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92.85% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 104: 104 The seven day event...

Chapter 104: 104 The seven day event...

"As the organizer of this event, I am very proud seeing the results of your training and I do hope this experience is something you would carry in life." Paul was smiling broadly as he had just witnessed the whole event after a week of various tests and challenges for the soldiers.


Even the others with him were surprised and shocked at the past few days. Paul had prepared an extensive amount of resources to host this and ensured the guests were given proper dwellings as well as great food.


[Seven Days ago]


On the first day was a grand opening as a three stage battle was held for the soldiers.


First a field battle that had them face larger numbers of enemies that totally shook the inexperienced soldiers. It almost became a great loss had they not gained their minds after a stern reminder from the great warriors and Duncan.


There they showcased they great coordination by sticking to formations and lessons drilled into them during training. Paul had created a system of command that could be relayed instantly similar to how the orcs during the battle of the five armies.


It was through music and a interchangeable signal flags that would determine their course of actions. There were officers taught the meanings of the various changes in the flags and tune so they can relay them to the soldiers using a lingo they only understood.


Duncan was impressed by this system of passing orders, as he looked over the field directing the troops to react to the puppet army.


This battle was tallied with them having 15% loss in troops while routing the enemy who lost 43% in troops. It was a victory but in Paul's thoughts it could have been better had the troops been calm in the first place.


Still this was the use of this event, so that these mistakes would not be faced in the field. The puppets had a special feature added to them which enables them to detect theorized damage from the paint marks on them and would act accordingly as if it was wounded in such a place.


The soldiers were also given such restrictions which is on their armors and weapons that would feel sluggish depending on where the paint has struck them.


These armors were semi puppets and are only meant for practice and spars. Paul had developed them since last year and there were enough made to be used in this event.


Also for the mounted troops they were given puppet mounts because there is a chance for their original steeds to get injured on the exercises on the field.


This gave a powerful lesson to the soldiers on what they might face in the battle field, even though it was not the real deal, they still didn't like it not being able to raise their arms to defend themselves.


Also not any paint would make the armor react as it was only a special paint created by Paul and only he knows how to make it. While only a few puppets were allowed to maintain the training equipment.


On the second event, another field battle was held but this one was on a terrain that proved great for cavalry battle.


Thus the two types of cavalry shone in this event, the semi armored mounted archer division numbering around 50 which usually rode on trained Zorses and the heavy armored boar riders around 100 as they charged mounted atop puppets.


They faced the 200 mounted puppets in the field who wanted to stop them from reaching to the archer puppet legion that were the problem on the last event.


Almost all roles shone in this battle as the various theoretical maneuvers in the books they read were being applied in real time by Duncan who was looking excited as he led the pace of the battle.


Paul was impressed by the lump of muscles, in most matters he was a bit of a stone head but when it came to fighting and war he was a genius.


The Soldier puppets he made were designed to emulate how most westerosi lords fight. But he can change the settings as well for different scenarios yet for the first day is to show these young soldiers how people from the seven kingdoms fight.


The result was better than the first with only 5% casualties and the enemy routed after losing 30% of their troops. A 1:6 ratio but Paul knew this was great for a group of newbies in war, also his quality armors would also make a difference too but that's for later to worry about.


Last event was a night battle, purpose of the scenario is to try and go past the patrols to get as close to the enemy camp as possible.


The young soldiers were tired and weary but it was planned as most attacks like these had soldiers that has lack of sleep and rest.


Thus also emulating stress in the battle field, the archers and spear throwers shone in this part as they ambushed the night patrols as quickly as possible without raising alarm.


This time Duncan was on the field as he wanted to practice giving hand signals to relay orders to the troops, a bit slower than the signal flags but great in night ambushes like these.



Though they were still discovered, the troops were already 200 meters close to the camp area where they were able to charge through and surprise the puppets.


Duncan even went and charged through towards the commander's tent while the great warriors open a path for him.


There he showed his years of skill as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard as he bested the Puppet Commander in single combat after a few minutes in the battle.


Paul made the Puppet commander with the skills of a veteran knight with a sword art foreign to everyone but Paul, yet Duncan returning to his prime and even slowly becoming a Super Soldier was able to clinch a victory.


This time only a few were counted as dead and many injured as the tired bodies of theirs exploded with energy seeing they were so close to the camp of the enemy.


