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50% A truly evil fellow! (DC/SI) / Chapter 19: CH16

Chapter 19: CH16

Mr. Villain was silent as he strode forward. His hands behind his back as each of his steps paced across the floor. A soft tune hummed from his lips as he walked with a cane, the Green Lanterns known as Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner unaware of his presence as they fought against a large robot.

Mr. Villain pauses at an abandoned hot-dog cart. Reaching and digging into it and quickly making himself a Hot-Dog as the Green-Lanterns blast and combat the raging robot. Minutes pass and finally Mr. Villain makes a small mhm sound as he presses the hotdog against his face. . .It just squished against his mask as he nods, "Mhm! New Y- I mean. . .This city's hotdogs sure are good."

A green bubble soon surrounds him as he pauses looking up at Hal-Jordan who crosses his arms and seems rather unamused, "Where's the punchline clown? Start talking before I throw you into orbit."

Mr. Villain simply pauses relish and some mayo drips down his mask as he turns to the now-destroyed robot. He gives a small shrug as he says, "Not mine. I think that's from Doc Magnus not sure."

"Warning; En-" Hals Jordan's ring begins to speak aloud only for Mr. