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Kinoshita Yoshi's proposal

[Chuo, Tokyo]

Kinoshita Yoshi was contemplating investing his 600,000 yen in creating a video game. 

Upon seeing an advertisement, he realized that to access KiShin's Hardware Documentation, he needed to visit their office, KiShin. 

This documentation was crucial to understanding the capabilities of KiShin's FamiCom hardware, ensuring the smooth operation of any developed video game, and allowing programmers to optimize their creations to harness the full potential of the hardware.

Kinoshita Yoshi could acquire the hardware documentation once he had assembled his team. As stated in the advertisement, KiShin was eager to provide such information but required a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Interestingly, major companies like Tora and Suzuki showed no interest in KiShin's hardware.

Kinoshita Yoshi had been pondering various ideas, but his financial constraints prevented him from paying programmers or providing them with the necessary equipment.

However, a sudden idea struck him: he remembered having numerous programmer friends with their own computers and essential tools.

Perhaps he should reach out to them? Yet, he hesitated, uncertain whether this group of friends would be willing to leave their current jobs to join his endeavor of establishing a game company.

[Tora™ VG Entertainment]

[Game Developers Department]

"Ahh! I'm racking my brain, but it's incredibly challenging to come up with video games that surpass 'The Legend of Zelda,'" Ogino Kichiro exclaimed, scratching his head in frustration, causing his hair to become disheveled.

Noya Kunio, his colleague, offered support by patting him on the shoulder, reminding him, "Hang in there, my friend. You took on Yoshi's role, after all."

Ogino Kichiro sported noticeable bags under his eyes and lamented, "Why did they assign me as a 'Narrative Designer,' anyway? I can't even generate ideas."

Noya Kunio chuckled, recalling Ogino Kichiro's suggestion during the conference, "You brought this upon yourself when you proposed 'family-friendly' games to the higher-ups."

Ogino Kichiro sighed in resignation, admitting, "I was merely making a suggestion... I had no idea they would appoint me as the 'Narrative Designer' for it."

"Speaking of 'Narrative Designer,' I wonder how our friend is faring," Noya Kunio said, expressing some concern.

Ogino Kichiro paused his complaints, his thoughts turning to his friend, "I wonder what he's doing now... Is he taking care of himself?"

In Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio's eyes, Kinoshita Yoshi had done nothing wrong.

In fact, both of them had witnessed the unwavering determination and hard work of their friend, Kinoshita Yoshi.

As they were lost in thoughts about their friend, Ogino Kichiro's phone rang abruptly.

Ogino Kichiro swiftly retrieved his Suzuki Phone from his pocket.

He peered at the small, monochromatic screen of his phone and exclaimed, "Oh, it's Yoshi!"

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio exchanged knowing glances.

"Answer it; perhaps he needs some assistance," Noya Kunio suggested with a nod to Ogino Kichiro.

Ogino Kichiro nodded in agreement and picked up the call.

"Hello, Yoshi. How are you?" Ogino Kichiro inquired as he answered, placing the phone next to his ear.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking," Kinoshita Yoshi replied, but before Ogino Kichiro could delve further, Kinoshita Yoshi hastily added, "I'm actually calling you about an important matter, Kichiro-san."

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Ogino Kichiro to ask, "An important matter?"

"Yes, I have a significant proposal..." Kinoshita Yoshi began but hesitated in his tone. Just as Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio were about to inquire further, Kinoshita Yoshi continued hesitantly, "Have you seen the KiShin Advertisement?"

"KiShin Advertisement?" Ogino Kichiro responded, slightly perplexed. They had come across many KiShin advertisements when the company summoned them to inspect their competitor's products.

Ogino Kichiro glanced at Noya Kunio to check if he was familiar with what Kinoshita Yoshi was referring to, but Noya Kunio simply shook his head.

"Are you referring to the Zapper Light Gun?" Ogino Kichiro asked with uncertainty. Due to their busy work schedules, they hadn't kept up with the latest updates about their favorite anime, 'The Legend of Zelda.' Moreover, watching it was forbidden by their employer, Tora, as it was produced by a competitor.