This was just the first day which shocked many that some forgot to eat their freshly served food. The Beastmen chiefs were solemn as they too were scared and mostly jealous having such skill warriors now protecting this already powerful tribe.


This made them look at Paul with different emotions as they too slowly realized their economy is slowly getting connected to the city of Yeen.


For the second day it was only two events but they were both siege scenarios, one to attack and another to defend.


In the attacking part the ones that were able to show their worth were the shielded infantry who were able to showcase a close knit shield wall that enabled the battering ram to break the gates.


Paul spared no expense in making the gate sturdy that it could rival those of a larger castle's gates in durability.


The Spear throwers too were able to showcase their accuracy of hitting targets up to 200 meters away with a force that dismantled the puppets upon hit.


They still used the cloth tipped ones but they still hurt when hit, that is why there were still the healers taught by Paul nearby.


Even the cloth tipped arrows hurt enough for the soldiers, that is why under their helmet are leather goggles with thick glasses installed for safety from small projectiles from hitting their eyes.


The training armor looked silly from afar but it was necessary for the safety in training, but some were still hurt pretty bad from unlucky shots hitting their balls or ball.


This scenario was a bad event for them because their enemies were much numerous than them the attackers but having them face such a large odds would also give them insights for future wars like these.


They were also given siege weapons like ladders, siege towers and catapults or trebuchets that throw a large bundle of cloth to the enemy.


The results were rather bad as there is a 19% loss of troops before they defeated 35% of the enemy and taking over the fort.


On the defensive scenario they were given a smaller fort but since they were on the defensive it was a bit better than the earlier event.


It was already after noon when it started as it took a while to get rid of the paint on the armors and puppets.


Still the event was exciting as Duncan had decided to lure the large number of enemy infantry to attack the walls. He let the ladders in so the bulk of the infantry would go for the walls.


Then he used a secret path which each fort had to ride out with the cavalry and take out the siege weapons.


He decided to do so when a few trainees were seriously injured even when the thing that hit them were a bundle of cloth.


They had been frozen in place when they saw the large ball of cloth flying at them not reacting at all until they got the wind out of them and a few ribs broke which prompted Paul to help the healers a bit in repositioning the ribs of the injured kids.


But with Paul there is little chance for any lasting injuries for these kids, so the events went on.


The defense was successful after Duncan ambushed the rear troops of the puppets, this time he fought the commander puppet as they were both mounted.


This time Duncan was not able to defeat it but he held it long enough for the Ruka to be able to crush the mounted troops of the puppets and the archers.


Duncan was shocked at how good the puppet at fighting while mounted. This was because Paul gave the horse riding skills of a dothraki and coupled with the sword skills it has it became formidable while mounted.


The defense lost about 9% of the defending forces mostly due to the catapults and the dog fight in the ramparts to lure the infantry over. While the puppets lost about 40% before routing and most of these were the archers and mounted forces gone.


On the third day was one event but it was a forest battle scenario, this was done on a field where there are a thousand 5 meter wooden poles with braches on the top to give archers a hard time.


This was a messy one as it simulated a battle where the signal flags are not quite visible to all troops.


This was the hardest one Duncan had to handle as they went on a guerilla war slowly chipping away at each other.


This almost became a pyrrhic Victory had Duncan not thought of making a large shield wall with the archers and spear throwers at the middle.


While the cavalry went to go and chip the enemies cavalry but sending a 20 heavy armored boar riders led by Ugg the bearslayer to ambush the archer's of the enemy.


Though it sacrificed the 20 riders, they were still able to take out half of the archers weakening the range troops of the enemy.


This was enough to go on an all-out charge ending with 25% lost in troops while defeating 60% of the enemy force.


The whole event made the spectators cheer as they were kept in the suspense after seeing the ups and downs of the battle.


Some warriors watching were jealous of Ugg's highlight as he showed a real barbarian's fury as his armor was slowing him down bit by bit as he got hit by enemy troops.


Duncan was a bit dissatisfied with the results as he too didn't know what the events would be so he was clueless as to what to prepare.


In the fourth day was a leisure day where dozens of games and tournaments were held until the fifth day.


It was like a tourney where guest can also wander about the training grounds while watching the young men compete on who is the best rider, the best warrior or the best archer/spear thrower.


I was a relaxing two days to ensure the guest at least felt it was a festive event as well as the troops. There were other events too that showcased other fields like medicine, art, music and dancing skills.


