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Zabuza and Naruto started walking towards Gato and his group of thugs. "You don't need to join, I can do this on my own." Zabuza grumbled.

"You can deal with the other, Gato is mine." Naruto replied seriously. Zabuza stayed silent as the two sped up. Gato gritted his teeth and pointed at the two ninjas.

"Kill them all!!!!!" He shouted as the thugs roared before running towards Zabuza and Naruto who started running towards them.


In a burst of speed, Naruto zoomed past Zabuza who growled angrily and sped up, matching his speed. Zabuza swung his broadsword at a thug, splitting him in half.

Naruto stabbed one of them in the throat before kicking them away. He and Zabuza started to absolutely massacre the thugs while Gato watched on in horror.

Haku turned around to look at the start of the bridge to see the villagers of the Land Of Waves marching towards their positions while holding pitchforks, hammers and knives as weapons.

Inari was taking the lead and was the one who rallied the villagers. He was holding a crossbow loaded with a sharp arrow.

The young boy's outlook on life had changed after Naruto dragged him to the side and talked with him. He learned to deal with his horrible past like Naruto did.

Naruto's unwillingness to quit and concern for others helped Inari to realise the power of will over fate, and that no risk is too great to protect something precious.

"Big bro Naruto...." Inari whispered as he looked at Naruto who was killing Gato's thugs left and right. He wondered why Naruto's looked more evil than before.

All Gato saw were two demons massacring his army with no intention of handing out mercy. Dead bodies were flying out of the army left and right while Naruto and Zabuza cleared a way towards Gato.

Many had limbs torn off, arms, legs, heads included. Some of the men were even ripped to nothing more than chunks of flesh by Naruto's sharp claws.

Naruto wasn't having a problem killing them. He was killing rapists, killers and thugs, not saints. Zabuza was just doing what Zabuza does best, which was killing.

It was raining blood as the Konoha Shinobi and Haku watched on. Satsuki sat up with Sakura kneeling beside her to support her.

"What the hell?" Satsuki whispered as she looked at Naruto who was drenched in blood. She looked at his crimson red eyes and thick whisker marks on his cheeks.

"He better have a good explanation for us." She grumbled.

When Zabuza and Naruto killed all of the bandits, they turned their eyes to Gato who was currently curled up into a ball, somehow still conscious despite the overwhelming bloodlust and killing intent coming from the two.

"P-P-please....s-s-spare me!" Gato begged as Zabuza and Naruto stopped in front of him.

"I-I-I'll g-g-ive y-u-u-ou anything you want! Just let me go.... "

"Scumbags like you don't walk out of this world alive." Naruto whispered before kicking Gato in the chin, sending the man flying up to the sky.

Zabuza leaped to the air and grabbed Gato by the throat.

"I should've killed you and stolen your shit when I had the chance! " Zabuza growled before putting his hand on the top of Gato's head.

"N-no! P-please don't d-do this!!!" Gato begged while crying profusely, making Zabuza disgusted.

"I can and I will!" Zabuza growled angrily before ripping Gato's head off his body, spraying blood everywhere, making it rain.

Zabuza landed on the ground and looked at the villagers of the Land Of Waves. He frowned under his mask.

'How far have I fallen? These people, they look exactly like the people back in Kiri. And I want thinking of killing them.' Zabuza thought before looking at the dead body of Gato he was holding in his hands.

Zabuza threw the head and body towards the villagers. The body and decapitated head landed in front of Inari who looked at it.

Inari suddenly remembered what Gato did to his father Kaiza. He gritted his teeth angrily and raised his crossbow, shooting an arrow straight through Gato's head.

He picked it up and raised it high. "WE ARE FREE!!!!!" Inari declared with a grin on his face as the villagers cheered loudly.

Naruto smirked as he slowly walked back towards Kakashi. Satsuki widened her eyes and immediately got up, ignoring Sakura's warnings about her being physically weak.

Naruto suddenly felt weak as he fell forward. It was his first time using the Kyuubi's chakra, it drained him mentally. When he was using it, Naruto needed something to fill in the void of loneliness within their hearts to give him strength to control the power.

Satsuki was just in time as she caught him. She looked at him and smiled a little. "Hey idiot." She greeted him. Naruto smiled back at her and looked at her with his bright blue eyes.

