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The Chase

"Itachi, someone like you doesn't need to involve himself with these chumps. Let me kill them and we can be done with this bullshit." Kisame demanded as he stepped forward before grabbing onto Samehada's grip and slamming it on the ground.

Most would probably find it very odd that an extremely dangerous S-rank missing-nin like Kisame was asking Itachi for permission to do something, but they had quietly decided that Itachi was the brains of this operation. And also Kisame respected the younger ninja's skills and tactical expertise.

Itachi closed his eyes. "It's obvious that they won't let us leave without a fight. Try to keep it down, Kisame. Your fighting style tends to attract too much unwanted attention. "

Kisame grinned as he hefted the large object back up intending to charge at Asuma. Asuma quickly entered a defensive stance whrn suddenly a swirl appeared behind the two missing-nin.

Kakashi appeared out of the swirl while holding a kunai enhanced with lightning chakra in each hand.


Itachi and Kisame widened their eyes as they were both stabbed in the back hy the kunai, electricity jolted throughout their bodies as they felt their whole back go numb.

Kisame gritted his teeth and looked back at Kakashi who fully cane out with his Mangekyo Sharingan activated. Itachi narrowed his eyes as he stared at the jonin's left eye.

Both missing-nin pulled out the kunai stuck in their backs and threw it away. Growling Kisame jumped back and went through a set of hand seals with Kakashi copying them easily.

"Water Style: Water Shark Bomb Jutsu!!!" They both shouted. Water shot out from the river in two different places, both of them transformed into giant water sharks and were launched at each other.

The attacks fortunately collided and cancelled each other out. Itachi fully turned to look at Kakashi.

"Hatake Kakashi...." He whispered as Kakashi appeared beside Kurenai. Kisame grinned at him.

"Well Hatake Kakashi! I heard you and Zabuza-chan got into a little tussle a while ago! I've been wanting to fight you ever since I heard about it ya know!" However, before Kisame could actually start fighting, Itachi cut him off.

"No, let me handle this. As I said before, your fights tend to take too long, and you have already given us a lot of unwanted attention. Remember our mission."

" And what's your mission? "Kakashi demanded answers from him. Itachi narrowed his eyes at him.

" Nothing to be concerned with." Itachi mumbled before he threw several shuriken at Kakashi who jumped and landed onto the surface of the river.

Itachi did the same and quickly used Water Style: Water Fang Bullet at Kakashi.

Kakashi dodged the attack but suddenly Itachi's Shadow Clone appeared behind him before stabbing him in the back. However, Kakashi merely turned into water, revealing him to be a Water Clone.

"Water Clone eh? He's quite skilled with Kiri's Jutsu." Kisame commented.

"You are most impressive in the use of that eye of yours, Kakashi. Despite it only being an implant, you wield it like a true Uchiha. You even evolved it into the Mangekyo Sharingan. "Itachi complimented.


The Itachi who had appeared behind Kakashi exploded, sending water and smoke flying everywhere. Asuma and Kurenai immediately rushed onto the water to make sure he was alright.

Kakashi used Kamui to make himself intangible so he was fine, but he quickly shut his Sharingan and sealed it and started breathing heavily.

"It is truly remarkable, how you are able to use that eye of yours so well; however even if you can wield it like an Uchiha, you are not of Uchiha blood and some things will forever be out of your reach."

Itachi looked at Kakashi with his impassive eyes. "And now I will show you just why we are known as the strongest clan....I will show you the true power of the Sharingan. "

" Kurenai, Asuma. Don't open your eyes until I say so! Only those with a Sharingan can defeat another Sharingan!" Kakashi ordered and the two immediately followed it, shutting their eyes tightly.

"You are correct, Only a Sharingan user can defeat another Sharingan user when it comes to genjutsu. However, that is only in the context of a full blooded Uchiha....and you are not an Uchiha. Now allow me to show you the power of Tsukuyomi—"

" Who are you after?! Are you after Satsuki?! If you so much as lay a finger on my student...." Kakashi asked him angrily. Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan returned back to it's three tomoe state.

"No, we are after the legacy of the Fourth Hokage." Itachi answered calmly.

" So you're after Naruto. Or perhaps I should say you're after what's locked inside of him. "

" That is correct.... " Itachi answered emotionlessly.

" So it's true then Itachi. You along with nine other S-rank criminals are collecting the Bijuu for some sort of purpose. How far have you fallen?" Kakashi said.

Itachi was surprised at how Kakashi knew the goal of the Akatsuki but hid it well, "So you know.... I wonder where you learned that information…it doesn't matter in the end. Kisame, we need Kakashi alive, but you may kill the rest." Itachi allowed him.