There were also carnival games that give out prices like dolls and toys which the kids liked. Betha showed she was quite skilled as she won a large doll for Rhaenys in the target shooting.


Duncan and Rohanne went on a date while the beastmen tribe slowly lost their guard as they went to enjoy the festivities as well. Especially the desserts since Paul had been able to farm a lot of sugar beets lately.


He had also been successful in developing various crops used to make certain products and the plants were totally found here in Green Hell.


Soft cakes, pancakes, cupcakes, mocha bread, Fruit bread, sandwiches, shawarma, cotton candy which were the kids' favorite and lastly Ice cream.


Paul had made some formations that would release cold air slowly on various items. But it was so intricate to make that he had only made a few inscribed on a 2mx2mx2m stainless steel box.


This enabled him to make a freezer which he used to make large Ice cubes which gave the possibility to Ice cream.


For now four of such metal boxes exist, one in Leviathan, two in Yeen and one in the Flask Basin.


Each cost at least 5K soul energy and takes a lot of resources to make just to inscribe the spell formation.


It was also hard to have around puppets since all of them run by slowly gathering magic from the air to power their cores but the steel boxes gather most of the magic around it that puppets get sluggish around it.


This was why Paul did not make a legion of puppets to just conquer everything because once a certain number hit in an area they will deteriorate in performance.


Only in places with high concentration in magic can they work properly and Green Hell has a lot of magic.


But in Westeros however, he noticed that most magic tends to get sucked towards the North.


He had noticed this last year in Standfast when a certain number of puppets were present in expanding the underground cellars.


They became slow and their performance dropped terribly.


Westeros has just a thin amount of magic present there, Paul didn't notice it much before since his use of magic came from within him.


Even weakened he was still the source of his power and it was limitless for him, just limited in amount he can push out though.


So only a few dozen are active in westeros then the other small puppets with the golden eagles, but that was enough for Paul.


In Essos the magic is a little thin too but in some places they were powerful like Volantis which Paul attributed to the presence of the Old men of the River.


He got four of them though only the smaller ones around 4 meters in height, three looked like Galapagos turtles with horns that make it have a face similar to that of an ankylosaurus.


The last is an Alligator snapping turtle 5 meters tall with a large horn on its nose like a rhino, it was rather grumpy and liked to sleep but was tamed by Paul because this guy seemed lonely.


They also had an inherent ability to handle water magic naturally that Paul was able to make a tome for learning water magic.


But he did not publish it though, still these turtles were not the only large marine beasts he has as the sponge crabs grew in size quite quickly.


The largest were already 3 meters tall and 10 meters wide, almost as big as their ancestor Skutoom before he got tamed. Right now the crabs were just large crabs that have a coral reef as its extra layer of armor.


Its carapace is much thicker than Skutoom had but no dozens spikes they can shoot out from, only four spikes near their eyes but their grip strength can cut stainless steel like tofu.


They were all being nurtured near the Isle of Cedars as it was hard to raise them here in Green Hell where there are crocodiles large enough to fight them.


Paul had recently tried to unseal Sapphire and the others but something seemed to be stopping him from doing so even when the bracelet did not react.


Though it did give him a hint to reach 20% completion in the task to unlock compensation provided. Not that he understand what it really meant but first thing he knew he could easily complete is the quality of magic practitioners in Westeros.


That was why he wrote the tome for water magic, yet he thought it was not enough and wanted to gather other tomes that already existed. And there is only one place he can find the tomes he might need, The Citadel.


He knew there was the study of the higher mysteries there and thought that they might have hundreds of tomes pertaining to magic and its history.


Though a trip in not needed to be done as he had already placed a puppet there to slowly copy the tomes in the library of the maesters.


But that was six months ago and he checks from time to time seeing that it was hard to be discreet in a place where there are dozens of observant old men.


Yet the books copied were more than a dozen already and stored in a scroll which would be delivered once the puppet has copied all the tomes of magic it could find.


Still that would be taken care of for later as the festivities continued and news from Westeros also arrived like how Tywin Lannister got married to his cousin Joanna Lannister.


Rohanne didn't speak much of it even if they were her grandchildren as she preferred to take care of the life she had chosen with right now with Duncan.


She didn't quite like hearing the way Tywin treated his father, her son Tytos, but she can understand seeing that Tytos has become to gullible as he was a very kind child growing up.


