he wanted to be.

"I guess he is a smart little bastard then."

Smiling fondly at the boy Noel felt his neck crack ominously as Morgan's hand pinched his ear and pulled dangerously. Morgan was quite a bit stronger than a mage like him so Noel couldn't help but literally bend the knee as his shorter wife nearly pulled him to the ground.

"Noel! What did I say about swearing? Babies remember stuff like that!"

Lightly slapping the top of his head Morgan looked at him scathingly, the wrath of a mother Noel hadn't seen in a very long time shown once more. Now he could understand why so many of the families he knew were matriarchal.

"โ€ฆLet's reveal the gifts."

Instead of reflecting on his mistakes Noel switched the topic with all the subtly of Morgan herself, his three gifts and one more conjured onto a table in the corner. These days, there were a bit too many of them for all of them to get three so they decided to do things Secret Santa style to save time.ย 

It was a decision made for Noel's benefit but he still wished it wasn't the case. It was a bit selfish but he wanted more gifts. Besides, wasn't it better for the good of the family if they had more Christmas cheer to go around? It was his money they were spending anyway.

"Watch your dad win at Christmas."

Sharing a grin with his son, Noel was quite excited for this Christmas.

[๐Œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ ๐Š๐š๐ข๐ฅ๐š๐ฌ๐ก, ๐„๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ก, ๐“๐ฐ๐จ ๐Œ๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ก๐ฌ ๐‹๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ]

"Smile a bit more, will you? You're making me depressed just looking at you."

"Ha ha ha. You're so funny Azazel."

Dryly responding to the words of the Governor General of the Grigori the newest Asmodeus dubbed the Ashen Satan and Hero of the Underworld was far from amused. The gods were vain beings, after all, what remained after thousands of years of life besides vanity? Noel believed he knew that quite well but he still found himself annoyed beyond compare.

"I try. Still, who knew old Shiva would host a party so soon."

Noel didn't know if Azazel was messing with him or not but the sly grin the fallen wore lent credit to the latter. The pair were the sole representatives of the Underworld to the illustrious gala hosted by none other than Shiva the God of Destruction, the second ranked being on the list of the strongest in this scary world of theirs.

He was every bit as odd as everyone else in this accursed world so him sending invites to all the factions in this wide worldโ€”enemy or notโ€”was far from odd. Unfortunately, his strength made it impossible to refuse unless there was a damn good reason.

He held these events once every few centuries and they were held for the most random of reasons. If Noel recalled correctly, the last was held because Shiva saw a baboon laugh at a baby that fell over while the rest often followed similar themes. The real reason they were held was known only by Shiva and he had no intentions of telling for the last few thousand years.ย 

The last was held seventeen years ago, an unusually short time for the immortal gods who thought a day and a century was the same these days. To be completely blunt, Noel didn't care about what games Shiva was playing or what he stood to gain, he just didn't want to come.

But he couldn't refuse, not this time. Shiva has and always would only invite one member of any given practice and it tended to be the leader as was natural. In the devil's case, that was Lucifer both past and present. This year though, Noel had been summoned to these illustrious halls in his stead. And that wasn't even the worst of itโ€ฆ

"Yeah, how surprising."

To a certain extent, Noel couldn't say he was surprised. Shiva was somewhat famous for his ability to see the paths of fate so him knowing that things were going to shit wasn't exactly strange by any means. Unfortunately for Noel, that did mean he had to be cautious as an outlier.

"Noel Asmodeus. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

A warm voice flowed through the air, golden locks of hair fluttering in Noel's eyes. Vibrant orange eyes gazed at him with all the warmth of the sun yet the serenity of a sage, the elegant yukata the woman wore flowing like flames as she walked, her every step filled with elegance.

"And here I thought you'd do your best to avoid me."

Smirking playfully Noel didn't see anything even remotely resembling shame in her expression though he didn't exactly expect much from one of the most tranquil deities. However, his words were completely sincere just as was his surprise.

Susanoo was the sixth ranked on the list of the strongestโ€”he shared the spot with Horus of the Egyptian pantheonโ€”and he only earned that position due to his victory over Yamata no Orochi centuries ago. If it was revealed that Susanoo had failed to truly win, his rankings would fall drastically and the Shinto faction as a whole would be shamed.

"I was tempted but I thought it would be best to gauge you myself."

Smiling amicably to the youth if Amaterasu was worried, she didn't show it on her face. Noel had the leverage to push Susanoo down and pull himself up in the rankings, to say she was worried was an understatement. Even if he weren't a devil, few people would pass up on that kind of prestige.

It was only because of the words of Yasaka and Uraume that led worries were quelled to some extent. She was firm in her belief that devils were not to be trusted however the words of her most trusted could not be ignored either. She would give him the opportunity to prove himself rather than condemn him without proof.

"Then I'll be blunt, I already got what I needed from him so I don't care for anything else."

While Noel knew his words were ridiculous to her, he truly believed that the poison of Yamata no Orochi and Yamato were well worth it. To begin with, her didn't particularly care about his position on the list considering that it was imperfect and flawed. It focused more on accomplishments than actual strength and Noel couldn't say he cared for a system like that.

Humming softly Amaterasu dragged her eyes over the young Satan. The first word that came to mind when seeing him was either boredom or pride. Even surrounded by gods, leaders, and the powerful he was undeterred and fearless to the point of boredom.

The powerful all were odd people, it was natural as insanity was often a prerequisite for strength, and Noel seemed to be no different. Just as she had heard from Uraume, he cared little for things such as hierarchy or etiquette. His eyes practically begged her to leave him alone, something that would never be found in such a situation.

Though Amaterasu had no intentions of actually doing so, this was on paper the most ideal chance to make a good impression on her and the Shinto faction by proxy. Noel Asmodeus didn't seem to care for that in the slightest though.

"Lady Amaterasu, how are you this fine evening?"

A familiar yet undesired voice came from behind her, her back straightening as she froze in place. As always, he was impossible to sense coming. He made neither a sound nor had a presence to speak of, he was like a ghost. Yet, she could see that the boy across from her was unsurprised. Was that merely boredom orโ€ฆ

"I'm quite well. You've hosted a magnificent gala as always."

Turning to the voice, Amaterasu was off put as always. One of if not the eldest of the gods stood before her, his childlike body no older than twelve. He was a handsome youth with sharp black hair and skin darker than mostโ€”a tad purple almost reallyโ€”but she wouldn't dare voice those thoughts. The boy was Shiva, the God of Destruction, after all.

"Well, I had to pull out all the stops this year. It's not every year we have such an important thing to celebrate after all. You really should be proud of yourself, Lord Asmodeus."

Gazing at Shiva in nothing more than annoyance Noel was once more reminded of the reason for this gathering. The reason all the gods had been gathered, the excuse Shiva used to scope out whatever it was that he wanted was Noel's ascendance to power.

His rise to the top 100 was worthy enough to hold a spectacular event such as this one. And what an honor it was considering he now stood among the ranks of zoo animals laughing at children. Truly, what an honor.


Hey there, Express_007 here. Hope you liked the chapter.

Quite a bit happened this chapter huh? Merlin's moving around, bit of Christmas joy, and the event hosted by Shiva. Speaking of Shiva, I'm curious what he had in mind when gathering the leader of every faction in once place. Is it really just a desire to party or something more?

As always, if you're interested in supporting the creation of this novel I made a patre*on. Just look up Express_007 and you should find it easily enough. You don't have to support but it'd be much appreciated.

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