" Hehehe, I'm gonna enjoy this!!" Kisame grinned maniacally as he raised Samehada again. Suddenly, Hiruzen and Guy appeared beside the Konoha Jonin. Hiruzen was in his battle outfit and holding the Adamantine Staff while Guy slipped into the beginning stance of the Strong Fist style.

"More?! You guys got a lot of guts, thinking you can take us on! " Kisame shouted but Itachi stopped him in his tracks.

" Kisame, we cannot afford to make this a war, and I sense an army of Anbu on the way. We will retreat for now."

Kisame sighed as he strapped his sword onto his back. "That's too bad, I was so looking forward to a good fight." The two S-rank criminals soon disappeared within a Body Flicker, letting the Hokage and the Konoha Shinobi breathe a sigh of relief.

"Dad, we need to warn Lord Jiraiya! He and Naruto are traveling together! Those two might be chasing them! "

" Don't worry Asuma, I already sent a messenger hawk their way. "



" Who are we searching for exactly?" Naruto asked Jiraiya as they were walking down the road.

"My teammate, Tsunade Senju. She's the First Hokage's granddaughter and another Sannin like me. " Jiraiya answered.

" I heard that she's so strong, she's able crush a mountain with a single punch. I also heard that she's so skilled at Medical ninjutsu that she's able to heal near fatal injuries like they're just cuts." Naruto mumbled. Jiraiya chuckled.

" Yep, that's her alright. I'm surprised you know so much about her." Naruto shrugged at Jiraiya's words.

" My girl friends are really bug fans of Tsunade. Sakura's whole dream is to one day be a Medic-nin better than her. So naturally I learned a lot about her idol whenever we hung out. " Naruto explained.

" I see, and is Sakura your girlfriend? " Jiraiya grinned slyly at him. Naruto chuckled.

"We haven't even gone on a date yet." Naruto mumbled. Oh yeah, he hadn't asked her out on a date in a long time because he was focusing a lot on the Chunin exams.

'Wonder if she'll he willing to go on one after she gets out of the hospital.' Naruto thought as he continued the conversation.

"So what was it like to train the Fourth Hokage? What was he like? " Naruto asked him. Jiraiya hummed as he rubbed his chin.

"Hmmm…well let's just put it this way, Minato was one of those once in a generation geniuses that very rarely came along. He was smart, talented, brave, strong and really good with the ladies. He was like the son I never had. " Jiraiya looked dowm at Naruto. He quickly pinched himself when he saw the image of a young Minato overlap Naruto's.

"You remind me of him in a lot of ways. The blonde hair, blue eyes. You both are really good at creating battle strategies and are talented in your own right."

Naruto snorted. " You make it sound like I'm his son or something. " Naruto joked as they entered a small town. Jiraiya didn't take it as one. Instead he had a serious expression on his face.

" That's because you are, Naruto."

"Excuse me?"



Two pairs of eyes watched as Jiraiya and Naruto entered the town. It was the two Akatsuki members Kisame and Itachi.

"Great so the brat's with a Sannin, definitely spells trouble for us." Kisame grumbled.

"That is true, however, even the greatest of ninja have their weaknesses, even someone like Jiraiya of the Sannin. Let's go Kisame, our best bet is to distract Jiraiya first and take the Kyuubi Jinchuriki then."



" What are you saying sensei... " Naruto looked at it Jiraiya with a serious expression. In his head he was baffled, he was the son of the Fourth Hokage?! That in itself already sounds preposterous.

Jiraiya nodded. "It's true Naruto, you are Minato's son." He whispered. Naruto clenched his head with his hands as he stood walking.

" Fuck.... I'm so stupid... It's so fucking obvious.... " He whispered to himself as Jiraiya looked at him with concern in his eyes. The blonde hair and blue eyes should've been a dead giveaway about his relationship with the Fourth Hokage but he didn't even stop and think about it since he was busy idolizing the man.

Him having the Kyuubi sealed in him should've made it obvious too. Why would the Fourth Hokage ask for anyone else's child that he could seal the Kyuubi in when he has one of his own that was just born?

Seeing how the identities of Naruto's parents were purposely kept a secret from the public, it would've made sense to assume his parents held respectable positions of some sort.

Jiraiya put his hand on Naruto's shoulder supportively. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, Naruto. Sensei knew too but he decided he will tell you when you become chunin. He feared that if you were revealed to be the son of the Fourth Hokage immediately after you were born, it could've put a huge target on your back and he didn't want that. "

Naruto sighed as he looked at the ground. He wasn't even mad that they kept this secret from him.

"So not only did the Fourth Hokage seal the Kyuubi in me hours after I was born, he was actually my father.

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