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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Tokyo Supermarket. 11:15 AM.

Suou couldn't remember the last time he visited the supermarket with someone else. After his wife died, he flowed through life ignoring everything trying his best to climb out of the debt hole she left behind. Being here brings back memories that he try his best to forget.

Her laughter, her stubborn pride that kept her from spending cheaply. This is why he visited convenience stores to buy his meals. Shi Fang noticed Suou's silence while Yu Ru took a look at the computers.

"Boss?" He approached him who looked like he was distressing over something.

Suou snaps out of his trance, "It's nothing, is Yu Ru still looking at the computers?" He asked doing his best to dodge any questions that may be tossed at him.

Shi Fang decided not to dig any deeper after seeing his expression, "he is. Looks like he can't find what he wants among them." He answers instead.

Nether of them noticed a man and his wife approaching from the left, it was too late to veer in the other direction, "Suou?" The man asked.

He was tall with a thinning hairline. The man had a rat-shaped face and his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "It is you! Isn't this a surprise, never thought I see the day you'd come here without that lovely wife of yours!" He says as loudly as possible.

Suou tensed immediately upon hearing those words. Shi Fang on the other hand, is shocked to learn that his boss was married. Of course it wasn't any of his business, but its a shame he haven't met her.

"Kang Gi!" The woman next to the loudmouth barked at her husband her eyes shooting daggers in Suou's direction.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. Damn woman." The man mutters.

Kang Gi turns his attention back to Suou, "It's no wonder she ran off and died somewhere. Probably got sick and tired...." The words never left his mouth. Before anyone could react the man was on the floor, his hand covering his cheek in shock.

His wife was crouched next to him and Shi Fang had his fist up after committing a violent act. It was just something in him snapped and before he knew what happened he punched the bastard in his face.

Suou wondered why someone he barely knew would react to something he long lost the feeling to react to. He was used to people jibbing him and blaming him for the death of his wife. "Let's finish what we came here to do and leave." He orders without looking in Shi Fang's direction.

Moments later they were climbing into Shi Fang's car after buying the computer setup Yu Ru wanted. The ride back to the apartment was a silent one, no one dared breathe a word. Not that Yu Ru knew what was going on in the first place.

Back at the Apartment. 12:45 PM.

Back in his bedroom, Suou is seen sitting on the right side of his bed staring at a photo frame sitting on the nightstand. Without hesitation he picks it up to take a closer look. In the frame, a beautiful woman with flowing red hair and gentle eyes is smiling at a younger Suou.

The both of them are frozen in time on and in the background a waterfall could be seen. A single tear falls down Suou's cheek as he remembers that day as if it was yesterday.


"So this is the Huangguoshu Waterfall? It's beautiful!" Nu Bai breathed with sparkling eyes of excitement.

Suou took her hand, a smile filled with pure love, "that's right, just like my lovely girlfriend." He boasted.

Nu Bai's cheeks were painted red, "oh you, being cheesy as always. Did you bring me here just to flirt?" She asked playfully swatting at him.

Suou turned to face the waterfall to take in its beautiful sight, "not as gorgeous as my wife." He said.

Nu Bai giggled at what she thought was his silliness, "who's your wife?" She had asked him her eyes shining happily at just the mere word.

Suou turn his attention back to her, "Do you want to get married?" He remembered asking.

She laughed heartily, "Don't tell me you're proposing? It's so lame!" She says trying her best not to break out in a grin.

Suou thought it was the most perfect moment, so he said, "why not? What if I am? Would you say yes?" He asked.

Nu Bai gave him a serious glare, "there's no way!" She snapped.

He thought she had totally rejected him and almost ran away crying.

But then she points at him with that nagging expression, "If you propose like this, why would I agree? Do it properly." She says.

Suou was shocked by those words, it's almost as though she knew from the beginning what he had been planning. He couldn't help wonder when and how long she had been waiting for this. If she says to do it properly than there was only one thing he should do.

Suou remembered taking out that ring he had buried in his pocket and flashing it for her to see. A ring he bought after saving up as much as possible, he wanted to prove to her that her life will be different from now on.

Her eyes glistened tearfully at Suou who was now down on one knee and staring up into those lovely brown eyes, "Nu Bai, even if I'm this young and stupid man, I want to marry the lovely and smart you. What do you say?" He asked.

Nu Bai smirked while crying, "there you go again, saying the obvious," She put her hand out a smile on her lovely face, "Stupid Suou, of course I'll marry you." She agreed.

That day he asked Nu Bai to be his wife and to remember the moment, they took a picture from a stranger.

"Let's promise to love each other no matter what, hm?" She asked him.

"I promise."

(End of Flashback.)

Suou hugged the photo close to his chest and found his heart wrenching in his chest from the memory. The tears flowed freely until he found himself sobbing quietly to himself. On the other side of that door Shi Fang leans against the wall listening.

He pushed off the wall and joined Yu Ru who was setting up the computers. It was best if he didn't get involved with something that was none of his business. No matter how badly he wanted to know, but that's just part of Suou's mystery.

Maybe, if he got close enough and become a good friend, he'll learn what he was itching to know. For Now, he should just do his job. Still, if he could punch that rat bastard again. Will he be satisfied?

Yu Ru tapped his arm and gestured to the computer. This guy. Clueless as always. Well, he can't blame him, since he's been unaware and a mute his entire life.

"I get it, let's get to work. The boss need employees with the same method we used for his clients. Make sure they all have no attachments to Earth." Shi Fang says.

Yu Ru nods and cuts on the computers. To begin, they'll have to start with finding clients outside of China before finding subordinates.

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