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31.8% Douluo: Ronin / Chapter 157: Chapter: 157 Walking on the Road Late at Night Will Lead to No Good!

Chapter 157: Chapter: 157 Walking on the Road Late at Night Will Lead to No Good!


"Hehe, then you can just be a flower vase." Zeng Yi smiled faintly.

Ning Rongrong was not happy with this remark. How could she be a flower vase? If it wasn't for her enhancing her teammates' strength by thirty percent, how could they have won against the Mad Battle Team, whose average strength is thirty-five level Spirit Elders ?

"Alright, Zeng Yi, stop teasing Rongrong. It was mostly her contribution that we won this Spirit Fighting Tournament." Grandmaster said helplessly.

"See? Did you hear that? I am the MVP!" Hearing Grandmaster's comment, Ning Rongrong raised her fair neck proudly and looked at Zeng Yi.

"You are indeed amazing!" Zeng Yi clapped his hands and applauded. 

Zeng Yi had always wanted Ning Rongrong to learn some fighting skills—not to become too powerful, but at least enough to resist when being attacked, so that she could call for help from her teammates. But Ning Rongrong had always been reluctant to cooperate with Zeng Yi's efforts, leaving him with no choice.

If she didn't want to learn, then there was nothing he could do. If anything happened in the future, don't blame me for not teaching you properly.

But thinking about it, Ning Rongrong was always protected by her teammates from Shrek Academy and the two Titled Douluos from the sect. There shouldn't be any problems. It wouldn't be bad to peacefully be a full-time healer.


Ning Rongrong made a dissatisfied sound at Zeng Yi's words, ruining her good mood from earlier.

"Hahaha, today, to celebrate everyone's victory, I will treat you all to a celebration dinner at the most upscale restaurant in Suotuo City!" Flender laughed happily and said to everyone.

"What the hell! How can a stingy person like you say something like this? Are you running a fever?" Zhao Wuji looked shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, finding it hard to believe that these words came out of Flender's mouth.

Being mocked by Zhao Wuji, Flender's expression turned somewhat ugly. He stared sharply at this fool.

"Are you itching for a beating, Zhao Wuji? When did I become stingy?" Flender said with a pained expression. These people only knew that he was usually frugal and humble. But they didn't know the hardships he had gone through. In order to train the students, he had revealed everything he had. Did they know how much money he spent on their food and daily herbal baths? If not for the arrival of Sword Douluo, who gave him a million gold soul coins, he would have gone broke!

"Hehe, then when are you going to pay my salary? It's been half a year and I'm still owed." Zhao Wuji said casually.

Damn it, you have money to eat and drink in places like this, but you don't have money to pay my salary? Do you know that I don't even have money to buy a drink? As a teacher, going to students to ask for alcohol is really embarrassing, do you know how shameful it is?

Seeing Zhao Wuji's disdainful gaze, Flender's face became awkward instantly.

"Hehe, I will pay your salary later. What's the rush? It's not like I won't give it to you, I just have been procrastinating. I forgot to pay you, hahaha." Flender patted Zhao Wuji's broad shoulder and laughed to assure him.

Everyone couldn't help but feel speechless, it was really embarrassing to say such things. This person was truly something.

The training tasks for tonight were all completed, and the members of Shrek Academy walked out of the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena together.

Inside the most upscale hotel in Suotuo City, the Shrek members gathered around a round table in a private room.

"Eat! Order whatever you want, I'll treat you all tonight, just order without worries!" Flender said boldly. Since he had money now, he felt a lot better, and his speech became more confident.

What's the big deal about the cost of one meal? He could buy this whole hotel!

"Since that's the case, then I won't hold back." Ma Hongjun immediately spoke up, grabbing the menu and looking at it.

Normally, Flender was stingy, but today was different. Ma Hongjun, of course, wouldn't save him any money. He took a pen and marked five dishes on the menu, then handed it to the waiter.

Flender secretly glanced at the dishes Ma Hongjun ordered, feeling somewhat relieved.

Indeed, he was his disciple! He knew how to save money for the teacher, not bad!

But what Ma Hongjun said next almost made Flender spit out the tea in his mouth.

"The ones marked on the menu are not to be served, give us the rest."

"Okay! Respectable customers!"

The waiter respectfully took the menu handed over by Ma Hongjun, her face filled with a warm smile. She liked customers who were generous like this the most.

"Oh right, do you have the best wine here, Clear Drunken Moon?" Zeng Yi asked.

Hearing this, Flender's heart tightened.

"Yes!" The waitress's smile grew stronger, and she hurriedly replied.

Clear Drunken Moon was the signature wine of their hotel, priced at thirty gold soul coins per bottle. This was not something ordinary people could afford. Moreover, if one bottle was sold, she would also receive a commission.

"Well, bring ten bottles for now. If it's not enough, we'll ask for more." 

This statement almost made the waitress faint from happiness. With ten bottles, she could earn at least three gold soul coins in commission! And if they needed more, he's such a big shot! It seems that tonight's salary will be enough for the equivalent of a year's worth of work.

"Okay! I will bring the wine right away!" The waitress exclaimed with excitement, immediately taking the menu and walking away quickly.

Flender's mouth twitched nonstop, feeling pain in his heart. He looked at Zeng Yi and Ma Hongjun, who were smiling mysteriously at him, and his heart turned cold.

Tonight, he would definitely lose a lot of money.

Although he had a lot of money now, he was used to being frugal, living a simple life. He couldn't bear to see them spending his money like this.

During the wait for the food, Grandmaster began to educate the group once again.

"Today, all of your performances were excellent, especially Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar. They really surprised me." Grandmaster spoke lightly but glanced at Zeng Yi on the side.