"Hey princess. You're a sight to see for sore eyes."




" Okay, so you're telling me that the Fourth Hokage sealed the Kyuubi inside you on the day you were born." Satsuki recounted what Naruto told her while Sakura was bandaging the Uchiha up. Naruto nodded.

" Yup, that's about it." Naruto replied. Sakura then looked at him.

" And you're also a part of a Clan called the Uzumaki Clan. A clan that has godlike talent for Fūinjutsu and got massacred by Kumo, Iwa, Kiri and Suna because they tried to play God? You have one hell of a background story, Naruto. " Sakura commented with an amused smile on her face. Naruto laughed sheepishly before scratching his head.

" I'm just glad you girls don't hate me because I have the Kyuubi sealed in me." Naruto replied, making Satsuki snort.

"Why would we? There's clearly a difference between you and the Kyuubi. I get why you said that you hate people who can't tell the difference between a kunai and the scroll it's sealed into when we were introducing ourselves to Kakashi sensei." Satsuki muttered. Naruto's smile widened. Sakura then glared at Naruto.

" You still haven't told us about how you met and kept in contact with your secret girlfriend, Haku." Sakura grumbled with a hint of jealousy in her voice. Naruto's and Haku's relationship was something out of a romance novel.

"Yeah, you're so lucky she hasn't assassinated you." Satsuki grumbled.

"Is that jealousy I hear in you girls' voices? You really wish that was you wasn't it? " Naruto teased with a smug smirk on his face.

" You're just hearing things, idiot! " Satsuki shouted with a blush on her face.

"I prefer a normal relationship, thank you very much." Sakura mumbled with a blush on her face too. Naruto just laughed, making the girls pout at him.

Naruto sighed with a smile on his face. "So what now?" He wondered.

"We will continue with our mission and guard Tazuna until he finishes building the bridge." Kakashi replied as he entered the room. He gave his team an eye smile.

"I'm glad to see you three doing well." Kakashi added, prompting them to smile back at him. Kakashi sat down with them.

"This mission is just one of many more to come. I'm proud of you three, you handled this mission very well. I thought you guys would be scared and forget about your training when we faced those two." Kakashi complimented them. Naruto blushed and grinned at him. Sakura smiled warmly while Satsuki smirked a little. Kakashi hummed softly while rubbing his chin.

"I think you three are ready for it." Kakashi muttered, gaining confused expressions from the three genins. Kakashi gave them another eye smile.

"Say, do you three want to join the Chunin exams?"




It has been one week and a half since the battle on the bridge ended. The bridge was repaired and finished in record time with the help of Naruto's army of Shadow Clones assisting in the manual labor part of the construction project.

Kakashi hummed as he wrote something in his journal. It was his own personalized training plan with some advice coming from his students.

Seeing how hard his three students were pushing themselves to get stronger, Kakashi felt like he could not stay idle for much longer.

While conducting their usual 3v1 sparring sessions with his students, Kakashi had realized how far his skills had slipped as a result of over reliance on his Sharingan. He decided to set out and correct it.

Naruto even offered to create a specific seal for Kakashi. The purpose was simple, to seal Kakashi's Sharingan but also allowing him to reactivate it by releasing the seal. Naruto also obviously planned for it to be reusable but he decided to hold off on it in order to perfect his Fūinjutsu skills some more before starting that project.

Kakashi wanted to keep writing but he was approached by somebody. He looked up and we surprised to see Haku wearing a kimono standing in front of him.

"Hello, Kakashi-san. May I speak with Naruto for a moment?" Haku asked him while smiling at the cyclopean jonin. Kakashi nodded before entering Tazuna's house, requesting Haku to wait a moment.

A minute later, Naruto rushed out of Tazuna's house with an excited grin in his face. He hadn't seen Haku for a week and a half now, so he was pretty eager to say the least.

"Haku-chan!" He greeted her with a smile on his face. Haku smiled back and waved at him.

"Hello, Naruto-kun. Shall we go?" Haku greeted before holding out her hand. Naruto grabbed it before intertwining them.

"Sure! Where do you wanna go?"

"The forest should do just fine."

"Let's go then!"

To be continued.....

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