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100% American Fox / Chapter 36: 36

Chapter 36: 36


In the room she was given Sunset watch as her sister Lila tried find some clothes for a party. Which is hard because of the fact that all of Lila's clothes are custom made to fit her size. With Lila actually being a female Bigfoot it was a given that she would grow up to be a big woman and she did. Standing at nearly 9 feet tall and built like a brick house with lots of muscles and also having a very voluptuous body.

When Lila was younger she had large hands, feet, and was lanky. Then she hit puberty and it hit like a landslide, growing into her oversized features. Their mom already had to deal with Sunset herself when she hit puberty, going from a slender body frame to an hourglass figure, as well Peppermint and Penny. But Lila grew up big, all around, Sunset is the second tallest of the girls at 6 foot 4 inches, which helped with their mom in making clothes for Lila once she began growing. Lila mostly wears overalls as it's just more comfortable for her. Not to mention finding clothes that can fit her at her size. Their mom doubles, Clothes designer, tailor, shoe maker, and others had to make Lila's clothes as no one made clothes of Lila's size of built.

Lila breasts are also a big issue seeing how she's a L cup, with both breasts weighing over 50 pounds each, which seeing how big and tall she is her breast size isn't such a burden for her if she was smaller. She does have to deal with that their mom having to make custom bras and underwear for her. Something that Sunset know well, finding underwear that fits her body shape is hard, seeing how the underwear made for women are made by men. Which is why one of the first businesses that mom made was to design underwear for women by a woman, which is still a steady stream of revenue for the family. Both herself and Lila prefer wearing corset instead of bras for comfort and support. The corsets for large breasts supports their breasts from the waist up, distributing the weight and easing the pain of bra straps cutting into their shoulders, or a band around their rib cage. (1)

"None of these will do for the party," Lila said as she looks for something nice to wear. All of her clothes are for field work and everyday wear, not for a fancy party.

"Well you can get fitted for a native dress," Sunset suggested.

"That could work but the tailors will still need to make an outfit to fit me," Lila said as everything had to be custom made for her. "They just don't make clothes for someone of my size or my body shape."

"Tell me about it," Sunset said as she often has to wear men's clothes when she's away from home. Thanks to her being much taller and more well built then other women, the clothes that are for women just don't fit her. When she went to England, and her luggage was lost, she had to wear borrowed suits meant for men who are her size. Not to mention the trouble in finding underwear that fits her. She had to have custom made clothes at the local tailors.

Sunset did start a fashion trend while in England because of her lack of clothes that could fit her. She had worn a military outfit but without the medals because it was the only thing that would fit her. Now women are wearing military style clothes with some wearing pants like her. But mostly women are wearing red and white dresses with long skirts or styled in the colors of the Union Jack.

"I think I found something you can wear," Lila said as she held up a black dress that barely covers her butt and shows a lot of cleavage. "It's a little short, but it will work."

"I rather not wear that," Sunset said, as she sex appeal is a good way of keeping people off balance in dealing with her. Expecting her to be just another brainless beauty, instead of being as cunning as she is beautiful.

"I'm sure it will look great on you," Lila said.

"And you're picking that dress because of Naruto will also be attending the party," Sunset said, which Lila smiled and nodded.

"Yes," Lila said. "Naruto is just so cute and sexy, plus he's easy on the eyes."

Sunset groaned and shook her head.

"Or I can have a go with him, he is well built and has the right size tool for someone of my size," Lila said.

"You're such a pervert," Sunset said as she rolled her eyes.

"I am your sister after all," Lila said. "How many times have we been together? It's only natural that we'd share our thoughts and feelings about guys."

"Don't remind me," Sunset said.

"Why so sour?" Lila asked.

"Because you and mom as well as my bodyguards have been shoving him into the rooms I'm in while I'm either undressing or naked," Sunset said. Her bodyguards, Kolin, Lisa Hamilton, Mignon Beart, Lien Neville, Momiji, and Rachel have been helping Lila and her mom in embarrassing her.

"Don't forget when we did that to him," Lila smiles at her sister.

"Yes pushing me into the room when he's undressing or naked, what fun," Sunset grunted.

The door of the room open and Lisa enters the room.

"Hey, Naruto won't be going to the party," Lisa said.

"Why?" Sunset asked.

"He, Momiji, and Rachel are on a mission with the Joes," Lisa said.

