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62.2% Douluo: Ronin / Chapter 309: Chapter 309: Is It a Love Letter?

Chapter 309: Chapter 309: Is It a Love Letter?


Ah, this...

Meng Shenji suddenly invited him to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's team, leaving Zeng Yi slightly confused.

Does this person have some comprehension issues? Didn't I just say that I don't want to participate in this Spirit Master competition?

"Hehe, senior, thank you for the invitation, but I have no intention of participating in this competition." Zeng Yi decisively rejected him without hesitation.

Previously, Zeng Yi did consider participating in this competition. However, after playing with the Shrek Seven Monsters, that desire suddenly waned.

You should know that the champion of this competition is reserved for the Protagonist Squad. It can be said that there is no other team that can rival Shrek Academy. But even with such a powerful team, they are not match Zeng Yi alone.

Although they are still at the Spirit Elder level, even if they reach the Spirit Ancestor level, Zeng Yi is confident enough to tell them that their dad will always be their dad!

Too weak, not interesting.

Most likely, the participants in the competition are mostly at the Spirit Elder level. The stronger teams might have one or two Spirit Ancestor. In Zeng Yi's eyes, this level of strength is too weak.

He's not really interested in beating weak opponents.

Meng Shenji wasn't surprised by Zeng Yi's refusal. However, he didn't give up and continued, "Young friend, with such strong abilities, why not showcase yourself in front of the world? With your powerful strength and talent, you can make a name for yourself. Even our academy will honor you."

"Youth should dare to strive, explore more, and try more. Only then can you make the most of this vibrant youth. Am I right, Lord Ning?" Meng Shenji said, turning his gaze towards Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting above.

Meng Shenji thought that if Lord Ning nodded, Zeng Yi would not disobey the orders of the sect. After all, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect were allies and they should help each other.

It was a mutually beneficial matter. If the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Team won the championship, it would not only bring glory to the Heaven Dou Empire but also to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Meng Shenji, contemplated for a moment, then shifted his gaze to Zeng Yi below, and shook his head. "Our sect respects the wishes of our disciples. If he doesn't want to go, we shouldn't force him."

Ning Fengzhi said this, but even if he asked Zeng Yi to join the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Team, Zeng Yi wouldn't agree. With Zeng Yi's personality, no one can force him to do something he doesn't like, not even the sect leader.

Besides, this guy doesn't even show any respect for me, the sect leader! He doesn't have the slightest reverence in front of me and keeps calling me Ning Ge, even putting his hand on my shoulder.

Damn it, he's the true sect leader!

Ning Fengzhi looked at Zeng Yi's relaxed posture in the chair, remembered how he treated him, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelid.

However, there was nothing he could do. Who made Zeng Yi have such extraordinary talent that Ning Fengzhi willingly gave him maximum power? This was the future pillar of the sect. Unless it involved fundamental principles, Ning Fengzhi could forgive him.

"Alright then, but if you have any thoughts of participating, you can always inform me. The Heaven Dou Imperial Academy welcomes your participation anytime." Meng Shenji was still somewhat unwilling. He said to Zeng Yi one more time and glanced at Xue Qinghe who was beside him, thinking about finding a chance for the Crown Prince to talk to Zeng Yi and try to bring his powerful strength to the team.

If he joined, the championship of this year would be secured.

Ah, if it weren't for that incident, I wouldn't have to do this.

Thinking about this, Meng Shenji felt resentment towards the little brother of Heaven Dou Emperor, Xue Xing and fourth Imperial Prince of Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Beng.

If it weren't for these two, the genius students of Shrek Academy would have joined the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Moreover, the Shrek team defeated our strongest team, which means they are in a league of their own in terms of talent and strength. In the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament, they would surely stand out.

You should know that the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy has two spots in the competition. If Shrek's geniuses were still there, both teams would have a good chance of reaching the elimination phase. Two teams striving for the championship would have a high probability of success.

However, they were thwarted by two dumbasses.

Meng Shenji knew very well that the strength of the current second team of their academy was utter garbage. It would be difficult for them even to make it through the preliminaries, let alone the elimination phase.

Damn it, I've been fulfilling my duties for this academy, spending so much energy. Finally, there was an opportunity to revitalize the academy, but it was ruined by two idiots.

Those noble gentlemen are really annoying and disgusting.

Thinking about this matter made Meng Shenji feel resentful. The Spirit Hall won the Elite Spirit Master Academy Tournament twice and the Star Luo Empire also won once. However, the Heaven Dou Empire hasn't won a single time. It's even considered a powerhouse alongside the Star Luo Empire, but it hasn't won a championship.