She had thought her own twins Tywald and Tion would lead the Lannister family so she did not become strict in Tytos' life making the boy grow up into a king man but very gullible.


She had almost come out of hiding before when she heard the girl called Ellyn Reyne having treated the Rock as her own personal domain.


Good thing though she raised Tytos into being loyal and truthful enabling the woman she had betrothed to Tytos, Jeyne Marbrand, to bring this matter up to her late husband Gerold.


She never liked that girl Reyne when she first met her, thus was happy Tytos was safe with Jeyne. Yet he was still too soft and let many slights come upon house Lannister over the years that she stopped trying to hear more news as she was too old to care for their problems.


Though when she became subordinate to Paul and was placed as Mistress of Whisperers did she catch up on many things that had happened over the years she was bed ridden.


Yet that much didn't matter to her right now as she wandered the various games Paul came up with that she and Duncan had been visiting in their date.


She also held a doll half her size as Duncan was able to hit the highest point of the game called High Striker. So far only him and Ogap was able to ring the bell that it made the other muscle headed Great Warriors frequent the game as contest.


But their brutish handling of their strength led them to come short as they did not know how to focus all their weight in their strikes.


Paul made most games quite hard so it would be a bit challenging to the hundreds of muscle heads.


The Archery contest was won by a Slave warrior who was a Summer Islander while second place had gone to a slave that was a former poacher/hunter in the riverlands and surprisingly the third place went to Lady Betha who came in as a surprise contestant.


The scoring was held in different settings, who has hit the farthest target, number of bull's-eye on moving targets and a trick contest where the archers showcase trick shots that are judge by Paul and others.


Then there was the Single Combat where they used the training gear to battle. Duncan became champion after a close fight against Kaash who came in second with third going to Ogap.


A mounted battle where Ruka won as champion followed by Puppet Commander, Paul made the puppets intelligent enough to act like humans so in normal matters he let them be and third was again Ogap who always brute forced everything he does.


A wrestling match that was totally won by Ogap followed by Ugg Bearslayer and third being Krall, they were the first of the Great Warriors that followed him so he favored them in giving them better medicine in slowly changing them into Super Soldiers.


Physical wise they were all better that Duncan but experience in battles were something they truly lacked.


He even had a play made using the puppets, he made these to instill culture to the people of Yeen.


First story he ever had them see was the story of the Little Mermaid, but this one had been altered to at least have some cultural similarities yet no mention of houses or any other places were familiar to the audience.


Though Prince Eric and Princess Ariel brought a profound mark on the hearts of many, also the names of Ursulla and Triton had made them speculate that this story might have happened in history.


They did like the musical numbers though especially the part where Sebastian had helped trying to have the prince and Ariel to kiss.


He and flounder were still a crab and fish thus Paul was able to assert this was nothing more than a fairy tale he had made up.


The retainers on the other hand thought that this might be related to either the Grey King or the First Strom King, maybe even at House Redwyne since there is the mermaid's palace near the Arbor.


Rhaenys didn't care, she just liked the signing and happy ending as well as the other kids.


Reason being Paul chose the Little Mermaid because on the last day the event is a simulated sea battle using prop ships that can be sunk if hit on the right areas with enough force.


The areas would either crumble to pieces or cave in, but each prop ship was the same size of a cog and they were going to perform on the large pool Paul had dug.


But he first show cased the existence of the first ever regiment of Sea Knights that rode on Sea Horses making Betha, Rohanne and Duncan look at Paul suspiciously since they saw in the play how Triton's carriage was pulled by sea horses.


Paul ignored them as he changed that part since in the movies it was a bunch of dolphins but he didn't want the rapey murder porpoises to have a good image since he knew they were worse that sharks.


So why not the Sea horse leviathans he has since they were milder in nature than the dolphins and can be approached by children.


The 50 Sea knights showed their training as they sank three ships within half an hour even when the puppets defending tried their best.


Then the large sea battle with 5 ships vs 10 ships as the troops were divided because it is already hard for 15 ships to maneuver in the large pool.


Since Paul had also generated artificial waves using some of the water magic he learned from the Old men of the River or Giant magical turtles of Rhoyne.


He had the Sea knights watch over as well if one get thrown off the ships to ensure they don't drown.


The army would be divided into three separate groups to take turns in participating in the event.