"What?" Sunset asked.

"Your brother Diego's girlfriend Aloy, decided go to the Shadow Carja city of Sunfall by herself and he went after her," Lisa said.

"What!" Sunset and Lila shouted.


Up North -

The city of Sunfall was first established by the seventh Sun-King, Basadid. After his younger brother Iriv, the sixth Sun-King, vanished while exploring beyond the canyons of the Daunt, Basadid declared the west "forbidden" and became increasingly concerned about the potential dangers lying beyond the Sundom's border. He ordered the construction of a large military fortress on the western edge of the Sundom and named it "Sunfall." Despite Basadid's concern about enemies in the west, no great threat emerged and future Sun-Kings paid little mind to Sunfall, instead focusing on the homeland from the Carja capital of Meridian.

The western fortress fell from Carja memory until it was personally inspected by the eleventh Sun-King Marzid during the sixth year of his reign. Marzid was quickly struck with a vision of a grand Citadel in Sunfall and ordered the immediate construction of a large palace in the city. Once the Citadel was complete, Marzid began using it as a summer getaway from the Palace of the Sun. Many nobles of the Sun-Court joined Marzid and over time Sunfall became a bustling artisan city. Large artworks were commissioned and the Sun-Ring, once used for military training, was repurposed as a stage for pageantry and entertainment. Sunfall continued to evolve as the cultural hub of the Carja Sundom until Sun-King Marzid was succeeded by his brother, the twelfth Sun-King Hivas, whose primary focus was military strength.

During the reign of the Sun-King Jiran, the city became the training site for the newly-created Kestrels, as Jiran used the desert's harsh conditions to test the strength of his elite soldiers. Sunfall eventually became a key location in the Red Raids, as its Sun-Ring became a place of sacrifice. Initially serving to supplement the sacrifices in Meridian, which had been deemed insufficient, Sunfall's own Sun-Ring quickly became even more feared as a place where Carja dissenters were taken to be quietly killed. By the end of Jiran's reign, Sunfall was controlled directly by the High Priest and Kestrels, operating independently of the greater Sundom.

During the Liberation of Meridian, Jiran's remaining loyalists fled to Sunfall, with Meridian having fallen to his son Avad. Seeing him as a usurper, the loyalists took prince Itamen and his mother to Sunfall, declaring the boy as the new Sun-King and holding him hostage by the high priests at Sunfall, who declared the loyalists to be Shadow Carja. This soon began a civil war with the Carja of Meridian.

As the Shadow Carja's capital, Sunfall struggled to provide for its citizens. Its remote location made farming impossible, and trade was limited due to the Shadow Carja's hostile relations with all other tribes. An impoverished and sickly underclass grew on the outskirts of the palace, while available resources were dedicated to the military in the hopes of someday retaking Meridian.

Since the merge things around the capital has changed since the people of Sunfall came to this new world. Diplomats from the US government came to for peace talks with the Shadow Carja government. Like many others from the world they came from, the Shadow Carja are still getting use to how the new world they found themselves living in.

Following the Liberation of Meridian, supporters of the deposed Sun-King Jiran fled the city and took the western border fort of Sunfall as the de facto capital for the Shadow Carja. Nobles and artisans populated the Citadel, but the city was not prepared to sustain the large influx of residents resulting from the Meridian exodus. As a result, the poorest Shadow Carja became displaced refugees relegated to the city's outskirts. With little available space, the people were forced to live in makeshift houses and tents outside the palace itself. Made worst by the merge many their way of gathering supplies for what they need to survive, have either changed or aren't there anymore. Which caused much hardship for many people, till they were given relief from the US government and groups, with food, water, medicine, and other supplies that the poor needed.

With people from the United States visiting the city of Sunfall, Aloy was able to slip into the city unseen thanks to her wearing clothes she took from Diego. Her native clothes would just make her stand out as a Nora, she before she left she got rid of anything that would identify her as a Nora. Wearing a dirty blue shirt worn underneath a light brown jacket, brown pants tucked into black boots as well as a black neckerchief, a brown wide brim hat, and brown spurs, she looks like one of the women of this world.

A cowgirl of she remembers right, and with her riding a Strider, completed that look. Luckily people of Diego's world have learned how to tame the machines like her, so it wasn't that uncommon to see people riding one of the machines. And with so many people around dress like her she can slip in without anyone noticing. As the guards are on high alert but we're informed that if they were to attack the outsiders visiting the city, it would cause any peace talks to be ruin and would just give the American government a reason to side against them.

