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11.11% Strange Carnival / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

At first I thought a lot about how to be and what to do, developed various plans, rejected these plans. The cat's brains were working at full speed, it seems that even two or three thoughts began to come at the same time. It went on like that for a couple hours of subjective time, and at the end the consciousness was cleared of debris, the mind became empty. Without giving any account of my actions, I simply, releasing DC from all four paws at the same time, jumped from behind directly to the monster, on the approach, releasing claws, instantly charging them, striking a double blow on the weak point on the cockroach's ass....  You have struck the enemy's weak point with a double hidden blow of DC Blend! Defense ignored!  Damage -250 -200 OJ, -2OM: 350/800, 12/14.  The effect of [Cold Glow] has been triggered! The enemy has been injured by [Frostbitten Ass]: attacks to the enemy's ass do additional damage, and there is a chance to cause [Cold Glow Poisoning] effect on the enemy


The monster shrieked, turned around very quickly, and tried to get me with a whip of its whiskers, and I was consciously surprised to see that the cockroach was on tiptoe for easier movement. I let the whiskers pass over me, just ducking slightly. From a half-bent position, I jerk to the right, the enemy reacts, but it's a trick, I'm actually aiming at his front right leg. Bingo! It's right in the knee! ! You've hit the enemy's weak point! Defense ignored! Damage -75 OW, -1OM: 275/800, 11/14. Injury [Pierced Knee]:Attacks on this injury deal additional damage. Now I leap forward, releasing DC from my paws. In flight, I manage to crack the cockroach's tail on its frozen sternum. You have struck an enemy weak point! You have struck at the enemy's injury! Defense ignored! Damage -45 OJ, -10 OM: 230/800, 1/14. Negative effect [Cold Glow Poisoning]: -2 OD per sec, Cost to use DS +100%, duration 4 hours.Warning! The enemy's MC is less than 3. The enemy is deprived of the ability to think coherently! Mental Debuff [Cat Hate]: Any felines cause uncontrollable rage; Upr, Int, Mood, SP, Catch -15% if the object of the debuff is visible.


I look at the black insect and realize it's going to be bad. The moustache on the cockroach's face was covered with some dirty green liquid, gradually the liquid spread to the whole body, especially concentrating on the back. Then with a squelching sound two transparent wings rose from the back, they began to glow with the same green light and quickly vibrated, making a loud rustling sound. After that, a green vapor came from the body of the empty one.


In the course of the transformation of the empty began to press on me a strange force, at first weakly, but gradually intensifying, and when the cockroach began to "smoke", I could barely stand on my feet.

"Maybe. Try. Utilize. Observation. On. This. Green. Crap.?" 



Congratulations! You've solved the essence of the phenomenon!

+1 Snk.


Attention! Purkoi used a spiritual genetic ability!

-500 OD 0/500 OD



All features+50%

Instant full regeneration

Straight line speed +1000%

All hits on the target(s) [Vendetta] are critical

Hits have a 25% chance of causing the negative effect [Highly Toxic Poison Poisoning]

Spiritual pressure effect +200%

Flight is blocked

The ability is active as long as the target(s) is alive

After disabling, a negative effect [Unpowered] is applied.


"Don't panic! There's still a chance! We just need to deal 800 damage to him in one hit.  Even a star won't do that much, only a supernova and only at maximum boost. The problem is, I don't know how to activate the supernova. I'll try to use a regular star, not to release it, but to keep it attached to the tail, and at the last moment to launch it into the cockroach's face. There's likely to be a delay time on the explosion. I need to remember how long it took for it to go off. Because one second more and I miss, one second less and I'm suicidal. I have to remember, I have to remember! I concentrate on the recent event, going into a trance: {now I pour liquid metal-DC into the tail, now I quickly fill it to the brim, now, portion by portion I distill the metal into the tip of the tail, then sharply, with one effort, release all the accumulated energy from the hair. The star is lit. Here comes the report. 2 seconds, 4, 10, 17 EXPLOSION}


  "What was that?" 




"Not now! Do I have enough DC? 255/260. Thank R2-D2, you do! The enemy is almost ready. We must hurry!"