No fire was included as it would destroy the prop ships, this time Duncan was a bit troubled as he does not have much knowledge in leading sea battles. It was mostly the Greyjoys who handle stuff like these, so even when he read books provided by Paul he was a bit indecisive at first.


Good thing a few of the slave warriors with him were former pirates and suggested tactics at his side. Each group had four great warriors to help them which they will elect before they go out to the ships.


The enemy had the puppet commander and ten puppet officers with him along with ten ships filled with soldier puppets and a few sailor puppets.


The three sea battles had varying results due to some Great Warriors doing dumb stuff like Ogap who just jumped to another enemy ship and defeated the crew but didn't get out in time as the ship sank thus got eliminated since he was a total dead weight.


First bout was a pyrrhic Victory with two ships remaining while sinking four on the enemy and taking three ships hostage.


Second was a defeat as the Puppet Commander had lured Ogap and this time he also baited Krall with an almost empty ship, thus eliminating two great warriors in one go.


Duncan was shocked seeing the puppet commander showing great prowess in tactics so he tried cutting off the head of the snake yet the Puppet commander was able to last long enough until a few puppet officers helped him defeat Duncan.


It was a great blow to the young soldiers but on the thirb bout, the young soldiers elected Ruka and Kaash who proved to be great assets in the fights.


They alone defeated dozens of puppets as they charged the enemy ships but they mostly targeted the officer puppets then leave to another ship.


This was a decisive victory that made the audience sheer in excitement as the events finally ended.


By the end of the day Paul now looked over the young soldiers who had sharper eyes and stronger wills even in their tired states.


"On this day you have made me proud, it was your performance that now gave me confidence that I can finally declare we are a proper sovereign state. This day shall mark as our foundation day and the day Titanus is officially created!" Paul knew he needed an official name for his force thus he named it Titanus due to the Sigil being Godzilla and all.


Titanus Gojira, where he got the name and it was rather apt seeing he was raising an army of monsters and would plan to release the mini Kaijus on the marbles once he is allowed to unseal them.


He had discussed this with the Elders and his retainers due to the increasing numbers of citizens even if the city was large enough to house a million.


He had also planned to build two large stone bridges that would connect Yeen to the southwest and south east areas so the Beastmen tribe would have an easier time crossing the river.


They had also agreed yesterday that they can no longer avoid being drawn in by the influence of Paul in their economy.


Thus he planned to make a road so they can easily go to Yeen to trade while making the bridge similar to the Twins of the Freys.


The Soldiers cheered as they felt great emotion well up inside them, to also ensure they would not stagnate Paul gave rewards to exceptional performances to some soldiers as well as increasing their ranks.


The top five who were chosen by Paul, Duncan and the other Instructors were called in stage as well to be given medals on their wonderful performances.


Paul knew a reward system is necessary and he had a lot to copy from in real life, he even called in stage the best medic student who performed best and gave her a special medal for medics.


Duncan and the Great warriors were in special ceremonial armor where a few medals also hung on their chests which were mostly achievements they had on the past three years.


The armors were mostly black platinum with filigreed blue steel alloy edgings detailed by acid-etching making the familiar patterns of Godzilla observable on the armors.


These were personally made by Paul and only the Great Warriors and above can wear it like how the Kingsguard had a special armor made for them.


The helmet was similar to a Spartan helmet but instead of horse hair as a crest, it was the blue steel alloy shaped like Godzilla's dorsal fins and would be polished properly to shine blue.


They were given custom armor as well as ornamental weapons that look cool, they were also great armor as well since Paul used dwarven techniques in making them enabling the armors to withstand Valyrian Steel and other attacks from magic clad weapons.


But they also have another set of armor personally designed uniquely for them meant for war which is much durable and could even last longer while also made to fully showcase their skills.


Still it depends on them if they want to use it or not, watching them with matching armor was quite cool though.


He had also designed a matching armor for each division of his armies. But they were being prepared by dozens of Dwarf Puppets, dwarf like Thorin and the others.


Paul created about ten only due to how hard it was to make the false metallic muscles to mimic the strength as well as dexterity of dwarves.


They were instilled with basic dwarven forging skills which were better than even the best here in Planetos.


They know how to rework Valyrian Steel as well as create the armors meant for the elite army Paul is raising.


He'll make more in the future but after the events he had the young soldiers measured for their size as well as to predict their growth to ensure they could grow into the armors they were going to be given.


The whole event was a great success but Paul knew he could only hold the next one in after two years since he needed to ensure the quality of the soldiers produced.


