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Chapter 17: Chapter 16- Spiritual Ranks*

"Master, should I further investigate Ye Daiyu?" asked a black-robed man kneeling in front of Xue Qinghe, the Heaven Duo Empire's oldest prince until Qian Renxue killed him and took his place. 

"No need for that; I believe the Ye Clan Head became young by accident as a result of the spirit," said Qian Renxue in Xue Qinghe's voice, despite the fact that there was only the elder of Spirit Hall in the room. 

"And stop looking for my brother; with his intelligence, there's no way he could die, and maybe by fate, we'll meet again with different standards," Qian Renxue replied, signalling the Spirit Hall elder to leave. 

'It's been months since I arrived here, everything was going according to plan, and within a year the Emperor's two children will die of poison, and for Emperor, I need to be extremely careful when I poison him,' Qian Renque thought, narrowing those clever eyes. 

"But first, I need to become a student of Ning Fengzhi to increase my chances of overthrowing the throne," Qian Renque smiled as he instructed the guard to ready the cart for the visit to the Seven Tearsure Glazed Tile Clan. 


Early in the morning, Liu Erlong and Liu Feng were both standing in Liu Feng's training mountain. 

"2nd Spiritual ability- Spiritual shock" 

When Liu Erlong utilised her 2nd Compressed Ring ability, a white smoky ring emerged behind her, which Liu Feng noticed. 

"This is amazing, your level of Spiritual power when using Spiritual shock was increased if a white ring formed," Liu Feng said after witnessing the smokey white ring. 

"Well, I also can use the Spiritual Shock, without this white ring, of course, my level of Spiritual power would be reduced," Liu Erlong explained after she stopped using her Spiritual ability. 

"And why don't we call this ring a Spiritual ring?" Liu Erlong hurriedly asked, not wanting her son to name the ring. Liu Feng pouted because he had already thought of a name, but his mother had given the ring a name. 

"From your expression, I knew you already figured it out, so tell me, son, what's going on," Liu Erlong remarked, folding her arms below her ample breasts. 

"To say clearly, the compressed rings in the Spiritual Sea are forming Spiritual Rings outside when using the Spiritual ability, first of all, there will be no ring formation using the ability, next partial formation of the Spiritual ring like yours and lastly full Spiritual ring with full potential in ability usage" Liu Feng explained, and Liu Erlong comprehended the concept as well. 

'However, based on my speed of progress in the Compressed ring method, my limit is just the Third compressed ring, but that's good because I have three extra abilities,' Liu Erlong reasoned after noticing her mediocre talent in Spiritual power. 

'It appears that mommy realised her speed limit in the Compressed ring method,' Liu Feng thought as he hugged her mother, who was immersed in her thoughts. 

"It's OK, Fenge'r, I'm not sad at all, but never ever give this method to anyone in the future because you have already shown such amazing talents and if many know that there is a method to create a spiritual ring would lead to your life disaster," Liu Erlong said, concerned for her son's safety, as Liu Feng nodded his head in agreement. 

Liu Erlong grew preoccupied with her training in the following days. At the same time, Liu Feng visited his mother on occasion with Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, who had become great friends after living together for weeks at the Blue Tyrant Academy. 

"huh...huh...huh" Dugu Yan took long breaths while looking at Liu Feng, who stood in front of her without a fatigued look on his face. She grinding her teeth, dashed towards Liu Feng and smacked him in the face with her fist. 


"Haha, Dugu Yan, you were too slow, and your posture was all over the place while you were showing many vital points to the enemy," Liu Feng said, effortlessly avoiding Dugu Yan's fists. 

"Shut up!, you are more powerful than me, which is why you can escape my punches!" shouted Dugu Yan, whirling her body while her left foot kicked Liu Feng's head with her other leg on the ground. 

"This is difficult," Ye Lingling whispered as she lay flat on the ground looking at the clear blue sky after doing a few loops around the training mountain. 

"OK, that's enough training for today," Liu Feng said as he drew Dugu Yan into his arms after catching her fist, her cute face smothered by his chest and her cheeks turned slightly crimson. 

"Hmph!, you just want to bathe with your mommy like a little kid," Dugu Yan murmured, nuzzling her face on his chest and perplexing Liu Feng with her actions.

"Ah!" exclaimed Dugu Yan as Ye Lingling yanked her away from Liu Feng's embrace. Dugu Yan made a furious grimace at Ye Lingling, who did not back down and continued to stare at her. 