How many of the lowest void on the vast expanse of the Desert of Eternal Night do you think have a unique spiritual gene at this moment in time?  Sixteen thousand three hundred and thirty-one, I will answer you.  Of these, those who are not yet a day old, there are only seven. And that's on a planet the size of Jupiter, by the way!  Now, think of the chance of two of those seven fighting. There's almost none! 

  But here they are, the empty ones that fight among themselves, using unprecedented abilities that no one else has. 

If at the beginning of the fight it seemed that the cat's opponent didn't have a single chance to win, now the balance of power had changed. White Empty was struggling to dodge the fast and chaotic attacks of the insect-like enemy.  Nothing can last forever, and now the four-legged monster could not dodge another blow from the eight-legged one's right hind arm, and now two claw marks were on the big cat's back. The furry one stumbled, and the cockroach, roaring, rushed to kill the wretched mammal.


  "That was close." I thought, rolling away from the killing blow. If I hadn't lit the Star in time to blind the berserker for a moment, I'd be dead. Even though I knew about the outstanding speed of the cockroach's jerk, I missed the moment of movement.  All I had time to do then was to take one step sideways. And then all hell broke loose, blows came from everywhere, I could hardly escape from the claws flickering here and there. And when I was about to complete the algorithm of using the ability, the creature hit me, taking 200 Flesh at once, thank God the poison didn't get through. I waved my tail in front of the creature at the moment of the finishing blow (the freak was aiming for the mask) and released DC, the ability passed.


  I look at my opponent, he looks at me. Wings buzzing. A little white sun is blazing. 4 seconds. The wings freeze. "Now!" Leap left, leap right, something super fast whizzes by where I just stood. 8 seconds. The creature used its wings to turn around and rustled again. "The jump trick won't work a second time. Man, if it weren't for this pressure, it would be so much easier." I thought, eyeing my future breakfast. Why am I so confident of winning? It's because the monster acts like an insect, not a human. In other words, the game has lost its mind. With such an enemy to cope with a couple of trifles, because I'm not used to killing those who are stronger and faster, but stupid. 


  The rustling stopped. I jump left, jerk right, but jump left again. Death swoops in the distance, the enemy has bought my move. 14 seconds. It's time to start. I activate the skill [Fishing] (although the enemy is not a fish, but in theory it should work). There's yellow smoke coming from the tail. Looks like it worked. The enemy began to follow my fifth limb. The rustling increased, and the insect tensed, its faceless mask opening in the middle, revealing three rows of yellowed, blunt teeth. The rustling stopped, and I put my tail behind my back, preparing to let go of the star. Concentrating all the available molten metal in the pads of my paws. 16 seconds. Jump!


I soar upwards and realize that I'm stupid, despite all my advanced intelligence! There's nothing left of flesh, and the maximally amplified supernova will explode right underneath me! 

And while our hero high in the sky scolded himself with all kinds of bad words, the cockroach at full speed flew on such a pleasant-smelling white ball..... and swallowed it.


  I was interrupted by a bright silver light coming from below. I closed my eyes, preparing to die again...and nothing. 

  -Mrya? I'm alive, Mrya. Urmiaaah! Schmuck! - don't forget physics even in such surreal places, because physics remembers you always.




"Oh, am I alive or not I wonder? Message packets blinking means I'm alive. Can't feel my body, so not so much. Still, I was wrong to treat this system in such a way, if I had not neglected the information that was after the integration of the gene, I would have gotten off with little blood. While the body does not listen to do nothing to do, you can read first the old messages, and then what came after this meat grinder. Okay. Here's the list, click on the first message."




The unique spiritual gene has been successfully integrated!


Spiritual genes:


One of the most important events in the life of an ordinary low void Hueco Mundo is the emergence of the spirit gene, for then the personality will begin to emerge. And even the mindless know that it is impossible to evolve into a Menos and retain intelligence without the Menos gene.


Level 1[Star's Desire]. 

A unique spiritual gene

50% of the a.c. goes to gene development.

Gene complexity is 0 10/1000

Changes the color of the DC to "Melted Silver."

