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Chapter 20: Chapter 19- Spirit Awakening Ceremony

The frontiers of the Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire in the Douluo Continent were divided by the Star Luo Forest, which contains many vast variety of Spirit beasts some even with cultivation of over 100,000 years.

Even a Titled Douluo would not dare walk to the Centre of Star Luo Forest, but there was a little rabbit snapping out in the sorrowful thoughts in there. 

"Mother..." muttered a cute rabbit as it gazed at the clear lake, which was overflowing with life power. 

"Sister...don'," a deep voice echoed in the air, coming from a hundred-meter-tall huge ape coated in thick black fur and with broad shoulders that were considered to be seven meters long. 



An enormous python with a length of more than 100 meters emerges from the water in the Lake of Life. Its body size was larger than a water barrel, and it had two claws under its belly. However, the most odd aspect of the snake is that it has a huge bullhead. 

"Little sister, are you sure you want to become human?" the enormous python said as its lantern eyes glanced at the little rabbit. 

"What?" Yelled out the huge Ape, surprised because he had never heard of this. 

"I already decided Da Ming, within one year, I will leave this place to experience human life after my transformation to human," Xiao Wu said with a stern look on Da Ming, while Er Ming, the huge Ape, lowered his head with a mournful face, knowing that his little sister would leave the forest very soon in the future. 


"As expected, you are here, brother," said Dugu Yan, who travelled to the Spirit Ceremony mountain with the thought of looking for Liu Feng, whom his mother had requested her to bring him back for breakfast. 

"Oh!, It's already been this long," Liu Feng stated with a huge grin, glancing at Dugu Yan's slightly flushed face when she saw his charming smile. 

"OK, kid, you go quickly with my granddaughter or else this old man has to face your mother's wrath," Dugu Bo replied, knowing how protective Liu Erlong was of her son.


"Then Gramps, see you later," Liu Feng remarked to Dugu Bo, who chuckled and went back to work. 

"It hasn't even been two weeks but there is already a building on this mountain, just why don't you awaken our spirits in a normal way," Dugu Yan murmured while screaming internally when the two of them were alone, her heart always pounding hard being with him and she gazed at Liu Feng's hand.

'Should I hold his hand?' Dugu Yan wondered as she walked down the mountain alone with Liu Feng, who smiled slightly when he heard Dugu Yan's question. 

"Well, that's because your Granpa, like my mommy, always thinks about your safety," Liu Feng remarked blankly, while Dugu Yan giggled when she saw his face when he told her about his mother. 

"And I believe your martial Spirit would be the same, but upgraded because your bloodline of the spirit became even more powerful due to your Ice and Fire Alchemy physique," Liu Feng remarked after detecting the potent rise of the poison inside Dugu Yan with his Spiritual Detection. 

"Hehe, that's because it's all thanks to someone who helped me," Dugu Yan replied as she took this change and smiled as she held his hand with hers. 

'Ahh! I did it!!' screamed Dugu Yan in her heart, feeling the warm touch on her hand, but unexpectedly his hand was smoother than hers, which surprised her and straight away she dived into the sensation of his warmth raising her cheeks to blush. 

Liu Feng grinned with a shy face when Dugu Yan thanked him for helping her. But he felt something was wrong when Dugu Yan's touching seemed to be a bit different. 

"Are you OK, Dugu Yan?" Liu Feng inquired as Dugu Yan jolted out of her thoughts and looked at his puzzled face, exhaling with relief that he didn't find anything weird about her behaviour. 

"I just wondered why your hand is much smoother than mine," Dugu Yan pouted, and Liu Feng shook his head at Dugu Yan's silly thoughts. 

"We need to go now if we don't want to annoy my mother," Liu Feng remarked as he raced to the dining area in an open area where Ye Lingling, her Grandma, and his mother were waiting for them to arrive. 

When Dugu Yan saw Liu Feng's back, she had a tiny arc on her lips and couldn't help but want to touch him more as she ran behind him while holding his hand. 

"..." Ye Lingling made a cold face at their holding hands and stood up to hold Liu Feng's other hand as both Ye Daiyu and Liu Elrong smiled at them for their silly fighting.

'How can she just hold his hand easily?' thought Dugu Yan, frustrated, as Ye Lingling held Liu Feng's hand without difficulty. 

'Again, they're fighting for a ridiculous reason,' Liu Feng thought, with a wary face. 

"Stop it, you two, and eat when the food is hot," Liu Erlong remarked as she served breakfast to all of the plates on the dining table. 