Zhu Zhuqing was able to defeat a thirty-fifth level Spirit Elder. Although Ning Rongrong's assistance played a part, it was still surprising. As for Oscar, who would believe that an auxiliary Spirit Master could also fight? Although his strength wasn't strong, he could still assist his teammates! His role was far more significant than that of a Spirit Master who only knew how to assist.

He understood very well that it was all because of this young man that these two had undergone such great changes.

"In the team battles tonight, you won with powerful strength. However, the only thing that dissatisfied me was the lack of cooperation and synergy between teammates. You still need to improve on this, as it is dangerous to engage in one-on-one battles with opponents whose soul power surpasses yours by a large margin. If you work together, you can defeat the enemy more quickly and reduce our own losses."

Hearing Grandmaster's words, the seven of them fell silent, feeling ashamed and lowering their heads.

"Sorry! We were reckless."

Seeing the strange atmosphere, Zeng Yi quickly said to Grandmaster, "Haha, it's all clean and clear, why say these things? It will affect the mood for dinner."

"And besides," Zeng Yi changed his tone.

"Grandmaster, I believe that Tang San and the others don't have a significant difference in soul power compared to the Mad Battle Team. With Ning Rongrong's boost, the gap in strength is already small. Even if they have more spirit rings, they are low-quality rings. They only have three more white spirit rings, so what is there to fear? We even have a thousand-year spirit ring."

Hearing Zeng Yi's analysis, Grandmaster also realized that it was true. Considering this, wasn't it more advantageous for their side?

"Moreover, they have good teamwork too. They managed to engage five opponents while letting Oscar take out the enemy's auxiliary spirit master. Tang San's calm judgment and command, Dai and Fatty successfully repelled the enemy captain with their fusion spirit skill. Aren't these examples of cooperation and synergy?"

Zeng Yi's words made Grandmaster fall silent, looking at him with a faint gaze.

Why do you keep ruining my teaching moments? How am I supposed to educate the students like this? Are you their teacher, or am I their teacher, hm?

A voice inside Yu Xiaogang's heart roared.

After that, the members of Shrek Academy spent almost a month in the Great Spirit Arena in Suotuo City. During this period, Shrek members would fight on the fighting stage every night.

Everyone, except Oscar and Ning Rongrong, had one-on-one spirit battles and never lost a single match.

Pair battles of two versus two, they still won all the time.

Team battles with all seven members, they won every single time!

This made everyone remember the name of Shrek Academy. Shrek Academy's team had created a legend in the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena in just under a month, becoming almost an unbeatable existence.

One night, the members of Shrek Academy once again returned triumphant from the fighting arena and returned to their hotel.

Except for Zeng Yi and Zhu Zhuqing, the six others gathered in Tang San's room.

"Why are you all in my room again? Do you treat my room as a meeting place?" Seeing the excited faces of the five people in the room, Tang San felt helpless.

"Hehe, we're used to it now."

Ning Rongrong playfully stuck out her tongue and took out a square iron box from her body, placing it on the ground and opening it, revealing many exquisite cards.

"It's still early to rest. Let's play an intense and exciting game of Three Kingdoms!" Ning Rongrong said. The cards she held in her hand were the modified version of the Three Kingdoms game made by Zeng Yi. He modified it into a Douluo Continent version so as not to arouse suspicion from Tang San, as he was a disciple of the Tang Sect.

Out of boredom, Zeng Yi created this modified version of Three Kingdoms, and taught them how to play. After a few rounds, they understood the game thoroughly and quickly became addicted to it. They would almost gather in Tang San's room every night to play Three Kingdoms.

"Alright, let's play two rounds, otherwise the teacher will criticize us." Tang San said helplessly, but his eyes were filled with excitement; he really wanted to play this game.

"Hehe, it's fine. Let's just play quietly." 

"Hurry up, don't waste time, let's draw our identity cards." Oscar urged them.

"Hahaha, my lord, we will definitely win today!" Dai Mubai laughed loudly, flipping over his identity card.

"Hehe, don't even think about it. If San ge becomes the spy, Boss Dai will definitely lose. I think if you get the lord, regardless of San ge's identity, you should kill him first." Ning Rongrong suggested, as Tang San was the one with the best card skills among them, second only to Zeng Yi. It was impossible to guess what he was thinking or predict his card plays; it was like dealing with a cunning and treacherous spy. Moreover, Tang San's chances of winning as the spy were the highest.

"Hey, hey, don't play me like that." Tang San said helplessly. At the beginning, everyone targeted him, and with only four cards on hand, who could withstand it? He would die after just one round.

[Notes: I have no idea what this Three Kingdoms card game is, but I did my best to translate it.]

"By the way, where did Zeng Yi and Zhu Zhuqing go?" Tang San couldn't help but ask.

"Zhu Zhuqing went into closed-door cultivation as soon as she returned; she can't be called out. Zeng Yi left when we were in the team battle, probably went to the Blue Swan Tavern to have a drink with someone." Xiao Wu answered.

"I see."

Late at night, Zeng Yi walked alone on the cool night street.

He had just come out of the Blue Swan Tavern and was now heading back to his hotel.

Under the bright moonlight, Zeng Yi's body swayed as he walked on the asphalt road, his footsteps making a clattering sound. The quiet street felt particularly tranquil.

There was even a slightly eerie atmosphere, making people feel fearful.

Suddenly, Zeng Yi smelled a faint fragrance, causing his body to stiffen. He stopped in his tracks, his footsteps halted. His soul power surged within him, dissipating the drunkenness in an instant and waking him up.

He felt a slight breeze passing by, and abruptly, he saw a black figure standing ten meters ahead.

Indeed, walking on the road late at night never ends well.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Zeng Yi couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

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