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Chapter 3: Back to reality.

"It's that dream again."

It's been a week since I ran away from the village and became a 'Murderer' and It was an uneventful week filled with running away, hunting and trying to grasp my new abilities.

First off was the system I was given, it wasn't a cliche one so I can't just farm demons I had to actually train the attribute I want to level up and during this past week I was only able to level up once but boy was it great.

-Last night-

[Level up!]

Name: Kaigaku

Level: 2

Strength: 12

Fortitude: 7

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 0

Investment Points: 15

Attribute Points: 3


Cursed Energy Manipulation, Basic Kendo.


I pressed the system panel and suddenly a new interface appeared with multiple names of different abilities and passives I didn't know about and some I actually knew and on the top left were.

Talent Points: 2

Ability Point: 1

The list was very long but I noticed how all the talents and abilities that were shown were the only things my body could handle, so scrolling through them I picked those that would help me.

[Cursed Combat]

You can now use Cursed Energy to enhance your combat capabilities on purpose instead of pure instinct.


When fighting without any weapons when your significantly Injured this talent gives you an extra 15% PEN Bonus and 10% Crit Chance on all attacks.

They were simple talents I could put to use but looking at the ability section the selection was very slim only giving me access to 6 abilities.


Focus on your senses to detect any nearby enemies

[Roundhouse Kick]

You gain the knowledge to perform a perfect Roundhouse Kick


As you're about to be hit by any physical attack you will go into a state where you will be able to find flaws in your enemies attack and counter with either your own attack or dodge their attack.

[Adrenaline Surge]

For a few seconds you forcefully pump yourself with adrenaline.


This gives you the ability to close minor wounds stopping you from bleeding out


For a few brief seconds you will enter a state called 'Flow' all your attacks do 20% more damage and your chances of landing a black flash is doubled(Current chance 5%), if you continue to land hits on your opponent the Flow state won't end.

I immediately picked flow and suddenly I felt a burst of information enter my mind, it was instant a few seconds ago I didn't know how to use the Flow ability now I know every detail about it.

"This will definitely help."

-Present time-

Yet even with this system here I am in the middle of the night in the alley of the red light district looking for people to rob, the last time I've done any sort of crime was before I was taken in by Gyomei.

I remember cooking and eating dead rats when I was 5, and the fact that I had to fight the other slum kids for it was saying something about this country's current state.

My system gave me no Shops or Gacha's hell I didn't even have an inventory it was all stupid. Yet I couldn't complain as I still gain abilities and talents from it and I can get stronger and faster than others.


"Let's go for another round~!"

I turned to the sound of two drunken men passing the alley, I began pretending to be sleeping on the Garbage in the alley as from what I could see they were both carrying pouches of coins with them. And by the way they dress and the size of the pouches they were definitely High-Class.

"Hey look it's a brat!"

"Is he sleeping on trash?, Bahahaha!"

'Great they took notice of me.'

In no matter what world rich drunk douche bags with money will always play on the weak and poor, it was something I had to learn when I was reincarnated into this world. It was something I didn't want to accept as someone who lived a good life for to be suddenly in the very bottom of society.

I didn't even know what my whore of a mother's name is she was never home and only took care of me just because she was planning to sell me, she was just a common prostitute and we lived in the slums of the many red light districts. I didn't even know which one but it was definitely not this one.


"You're really pissing on him!"

"It's only natural-"

Before he can say anything I grabbed the rusty knife I had and stabbed his crotch before grabbing hold of his pouch and kicking him away.



I turned to the other rich guy and looked at his pouch and the one in my hand, it was enough I didn't need to grab his so I turned away and ran out of the alley.


He screamed as I started running away from the alley, and as if my bad luck we're to have it a bunch of men started chasing me.

'I need to lose them, my stamina isn't that great.'

I ran pass the people in the road vaulting over crates and pushing people aside, I turn around to see that the men were still chasing me they we're definitely associated with the guy I stabbed.

'Crap I'm getting tired.'

Even with the system I was far from fast I know the men were catching up to me so I knew at some point I would have to fight them, so I jumped up a few crates and barrels before climbing on the roof and began running and jumping across multiple buildings.

Yet what I didn't expect was a hook to pierced my thigh and pull me down.


[Demon Slayer: Reincarnated as Kaigaku]

If you think that he would go helping everyone he meets then you're wrong, the only reason he did what he did in the prologue was due to the fact that Gyomei and the other children we're basically his only family members in this world.

Knowing this don't expect a happy ending for him.

[Demon Slayer: Reincarnated as Kaigaku]

"Just like catching a fish!"