Added the Attribute [Cold Glow] to Spiritual Particles

Ability [Polaris Strike] - 25% of potential unlocked

+4% Aggressive DS 

+6% Soft DS





10th grade. [Not selected] 

25th grade. [Not selected] 


Attention! The characteristics of your Spiritual Power have been changed!


Spiritual Power Color: [Melted Silver]:

It is possible to develop Soft and Aggressive DS without restrictions

Mixing of aggressive and soft DC is available to you

+100% to the growth rate Eq.

+100% to the growth rate of Krt.


Spiritual Force Aggressiveness: 6%

Spiritual Force Softness: 9%


+5 Krt. +1 Force +1 Trap +1 Catch +1 Control


Congratulations! You have completed an action with a 7% chance of success and a 77% chance of dying!


Received skill [777]{Passive} Max. Ur.

1% that any action will be 777% more effective


+1 Vyn, +1 SV, +7 Ood. 


Warning. Your spirit particles have been added {Attribute}[Cold Glow].


  [Cold Shine]

A ghostly force based on the Supreme Attributes: Death, Light

Be vigilant, factions using these Attributes will not tolerate competition.

All your actions with DC, MC, Flesh, Magic, etc. can impose an additional effect.

Your spiritual Power can no longer change color.

Your spiritual Power cannot be absorbed.

Your DS is now poisonous to everyone except [Blocked],

[Blocked] and [Blocked].



"It turns out that without this integration, I couldn't do anything with the cockroach at all. Hmm, I guess I'll have to spend the essence on the gene first. What's that description about evolution?"




Task Chain Road of Power has been updated!


The task "The first step" was not completed

Learn more about the ways to transform in Menos. Use one of them.


1. The  Menos gene? What is it? -25%

2.The  Menos gene? What is it? 10%.

3. The  Menos gene? What's that?

4. The  Menos gene? What's that?


Job Rank: Bronze, Amber.


Reward: Depends on how you do it.

Additional Reward {Learn about all the ways and choose your favorite one}: Being able to control the process of larval development.


Failure: If you evolve incorrectly, you will lose your identity.


"When did I have time to take this assignment? Let me see."


The Road of Might assignment chain:

Go through all the stages of evolution

Rank: Adamantium, Black Diamond or Sacred Titan, Golden Diamond.

Reward: Depends on the variant of fulfillment

Failure: none

Chain assignments:

"The first step" has not been accomplished



"Enchanting Vocals."




"Who are you Nighttail?"

Fully awaken the memory of your first life.

Rank: Silver, Ruby

Reward: Nighttail Life Experience.

Fail: unremovable mental debuff: [Schizophrenia].



"Wow. Who's Nighttail?  The name sounds familiar, like I've been called that before. If I think about it, I'm not fighting so hard in this form because of my empty instincts, but because of Nighttail? Stop! That kind of thinking goes straight to Sheese. I need to start associating myself not only with the human #;##"(*?;##)(*?;##, but also with the cat #("?;#"(;*## in a peaceful environment, like I did recently in combat. Aha! If I can't pronounce the name, I'm on the right track.  I'm just a little scared. What did I do in my first life that didn't end well in my second? Maybe I terrorized a village, a town, a country? Or preying on children and pregnant women? I'd hate to turn into a homicidal maniac. Don't panic! What's to come is what's to come. I mean, a cat and a human are of a different order, so we don't have to worry. Yeah, don't worry.... I hope I was adequate in my first life."


  After a while, he was able to more or less calm down. "Alright, now I'll think about the second most important task, [First Step]. The reasoning should be logical: I can integrate three genes in the form of a lower void. The gene can be obtained by a special action (I wonder what kind?) and most likely by eating someone who has it. The assumptions can be checked in a couple of minutes when the body is able to move, but for now I'll see the results of the fight."



You've won!

Don't forget to collect the essence.


Results of the fight:


+1 Snr. +3 Int. +2 Mood. +3Lov. +1 Strength. +1 Control +1 Spirit +1 Spirit +1 SP. +1 Youn. +1 Ood.

