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84.82% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 95: 095 Trolling using magic.

Chapter 95: 095 Trolling using magic.

Many things have been happening all over the world that it started to make people pay attention.


One most obvious is the term going around the internet, Meta-humans.


Someone started a blog of what to call the people with powers or enhancements that appear all over the world.


Reason as to why the blog was trending was when the poster put Tony Stark as one of those so called Meta-humans.


And as most articles that include Stark, people paid attention and this started a debate as to if Tony Stark could be considered a Meta-human or not.


Noobmaster69: He's not a meta-human! He's just a guy in a high tech suit, anybody could do that these days.


VietcongAnonymous: Well let us see you high tech power suit then. Oh you don't have one? Wanna know why? Because you're a brain dead turd unlike with Tony Stark who's intelligence warrants him to be called a meta-human.


ChubbyPugLord32: Guy above is right, people really think that rich people can have a high tech suit like Iron Man's but I see no one strutting about the streets with their high tech suit.


ChimichangaLover@DPrules: Hey, why don't we talk about the large muscular things seen in Harlem. They look like a great time in bed if their equipment also expanded.


UgandanKnuckles: Why are you Gae? That is Gae, anyways do you know da wae?


BustinJieber12: Hold up, if having high tech suits count as Meta-humans then aren't the Iron Monger and Whiplash considered one?


NotAStarkTechEmployee#2: Whiplash maybe, I heard he made the suit himself. But Iron Monger was heard to be just a rich old guy stealing Stark tech back then.


MisterObvious: Wow, very subtle username bro. Must really come from a reliable source if it's you speaking.


FounderofBrazzers: Has there been no super powered chick that appeared? Most I see in the news are blurry images like those in Japan.


SoccerMom2000: Are the bulky monsters single? Cause I am looking for a great time tonight.


Many post appeared left and right and these are just some of the tame comments present as people started to see some 'Clues' and 'evidence' in some history records that some 'expert' found or stored as some were really conspiracy theorist that had been waiting for a moment like this to present their own findings.


Left and right rumors, blurry videos, strange cases were pulled out from the shadows as many people started to get aware that these meta-humans have been existing in earth for a much longer time than they thought.


Most Theories were misses but some hit home that even Paul who was behind this was impressed at the minds of other people.


He knew that these curious souls only needed a slight push to show the various files and evidences they have gathered to prove they were not crazy or mad in their years of hiding.


But even with this kind of publicity there would be those that deny outright the evidences shown to them saying that all of these were a bunch of hoax.


Some even claimed this was nothing but lies of the devil and people are being bewitched by these false claims to defame the authority of the church which made Paul wonder how did they even come up with that sort of thinking.


He even thought that they might just be people paid to say these but some really were just denying everything outright saying the news as well as contents of mutants in the internet were made to fool kids into believing the devil.


He scratched his head in confusion as to how people could be so dense when presented with so much information that even the expert scientist could not deny them at all.


It would be okay at first when it all just happened between words and conversations but somehow someone started a cult out of nowhere saying these mutants or meta-humans as most call them now, were nothing but plagues in humanity's history.


Even Fury was alarmed about this since he got news from Ophelia that somehow HYDRA has heard of these cults and went to fund them with resources and information.


But before they could bloom into trouble for the meta-human community, Paul interfered as he magically teleported a letter in front of some members of this Cult.


It was not just any letter, but rather magical ones like that in Harry Potter where the letter would morph into a talking paper origami.


And the contents was the same for every one that received it as it transformed surprising those around them as well as making them scared of the words it said.


"Congratulations, you have the latent X-gene in you. If you would like to awaked your powers please head into the nearest police station and proclaim you are one of the few select chosen to undergo the awakening process of becoming a Meta-human."


This alone was a shock to many but Paul did not lie in the letters, the people chosen to receive were holders of the X-gene.


But since they had chosen to go into this road of wanting to kill others because of their fears then it is their problem now when their so called newly found brothers and sisters will kill them for it.