"Ok, I can do this," Alloy said wanting to find out what's hidden underneath the city.

"Hold it!" a female voice called out.

Turning Alloy saw Momiji, and Rachel behind her on their own Strider mounts having been tracking her down since she left on her own and Diego went after her. Both not looking pleased that she had ran off like that on her own.


Later -

"Aloy you can't just run off like that," Diego said to Alloy who is with him in one of the two RVs they used to travel to the outskirts of the city of Sunfall.

"I need to do this," Aloy said having been brought back by the two female bodyguards Diego sent to find her and bring her back.

"You would had gotten found and made a mess of things. My people are in peace talks with the Shadow Carja and you sneaking around in their capital would had caused things to go bad quickly," Diego said.

"So I'm just suppose to do nothing?" Aloy ask.

"Yes and let the team I sent to do their job," Naruto said stepping out of the RV.

"Naruto sent Snake-Eyes, Kamakura, and Jinx to sneak into the underground base. They will get in and out before anyone knows that they're there," Diego said.

"The ninjas?" Aloy ask having learned that ninjas are shadow warriors that hide in the shadows.

"Yes them, both Momiji, and Rachel are ninjas too," Diego said and look at the two who are handling the robot animals.

"Come inside you can see what they found, they're already inside the Zero Dawn base," Naruto said.

"Fine," Aloy said following Naruto inside the RV.


Underground -

The first part of the facility contains a reception area, a lounge, and two holo-theaters for briefing the candidates on the mission status through hologram presentations. There are also medical suites for treating candidates overcome with emotion or opting for medical euthanasia, as well as a morgue and two crematoriums. One of the crematoriums is opened and becomes the entry point into the facility.

Further into the site are work areas for each of GAIA's subordinate functions along with an individual office for Dr. Sobeck housing GAIA herself. Dr. Sobeck's office was designed with a large glass wall overlooking the labs. The Alphas recorded hologram messages for their laboratories to welcome candidates and explain their programs' purposes.

HEPHAESTUS laboratory contain a prototype of the magnetic transport line that is found in cauldrons, with diverse parts strewn around the lab. There are also multiple prototypes of cauldron fractal stone structures in different states of formation. One of these elements can also be found in the antechamber of Elisabeth Sobeck's office. In her main office, there are two small models of key elements of the project: an ectogenic chamber and an AI core.

Snake-Eyes lead Kamakura, and Jinx through the underground complex. They gotten in by the air vents which they had to cut through the vent seals to make their way through. They ended up behind the main door in the lobby which was where people were interviewed for the project. They got the base power back on thanks to the hacking device they brought with them hacking into the system to allow them access to the entire base.

They found some holograms and played them, with their focuses recording what they saw and letting Naruto in the RV to see what they see.

"Hello! I'm Margo Shĕn, and this is HEPHAESTUS! As the name might tip you off, this is going to be the subordinate function that GAIA will use to make lots and lots of robots. Her personal forge… except it's not that simple. Um. So, like, you probably noticed that only about a third of you are robotics engineers. The rest, experts in machine cognition, virtual heuristics, that stuff. Well, that's because we aren't going to be the ones designing and building robots. The last thing we want is to burden GAIA with a bunch of outmoded twenty-first century designs. Waste of time! Our purpose is to empower GAIA to build the robots. And not just build – imagine – from scratch! Any robot she needs, for any conceivable purpose, designed and fabricated at a snap of a finger. Hers. Her finger. So HEPHAESTUS isn't really the forge. It's more like the knowledge of craft and ingenuity of a master smith, to wield the hammer. Encoded as software. Virtual creativity made real."

"GAIA's already learning. In simulation, she's doing some very creative things with fractal assembly and animal morphologies. Her designs aren't about to win the Li-Em prize anytime soon, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere! So… Yes. Time to get started. Let's do this."

―Margo Shĕn

The next hologram -

"Welcome to APOLLO – the collective memory of the human species, and the wellspring of knowledge for future generations. I am Samina Ebadji. Until recently, I was Director of the International Collective Memory Institute in New Tehran. As a heritage professional, I devoted my career to the preservation of human knowledge, creative endeavor, and cultural achievement. APOLLO is, therefore, the ultimate embodiment of a lifelong passion – albeit, under the very worst circumstances imaginable."

