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Chapter 32

Tony glanced around the quaint little shop, its shelves lined with curious trinkets and enchanted oddities. He leaned casually against the counter and looked at the shopkeeper, George.

"I need something to protect my wand, preferably made of metal. Wands, as you know, are all wood, and I'd hate for mine to snap or something."

George stroked his chin, eyes narrowing in contemplation. "Sure thing, mate. But what's the design you're after?"

Tony had expected this question and had come prepared. He pulled out a neatly rolled set of blueprints from his seemingly bottomless pouch, courtesy of an extension charm, and handed them over to George.

"It's something like this. As for the material, I need it to be super tough, heatproof, frostproof, and it shouldn't send my wand flying when I draw it."

George's lips twisted in thought. "Sounds like a bit of a tall order, but I think I can work something out. So, Mr. Stark," he paused, suddenly struck by a thought, "Wait a sec. Stark? You wouldn't happen to be Tony Stark, the bloke who's been making headlines lately?"

Tony nodded, not entirely sure where this conversation was headed. "Yeah, that's me."

George's excitement was practically bubbling over, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Hey, do you know Harry Potter?"

Tony's brows knitted together as he pondered the question for a moment. After a brief pause, he finally replied, "Isn't he Jamie's godfather?"

A broad grin stretched across George's face, and he eagerly extended his hand, wanting to seal this newfound connection with a handshake. "I'm a family friend of Jamie's. Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark."

Tony's eyes flickered with a trace of caution as he eyed George's outstretched hand and instinctively took a step back. With an embarrassed chuckle, George peeled off his gloves, saying, "Guess I didn't fool you there."

George made his way to the counter, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, and then handed them over to Tony. "Here, jot down your specifications. I'll make sure it's at the top of the priority list, and it should be ready in a few days."

There was a moment of hesitation as Tony scrutinized the pen with a hint of skepticism. After a thorough inspection, finding nothing amiss, he picked it up, ready to write.

And then, with an unexpected twist, SPLAT! Ink sprayed from the pen's tip, landing squarely on Tony's face.

George couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. He was practically doubled over, thoroughly amused. "Gotcha!"

Tony, the hapless victim of George's prank, let out a resigned sigh and tried to wipe away the ink splatter across his face. "Guess you can't let your guard down, not even for a second."

As George's laughter began to subside, it left behind a mischievous grin etched on his face, like a Cheshire cat who had just pulled off the perfect caper. "Hey, no hard feelings, okay? The ink's temporary, and as a bonus, I'll throw in that little something you wanted me to make. How's that sound?"

Tony needed no convincing, nodding with eager enthusiasm. "Deal! By the way, what made you set up shop here?"

George leaned back, reminiscing as he traced patterns on the countertop. "Well, you see, it's all because of Jamie's godfather. He somehow got wind of my grand plans to set up shop across the ocean. Suggested, rather insistently, I should open a branch right here in the good ol' US of A, all in the name of looking out for her."

"So, how did she, a young girl, end up all the way out here?"

George chuckled knowingly, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mystery. "Ah, Jamie didn't spill the beans, huh? Well, you might want to ask her that question yourself."

Tony shrugged, momentarily distracted by the thought. "Fair enough. I left my address with you. Can you make sure I get what I need as soon as possible? Oh, and how can I reach you?"

George dove beneath the counter, rummaging around until he pulled out a golden coin that resembled a galleon. "Take this and keep it on you. If I need to reach you, it'll heat up. See that symbol in the middle? I'll use that to communicate. And if you ever need to contact me, just hold down the symbol for five seconds, and I'll receive your message. Simple as that."

"Why can't the magical world have something like a phone?" Tony mused, gazing at the enchanted coin in his hand. It was a question that had been on his mind for a while now, a curious itch that he couldn't quite scratch.

George scratched his head thoughtfully. "You know, that's a darn good question, Tony. The issue is, electronic devices tend to go haywire around here because of the whole magical field thing. I've tried tinkering with them, but I'm no tech wizard, and those phones keep evolving faster than I can say 'Alohomora.'"

Tony couldn't help but stroke his chin thoughtfully, considering the possibilities. "Say, George, ever thought about taking on a partner? Someone who could provide you with all the phone-related intel you could ever need, from the ancient Nokia bricks to the latest pocket-sized supercomputers. I could even chip in for your research budget. Of course, I'd expect a fair stake in the venture—let's say, 40% ownership. What do you say?"

George's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement. "40% is quite the ask, my friend. But I'll admit, your offer is tempting. After all, this project won't be a walk in the park, and using magic on muggle objects, especially here in the United States, can bring down a world of trouble from the government. Let's meet halfway, shall we? How about 20% ownership, and we'll split the risks and rewards down the middle?"

Tony mulled it over for a moment before extending his hand in agreement. "Alright, George, you've got yourself a deal. I'll be waiting for your call when the item is ready." With that settled, Tony bid George farewell and made his exit from the shop.

George couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he watched Tony's figure recede into the distance. "Now, this guy is truly fascinating," he muttered to himself. He scooped up the drawings Tony had left behind and began poring over them.

Back at the Oak Bar, Tony returned home using the Floo. His suit of armor was still a work in progress, and with nothing else to occupy his time, he picked up 'Alchemy Basics' where he'd left off. 

Some time later, Jarvis's voice rang out, breaking Tony's concentration. "Sir, Miss Potts is here."

"Tony? There are some documents you need to sign," Pepper's voice could be heard as she descended into the basement where Tony was engrossed in his book.

"Alright, I'm on it," Tony responded, shutting the book and rubbing his temples in a momentary attempt to soothe the encroaching headache. Glancing at the wall clock, he couldn't help but notice that it was already noon, time seemed to have its own plans today.

Taking the proffered documents, Tony mechanically began signing them without even sparing a glance, his mind still tethered to the alchemy book he had been reading.

Pepper, accustomed to Tony's absentminded tendencies, let out a weary sigh and placed the meal she had thoughtfully picked up on the table.

Tony's face lit up when he saw the familiar paper bag. "My favorite cheeseburger! You're the absolute best!" he exclaimed, momentarily forgetting the documents as he eagerly grabbed the burger and took a large bite.

As he washed it down with a generous sip of his milkshake, he finally returned to the matters at hand. "So, got any other plans for tonight?" Tony inquired between mouthfuls.

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