It doesn't hurt his conscience at all, why care about them when first action they took learning of meta-humans was make a hate group to terrorize innocents.


Many high seated people heard of this event one way or another and it made them realize there were so much people with the so called X-gene.


The president was shocked as well as some past president almost approved of Trask's Sentinel project which would have killed many including him as he too had received a letter.


Paul sent so many in other parts of the world as he thought why not involve many powerful dignitaries that are seated right now and there will be higher chances of them cooperating for the change of the world.


Other than this a company started popping out everywhere as well called the Meta-human's Institute of Awakening or MIA.


It was Fury who named this as Paul's suggestion was World Holistic Organization for Remaking Evolution.


Since they will be indeed remake the laws pertaining evolution as the collaboration of many scientist has borne fruit of a system that will be used by the world soon.


Still even with this the world seemed aversive of this sudden change that there were no people going to the buildings yet but some did enter where they found the place to be rather empty.


It was then discovered by the public this place was rather automated and quite high tech, so there will be people stupid enough to try and steal them only to be met with an Iron Man drone with the stark Logo emblazoned on its chest.


This caused another controversy as many complained that this is an affront to the security of many people in some countries saying Stark has no right to place weapons on their lands.


Some even blockaded the buildings with their military while some tried to take the armor away only to be met with an invisible Shield no can pass through.


Chaos ensued as the world was confused as to why Stark was doing this only for him to suddenly call for a press conference and say…


"They are guards, they won't leave the building I promise you that. But if anybody tries to go and steal or attack the drones then it will retaliate accordingly. This is a measure as well if someone awakens a rather peculiar ability that they cannot control after they awakened.


Also, I have my eyes on you AIM. I know it was you who sent people to try and destroy a drone of mine in France. You can't make your own armor can you? Not without Vanko that is which I am still sour about.


Anyways the drones are programmed to not leave the building, if it does without any warnings sent to the local military or police stations then you are allowed to destroy it.


Besides, it does not have weaponries on it and only made to be guards and acts as bouncers in this little club my friend made. That is all, have a good night." Stark then left leaving the new CEO of Stark Industries Pepper Potts to handle the clamoring reporters.


They were rather curious at the state of Tony who seemed to have not gotten a sleep for days.


Other than these, news as well of some meta-human activities were reported especially in New York where a man with a body made of Diamonds calling himself Diamondhead stole money from a bank.


And to save the day was Ben Grimm known as the Thing as he fought in a fist fight against Diamondhead, their fight rumbled the streets but Ben proved to be the stronger fist as he knocked Diamondhead unconscious.


Small crimes as well as big ones were apprehended left and right by the Fantastic Four making the public grow warmer to meta-humans as their heroism was welcomed by many.


Just as the world was all eyes in America, another Meta-human debuted in Russia as their very own hero in power armor appeared calling himself the Crimson Dynamo.


Then they built a hero team around him that they showed their own super soldier named Vanguard.


Another version of Steve Rogers in Russia who also dons a Shield and emblazoned with a star on it that many claimed they copied it off the first superhero.


Then they even showed Ursa Major, who said to have had the X-gene and became a Bearman during one mission thus added him into the group.


Lastly there was a young woman given the nickname Dark Star, her powers were unknown to the public yet but this made waves all over the world as another group of heroes were borne.


Russia called them the Winter Guard as videos sprang up on their own heroics as well saving people and fighting crime.


This includes China as well when they showed a group calling themselves the Dynasty as four people appeared doing heroics as well. But Paul knew that they were mostly well trained soldiers wearing high tech weapons and suits developed by their country.


The Star, a captain America version of China who carries a shield as well as two handguns to shoot people of course, also he's quite a great martial artist as well.


The Saber, a martial artist armed with two photon light sabers thus gaining him the name.


Soldier One, a woman suited with a special power suit where there are two mounted mini cannons on her shoulder that could fire missiles as well as convert into a machine gun that she could control expertly as well as show great talent in hand to hand combat.


Then there is another armored suit user similar to Iron Man called the Revolutionary, even Stark was amazed how power suits started to appear one by one all over the world.