The 2000 Unsullied in his name is enough to deter most but having an army ready when shit happens is great as well.


Soon the year ended with the arrival of another winter, the food stored by Paul was ready to be sold now in Lys where many ships from the north come to buy more food for the winter.


Paul also sent a small contingent of about 50 puppets and 20 hedge knights that swore fealty to him when he gave them new legs and arms.


They were leading a rather sizable convoy of food and supplies to eastwatch by the sea to donate to the Night's Watch, he planned to start influencing them so he could slowly remind them of their true duties.


There would be no interference that would result in one of the characters not being born if he only limited actions like these at the Wall.


His businesses however in Tyrosh, Pentos and Braavos were not quite profitable, because in Tyrosh the leader was a member of the Ninepenny Kings and still faced pressure from the Seven Kingdoms.


Thus the wares he sold were only spices, glass wares and other things that won't help much in their resistance to outside forces.


Still he slowly and surely influenced the other magisters of the city to plan a way to get out of the yoke of the Tyrant ruler.


In Braavos it was quite hard when he had a reputation of using slaves for experiments, some Bravos, or passionate warriors even declared a challenge to him only to be curb stomped by the guards of his gates.


They were the best of the crippled men in his employ in Volantis who were also Braavosi in descent. They were trained by a battle puppet specializing in the famous Water Dance practiced by most of the Bravos.


What he sold there were detail tapestries, paintings, artworks and jewelries. But he knew it was a matter of time until more customers come in.


It was the same for Pentos which is under the watchful eye of Braavos that decreed they are to be limited in military strength and that slavery is not to be practiced in the City.


Though the city of Pentos did so, the people were still slaves in all but name as their economy is controlled by the rich people who give them so little wages that it cannot cover the expenses of a normal person in the City.


Oddly it was in Myr where he gained a large profit which became the second most profitable city he had built a business on after Volantis.


They have a great appreciation for art and Paul's artworks were a total hit to the Myrrish people.


Few years passed by and a few births and small event happened like the Tyrant of Tyrosh being killed by his Queen through poison thus freeing the city from strict laws he placed upon them.


The businesses he has boomed in profit as he had bought a lot of properties when they were being sold by the other merchants trying to escape the city.


Though it made his profits almost nonexistent in the following years, he got hold of 20% of the cities businesses making him have the largest say in the decisions about the city.


A few Magisters in each city he has a business with were now in his pockets but he did not have Rohanne interfere much as long as the money keeps coming in.


Every year he also sends a batch of donation to the Watch which he monitors properly in case someone tried to steal it and con him.


Someone did try, the Boltons who tried to confiscate his donations saying that it was illegal contraband and any other dumb reason to justify robbing the convoy.


But since there were no sigils or any other indication the donation came from him, the warriors and puppets let hell break loose upon the greedy northmen who did not even count how many there were guarding the convoy.


They were mostly thugs of the Boltons and were put in pikes for everyone to see their folly by placing a banner on them saying that they tried to steal donations for the Night's watch.


This scandal outraged many northern houses but not much punishment had gone to the large noble family. But it placed them in an awkward position since the rumors did not stop at all.


Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister were born which was good news for Paul since they can do the funky later on to give birth to the siblings/cousins in the future.


The 267AC was a bit dreary as the Queen had another stillborne child, the consecutive deaths of his children is starting to wear the King down as well.


Tytos had a heart attack after climbing the steps towards the room of his mistress. Rohanne wept when heard of this news but she was comforted by Duncan which made the two days after hectic for the tall dude as he was attacked ferociously by the smaller red haired cougar.


But the dude was all smiles as he let himself be mauled, they were really enjoying their second chance at life to the fullest.


In Pentos two young men were becoming rather wealthy and influential in their services, one would steal from lesser thieves and the other would return the stolen items to the owner for a fee.


Shaera Targaryen had joined in Yeen as she was active in being the big sister she wanted to be to Rhaenys. The girl was six but she was the leader of the mischievous group of kids in the city.


Oddly enough Paul found the facial features of Shaera somewhat familiar but he cannot recall where he saw a similar looking person.


Like every other Targaryen, she was quite pretty which made Paul understand why Jaehaerys wanted to be step-bro so bad even with his weak body but maybe he liked the sultry big sis aura of Shaera.


