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Revolting Mission

Author: Xeen_Keen

© WebNovel

World Building: Part 1

Our story takes place in the Planet Gren named after it's green lands. It has existed for eons and is primarily populated with humans and is currently divided into 4 main continents known as 'N.E.W.S' or North, East, South, and West.

Different kingdoms make up the continents but only one Empire is present in each of them. Our protagonist lives in the West and is part of the Empire Greole which is presently known to have held the title of 'Strongest Empire' for a century.

The Empire Frawe is located in the South and is surrounded by water, famous for their docks and rich trades. Akris considers them as 'Golden Pearls'.

"For it's citizens are more valuable to me than Gold and Pearls." Quoted Akris.

The Empire Kagre, located in the North is surrounded by ice and snow and is known for their infamous 'Beast Training'. Akris considers them as a interesting Empire.

"Empire Kagre's 'Beast Training' is something I'm interested in. I've always wondered if I could train deers."

Finally, The Empire Bhlios from the East, surrounded by forests and trees. It is an Empire disliked by others because of their soldiers war crimes, being labled as something 'Too Far'. Currently they do not have a good relationship with the other Empires to the point trade between Empires have halted and even if negotiations are done, Bhilos are wildly known to always get the short end of the stick. Citizens have also been called legally labeled 'Commoners Dirt' as a form of humiliation. Akris does not intend to interact with them until they make amends to their victims.

"...Bhilos, a cruel Empire really. 45 years have passed since the last war and yet they have not made amends with anyone despite their horrible war crimes. I do not plan on making contact with them."


The people of Gren primarily believe in Jalio, the Deity of Purity and Chastity. Although the citizens of Gren worship this Deity they do the exact opposite of what has been preached, indulging in debauchery and betrayal to the point they started worshiping different Gods and Goddesses ranging from the Goddess of Wealth to the God of Lust. So it has become common place to worship at least two Deities with Jalio as one of them.

Akris worships both Jalio and Ayelai, The Goddess of nature.

NOBILITY (In Greole)

Nobles are decided through their bloodline. A tale has been told, of ten humans with extraordinary abilities that had single handedly solved the dilemmas the Empire was facing two centuries ago. These humans have been titled 'Saviours', living long enough to start families with their surnames being passed down and with their deeds it has lead to them being offered nobilty.

From the ten Saviours, half of them became Dukes of the Empire.

Desigated to the Northern Lands, The Dreves are the ones who protect the border between the Empire and the Kingdom Lartet. They are also the ones who contribute the most to the military with their family producing Generals each generation as children with incredible leadership skills are born, leading to them being known as 'Jalio's Light'. It is also commonly known how the Odilon's are despised by the Dreve's, as consequence of the Royal Family providing their funds to the Odilon's, leaving the Military struggling to buy proper training equipment and materials for their armor. The family is currently headed by Lady Salern 'Vladimir' Dreves.

In the Western Lands, The Quipze are the one's who own the largest Merchant Guild in the Empire their services having spread to the Kingdoms and other Empires. The Quizpe contribute the most to the Empire's economy with them widening negotiations and trade. They are known as 'Greole's Backer'. The family is currently headed by Lord Quil 'Machiavell' Quizpe.

From the Eastern lands, containing vast fields the Zophiz are the one's who provide most of the grain used by bakers and families alike. They also provide the special staple food of Greole that can not be replicated anywhere else, the 'Hae', with its pure white color, addictive texture when roasted and combined with its high nutrient content it has also become popular with visiting foreigners. Other Kingdoms have done numerous attempts to grow 'Hae' and commercialize it but results were unsuccesful as although the seed grew healthy in five months after it, wilting would begin and the plant would die, unexpectedly it was discovered that the soil the plant grew in would turn dark and eventually become useless for farming. They are known as 'Citizen's Nectar' and is currently headed by Lord Nrate 'Agapios' Zophiz.

The Southern lands, with its extensive forests broad enough to cover the whole Empire has the 'Sa Poi' assigned to them. This family is well known for their ancestors creating genius inventions ranging from the more advanced version of the 'Bow and Arrow' the 'Gun', and one of the most commonly used invention that solved the dehydration dilemma the Empire faced, the 'Water Pump', until today the descendants of this bloodline continue to create such beneficial inventions. Lady Gean 'Alvis' Sa Poi is the current head to the Sa Poi bloodline.

Finally, the right hand of the Royal Family, the 'Odilons' are designated to the Villa beside the Palace. The 'Odilons' have been praised for their exceptional skill in forging relations with neighboring Kingdoms and Empires that are told to be an inborn ability within the family, their unwielding loyalty to the Royal Family has also been taken note of as something commendable, but such loyalty has also been subject to ridicule as no matter how cruel the Royal Family have become they would always follow the orders they were given. It has lead to them gaining the title 'The Royal Dogs'. Lord Talif 'Frayu' Odilon is the one heading the family but news has broken out that he is stepping down and giving the mantle to his successor, Lady Sher 'Medea' Odilon.

Although half of the Saviours became Dukes, the other half refused and set out to their seperate ways. No new updates have been documented since a century ago when it was discovered that one of the Saviours sired a child out of wedlock.

Our protagonist Akris belongs to a Marquis family the 'Patiques' who are infamous for their tradition of a bloody sucession line, with brothers fighting to earn the seat of Marquis resulting in numerous casualties, and daughters infamously being married off to create connections and increase the chance of succession for a particular heir. This type of tradition has halted since Akris grandfather ended up being an only child as a result of his own father being plagued by infertility.

Unknown is the reason how infertility started in the 'Patiques' as recent examinations have revealed that the family bloodline is unusually healthy with only infertility as the problem affecting the men of the family.

Xeen_Keen Xeen_Keen

World Building Part 1. I'll post Part 2 after completing another chapter. Man I'm so sleepy.

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