He did find out how when before Anton Vanko died he sent anonymous letters of the arc reactor to some people in many places thus they were now able to build their own power armor even though they were inferior to the ones Stark has.


[RV house]


"You know the world is going into a spiral of the things you did…" Natasha said as she traced her fingers in Paul's bare chest lying satisfied after a whole night of exercise.


"Things I did? Some are not mine, but still I think the world needs to face the fact that things are changing. Many are going to be against it but plans are in place already on taking care of that." Paul caressed the smooth back of the red head in his arms as he wondered while having some post exercise clarity.


"I really thought you would not make a move until HYDRA is gone." Natasha closed her eyes as tiredness slowly is taking her to dreamland.


"HYDRA does not need to be gone, just needs a whole lot of restructuring. It'll be a waste to burn them down when we can just use them for another purpose, but I think it is best we rename it soon. Fury and Ophelia are almost done gathering the last problematic parts of HYDRA." Paul then looked to the side where he can see the light shine upon the beautiful savannah where they are now in.


Shanna had gone for two days but Paul knew she was just documenting the number of endangered animals as well as their current location since she now is in charge of the various species that needed special attention.


Ina and Biri did not go out anymore as they even dwarfed Lions if they come out, Paul felt that if he let them be in a few years they might be as big as Ralph, the mutated wolf.


Speaking of them, they are now also in their enclosures where they are King of each their own horde of monsters.


Ralph was given a large plain where various species lived like Oliphaunts, Great Beasts, Herbivorous dinosaurs, prehistoric mammals and the predator Paul introduced were the Caragors that somehow became subservient to Ralph as they treated him as their pack leader.


Lizzie, the gigantic crocodile was in a rather wide swamp are where some mega-faunas that thrived in these areas are flourishing. Paraceratheriums, Titanoboas, African Elephants, Triceratops, Diplodocus, Apatosauruses and Beelzebufos.


Gordric the mutated Kaiju sized Whale was given a large sea by the north of the scroll world where he sleeps most of the time.


Skutoom, though still in Kana's kill list still lived and was now in hibernation as it slowly is being corrected by Rita's own virus to stabilize the mutations in place of the leviathan.


Wormtooka's children which now answered Rita are slowly repopulating to serve their queen as her loyal guards.


The elite guards would still be the chubby hairy crabs who are now at least the same size as Skutoom. One of them built a coral house where Rita and her family can stay if they come to visit.


George, the albino gorilla, is with the troop of Kongs situated near the monkey village as they became some sort of protectors since Paul made the Scroll World where they are all living in to be the main monster world.


There were other demon beast there that came from the cultivation world Paul got but they were not past the golden core stage so even Lizzie can hunt some of them but some can defend themselves.


This at least made a balance in the mini world as there are now lords of areas and the strongest for now are the pack of drakes Paul got from middle-earth.


Leading them is the Ice Drake which Paul used as a mount, he renamed him as Frost since somehow the drake evolved or grew where his scales now has the sheen of snow and his eyes blue like the deep lakes.


Frost became larger of course as he is almost Smaug's former size, only that he has a shorter neck and stouter body than that of Smaug as well as having no wings.


Paul only left the monkey clone here to watch over, out of all his clones he only left a few active as the others as being stored.


Since his group of companies stabilized, he need not much presence there so right now his Snake Clone handles these.


Research is left for the Lion and Bull clones while his public appearance was given to the badger clone.


The others were stores waiting for situations where Paul might need them.


But even then they were all in the orb world near the sleeping area of Gaea studying as well as doing stuff that Paul finds interesting.


Thor visited in this few weeks as he observed Loki's life in the distance as well as having some dates with Jane as he learned of Earth's customs.


It was then he met Thrain, Thorin, Kili, Fili and other dwarves in Paul's employ making Thor wonder where did all these dwarves come from.


Thor being a rather party enjoyer, got close in no time with the dwarves as they drank and partied.