'Great it's a maniac.'

Kaigaku had ripped off the hook that had stab him through his thigh and caused him to fall off the rooftop and barely land safely, now he was surrounded by multiple men with the same rich man who screamed was right behind them panting.

"As requested Hizoku-sama, the man who stabbed Senku-dono."

Kaigaku stood up keeping his injured leg further back to avoid needing to use it to fight, curse energy started to form in his hands but unlike last time with the encounter of the demon it was much weaker and smaller.

"H-His hands!"

"That's definitely demon arts!, he's from a demon sect!"

Kaigaku didn't know what they were talking but knowing how it was still the early 1900s people still believed the rumors of demons. But since they were in a world with actual demons he couldn't say anything. Instead of thinking about it anymore he began focusing on his surroundings, the man who pulled him down made sure it was in a less populated area of the Red Light district with barely any buildings or people.

'Five men?, how did they get get them here so quickly?'

Kaigaku wasn't confident about his strength even if it was at 12, he could guess that he had the strength of two grown men. This system was different, stats were just a minor boost to his body he needed to fully work out and work hard to even become strong.

"Gin!, kill him before he puts a curse on us!"

The man Hizoku commanded the one with the hook who was named Gin who threw the hook that was linked to a chain at Kaigaku aiming for his shoulder, but instead Kaigaku swiped the hook away before running towards Gin with his fist covered in Cursed Energy.

'He's aiming for my stomach!?, idiot!'

Gin immediately went to block but what he didn't expect was for Kaigaku's movements to change and instead of a sucker punch his fist twisted and turned before hitting Gin in the face, what Kaigaku did was something similar to a corkscrew punch that was further empowered with his Cursed Energy.

And as soon as Gin was sent flying the effect of Kaigaku's Cursed Energy began and Gin's head started to crack and break bit by bit, Gin was just a normal human with a weird weapon he didn't have any regeneration so he layed on the ground slowly dying as his head started to crack and crumble away.

"G-Get him!"

The four remaining men charged at Kaigaku with Axe's and Knives, Kaigaku dodged most of their attacks but he wasn't experienced enough to dodge all of them thus he was stabbed in the left arm by one of the men.

He grabbed the man's head before slamming it to the ground before dashing towards the three remaining men, he used his rusty knife and imbued it with his curse energy to slice of each if the men's foots.

Of course despite having Curse Energy to Enhance the weapon, it wasn't sharp enough to cleanly cut through their feet but they all fell down in pain as they started to bleed out while Kaigaku finally stood up while applying pressure to his stab wound so he wouldn't bleed out.

"If your men don't bleed out to death they would die to tetanus."

Without saying anything else Kaigaku began walking away leaving the men that tried to kill him, he didn't want to admit it but he missed home he missed seeing his 'Siblings' playing and annoying him he missed all of it but now he was back where he started.

"I hate this place."

Back to the cruel reality of a world filled with demons, both human and non-human. But as he walked away he suddenly remembered something

'Do they even know what tetanus is?'


Kaigaku had moved to a hut in a mountain in Sendai, it was a week long journey filled with nothing exciting happening it was a normal journey consisted of a weak demon trying to kill him and Kaigaku himself almost dying but eventually he was able to find a place near Sendai specifically his new abandoned hut of a home.

The fist month of living in the mountains consisted of Kaigaku trying his best to Level up but even with all his efforts he was only able to use half of his attribute points, unlike most systems leveling up was a very big deal for his system as each stat point was something worth it.

Name: Kaigaku

Level: 2

Strength: 15

Fortitude: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 0

Investment Points: 6

Attribute Points: 3


Cursed Energy Manipulation, Novice Kendo. Flow


[Cursed Combat]

You can now use Cursed Energy to enhance your combat capabilities on purpose instead of pure instinct.


When fighting without any weapons when you're significantly Injured this talent will give you an extra 15% PEN Bonus and 10% Crit Chance on all attacks.

During the pass month despite having his Flow ability he wasn't able to even land any black flashes in any of the animals he killed and his progress with his curse energy wasn't well as he didn't even know what his actual technique was. He was able to buy a practice sword and a normal slightly smaller Katana from a blacksmith from the village he passed by to get to Sendai.

The second and third months were different his system didn't give him quest so he couldn't gain extra rewards so he began trying to remember and mimic everything he could from his past life, and his efforts weren't fruitless as not only did he level up but he unlocked a new skill on his own.