"The challenges before us are immense. Specifically, we will have to design and implement four major initiatives simultaneously. First. The construction of data repositories in Cradle facilities around the world, ensuring redundancy. Second. The collection and processing of a projected 180 million discrete data entries – forty-two zettabytes of data – in Mandarin, English, Spanish, and Arabic. Third: the transferal and encoding of all that data onto DNA encapsulated in synthetic fossils, the only medium capacious and durable enough to safeguard it without degradation for the centuries to come. And last, but not least: The development of the holographic interface and gamified curricula by which future humans will commune with APOLLO, progressively unlocking heuristic learning modules… "leveling up" the knowledge and skills they will need to take control of the terraforming system. That is the future towards which all of our efforts will be directed. Not just the preservation of the past but the seed for the flourishing of a new tree of knowledge. Welcome. And let us begin."

―Samina Ebadji

The next hologram -

"Welcome to HADES – Zero Dawn's "extinction failsafe protocol" – the ultimate killer app! Now I know what you're thinking. The purpose of GAIA is to resurrect life. So why give her a subordinate function, only purpose of which is to wipe life out all over again? I mean – what the what?! Just plumb crazy, ain't it? Well no, it isn't. Reconstituting a biosphere? That's a tall order. Tack-smart as GAIA may be, odds are she won't get it right the first time. I mean, imagine you're GAIA, two hundred years from now, and this new biosphere you're growing, it's all gone wrong. Alkalines are skyrocketing, coniferous forests eroding under the lash of super-storms that would've drowned Noah. It's chaos, a spinnin' top that won't stop wobbling. Now, what you gonna do? Release phase 1 organisms into that hot mess? Hope their CO2 and methane can balance out what you got started? Hell no."

"What you're gonna do, GAIA, is step aside while HADES takes over and does what you're just too darn nurturing and life-loving to do. Which is burn that misbegotten mess of a biosphere to the ground so GAIA can start over. Okay, not burn. More like reverse terraforming operations and suffocate it. But you get the idea. HADES takes the biosphere back to zero, square one, blank slate. And then, only then, does it hand the steering wheel back to GAIA and say: 'try again, ol' girl – and better, this time, or we'll have to do this again."

"That's HADES. It's pretty badass when you think about it. Extinction on demand, death on speed dial. All for the greater good, of course, but still – kinda metal! So – welcome to HADES. Welcome to the void!"

―Travis Tate

Next hologram -

"Welcome to ELEUTHIA, the crown and king of GAIA's subordinate functions, for it is by ELEUTHIA that the human race will continue to exist. I am Patrick Brochard-Klein, the Alpha in charge of this program. Now, let one thing be perfectly clear from the outset: ELEUTHIA is not a genetic engineering project. Our goal is to preserve the human genome, not alter it. A snapshot of human genetic diversity, literally frozen in time – the genetic quintessence of our species, unmodified."

"Under my watch, our activities and initiatives will comply with the 2034 Clone Provisions and the 2048 Raleigh Accords. Now, that may seem a quaint, even trivial concern to you, in light of present circumstances, but as one of the authors of the Accords, it is far from trivial to me."

"The practical challenges before us are… staggering in scope and complexity. But not insurmountable. Global collation and provisional storage of zygotes; perfection of exogenic technologies; design and perfection of servitors to provide nurture and inculcation during early child development; all of these program components must and will proceed in tandem – to say nothing of the breakneck construction of Cradle facilities at sites around the world. So… Si vous êtes prêts, let us begin."

―Patrick Brochard-Klein

Then they found some interview logs of some of the people called in for the project.

COUNSELOR: accurate, yes.

TOM PAECH: So these mechanical monstrosities, they don't just kill people, they feed off them?

COUNSELOR: Not just people. All organic matter.

TOM PAECH: Every living thing - dissolved into nutrients? Millennia of evolution - liquefied?! The miracle of life reduced to - bloody bio-fuel?!

COUNSELOR: In a word? Yes.

TOM PAECH: Who did this? Faro? That arsehole! Is he here?!

COUNSELOR: No, Doctor! Please...

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TOM PAECH: Tell him Tom Paech wants a word!

(sounds of struggle)

COUNSELOR: Doctor! Please!


Next log -

COUNSELOR: discuss?