Though Paul did not let them leave yet for the cosmos, he did let them have fun in hunting in some places in the Scroll world which Thor really liked that he returned with the warriors three as they wanted to get a mount from the various monsters in Paul's scroll world.


Even Odin was shocked Paul has a small dimension of his own when Thor returned with four Giant rams which he decided to pull his chariot in the future.


Lady Sif and Hogun got a caragor each with Sif's being a dire caragor, while Fandral went and got himself a great eagle that somehow took a liking to the charismatic asgardian.


Volstagg on the other hand was jolly as he picked a woolly rhino, not just any kind but the largest which is the Elasmotherium standing about 2.9 meters in height, 5.2 meters in length with a weight of at least 4 tons.


Even Thor was amazed at the mount that Volstagg tamed making him yearn to go for another but he thought that maybe getting the four Giant Rams was enough for him.


And since Paul knew they were bringing some mounts home to Asgard, he gave a gift for the King and Queen by handing Lady Sif a box containing two dragon eggs which came from a drake Frost mated with.


John, Marcus, Perkins, Sofia, Caine, Koji and the others were now busy as Paul made them test try the Virtual world he made as they are exploring as observers to comment on the realism of the game.


Even Russell and Davis was dragged into the testing that they were shocked at the large world Paul made. Mao, Sea Monkey, Uku, Tasha, Bota, Teon, Brune, Sonia, Jako, Gong Tae, Butler, Kana and Narissa were currently being taught many things they need if they wanted to become normal citizens in this world.


They had longed to experience the world that they did not have and wanted to see many things that piqued their interest. Thus they were rather diligent in studying as well as learning the differences in dialects.


Though most of them were Korean of descent, their vernaculars as well as intonations were vastly different than that of modern Koreans.


Some were Chinese and some were Japanese but the language that they had used were a mishmash of decades of changes as well as being only able to communicate limited to other ethnicities that survived the great floods.


But that didn't stop them from studying and learning the dialects they wanted to fit in as they yearned to see and feel the world their ancestors had before.


Paul did warn them that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows but they insisted so he helped them, thankfully Helen, John Wick's wife was very willing to teach them along with Ying Li about the modern world or past world for the people from the apocalyptic flood world.


As for how Paul got the 10,000 BC animals, he found it inside the DNA pool stored within the former Sea Monster Queen as it somehow gained it after some of the sea monsters ate some fossils in submerged museums.


Paul was able to reconstruct these animals and they are now being studied by Cate Caldwell, Curt Connors, Hank McCoy, Walter Newell and Maya Hansen as they pleaded to see if there are things within the DNA of the prehistoric animals that might help in modern day diseases.


Paul wondered as he looked at the many task done and realized he was micro-organizing again which made him find a day off which coincided with Natasha's as she returned from one of her missions.


He looked at the sleeping red head and realized she is totally asleep with no guard whatsoever, from what he can tell in her stories she talks about to Paul, she rarely relaxes like this and always keeps an eye out every day.


It seemed meeting Paul and getting to know him made her experience some days of being able to let her guard down.


Paul then closed his eyes as he let his main body sleep, not that he needs it but he can still do it on command.


Though it felt weird at first for him to be still able to use the clones but it was nothing much of a bother to him anymore as he eventually got used to the feeling.


He knew there are still problems in many matters that needed addressing but right now Paul is handling those that he can.




Tony and Steve was able to find Bucky as he was spotted by the serpent squad of Ophelia and information found itself on Fury's desk in a minute then finally going to the duo as they now chased after the winter soldier.


The HYDRA agents in the hidden base were shocked when they saw Iron Man as well as a figure that brought nightmares to their predecessors working hand in hand.


Their back up is Coulson's team who volunteered in helping Captain America. Grant Ward, Bobbi Morse, Tripplet and Akela Amador were there to ensure the files and records kept in the hidden base to be taken to SHIELD.


This was the first action Fury allowed that showed SHIELD now knows about the existence of HYDRA, too many factors were already taken into consideration and he knew he could now have a high assurance of not losing too much in this war with HYDRA.


