Heinrich and Killian had been searching for the Princess amidst the endless showers of rain. Killian's energy was depleting constantly, but he refused to rest even when Heinrich suggested. The mountain range was too huge for just two people to search for a missing Princess and chemist.
"How did Agneth go missing?" Heinrich asked Killian as they stopped for a rest by a large tree.
"I went to look for shelter. I suspected it would rain. I was too late. I could not find shelter or Madam Demeter," Killian explained his story, "What about my lady? How did you lose her?"
Heinrich looked down, "We saw your smoke signal. I wanted to reply with a signal. I left her under the archway because it was safe from rain. It only took five minutes to go back, but she was not there."
Killian grabbed his head in his hands, "My lady cannot survive in the wild alone," He murmured with concern while standing up. Their rest was short. "Let us continue with the search."
Whose dead body his Heinrich find?!