TRAVIS TATE: Hoo! So mama, she was right!


TRAVIS TATE: My mother, she took her Bible real serious. Not just Texas Bubble serious. Pentecostal serious. Favorite chapter? Revelations. Now, I didn't always understand her - on account of all that speaking in tongues and such - but when she did use her words, it was always End Times-this and Lake of Fire-that, on account of sinful lifestyles. Speaking of which - mind if I smoke?

COUNSELOR: A... tobacco cigarette?

TRAVIS TATE: Sorry, darling, my tastes run classic. Compliments to your team, tracked me down. Been a price on my head 18 months now. Sterling-Malkeet was me, don't mind admitting. Been plenty of snakesters chasing the bounty, too, but I kept the zigging to their zag. How'd you finger me?

COUNSELOR: I believe Dr. Sobeck listed you as an Alpha candidate. Priority snatch-and-grab.

TRAVIS TATE: Always suspected she had a little thing for me. Hey - don't supposed you got real coffee in this place? You know - blood coffee? Conflict cappuccinos?

COUNSELOR: Mr. Tate, I'm clearing you to proceed. Just... go.

The next interview log -

RON FELDER: Look. Let's cut the mystery, you're building a colony ship. It's obvious. And it's not going to fly. I mean, literally. Remember the Odyssey - that multi-national heap of space junk that's been in graveyard orbit since '57? That went nowhere, real slow, and you have to get somewhere - real fast. Do you have any idea the immensity of the challenge, to prep a new colony ship in time?

COUNSELOR: To be clear, I'm not a worker on the project-

RON FELDER: Do—do you even understand how few people it could even "save"? The whole generation-ship concept is, is - not going to happen! It's the first thing you'd abandon in favor of embryonics. For that kind of storage we're talking a lot of bulk, a lot of power, a lot of resources - So even if you do it, even if you build it and point it at Sirius X, there's no room for people on that thing, all right!?

COUNSELOR: If you could try to remain calm-

RON FELDER: You people are crazy if you think you're getting off this rock! No-one's getting off!


The next interview log -

RON FELDER: make sure I behave this time?

SELECTION COUNSELOR: Security. For your protection. Would you like to discuss how you're feeling?

RON FELDER: Sure, I'll tell you. Surprised. No... flabbergasted. Like my old man would say, 'flabbergasted'. That vein pumping in his forehead... I'd thought—I'd thought you people were just completely underprepared for a spaceflight project. But now I can see it's worse. Much worse. Sobeck is a total fantasist - a dangerous fantasist. This kind of blue-skying, its—Jesus! I'm sorry we wasted each other's time. I'm ready to leave now.

SELECTION COUNSELOR: I'm afraid that's not possible.

RON FELDER: Everything you're talking about here isn't possible!

SELECTION COUNSELOR: I recommend you read the documents regarding your options-

RON FELDER: I've seen enough, I'm getting out of here - what are you - you don't - get your hands off me!

The ninja team got to a large room where a galley of people would had watched the hologram set in the middle of the room. They watch the recording and felt their guts falling as they listened to the ancient recording. The truth of Project Zero Dawn, which is worst than they could had imaged.

GENERAL HERRES: Welcome to Project: Zero Dawn. I'm General Herres, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America. I'm sure you've heard the rumors. That Zero Dawn is a top-secret superweapons program. The technological miracle that will save us from the Faro Plague – if Operation: Enduring Victory can hold off the robots long enough. The reason I'm sure you've heard the rumors is that I'm the one who spread them. And they are all lies. Zero Dawn is not a superweapons program, and it will not save us.

Nothing will save us, and here's why. By the time the Glitch was noticed, it was already too late. Nothing could stop the Faro Plague. Nothing can. Its robots will continue to replicate and devour the biosphere. Life on Earth will be destroyed, our planet reduced to a barren sphere. Global extinction is inevitable. Every possible countermeasure has been attempted. Weapons – even nuclear – only delay the inevitable. No matter how many we kill, the robots just keep exponentially making more.

If we had their deactivation codes, we could shut them all down. The entire swarm. But since their cryptographic protocols use polyphasic entangled waveforms, cracking a code set would take half a century. At best, we've got 16 months. Not exactly what you'd call a survival option. There are no survival options. The destruction of a biosphere is not the sort of apocalypse you can wait out in a fallout shelter or space station. There will be no Earth left to reclaim. Just a lifeless, toxic rock with several million Faro robots on it...hibernating, waiting for something to eat.