"Hmph" Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling turned away with pouting faces and sat on the chairs beside Liu Feng, while Dugu Bo entered the dining area with a big grin after finishing his work. 

'This feels like a family,' Liu Erlong thought emotionally as she observed the sank Dugu Bo when his granddaughter didn't speak to him while Ye Daiyu smiled at him and all the kids talked and laughed at each other. 

Liu Erlong prayed that the relationships she formed after Liu Feng entered her life would last forever. Liu Feng directed his gaze to his mother with concern, who was not eating; she smiled warmly at him and began eating the food. 

'If my mother could be alive, she would be extremely happy,' Liu Erlong thought as she remembered eating alone in her mother's piled house as a child; she knew her mother usually grieved every time she saw Liu Erlong waiting for her to eat together. 

On the day of the Spirit Ceremony, 

Dugu Yan was standing on the Spirit Awakening array within the Spirit Ceremony building as her Grandpa stood in front of her. Despite everyone reassuring her that everything would be OK, Dugu Yan felt a little nervous in her heart.

"Then I'll begin the Awakening," Dugu Bo remarked, as Dugu Yan nodded her head solemnly. Everyone was looking at Dugu Yan with tense faces since they were all aware of the poisonous effects of Dugu Yan's spirit, and even Liu Feng was having issues dealing with this spirit's flaws. 

Dugu Bo poured his spirit power into the Spirit Awakening array, which ignited and shone in the golden hue coursing through Dugu Yan, rapidly warming her body. 

The jade green light shone throughout the entire building, and Ye Daiyu and Liu Erlong covered Ye Lingling and Liu Feng's eyes while looking at the jade snake around Dugu Yan, who was still closing her eyes and engrossed in the feeling of the spirit awakening. 

'This is a Jade Phosphor Snake spirit, but what are those blue and red markings on the skin of the spirit?' Dugu Bo wondered as he looked at his Granddaughter's Spirit.

As his spirit resonated with that of his granddaughter, all of a sudden Dugu Yan began to absorb spirit power more from his Grandpa. 

'Hmm, still not satisfied,' chuckled Dugu Bo as he boosted his spirit power to the Spirit Awakening array. The Spirit eventually formed and Dugu Yan gently opened her eyes, her hair turning a totally dark jade colour and her eyes turned to enhancing emeralds. 

"How is your body Granddaughter?" Dugu Bo said after completing the spirit Awakening.

Dugu Yan smiled reassuringly and told her grandfather that her body was not feeling the effects of her spirit's deadly poison. 

"Whew," sighed Dugu Bo as he took out the crystal used to measure the Innate Spirit rank talent. Dugu Yan took that into her palm and passed her spirit into the crystal, which flashed in a bright hue that stunned everyone. 

"This is.." Ye Daiyu widened her eyes and looked at the brightly shining crystal that had already passed to Innate Spirit power 10 talent.


"Innate Spirit rank 15!, That was great, Dugu Yan!" said Liu Feng, breaking the silence of the others, who were still shocked when they witnessed Dugu Yan's Innate Spriti Rank talent. 

"Haha, my granddaughter is very talented," Dugu Bo said loudly as he noticed his granddaughter's Innate Spirit Rank talent. 

"Hey gramps, there's still one person who needs to awaken the spirit," Liu Feng stated as Dugu Bo embarrassed and Ye Daiyu arrived at the Spirit Awakening array with her granddaughter. 

"Thank you, Liu Feng," Dugu Yan exclaimed as she hugged him tightly, making Ye Lingling's whole body shiver with a cold face, Dugu Bo was heartbroken that he thought she could hug him but instead hugged Liu Feng. 

"I will begin the Ceremony," Ye Daiyu murmured as Ye Lingling snapped out of her thoughts of Dugu Yan's mocking face and closed her eyes as the Spirit Awakening array was triggered with Ye Daiyu's spirit power. 

Surprisingly, the entire Spirit Ceremony mountain's life power was centred on Ye Lingling, while a flowering plant sprouted in Ye Lingling's hands. At first glimpse, Ye Daiyu recognised a difference between her granddaughter's spirit and the regular Nine Hearts Flowering spirit. 

Ye Daiyu immediately gave her the crystal to check the innate Spirit power, which was the same as Dugu Yan's Innate Spirit rank of 15, and Ye Daiyu's face beamed with happiness while hugging Ye Lingling with happiness that her granddaughter had finally been able to change the fate of the Ye Clan's traditional spirit. 

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