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Chapter 230: My Wife Betrayed Me?

Superman's head was in a whirl.

The tall figure before him, clad in gray, was identical to the projection of his father who once explained the conditions on Krypton.

The black figure standing beside him resembled the one who had trampled on his chest in the Justice League building.

Many questions arose in his mind.

Why did his father now have a physical form, and why was his skin gray? What had he been through?

With doubts in his mind, Superman approached Jor-El, whose trembling eyes refused to acknowledge the truth, and asked in a deep voice, "Father, what happened?"

As if triggered by Superman's address, Jor-El's eyes widened, and his gray body tensed with uncontrollable rage. With a punch, he struck Superman's chest at close range.


A deafening explosion echoed through the area, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the air, slamming all objects against the walls once again.

Superman felt a sudden pain in his chest as he was propelled by Jo-El towards the ceiling, piercing through the metal-reinforced ceiling. After tearing through the ceiling, his limbs extended forward passively, propelled by the immense force, until he crashed into the soil seven hundred meters below, tearing through the earth and continuing to fly towards the ground.

The surface was bathed in sunlight, warm and inviting.

In the bustling commercial district, elite individuals in business attire bustled about, with traffic flowing steadily on the streets.

Suddenly, the concrete ground cracked open as if something was about to burst out from underground. Onlookers stopped in their tracks, halting their vehicles to avoid the sudden disturbance, watching as the cracks widened and the soil arched upwards, disrupting the once bustling avenue.

Superman's body was suddenly propelled upwards from underground by tremendous force, breaking through the surface and flying towards the direction of the Morgan Bank building, soaring over two hundred meters before crashing into the middle of the building.

The entire Morgan Bank building was split in half by Superman's impact, dust flying as the upper half of the building tilted and collapsed, causing terrified screams from the people inside.

The screams awakened Superman from his daze as he flew, and he hesitated for a moment in the atmosphere, looking down to see the half-collapsed Morgan building and the people inside screaming in terror.

In an instant, Superman broke through the sound barrier and descended from the atmosphere, catching the collapsing half of the Morgan building to rescue the people inside.

700 meters below ground, in the base.

Jor-El gasped angrily, his eyes bulging with fury, his face contorted, veins pulsating with crazed fervor transporting blood like writhing worms, he turned to look at H'el.

The shockwave's fierce wind ruffled H'el's black hair, while his black cape billowed behind him.

He stood there like a deity, arms outstretched, chin raised, overlooking Jor-El, allowing Jor-El to clearly and unmistakably see his own and Kal's identical genetic map through penetrating and microscopic vision.

Jor-El saw it, saw the same genetic map on Kal's body as H'el's, and also saw his wife Lara's genetic map. H'el and Lara's genetic maps combined in Kal's body.

Only he was an outsider.

He simply couldn't fathom how H'el, who had already been exiled to space by himself at the time, could impregnate Lara without his knowledge.

The only reason he could think of was that H'el had already left behind his essence before being exiled into space.

Lara knew he wanted to naturally conceived a child with H'el, implanting the Codex into her child's body to continue the honor of the House of El, to rebuild a new Krypton, and become the new god of Krypton.

And then Lara emptied her own essence left in her body, combined it with H'el's essence, and conceived H'el's child in her body.

In other words, Lara had long since betrayed him and coupled with H'el.

Jor-El simply couldn't believe, couldn't accept that his wife would betray him.

How tragic it was! His own wife, even after her passing, would betray him, using someone else's frozen essence to give birth, entrusting everything to someone else's child!

This was simply a cosmic-level NTR.

Enveloped in immense sorrow and anger, every cell of Jor-El's body was shrouded in grief. He raised his fist in despair and charged at H'el, tears streaming down his furious gaze, roaring in despair and agony, "Lara would never betray me!"


H'el reached out to catch Jor-El's fist, enveloped by the shockwave's blast, the two vanished momentarily, emerging from the blast with H'el's red and black cape billowing.

H'el sensed Jor-El's expression of despair and anger, as well as the intense fluctuations of his thoughts, receiving his logical speculation about H'el getting involved with his wife.

It could be considered the most plausible logic at the moment.

After all, he hadn't departed from the likes of it, nor did he entertain the fantasy of someone being able to traverse time and space, with such a vast logical leap, imagining that someone intentionally traversed time to go back, just to get involved with his wife?!

The corner of H'el's mouth twitched uncontrollably. Jor-El's accusation was a blatant defamation of his reputation. He swore that not even a single thought about Lara had crossed his mind on Krypton.

There were plenty of beautiful people, almost all of them, on Krypton, far more attractive than Lara, even Faora was more captivating than Lara.

Jor-El actually speculated that he had once been involved with Lara?

H'el thought he was simply sick.

"I have no interest in your wife," H'el said coldly, his voice firm, staunchly defending himself.

Even if you died in front of me, I wouldn't be interested in Lara.

With these words from H'el, the despair and hopelessness emanating from Jo-El seemed to turn into lifelessness. He didn't want to live anymore, didn't want to control himself anymore, letting his magnetic field emit freely.

His wife, turned out to be the one pursuing!

H'el hadn't even glanced at her.


Jo-El's bulging, ferocious eyeballs burst blood from the veins, both eyes streaming blood tears, he crazily raised his fists to attack H'el.

His body emitted an extreme chaotic magnetic field, a dark red biological magnetic field began to appear chaotically from his body, swirling chaotically around him, sizzling and striking the surrounding air particles.

Damn idiot!

H'el once again received Jor-El's thoughts, and a fire rose in his heart. This guy had lost all rational thinking and was beyond saving, his mind filled with scenes of despair between himself and Lara.

Sensing the chaotic images of himself and Lara in his mind, H'el couldn't help but feel his anger rise. He faced Jor-El's attacking fist and punched him in the chest, sending him flying like he had done with Superman, piercing through the ground and flying up to the surface.


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