+1500 OP.

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Level up!

Your Level 5

Up to level 6 1076 op.


Available 4 Category Points

Synopsis: 1 category point increases each characteristic of that category by +2


You learned a skill with a special action!


[Memory work]{Passive} 1ur..:

Young people, I remember when I was young.

A chance to accurately recall an event lasting no more than 3 minutes 75% of the time


[Stealth] level increased by 4

[Stealth] {Passive} 5th level:

+10% that you won't be seen

+10% that you won't be heard

+10% they won't smell you

+10% they won't feel your DC. 

You leave no trace


The level of Profession [Master Hidden] has been raised!

Profession [Master Hidden] 2nd level: A professional is not a thief who is not caught, but one who is not even sought after.

Sneaking, hiding one's presence, stealth - all of these and more are available to the Master of Stealth. 

There's a 52% chance of stealing unnoticed. 

Every 5 levels unlocks a skill.


[Espionage] level up 

[Espionage] 3rd level.


The level of Profession [Spy] has been raised!

Profession [Spy] 2nd level:

Wars are unleashed by Kings, knights and fighters fight in battles, but only everything is decided in the confrontation of intelligence and counterintelligence.

The basis of this profession is the extraction of various information. Every 5 levels unlocks a skill. 

Hearing at least 4 words from an overheard conversation can help you understand what the conversation is about.


[Observation] level up!

  [Observation] 3 level.


[Murder] level up

[Murder] 4th grade


The level of Profession [Assassin] has been raised!

Profession [Assassin] 2nd grade..:

Slit throats, poison, hang by a necktie - no question! It's just a question of price.

Reward for a completed kill order +20%

Every 5 levels unlocks a skill.


[Beginning Feline Kung Fu] level up 2 levels

  [Beginning Cat Kung Fu] 7th grade.


The level of the Profession [Legendary Cat] has been raised by 2!

Profession [Legendary Cat] 3rd level. :

Arms? Legs? It's all about the tail!

All your instincts, habits and desires are adapted to the cat's body.

You can speak all cat languages and dialects.

Reputation with felines on first encounter is always Respect, +50% to reputation growth rate.

Every 5 levels unlocks a skill.


[Polaris Strike]{Active Ability*} 1st level - 50% unlocked

-You can release an ability from any limb.

-You are shielded from the damage and effects of this ability.




  "O creator! So many messages, and the worst part is that I can't do without them. I need to distribute the points before I forget... Most likely 2 each for Flesh and Soul. In the Mind: Intellect, Wisdom and Willpower are slowly growing.


In Hueco Mundo, you always have to be on your guard. There is a constant war of all against all. We don't know the reason yet, but the fact is that a being with a spiritual power density below a certain value will experience the so-called [Battle Thirst]. Our hero did not escape this fate. When he was a Night Hunter, he would have spent a long time preparing for the upcoming hunt: first, he would have sorted out all of his skills and abilities, practiced a little, would have chosen a target for a long time, and certainly would not go after such a strong enemy, even if it was a cockroach. Vlad Yazykov, on the other hand, would have made a bunch of plans, and most likely someone would have attacked him during the "planning". But the reality is that there is no more Vlad Yazykov or Nighttail, but a nameless void that can't go without a fight for long. And now, having just recovered, he's eaten what's left of Purkoi and wandered off in search of adventure. Without purpose. No meaning. Yearning only for battle.


The World of the Sun. The Japanese continent. West Rukongai. Asx family mansion. 


Doji Asks, the current head of the Asks family, and his wife, Kay Asks, a tall, raven-haired woman with large, uncharacteristically Asian green eyes, born Shiba, were "discussing" future plans and possible moves in the political game against the Momo clan, who were their family's longtime opponents in the field of research.