Though this action might reach Pierce's ears, his involvement in HYDRA as well as other members in the World Council was now in a file on the table of many presidents of 1st world countries.


Fury's actions were swift and merciless as various hidden spies were arrested and apprehended within the day as well as cornering the remaining heads of HYDRA as they went on the run.


Pierce was with Malick, Hale, Baron Strucker and Bloom were the only ones left as many had been captured by Ophelia in her conquest of control.


Banker, Sheikh, Baroness and Carson have been captured and taken by SHIELD already with sufficient evidence in their names to incarcerate them for many lifetimes.


STRIKE team had been captured as well as they were all sent into missions that were compromised thus led to them stuck in HYDRA or more likely the LEVIATHAN which Ophelia calls her group as she wanted her own legacy.


Paul did allow it, it would not mean much in the end as now HYDRA had lost so many fangs and teeth in this day that even their back-ups were found by SHIELD agents.


Now it was time to openly attack them and what better way to do this but with the one that brought them down before, Captain America.


Steve showed the world again how physics seems to not adhere to his SHIELD as he threw it like a Frisbee knocking down HYDRA agents left and right.


But even then they faced a great problem in getting close to Bucky, because he was not alone. There were five other Super Soldiers with him now facing the group.


This then turned into a full on fist fest as Steve faced Bucky while Stark fought two and luckily Calvin Zabo was there to take the attention of one while the last two faced the agents.


Grant and Trip faced one as they distracted the man so as not to bother captain America in subduing Bucky.


Bobbi and Akela fought off the female super soldier showing a deadly cat fight that meant death if a single mistake was made.


Meanwhile, Coulson went in as well with Fits and Simmons since they have limited options right now and gave cover fire on the sides as well as preventing any more HYDRA agents from joining the fray.


Stark was blood lusted as he wanted to find out who ordered the hit on his parents, he and Steve got to find a recording of that event and it took all his focus to not just outright kill Bucky as they can see he was indeed brainwashed.


They had met him too much earlier and fought him making them see that he does not have any memories of Steve Rogers at all. But when they were almost able to capture him, two of the Winter Soldiers were able to arrive and extract Bucky out.


Yet it also brought Tony close to death when he was disabled by the sneak attack of the Winter Soldiers. Thus Fury sent Coulson's team as back up, they went on to have a few bouts and there they found Bucky seems to have intermittent moments when he'll be dazed and remember Steve.


And arriving in this hidden HYDRA base did they know why he seemed to reset, they have their own memory wiping machine here as well that Fitz dismantled before they were sieged by the six Winter Soldiers.


"Bucky it's me! I know you're remembering me so please stop this and let us help you!" Cap was dodging left and right as he tried to make Bucky remember again.


"Steve, no time to talk here…" Stark was firing his repulsors towards the two that he was fighting to prevent them from going to Cap's side. "…As you can see hands are full so please just use the Dendrotoxin bullets to knock him out!"


"Captain duck!" Coulson shouted making Steve dive down as Coulson shot a full mag towards Bucky but with his fast reflex he raised his metal arm and blocked most of it with some hitting him on his chest.


But the tactical suit Bucky wore was bullet proof thus the ICER bullets were not able to knock him out.


"Come on guys, were getting our ass handed here!" Grant Ward said as he and Trip seemed weary trying to even keep their opponent at bay.


"These guys are tough, I just tazed the guy yet he just barely felt it all." Trip looked at the broken tools he brought over which he had wanted to show off to Cap since these were the gadgets his grandfather used when he was with cap.


"Gragh!!" Mister Hyde on the other hand was having a full on fist fight with the Winter Soldier he is facing and both of them were now bloodied as they faced each other.


"*Spits* Suka Blyat!" the super soldier frowned as he felt that he seemed stronger than the man in front of him but somehow endurance wise he is on the losing side.


Hyde as well was frowning, he knew the time of his transformation is limited and he needed to at least take out the one in front of him.


"That's all? I expected more from you but Cap hits harder that you bunch of copy cats! Second rate!!" Hyde sneered as he looked at the man in front of him who understood what he meant.