"I'm going to bathe, let us meet at breakfast time," Liu Feng stated as he slowly walked away, while those two didn't even look at him. 


"Sigh," Liu Feng murmured as he drowned with Liu Erlong in hot water while leaning on her ample breasts. 

"It feels good after a long training, right son," Liu Erlong said, wrapping her arm around Liu Feng, who was sitting on her soft thighs, Liu Feng nodded his head with a little smile enjoying the feeling of warmness. 

"Yeah, and I think the red spirit ring is too much for you to absorb for your 8th spirit ring at that time I told you without any thought, I am sorry Mommy for putting you under pressure," Liu Feng replied after much thought upon seeing his mother working hard every day. 

"Don't blame yourself but you know I may have doubt that I could absorb a red Spirit Ring if I don't consume an Immortal Herb and didn't have Compressed Rings?" Liu Erlong said as Liu Feng rotated his body to face Liu Elrong's face, his two small hands on her breasts and a serious expression on his face. 

"But Mommy, I know your body could handle the spirit power of the Red Spirit Ring because the Immortal Herb strengthened your body, but I don't know if you have enough Spiritual power to handle the soul of a 100,000 years cultivation Spirit beast," Liu Feng said with concern, wanting to prevent his mother from absorbing the Red Spirit Ring. 

"But If I form a third Compressed ring in my Spiritual Sea then it could be less stressful to absorb the red Spirit Ring?" Liu Erlong inquired, not knowing how many Compressed rings could handle the 100,000 years of development spirit beast's soul. 

"If my guess is correct, you will easily absorb the red Spirit ring with the fourth Compressed Ring, but with the third Compressed Ring you have a 50% chance of success, don't forget Mommy this is only my guess," Liu Feng said worriedly, while Liu Erlong caressed his face with her delicate hands. 

"First and foremost, why don't we create a Level System for Spiritual Power, such as Spiritual Rank 1 for the First Compressed Ring, then Spiritual Rank 2, Spiritual Rank 3, and so on," Liu Erlong suggested after being upset by having to utter whole names for the Compressed rings. 

"Wow, mommy, that was a good idea!" remarked Liu Feng, as Liu Erlong smiled and looked at her son's adorable face. 

"And OK, I will follow your words; once I reach Spiritual Rank 3, I will absorb the Red Spirit Ring," Liu Erlong replied, Liu Feng smiled and hugged his mother as Liu Erlong put her arms around her son. 

"And how was your friendship with the girls?" Liu Erlong inquired as Liu Feng leaned on her moist shoulder with a confused gaze. 

"Well, Mommy, lately Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling have been arguing with each other whenever one of them gets close to me," Liu Feng stated, while Liu Elrong giggled at his clueless son, thinking it would take some time for him to understand the girls' hearts. 

"Hmph!" pouted Liu Feng, irritatedly glancing at Liu Erlong's teasing expression while backing up and eyeing the big breasts that were half submerged in the hot water. 

'Now I'll see how you laugh at me Mommy,' Liu Feng said slyly, sucking her abundant soft breast while anticipating Liu Erlong's scarlet face. 

"Aah!" moaned Liu Erlong unconsciously, her cheeks flushed, as Liu Feng sucked her breast while staring at her. 

Liu Erlong covered her mouth to avoid moaning and stared down at Liu Feng, who was licking her breast near her pink nipple, Liu Feng could feel her heartbeat and shivered body when his small lips approached her pointy pink nipple. 

"Fenge'r stop, you shouldn't do that," Liu Erlong said with a blushing face, but Liu Feng mistook her for joking and sucked her pink nipple on her right breast without thinking. 

"Aah!,...stop it," Liu Erlong screamed, pinching her son's ear for being naughty. Despite her best efforts to appear normal, she was screaming within her heart at what had happened and didn't know how to handle it or explain it to her son it was wrong. 

"Ouch!,...sorry Mommy, but you were the one who teased me first," Liu Feng remarked, pleading with Liu Erlong to forgive him. 

'But Why I'm feeling good, is it because I didn't even think about my body's needs,' Liu Erlong thought after experiencing the sensuous pressure her entire body was not listening to her. She remembered that she didn't even think about it for twenty years now.



HELP- About Renxue at this period, did she killed the prince or still acting as a maid to the prince.

Then what do you think about the Spiritual Rank system and don't worry I am still working on it to do it meaningfully.

If you have any thoughts about Spiritual Ranks you can say it.

Also I am changing Divine Sense to Spiritual Detection because I think this ability was too OP.

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