-Damn Lee Momo, once again he vetoed my project to research the Menosi Aggressive Reatsu by transplanting it into the Shinigami dead's zampakto! For the sixth time! "It's dangerous to allow soft reatsu to mix with aggressive reatsu, it could set off a chain reaction and open a sustainable portal to Hueko Mundo!" taunted Doji, "Damn degenerate, how can he not realize that with luck we can equip the ordinary Shinigami who are unable to awaken their zampakto with more advanced weapons, which in turn will reduce casualties and increase the combat potential of all thirteen squads in this damn war! A very energetic fifty-five-year-old Dodgy was strutting before his wife. He was short in stature, completely bald, with a luxuriously large and long gray mustache, as well as if you look closely at the eyes, you can see that the right eye of the man was replaced by a qualitatively made glass moulage.


-Well, tell me Kay, how can you be so blind? Because this research will also help us learn more about the Menosae. Maybe even bring us closer to solving the mystery of the millennium! But no! Almost all research related to aggressive reatsu is either forbidden or so classified that even a hint of talking about it gets you locked up in the Larvae Nest!


  Dodgy, as usual, was not interested in answers to his questions; he just gave out such a stream of phrases that if Kay wanted to start a two-way dialog, she couldn't even begin to speak, for her husband always spoke in one breath. And he could inhale at the same time as he exhaled, which made his speech truly endless. At first she tried to show the famous character of Shiba women, but neither aggressive glances, nor pressure, nor attempts to hit (Dodgy sometimes annoyed her so much with his "heart-to-heart talk" that she threw her fists at him) did not cause any effect. He just either ignored (pressure, glances, swearing), or just dodged all the blows until she was exhausted (the bastard did not shut up for a second). And Kay got used to it, loving that trait as much as she loved everything else. 

She, the youngest daughter of the head of the Shiba clan, had always known that her destiny was to be a prize in the political game of clans and great families. She accepted it, put on the mask of the perfect Japanese woman. But when at the age of thirteen, even then Kei Shiba, was introduced to her future husband, the girl's mask cracked for the first time. Doji Asks, her future husband, in his fifteen years, was two heads shorter than her! He was bald! He was constantly rubbing something, twitching, dancing in place, it felt like a little more and he would start running around her and bombard her with a hail of questions! All night after the viewing Kay cried in her room, feeling sorry for herself and her fate. Then there were more meetings, many walks, talks (then Dodgy did not have his legendary breathing techniques yet). With her future husband Kay was fun, easy, he energized her. After their meetings, Kay always fell asleep with a smile on her face, and her sleep was sweeter than ever before.


The cracks in the mask became many times larger.


  Then, a year later, the Wedding took place. A wedding in the style of the Asks family: with songs, dances, contests. And the people were countless, because the entrance to the feast was free! Even the last poor man, if he was well washed and not dressed in rags, was allowed at the table! Her first wedding day ended with a divine first ever sex. Kay's older sisters, Yui and Mei, told horror stories of the terrible pain if the partner wasn't careful, and if he was rough, you could even become frigid. That's why Kay was shaking with fear when she faced Doji, her husband. But Dodgy, her Dodgy, understood. He soothed her, he spoke gentle words. He wasn't rude, he wasn't inexperienced, he took his time. First the fear went away, then under his caressing touch Kay's arousal began to awaken. That night the mask fell apart. Kei was no longer the "perfect Japanese woman" but became Kei Asks, a bit bitchy, with a heavy temper (and hand), the wife of the heir to the Asks-Doji family, her Dodgie.


Then there were years of married life, the first quarrels and the first reconciliations, "heart-to-heart" talks and romantic moonlit walks in Hueco Mundo. Kay gave her Dodgy three children, a first-born boy with a hard look, hand and temper, and two girls who so resembled Dodgy in countenance and vigor.


  And for the umpteenth time in ten years, her Dodgy couldn't get the project through the council. Anyone else would probably have given up by now, but not him. For ten years, the Momo, Kuchike, and Irbe clans had prevented the Asks family from pushing through any of Dodgy's research on menosas. Kay knew what the reason was, she tried to explain the whole situation to her husband, but he, being a great husband, a perfect father, a brilliant scientist, was just no politician. Dodgy understood, but could not realize that inventions based on his research would most likely increase the combat effectiveness of privates and junior lieutenants in the war by times. Weapons based on a mixture of aggressive and soft reyatsu would be several times better than the current Asauchi, zampakto blanks. And if these weapons are capable of exchanging reyatsu with the Shinigami host, they could even develop into Zampakto that would be orders of magnitude stronger than the current ones. The clans that supply Asauchi can't let that happen. They don't give a shit about the rank and file that the Arachne are churning out a hundred a day, they don't give a shit about being able to approach the menos problem and even, what the hell, challenge one of the Supreme Complete. "Goddamn perverted freaks! My husband seeks to unravel the secret of Nemesis, which will open the way to other worlds, which will even make it possible to CURE THE KING!!!" 