"RaghhH!!" the man shouted and jumped to tackle Hyde but it was then he was suddenly brought to a headlock by Hyde turning their fight into a brawl.


"Shoot now!" Hyde looked at the side as Fitz was fumbling about as he pointed his gun towards the two as Hyde held the Winter Soldier who realized what they were planning.


"Just shoot it all towards us!" Hyde felt the strength within him about to fade as Fitz finally shot everything hitting the Winter Soldier with most of the bullets while Hyde was hit as well as he turned back into Calvin Zabo.


"Use this! Drink... it the... you c…" Calvin mustered all he can as he was losing consciousness by pulling out a vial from a small satchel on his side then threw it towards Fitz who was still stunned but caught the vial after almost dropping it on the floor.


"Y-yeah, right! Trip!" Fitz looked around and finally ran towards the two Agents who found that one Winter Soldier was knocked out.


"Catch!" Fitz said as he threw the Vial but the Winter Soldier reacted fast as he dashed towards Trip hitting him with his body sending his towards a wall.


"Oh no!" Fitz realized that the Winter Soldier noticed his actions but as the vial landed on the Super Soldier, shots were fired making the Winter Soldier pause as he looked at his chest where a few gun wounds were making him bleed.


Fitz looked to the side where Grant was standing seeing him holding a pistol emptied, at first they cannot even shoot because the Winter Soldiers were very fast in dodging but now seeing one ran in a straight line made him decide to shoot before the vial is used by one of them.


The Winter Soldier moved for a few steps until he finally fell as he died after letting his back open to his enemy.


"Ughh, I feel like a bus hit me." Trip said as he lied on the side groaning in pain.


"What happened here?" Coulson arrived as soon as he could after hearing gun fire but he found his team okay while two Winter Soldiers were taken out of the equation.


"Did what we could, let's go. Others are still dealing with the other Super Soldiers." Grant helped Trip get up as they walked towards where Agent Morse and Agent Amador are facing the female Super Soldier.


"Wait, use this. Calvin gave his last vial to us so we can at least take another one with us." Fitz said as he handed out the vial taken from the hands of the dead Super Soldier.


"…" the three men looked at the vial and it was Trip who talked first.


"I'll take that, maybe I can help Cap in catching Sargent Barnes." He said as he was about to take the vial.


"No, I think it is better we use this to help Stark. I believe Cap can handle his own against Sargent Barnes, better to give Stark some help." Coulson said as he looked at Trip.


"Alright, but I'll be the one taking the vial. I'm injured anyways from that charge so this might help me mitigate some pain. You could all help Bobbi with her problem." Trip nodded in agreement with Coulson.


"You sure Zabo doesn't have another one there Fitz in his small satchel? I could use some as well, I want to punch one of these guys in the face." Grant Ward looked at Fitz who shook his head.


"No, it was the last one." Fitz said.


"Guys, seems like the HYDRA goons are getting past the blocked entrances we've made." Jenna Simmons' voice sounded out in their coms making them move fast and do their respective task.


Trip then went to where the most noise was as he knew it was mostly Stark using bombs and repulsor beams fighting the two Winter Soldiers.


Just as he closed in he opened the vial and drank the contents, he frowned at the pungent taste but he arrived just to see Stark flying back after being hit by a metal pole swung by one of the Winter Soldiers.



The man looked at his comrade and nodded making the other one nod and leave towards another direction.


Trip realized they wanted to escape so just as his body felt a burning Sensation within he shouted. "Mister Stark, I'll deal with this one. You go and catch up to the other."


Trip's body doubled in size as he charged towards the Winter Soldier with his heart beating like a V8 engine tackling the man towards the wall as he started to brawl with the Super Soldier.


His mind was muddled as he went on but he knew what he needed to do so he used all he can to fight the man to a standstill as Ironman recovered and flew towards where the other went.


"Break a leg kid." Stark said as he passed by the heavy fist fight happening between the two. It could be seen that Trip was gaining the upper hand as his own skills in hand to hand combat was better that Calvin Zabo as he did not blindly just swung left and right but also used his skills that it rendered the Winter Soldier a bit confused as he fought back.


