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Rhodes retrieved his cleaning tools from the room's entrance and made his way to the garden. Upon surveying the area, he quickly noticed a significant accumulation of dust and fallen leaves, indicating a state of neglect.

More significantly, the entire garden was bathed in sunlight, a realization that dawned on Rhodes as an opportunity to harness the sun's energy and grow stronger while performing his cleaning duties.

He cleared away the dust, fallen leaves, and petals that littered the garden's pathways.

[Power +1000]...

[Power +1000]...

[Power +1000]...

Fifteen minutes passed, and the garden had undergone a remarkable transformation, leaving Rhodes feeling invigorated, as if a boundless well of strength had been unlocked within him.

"Remarkable," one observer remarked, "this new servant from the realm of humans is rather handsome, far superior in looks to the previous one..."

"His name is Rhodes, not Rod," another corrected.

"Indeed, he carries out his tasks with remarkable precision. Let's go and report to the butler; he's certainly up to the task."

Farther away, a group of maids gathered, exchanging hushed words and casting occasional glances toward Rhodes.

"..." Rhode felt a pang of curiosity after noticing their gaze and decided to listen closely to their conversation. However, the distance proved to be a challenge, as he could only faintly hear them mentioning names.

At this moment, Rhodes's genes began to evolve.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved [Super Hearing]!"

Rhodes's ears perked up, and he suddenly became attuned to the voices of those around him.

"Princess Hela won't be back for a while~"

"Charles, are you slacking off again?! I swear, your salary this month will be heavily deducted!"

"Rhodes will make an excellent servant to the gods. Have you noticed, Liz? He's rather cute..."

The voices of those around him resonated with unusual clarity, and Rhodes caught every word.

Especially the voices of the nearby maids, who were, to his surprise, complimenting him on his appearance.

"Huh~ The Silver Superman gene is indeed quite useful. It evolved into Super Hearing immediately. I anticipate acquiring even more superpowers in the future."

"However, I must keep these abilities concealed," Rhodes thought cautiously. It was clear to him that he needed to hide his powers and maintain a low profile. An ordinary mortal possessing such incredible abilities could easily attract unwanted attention and danger.

Especially within Hela's domain, where ambition thrived, Rhodes recognized the need for discretion.

Nevertheless, armed with the genes of Silver Superman, Rhodes believed that his rise to greater strength was only a matter of time.

"Now, it's time to clean Hela's study."

Rhodes collected his cleaning tools and exited the garden, heading toward the study, a room filled with numerous weighty tomes.

Rhodes, eager to expand his knowledge about Asgard and its realms, found himself genuinely interested. In his previous life, he possessed limited knowledge of Asgard, including the Nine Realms, Frost Giants, and Dark Elves. The books in the study could offer invaluable insights.

In this manner, Rhodes continued his daily routine, maintaining the garden, harnessing the sun's energy, and refining his superhuman abilities.

As the days passed, Rhodes found himself growing stronger.

On the tenth day since his arrival in Asgard, Rhodes felt more powerful than ever. His daily regimen of cleaning, sunbathing, and studying had transformed him.

However, one evening, while seated in the princess's study, Rhodes sensed a peculiar presence outside the door, accompanied by a faint fragrance in the air. An uneasy feeling of danger washed over him.

As he prepared to confront the impending threat, Rhodes realized that he was about to meet someone formidable.

"The humble servant Rhodes, tasked with overseeing this study, extends the utmost respect to the princess," Rhodes declared, bowing respectfully.

"Oh? You recognize me?" inquired the green-clad beauty who had entered the study.

Rhodes cautiously nodded, fully aware of the identity of the formidable visitor.

"You guessed correctly," she affirmed. "Rhodes, are you studying?"

Rhodes acknowledged that he was eager to learn more about Asgard as a newcomer.

Seemingly unperturbed by Rhodes' cautious demeanor, the woman, revealed as Hela, suggested that he vacate the room for the time being.

Rhodes complied, relieved to find that Hela didn't seem to harbor any ill feelings.

As he left the room, he couldn't help but ponder the contrast between the seemingly approachable Hela he had just encountered and the ambitious Goddess of Death who ruled over Asgard.

The following day dawned brightly.

Rhodes arose, took a shower, and once again, his superhuman hearing came into play, allowing him to overhear the conversations of numerous servants in the mansion.

After several days, Rhodes had grown accustomed to his newfound superpower. He filtered out irrelevant conversations and focused on gathering useful information.

"I heard that the Frost Giants are causing trouble again. I saw a significant number of troops passing by..."

"So, Asgard is gearing up for battle once more?!"

"That seems to be the case. The princess left early this morning; it's likely related to the Frost Giants."

Upon hearing these tidbits of information, Rhodes decided it was time to pick up his tools and head to the garden.

The longstanding conflicts between the Frost Giants and the Asgardian gods made the prospect of battle unsurprising.

"If I were to join the ranks, I might have the opportunity to venture beyond Asgard."

"Yet, there's a certain allure to the garden, basking in the sun."

Rhodes proceeded to clean the garden with his usual diligence.

With Hela absent from the mansion, Rhodes enjoyed the freedom to explore the study at his leisure.

At dusk, he returned to the study.

This time, he decided to set aside the tome and explore Hela's collection of books.

The shelves held a treasure trove of knowledge, including a volume titled "Protoss Fighting Technique," which undoubtedly contained valuable combat skills.

Rhodes eagerly perused the book, recognizing the need to learn how to wield his superhuman abilities effectively. Without mastering the art of combat, his extraordinary powers would remain underutilized.

"Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, footwork... This book provides a detailed and easily comprehensible guide. It's truly remarkable!"

Half an hour later, Rhodes had absorbed the entirety of the book's contents. He closed his eyes, and the exquisite fighting techniques danced vividly within his mind. His bones and muscles seemed to align themselves, as if he were already engaged in combat.

After some time, Rhodes left the study and proceeded to the empty garden for training.

Each movement was executed with precision and power.

As time passed, Rhodes's mastery of the fighting techniques grew, and his body developed sleek, defined musculature, a stark contrast to his previous, slender physique.

In this manner, Rhodes devoted his days to maintaining the garden, honing his superpowers, and refining his combat skills.

On the tenth day since his arrival in Asgard, Rhodes had undergone a profound transformation, both physically and in terms of his abilities.

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