This is the horrible truth behind the lies of Operation: Enduring Victory – my lies – lies designed to inspire millions of innocents to sacrifice themselves in battle. Why? One reason: to buy time for you and the work you will do here. Zero Day – the day that life on Earth ceases to exist – is coming fast. It cannot be stopped. The hope of Zero Dawn is that something new might come after. But I will leave it to Elisabet Sobeck to shine that thin ray of light into the darkness. Herres out.


Inside the RV -

"They couldn't stop the robots," Diego said as Naruto is sending the recording to Spookhouse.

"No, there has to be more, somehow Sobeck managed to stop it," Aloy taking it all in.

"Alright team continue and find out more," Naruto said over the com channel.


Underground -

Snake-Eyes, Kamakura, and Jinx continue on their mission and found the final recording. The recording explained what the plan Sobeck came up with that allowed life to continue in the world she came from. That allowed Aloy and all the other humans to live after the robots destroyed the old world. The truth was heart breaking.

ELISABET SOBECK: You've heard the bad news, and it's all true. The Faro Plague is devouring the biosphere. Life itself will cease to exist. Global extermination. But does that have to be the end? What if we could give life - a future? What if we could build a kind of seed, from which, on a dead planet, life could blossom anew? This is the aim - the hope - of Project: Zero Dawn: to create a superintelligent, fully-automated... terraforming system - and bring life back from lifelessness.

What would such a system require? At its core, it would need a true AI. A machine intelligence, fully sentient, fully capable of making the trillions of decisions necessary to reconstitute the biosphere. An immortal guardian, devoted to the re-flourishing of life on Earth. We call it GAIA. Mother Nature as an AI. But that's just the core of the system. For GAIA to perform the miracles required of her, she will need to be surrounded and empowered by a comprehensive suite of Subordinate Functions.

Think of them as extensions of GAIA's mind, each dedicated to a specific purpose. Now these aren't AIs, but make no mistake - each present an engineering challenge more profound than anything the human species has ever before attempted. Software that codifies the expertise of world-class minds into algorithms. Hardware that preserves and then gestates the billions of seeds and embryos from which life will be reborn. The construction of underground facilities to hold it all. And that's just the start.

Because that, you see, is our saving grace. We don't have to build the entire system. The beauty of a fully-automated terraforming system is that it can build itself. Now, over the days to come, you'll learn how all these Functions - all these pieces that you'll be working on - fit together. How we'll race the clock to execute our harvest initiatives, write the software, build the tech and the facilities. How we'll lock it down and seal it up before the inevitable occurs.

But even more important, you'll know how it doesn't end here. How GAIA will generate those deactivation codes General Herres talked about... and build the transmission arrays to broadcast them, shutting down the Faro robots for good. How GAIA will not just build but imagine any conceivable robot it needs to do its work across centuries... from detoxifying the Earth's ravaged atmosphere and poisoned seas... to the re-greening of the Earth from cryo-preserved seed stocks... to re-wilding the Earth with animal life, from the tiniest bacteria to the mightiest blue whale.

And then, when all that is done, how a new generation of human beings, spawned at Cradle facilities around the globe will partake of APOLLO: the vast archive of human knowledge and cultural achievement from which they will learn of us, our world, of all that was beautiful about it and worth saving, and most important - how not to repeat our mistakes.

All of this you will understand, and not just understand- believe. Because it's not an impossible dream. It is within our grasp if we work tirelessly and stop at nothing to achieve it. We can't stop life from ending. But if you will help me - help GAIA - we can give it a future. Join me, and help make that future real.

The recording ended with the ninja team learning the horrible truth of how life survived in the world of machines. The old humans couldn't win and the best they could do was to fling a light into the future and hope for the best. They and the ones who watched the recording all realized that any of the Horus robots could restart what they did before, if they were awaken.

Orders would be given out in the following days to speed up in the dismantling of the Horus robots, they couldn't be allowed to be turned back on. All of their power sources, CPUs, heat sinks, and other important parts are to be removed or destroyed to make sure that they're too broken to ever be turned back on. The Horus robots are simply too dangerous to ever allowed to be activated ever again.

Author's Notes -

1 - Interesting fact underwear meant for women use to be made and designed by men.


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