Still the Winter Soldier proved to be formidable as he found his bearings and returned blow for blow as he faced Triplet. From what he can assume, one of his comrades has fallen and right now he must finish the fight sooner to give assistance to his fellow Winter Soldier.


Stark on the other hand found the other Winter Soldier and flew so fast as he tackled him with the whole weight of his Suit flying at 200kph stunning the Winter Soldier, if it were normal people they would have died or split in two but the man withstood it yet still received significant damage on his back that he was not able to recover in an instant.


This gave Stark the time to inject a vial into the neck of the Winter Soldier which is concentrated Dendrotoxin that was made in haste to ensure the capture of the Winter Soldier or Winter Soldiers now that they discovered there were more.


The mission turned to be much more than they expected but having great minds alike in their team made things much easier to adapt in situations that call for improvisation.


Now with two winter soldiers removed from the equation, the team now found time to put up more blockades and traps for the HYDRA agents to prevent them from giving assistance to the winter soldiers.


Much as they cannot stop Buchanan Barnes from being influenced by Steve Rogers as they battled.


"You are my best friend! We grew up in Brooklyn together!" Steve said as he blocked the rain of punches coming from Bucky.


"Shut up!!" Bucky was sweating and screaming as he looked to be confused and in pain as he tried to apprehend the unfamiliar familiar man in front of him.


"We grew up together, I promised you didn't I? We'll be together, till the end of the line!" Steve looked battered but his eyes showed his persistence and will on making his friend remember him.


"I don't know you!" Bucky growled as he felt images flash before his eyes as he charged at Steve wrestling the damnable shield that had given him a real hard time taking his target down.


"I know you are starting to remember me, deep down I know you are still inside there Bucky. And I can do this all day if I have to because I will not leave you behind again." Steve pushed Bucky back as he looked at the conflicted emotions within Bucky's eyes.


"Ugh-Argh!" Bucky groaned as he punched to the side of the wall where a pipe bursts letting out steam that filled the room in an instant covering the eyes of Steve.


"Bucky!" Steve shouted as he tried to chase but when the steam let out Bucky was nowhere to be seen.


"Guys, Bucky ran away. If you meet him please do not hurt him." Steve said as he pressed the com-device on his ear.


"No promises Cap, but I'll make sure he's alive to tell us who called the shots." Stark answered as soon as he heard making him leave his newly captured prisoner tied up with high tension wires he made specifically for this mission.


"We've got the east exit covered cap." Coulson answered as well as he arrived with Agent Grant and Fitz to help the women in their enemy making them able to subdue her in a few moments as Agent Morse and Akela proved to be formidable opponents for the Winter Soldier who was winded with the women when the men arrived.


"I have three confirmed subdued Super Soldiers, one dead, Trip is still facing the other one and needs assistance while Sargent Barnes is going to the South West exit of the facility." Agent Simons' voice sounded out as she reported what she found in the surveillance that they have tapped in.


"Which way is South West from my side?" Steve asked as soon as he heard Bucky was found.


"Go to the hall on your left Captain and proceed further for a few hundred feet, I'll guide you to catch up on Sargent Barnes." Simmons answered in a rather excited and flustered manner as she heard Roger's voice in the coms.


"God, how can he sound so handsome even through the coms?" Agent Amador said as she lied on the floor resting with Agent Morse after finally getting respite from fighting that intense battle with the female Super Soldier.


"Turn off your coms if you want to ask that." Bobbi said as she looked at Akela.


"I did, but I wanted him to hear it. Still can't believe we're working with 'The Captain America' himself." Agent Amador looked to her side seeing Agent Morse nod in agreement.


"Okay, enough daydreaming. We still need to help Trip since he's there alone with the angry Russian Super Soldier." Agent Ward reached his hand out in offer to help the women stand up as they groaned in annoyance as their brief rest was already gone.