Upon hearing Ogino Kichiro's response, Kinoshita Yoshi promptly followed up, saying, "KiShin just ran an advertisement about programmers being able to develop their own video games. They're offering an affordable development kit, comprising the necessary hardware components and tools for game development." His voice carried a hint of excitement as he continued speaking.

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio exchanged surprised glances, with Ogino Kichiro exclaiming, "Really? KiShin advertised that?"

Kinoshita Yoshi responded quickly, "Yes! They're encouraging programmers to create their own independent games!"

Noya Kunio couldn't contain his amazement, blurting out, "I thought KiShin was a closed platform. I never expected this move from them!" His voice was so loud that Kinoshita Yoshi on the other end of the phone could hear him.

Kinoshita Yoshi, on the phone, exclaimed, "Oh, Kunio is there too?"

Ogino Kichiro looked at Noya Kunio with a playful chuckle and teased, "Yeah, he's been eavesdropping for a while now..."

Perplexed, Noya Kunio furrowed his brows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe," Ogino Kichiro chuckled knowingly, addressing Kinoshita Yoshi on the other end of the call, "So, with the opportunity KiShin is offering, are you planning to develop a video game?"

Ogino Kichiro surmised that Kinoshita Yoshi must be considering creating his own video game, given the nature of his questions, especially since Kinoshita Yoshi was currently unemployed.

Kinoshita Yoshi chuckled on the other end of the phone and admitted, "You're right..." Then, somewhat hesitantly, he continued, "I was hoping if you could..."

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio exchanged knowing glances. Ogino Kichiro asked, "So, you're hoping to invite us to join your endeavors?"

Kinoshita Yoshi fell silent after hearing that question.

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio exchanged glances once more, noticing the contemplation in each other's eyes.

Noya Kunio teased, "You're quite ambitious, Yoshi... I didn't know you had it in you..."

Ogino Kichiro chimed in, "You're such a naive person; that's why I like you!"

Kinoshita Yoshi chuckled on the other end of the phone, lightening the atmosphere. Then he said, "Well, if you don't want to, it's okay..." He spoke lightly, but his tone carried a hint of disappointment.

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio had indeed grown frustrated with their jobs at Tora's company, but they had been suppressing their feelings, knowing they needed to work to afford life in expensive Tokyo.

As Kinoshita Yoshi was about to end the phone call, Ogino Kichiro hastily interjected, "Let me think it over for a while..."

Kinoshita Yoshi was slightly taken aback and exclaimed on the other end of the phone, "Eh?"

Noya Kunio, too, glanced at Ogino Kichiro in surprise.

Ogino Kichiro reiterated after hearing Kinoshita Yoshi's perplexed exclamation, "I'm going to consider your proposal," speaking with careful thought.

"Really!?" Kinoshita Yoshi exclaimed, sounding pleasantly surprised. Even though Ogino Kichiro hadn't agreed outright, just the consideration meant he had a chance to join Kinoshita Yoshi in his venture.

"Yeah, give me a few days; I'll get back to you," Ogino Kichiro said with a smile.

"Alright!" Kinoshita Yoshi replied cheerfully before ending the phone call.

After the phone call ended, Noya Kunio regarded Ogino Kichiro with a puzzled expression and asked, "Are you giving Yoshi false hope?"

Ogino Kichiro shook his head and replied, "No, I genuinely plan to consider his idea or proposal."

Noya Kunio continued to look confused as he inquired, "Why? There's no certainty in developing independent video games..."

Ogino Kichiro chuckled and admitted, "Honestly, I've grown weary of working for Tora... It's stifling my creativity."

Noya Kunio also chuckled, shaking his head in resignation, and said, "Well, if you're considering it, then count me in too..."

Ogino Kichiro and Noya Kunio shared a chuckle together. In truth, they weren't truly considering Kinoshita Yoshi's proposal; they were simply biding their time until they received their salaries.

After all, Tora still owed them their hard-earned money, and they had no intention of quitting until they had received what was rightfully theirs.

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