Paul did find the girl to bat her eyes at him from time to time when he plays with the children but he pay it no mind as he was rather angry at most times.


Paul was angry though for another reason as he had always tried to unseal Sapphire and the others but something kept interfering thus he focused on developing the magical system of this world.


He now had hundreds of tomes copied from the Citadel which he now organized and experimented if they are indeed true or just false tomes made by phonies.


He now had a lot of free time and discovered the restrictions of the bracelet, things that became to be after the steam age is not allowed which means he can make gun powder but the uses are limited to the cannons and firearms around the 16th century.


He could make up to around the era of flintlock mechanisms which was around early 17th century and paper cartridges.


Yet he could make the early versions of breech loading swivel cannons which was great news for him.


Paul was annoyed how even a small metal cartridge bullet would call upon lighting that could wound him severely.


That was why he was researching on an abandoned area on the ruins of Valyria, he only had Swan(S1), Stu(S2) and Shadow accompany him here with a small two person camper house.


At least here he can let loose the various products he had made, best were the replication of Mons Meg bombard, which had the maximum range of two miles firing a 150kg gunstone.


Metal was expensive and stone was everywhere especially here in old Valyria where he made a gunstone out of obsidian.


The splash damage was amazing for Paul as he saw the stone fragment midair and rain sharp obsidian glass to the targeted area.


He also used a normal gunstone but it was also a blast, the recoil was strong as well that it was impractical to install in a ship other than Leviathan.


Other than that he perfected the breech loading falconet cannon, well he pushed as much as he could so the bracelet would not destroy it.


He spent a month each time he experiments here and comes back a few times more in the past few years.


For now he understood the limits of the bracelet yet that was just for plain technology so he wanted to experiment on the possible magical cannons he can make.


He knew he can develop in a farther note as long as he uses the magical system here but a deep feeling inside of him thought that it was not yet time for that.


So he restarted scouring Old Valyria and found a few more stashes of Valyrian Steel as well as a good looking valyrian sword with lions on its pommel.


Paul thought about it and maybe this was the lost Brightroar of House Lannister, but he just stored it for himself, finders' keepers.


Most stash he found had scrolls and books that were unreadable that they turn into dust in the slightest stimulation.


He also found dragon bones which he kept since they can be used to make great bows better than the golden heart tree.


Speaking of the golden heart tree, the ones he transplanted along with the subsequent ones he stole in secret as some were in rather untouched places in the Summer Isles, had now produced lumber for bows enough to make 20 a month.


The ones used to make the bows were branches but needed a long time of curing to ensure durability and flexibility of the wood.


20 only because they were the standard bows one could make with the quality wood. The other branches cut were cured longer or cured differently so Paul can discover if there are any better ways of making bows with the rare wood.


In one of his stays here in the lands of Old Valyria, he was able to steal a few Fire Wyrm egg since he could not get near the fire wyrms since they swim deep into the lava.


The eggs were found in a small underground cavern connected to the lava and it was with a clutch of five eggs. He only took two to try and see if he can raise them himself.


He was also attacked by one of the fabled leviathans, a grey whale almost as half as big a Gordic, who had become much larger the last time he saw the whale Kaiju.


Gordic was always bigger than Lizzie and Smaug, the Leviathan being half of that was enough for Paul to understand that these beasts would be massive since the one he encountered seemed to be only a juvenile.


It was also during the attack of one Kraken which the Leviathan ambushed to eat. The fight was great enough to be considered a proper Kaiju fight and the ones to encounter these was a trade fleet he has that was heading for Braavos.


Paul was summoned as emergency by his puppet who leads the trade fleet. Though he did not attack the Leviathan as it did not seem to mind Paul's presence as it wanted to eat the kraken which spewed out a large amount of ink that it blackened around two kilometers in diameter of the sea.


There were no signs of other mythical sea beast yet though, as the one he hoped to meet was the so called Sea Dragons that was highly likely since Fire Wyrms exist.


It did give Paul an insight on Flame Magic since he eggs radiated such powers even when they were not even hatched yet, the dragon eggs he has also gave off the similar fire magic but they had different natures.


But he focused more on alchemy which was simple chemistry to him and then added the known magic to this world to interchange the elements.


It was then he was able to make a pseudo philosopher's stone which can only be powered by providing the soul energy to handle the changes in the elements.


Though very costly, he was able to recreate Valyrian Steel but he did not make more because it cost too much soul power to make 1kg.