"Okay, I've set up the doors on the south west side to get locked up with few select still open so we can have Sargent Barnes meet up with Captain America in a few moments." Fitz said as he looked at a small hand held computer where he is connected to the systems of the hidden base.


"Good, Agent Amador and Agent Fits you both come with me and hold down the HYDRA Agents that are about to go past he East exit. We can't have them storming the base while our back up is on their way here." Coulson said as he looked at the displays in Fitz' mini-computer.


"Oh no…" Agent Simmons voice sounded out making Coulson in the others pause.


"What do you mean 'Oh no'? Is everything alright Jemma?" Fitz asked in a panicked worried tone hearing the fear in Jemma's voice.


"There's a metahuman about to go inside, he seems to have been brought in by HYDRA in a helicopter just now and is plowing the blockades we have placed. They'll be there in a few moments if you don't run now!" Jemma said as she found a muscular man punching thick steel doors like they were made of plywood in the video feed.


"Another Winter Soldier?" Coulson frowned because they heard there were only five serums made by Howard Stark which are the five men with Buchanan Barnes so what manner of meta-human they are going to face means something else HYDRA whipped up.


It made him realize that there may be other projects in HYDRA that they have been doing to reproduce other super soldiers.


But it was not much of a surprise to him and his team, et wonder as they like they still need to leave as they are all winded and beaten from trying to capture their enemies as much as they could.


"I've got Bucky. Let's meet up at the rendezvouses point. Stark are you done on your side?" Steve's voice sounded out in the comms.


"Yep, flew back to the third gen super spy dandy to help him here." Stark's words made the others calm as they were about to provide assistance to Trip.


"Fitz, rig the hall ways with knock out gas to slow down the advancement of HYDRA agents. The others go to extraction point C where Jemma will be waiting for us. I'll go and bring Calvin with me." Coulson said as he gave out orders to his team.


Much as heroic as these actions are, missions like these hold gruesome truths and such truths are being chased by Stark and Steve Rogers. The death of Howard Stark had brought the two men with the least similar likeness to unite and bring hell upon the Agents of HYDRA that are now slowly being unraveled to the world.


Events like these are happening all over the world. All of these were witnessed by Paul as he saw that the world is becoming into something much desirable to his opinions.


Though biased in many ways, Paul does not concern himself much with everything but only to those that matter to him. Most actions he had done so far were selfishly inclined to his interest, though most seem noble and grand that it places him in a better light of those that live in the good natured side of the world.


He knew that to face the people that might have been responsible in destroying his world would need a lot of power and strength in order to enact. But Paul felt he should at least make sure he has roots to hang on to after knowing some of the extent of his powers.


He can travel anywhere and any reality if he wills it but he still haven't grasped the entirety of his limits, so having a safe place to stay would mean he'll have time to understand and probably see how much more he needs to know the truth of the matter.


What better than here in this reality where even the being he keeps in his person said that the creator is much stronger than that of the being that had sealed such a powerful person?


All over the world, heroes rose and saved the day for the citizens of the world that the perceptions for those with powers are gradually changing.


Some are negative as there are people who will always be jealous and greedy but most of the sentiments are positive. Paul made sure the positive sides are highlighted as he deleted every useless hate comments that people just do for the sake of causing chaos.

(A/N: Ola me compadres! Been gone for three months since a lot had been going on in my mind coupled with the shitty things I did, means I had a lot of things to work on. Still didn't forget about this Fanfic but had to pause a bit in writing since I don't get inspiration easily when I am feeling shitty about myself.

But weeks of self retrospection as well as brooding over things that could have been but never will be, I got to calm down my nerves even when things got too depressing.

Still I would not quit this Fanfic since writing this give me some calm from time to time and it helps when I tend to gravitate towards a wishful way of having the MC do things as how I would imagine it while being drunk and high on rubber paint.

Just kidding... a bit, well I will be posting new chapters soon as I still have 20,000 words written that I have to reread and edit. Also having to read my own work just to remind of of the things I made was also essential so past week was spent rereading and reimagining what I want the story to be.)

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