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Chapter 23: Escape


How is this possible? I estimate that this 42,800 years Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast will swallow me and the roasted fish together.

Zeng Yi quickly wiped away this unrealistic thought from his mind and focused his attention on escaping.

After a few minutes of fleeing, Zeng Yi felt that time was passing so slowly. When he looked back, the Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast was already about a hundred meters behind him.

This beast is so fast!

Zeng Yi's forehead was covered with a few drops of sweat.

Forward Steps Slash! Forward Steps Slash! Forward Steps Slash...~

Zeng Yi, who was about to be caught up, was frightened and quickly used his first soul skill, Forward Steps Slash... He used it seven or eight times in succession to shift positions and open up some distance before stopping.

After using the first soul skill, Zeng Yi's breath became more urgent. After all, using skills also consumes soul power, unlike in games where there is no need for mana.

However, Zeng Yi still felt that the 42,800 year soul beast had locked onto him and was chasing him closely.

Did I offend you or your family? I don't remember doing anything to you! Why are you so obsessed with me?

Zeng Yi was puzzled. Was this Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast insane! Was it necessary to do this? The few pounds of meat on his body wouldn't be enough for it to eat! Why not find other soul beasts to solve its hunger problem? By chasing me like this, it's wasting energy and not worth it at all!

However, the Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast had no idea what Zeng Yi was thinking and continued to chase its prey.

Since it's like this, don't blame me!

Seeing that the 42,800 year soul beast was still chasing him relentlessly, Zeng Yi clenched his teeth and activated his second soul skill, No Self Sword Heart, preparing to fight back.

His pitch-black pupils instantly turned into indifferent silver. His soul power surged, boosting all his basic attributes by thirty percent. His combat power greatly increased, but his overall soul power was also being consumed faster.

He grabbed the sword handle at his waist and quickly unsheathed it.

Sword Slash!~

Only to see a pale blue sword aura around ten meters long flying out from Zeng Yi's hand, carrying a strong wind, and slicing into the trunk of a tree several meters wide in the distance. Although it made no sound, a neat cut appeared on the trunk, and the giant tree slowly fell down. Just as it was about to crash to the ground, Zeng Yi's speeding figure passed between the tree and the ground.


The giant tree crashed to the ground, making a deafening noise, resembling a thunderclap on a clear day.

But Zeng Yi didn't stop his footsteps and continued to flee at high speed. He had no intention of fighting the 42,800 year soul beast one-on-one. The difference in strength between the two was too great. If he were to engage, he would probably be easily defeated by the Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast after just a few blows. Zeng Yi never engaged in battles he knew he would lose.

I hope that little trick from earlier caused some trouble for this Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast!

Once again, he used Forward Steps Slash several times in a row to open up distance.

This time, I should be able to shake it off, right?

At this moment, Zeng Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't slow down and continued to flee.

However, he found that the water in the nearby river was flowing rapidly, making a rushing sound.

Oh no! This beast has caught up again!

Sensing the familiar aura locking onto him, Zeng Yi's heart sank.

Now most of my soul power has been consumed, but this Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast is still chasing me. Does that mean I'm really going to die here?

I've already increased my speed to the maximum, but this beast can still catch up to me. Is it toying with me?

Thinking about this, a strong sense of unwillingness appeared on Zeng Yi's face.

He hated this feeling. His fate was not in his control but in the hands of others. As long as others wanted, they could kill him anytime.

I'm still too weak! If I were stronger, if I were a three-ringed Soul Elder, I could use my Extreme Sword Attack with all my might and maybe kill this soul beast. I need strength!

Boom boom boom~

A series of booms reached Zeng Yi's ears.

Hearing this sound, Zeng Yi couldn't help but be pleased.

It's a waterfall! It's the roaring sound made by water falling from a waterfall. No wonder the water in the river was flowing so rapidly, there's a waterfall ahead.

It seems I have to jump down the waterfall to escape for my life.

Suddenly, Zeng Yi sensed a violent and fiery energy gathering behind him.

Not good! This Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast is about to unleash its ultimate attack on me.

He turned his head and saw the Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast condensing a red energy ball in its mouth, which it was about to spit out towards him. This energy ball was burning with flames on the outside. Even from this distance, Zeng Yi could feel its terrifying energy and heat.

"Wind Barrier!"

Seeing the attack about to catch up to him, Zeng Yi quickly drew his sword and swung it behind him like lightning. A wind barrier about three to four meters wide appeared behind him. This was the Wind Sword Skill that Zeng Yi cultivated, which allowed him to utilize the power of the wind. This wind barrier can block some attacks.

However, the wind barrier, like thin paper, was instantly torn apart by the Flame Demon Ox-Tiger Beast's attack without any hesitation.

Damn it! Didn't they say that the Wind Barrier can block all flying skills?

Seeing this scene, Zeng Yi cursed inwardly. But he also knew that after all, this wasn't a game. With his current strength, the wind barrier couldn't hold up against such attacks.

The fireball in the beast's eyes grew larger and was about to hit him...

Forward Steps Slash!

Zeng Yi's figure suddenly appeared twenty meters away, avoiding the attack.

Zeng Yi was still overjoyed that he had just made a high-risk maneuver when the fireball exploded on the ground, releasing a powerful blast. The thundering sound shook the sky, and the explosion created a violent airflow. The scorching wind engulfed the surroundings, igniting dried leaves and creating a beautiful scene of shining sparks dancing in the air. However, Zeng Yi had no time to enjoy this spectacle. The intense energy of the airflow lifted him up and the searing wind made him extremely uncomfortable. He exerted all his soul power, forming a faint blue soul power armor around his body to resist the impact of the energy.

The energy impact hit him, causing Zeng Yi's face to turn pale, his whole body trembling. Suddenly, he felt a slight sweetness in his throat and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

Damn it! Did they really bear such a grudge against me? Did they have to use such a powerful skill to attack me? You wait and see, if I don't die this time, I will come back and chop you up, you beast!

The strong impact lifted Zeng Yi into the air and pushed him towards the waterfall.

Looking down at the waterfall from mid-air, Zeng Yi's originally pale face turned even paler.

Isn't that at least eight or nine hundred meters high? With this height and my current severe injuries, if I fall down, I'll die instantly!

"Xiao Ju! Hold on tight!"

As Zeng Yi started falling due to gravity, he shouted and took out a stone from his spatial bracelet. Stepping on it, he rushed towards the cliff.

He pulled out his Martial Spirit Ronin Sword with his right hand and thrust it into the cliff with all his strength. He firmly grasped the hilt with both hands, trying to increase the resistance and prevent himself from falling.

But under the acceleration of gravity, Zeng Yi's hands were tightly gripping the blade, and the blade was halfway embedded in the rock wall, still sliding downwards.


The whistling sound of the rushing air from the descent from high up and the roaring sound of the water falling from the waterfall entered his ears. In this thrilling and exciting scene, Zeng Yi couldn't help but shout, venting his emotions.

"Stop! Stop!"

At this moment, Zeng Yi really hated his Martial Spirit Ronin Sword. Why is it so sharp? It cuts through even hard rock so easily. I really want to stop falling now! If I keep falling like this, I'll turn into a pancake!


primordial_idli primordial_idli

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