Do you know that the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, which represents the Imperial Family, is being ridiculed by many other academies? As the head of the academy, Meng Shenji felt exhausted.

Also, at that time, there was a princess from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect among the students of Shrek Academy. Meng Shenji learned about this from Xue Qinghe. At that time, when he learned about it, it startled him.

If that princess had gone back and complained, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's fury would be too much for the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to bear.

Doesn't fourth Imperial Prince Xue Beng, know that behind that Poison Douluo, there are two Titled Douluo supporting her? And each one is stronger than that Poison Douluo. If the Sword Douluo, who has shaken the entire continent, hears about it, he would run away in embarrassment.

Their strengths are simply not on the same level.

Fortunately, the princess didn't go back and complain. Otherwise, he would have faced severe consequences.

Today, they were here to apologize to Ning Fengzhi for that incident.

Ning Fengzhi forgave them, and he also had to thank them. Otherwise, how could his daughter's strength have improved so rapidly?

After all, the Immortal Herb that Tang San obtained was directly related to that incident.

"Well, that's all for now. Our sect has already considered the matter of the guests for the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament. Three weary travelers have come to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. I believe you must be tired. No need to rush back today; rest here tonight and experience our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect." Ning Fengzhi looked at the three individuals and said with a warm smile.

Meng Shenji and the other two exchanged glances, then respectfully bowed to Ning Fengzhi.

"Thank you, Lord Ning, for your hospitality."

Ning Fengzhi asked someone to take the three Spirit Douluo to their guest rooms. In the great hall, only Ning Fengzhi, Zeng Yi, and Xue Qinghe remained.

After Meng Shenji and the others left, Zeng Yi looked at Ning Fengzhi and said, "Did you call me just for this?"

Ning Fengzhi read from Zeng Yi's eyes that he was wasting his time, which made him feel somewhat helpless. Wasn't it fine for the sect leader to call you without any particular reason?

However, Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly. "Hehe, this? Of course, it's because Qinghe is here. Aren't you his friend? Just entertain him as a good host, isn't that excessive?"

Saying that, Ning Fengzhi took out a letter. "Also, this is a letter sent by Rongrong. It's for you."

"For me?" Zeng Yi looked at the pink envelope in Ning Fengzhi's hand and couldn't help but be taken aback.

Looking at the girly-style envelope and then at Zeng Yi, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but tease, "It seems like your junior martial sister hasn't seen you in a while. She must miss you since she wrote you a letter."

"Oh my, these are the green years of youth." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but think of his own young age. Back then, he was also a handsome and elegant young man. There were also girls who shyly handed him love letters and left in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, time had passed so quickly. His own daughter had reached that age as well.

While reminiscing about the passage of time, Ning Fengzhi also felt a little uncomfortable. After all, his own daughter, who he raised, now liked someone else. He had a feeling of being robbed of a good cabbage by a pig, even if that pig was truly outstanding.

Ignoring his feelings, Zeng Yi glanced at Ning Fengzhi disdainfully. "Sorry, Ning Ge, Rongrong is just my junior martial sister."

"Besides, Rongrong is going through puberty. Plus, seeing such a handsome martial uncle like me, it's normal to develop such thoughts. Ning Ge, you don't have to mind. She's still young. Educate and guide her. You can correct her wrong thoughts."

Ning Fengzhi was speechless, looking at Zeng Yi, his mouth twitching. He couldn't win an argument against Zeng Yi.

On the side, Xue Qinghe, while looking at the letter in Ning Fengzhi's hand, couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable for some reason.

Could it be that Rongrong's letter to him is a love letter?

Thinking like this, Xue Qinghe's gaze froze for a moment before he looked at Zeng Yi.

Taking the letter, Zeng Yi didn't pay attention to the fact that there were still two people in the room and opened the letter.

There was still a faint fragrance on the letter, but Zeng Yi didn't pay it any mind. He unfolded the folded paper and carefully read the beautiful handwriting on it.

"What does it say?"

"Is it a love letter?"


Two voices with a tinge of melancholy sounded at the same time from behind, startling Zeng Yi, who was reading the letter.

Turning his head, Zeng Yi saw Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe standing behind him. He couldn't help but hold his chest with one hand, pacifying himself after the fright.

However, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe didn't care about Zeng Yi's emotions. They approached together and asked, "Hurry up and tell us, what does the letter say?"

For some reason, Zeng Yi felt that the way these two people were looking at him was slightly dangerous.

"Um, in this letter..." Zeng Yi picked up the letter again, glanced at it, and said, "It doesn't say much. It just asks me to go to Shrek Academy."

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