Now Paul understood the fire mages worked with the blood mages to create the renowned metal since only sacrifice through blood magic could they produce the power needed to infuse in the metal.


While testing things out he made a few series of puppets to start collecting dragon glass, he knew it would be needed in the future so why not make the needed weapons to fight the undead.


He also missed chipping stones away to make stone spears for Kaash and the other warriors when they were still migrating northwards with the horde.


They still used stone tools then, some still kept those tools as keep sakes as well while others till hunt with it since it was more familiar to them.


Other than the experiments, Paul stayed two months in the Flask Basin and alternate to Yeen after a week of voyage to stay there for two months as well.


The retainers stayed in Yeen to handle the matters of his newly born nation Titanus, Paul upgraded the first generation puppets to help them like Sitri(S3), Sven(S7) and Sten(S10).


They were the managerial puppets that had enough skills to lighten the load of his retainers.


They rarely asked for help from him as the platform he provided was enough for them to have a smooth command over his various projects.


Right now in Westeros, other than Standfast, the other only influence he has present there was the Traveler's Inn in Kingslanding.


It was not the best inn, not the best restaurant nor the highest quality in service but it was going good enough to pay the sellswords and hedge knights that guard it while still having profit after paying the taxes.


It was a shy away from flea bottom and near the Iron gate where many travelers come and go.


It was an information hub for him where he placed a small puppet that handles smaller birds rather than a golden Eagle.


These birds were given an eye transplant that turns it into a surveillance camera. The fake eye is made up of a puppet core that can also help the bird see and control it in a radius of 2 km from the control node.


Which was the small puppet that stays in a small rookery atop the Inn, justifications for having a rookery was that the ravens there were used to order more supplies from the croft at the north of the reach the Inn keeper owned.


The croft is manned by the sons and daughters while being guarded by ten battle puppets in secret from bandits and thieves.


They also had four large breed of guard dogs courtesy of Paul since he bought a sizable herd of goats and cows to provide the meat and dairy in the Inn.


The hedge knight of the broken noble house had sworn fealty to Paul as well after he was healed and trained by the manager puppet in the Inn.


He was so happy in becoming strong and skilled that he was able to defeat the sell swords hired in a spar.


He had also made a name after punishing a drunkard that tried to rape one of the daughters of the Inn keeper.


Paul made sure to have them be inconspicuous so they would not get the eye of a greedy noble yet situations like these are hard to avoid when there are scummy people by the dozen walking the streets.


But knowing the future events he prepared for them to open up a new Inn by the side of the Rose road near the borders of Golden Grove a few leagues after passing through Bitter Bridge.

It was east of the croft as well which would be easier to handle once they transfer and by the north of the croft was near the Horseshoe hills where Standfast is located.


Though the lands were not on the Osgrey's jurisdiction but Paul already has plans for that.


Everything was Paul's property and even if the family of the Inn migrates, Paul already has a series of hidden places in Kingslanding that would be ignored easily that the small puppets could go and hide on.


Most were near the Dragon Pit and the Great Sept of Bealor, there were many towers and areas that no one could reach that became great areas for the small puppet and birds.


The Valyrian Steel puppet is still atop the Red Keep where the mutated metal eagle perches in watch. A few had seen the eagle making up rumors from superstitious people that it was the watcher of the gods judging the sinners of the city.


Many news came and go from the free cities to slaver's bay and from the north on the wall.


But now more news of the Queen's miscarriage has arrived and even Betha was getting worried for her grandchildren that she asked for a favor from Paul when he came back from his experiments.

(A/N: I have been researching the Wiki and books of the ASOIAF where I found how shitty of a husband Aerys was as he only cared for the prince that was promised mentioned in a prophecy of a random woodswitch that appeared out of nowhere, not even caring for credibility or looked for a second opinion in the matter.

He just went and believed it like he got talked-no-justsu by Naruto and shit, these details indeed shows that GRRM had just pasted the lore of the whole book in haste not even caring for depth and immersive experience for the readers.

But you can't fault the guy other than killing of characters you like out of nowhere, so I'll just put in my thoughts and speculations in some matters to make it seem that it would fit the narrative of the world.

Yet even with a half-assed Lore the world of ASOIAF is still vast and might need me to write more chapters that I had planned. Just hope my mind could keep up with all the details of the story because I honestly felt I forgot some parts in past chapters.)

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