You're able to use Capoeira in combat, you deal 10% More damage when using your legs

Name: Kaigaku

Level: 2

Strength: 15

Fortitude: 13

Agility: 13

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 0

Investment Points: 15

Attribute Points: 6


Cursed Energy Manipulation, Novice Kendo. Flow, Capoeira


[Cursed Combat]

You can now use Cursed Energy to enhance your combat capabilities on purpose instead of pure instinct.


When fighting without any weapons when your significantly Injured this talent gives you an extra 15% PEN Bonus and 10% Crit Chance on all attacks.

[Heavy Hitter]

Your attacks do 10% More damage to larger targets whether it be a living or non-living being, as long as they are either taller or heavier than you.

[Cursed Rejuvenation]

Landing an attack with amplified by Cursed Energy gives you 20% of the cost of using said attack back.

He noticed how despite leveling up he didn't get an ability but instead gained two talents, he was guessing that he wouldn't get another ability until he reached level four so

during the third month he was making his assumptions about his system, he didn't know what the Wisdom and Charisma stats would do as they seem non combat oriented but the intelligence stat was intriguing it would be a lie to say that he wasn't interested. But right now he couldn't risk increasing it as he didn't know if they would even be helpful.

But in the fourth month Kaigaku would find out something very important, not only did everytime he leveled up it would be harder to train a stat an example of this was that instead of just normally doing push-ups and sit-ups a hundred time he also needed to do some hand training to even level up his strength.

He found this out by punching a tree in frustration which is when he also found out that all his Talent and Ability multipliers stacked.

So after beating himself up to activate the 15% Penetration and 10% Crit chance for Brawler while covering his fist with cursed energy while simultaneously using Flow that gives him a 20% Damage increase in all attacks with the 5% chance of landing a Black Flash instinctively, he went up to a large and thick tree that activated his Heavy Hitter talent that gave him a 10% Damage increase.

And with all these multipliers he was able to take the tree down in a single punch, but despite his efforts of repeating this multiple times as much as he can he could not land a single black flash.

"I hate myself for not being a Jujutsu Kaisen fanboy!"

Kaigaku's knowledge with Jujutsu Kaisen was simple, he had watched the anime upto it's second season of where he saw Big Ragga and Fraudkuna fight. He knew about the memes and watched the movies. But that was it he had never even read the manga so he didn't know if black flash could even work in an inanimate object or if he was just unlucky.

"It's gonna be winter soon."

He could see how the autumn leaves were already starting to fall to the point that that trees barely had any leaves on them, this meant a lot of things but Kaigaku was more focused on the three main issues. That being Food, Clothing and finally Demons.

He would need to stack up on dried meat to survive the winter as well as gain enough money to buy some winter clothing from a nearby hunting lounge, but he was worried about the demons as he knew for a fact that since demons probably didn't need to be warm they could easily survive the winter and kill unsuspecting villagers.

So his goal right now was to either get a weapon that could handle his curse energy or level up to three and hopefully have enough buffs to fight any low level demon, but looking at his system he wasn't expecting that any time soon as it took him exactly three months to get to level two and a month just to learn his version of Capoeira.

"Fuck it we ball"

Thus the following month consisted of Kaigaku trying to gain either an ability or talent just like he did when obtaining Capoeira, he would dunk himself in water forcing himself to hold his breath for long periods of times and he would purposely burb his feet by running on charcoal multiple times and he would finish the day of by carrying buckets of rocks and hanging upside down on a large tree while he trained his grip strength.

Thanks to this he was able to gain Fortitude and Strength faster.

Name: Kaigaku

Level: 2

Strength: 20

Fortitude: 17

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 0

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 0

Investment Points: 6

Attribute Points: 6

He noticed how after reaching 15 on his Fortitude the cold weather of winter felt more like a cold room, while having 15 on agility gave him the ability to run on his top speed for a minute then continue running for 5 minutes before getting tired. and finally after reaching 20 on Strength he was able to bend a metal pole he found inside the house and now he had something to use as a hook so he could finally eat something other than dried meat.

(If you're wondering the hut looks exactly like Urokodaki's so you could all imagine it easier)

So he used his strength to do some heavy lifting work down at the village for not money but tools and items like a rusty shovel and axe, a pestle and mortar and finally an old with no lid pot and a stitched up futon.

These were all helpful as at this time people didn't use to always just pay with money so people rarely threw useful but old things away and instead, kept them for payment to people who needed jobs but didn't want to be paid in money.

He used the shovel to get gravel and sand for his cooking hole inside the house while the axe to make a chopping board and pot lid, and for the old futon he had a good night sleep.


Of course this was until a demon busted down his door.

"You son of a-"


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