  Dodgy was just about to describe the intertwined family ties of the head of the Momo clan when his wife's voice was eerie and a tree cracked. Focusing his gaze on his other half, who for reasons Dodgy couldn't understand tolerated all his shenanigans, he saw something he hadn't seen in more than three years: the Shiba woman's rage. Dodgy was scared, he'd never admit it, but he was scared shitless of Kay  . His legs don't obey, his brain stops working, his tongue gets loose and he is, as they say, carried away. It was after the first fight, when Kay showed her temper, that Dodgy, out of fear, revealed his technique, a technique that Gotea 13 ranked above Captain's - [Eternal Breath]. After one of the many conversations he had with his wife, she became upset and threw her fists at Dodgy...That day, the head of the Great Family improved his technique to the rank of Unfathomable - [Eternal Life]. Now looking at his fond muse, he thought, "I wonder if that technique can still be improved, if not, I'll have to spend a couple months in the hospital."


  Shiba's Fury: One of the strongest manifestations of the Shiba clan's power. The clan itself isn't very good at sensing or controlling reiatsu, and they're also mediocre swordsmen, the only thing they have is a slightly higher volume of reiatsu. But still, Shiba make the strongest shinigami. This is due to the fact that all of Shiba's reyatsu parameters are enhanced by emotion. The desire to protect will increase density and quantity, Fear will increase control. Rage can make a simple clan soldier without an awakened zampakto equal to the strongest lieutenants. And now Kei's emotions, which used to be about the level of an average Captain, were amplified to the level of the head of one of the great clans! Dodgy was saved. He was saved by a fragile eight-year-old girl who ran into the garden and started running in a circle around them, chirping and bouncing, sometimes falling, jumping up a good half a meter and starting to run in a circle again, but in the other direction, as the speed of chirping increased so much that it was impossible to understand the girl.


All the creepiness was gone, only the withered grass, in the spot next to Kay, was a reminder of the woman's slight agitation. The head of the family promised himself that in gratitude for the rescue he would do anything his youngest daughter wanted, within reasonable limits of course. 


-Arle, honey, we've already discussed this, and you agreed that the Verey Slug isn't the best pet," Kay answered her daughter's chirping in a half-whisper. The girl stopped running around her parents, jumped up to her mother, started bouncing on the spot, pulling the woman, then by the hand, then by the dress. The tone of the chirping changed to pleading, but the meaning would still elude the unwitting listener if he were here.


-Arle dear, Slughorn has no hair, and you can't brush it or braid it, so your argument doesn't work.


The girl stopped tugging at her mother and started scratching the back of her head, making what was left of her hair completely unusable. The chirping became tearful, and moisture began to accumulate in the depths of her blue eyes.


-Kay can we make concessions, because she's been behaving so well lately, and as I said earlier, a long time ago, before the cataclysm, the psychologists on Terra proved... -Dodgy dared to support his daughter and he got carried away as usual.


And Kay looked at the two people so dear and beloved, and could not hold back a smile. Two chirps, one monotonously boring and the other begging and weeping, merged together, reminding Kei Asks of the sound of the mountain stream that flowed near Shiba's country estate, where Kei Shiba had first cried all night, feeling sorry for herself and her fate.


"I guess we should probably still let them buy a pet...just make sure to go shopping together, well, or send Shinsi."





  Comment on Chapter 3. Fish? Mouse? Cockroach!

  Dear Readers. The author is very ashamed for such a large number of logs. However, I have taken into account all the wishes and criticism and willfully cut their number in the next chapters to a minimum.

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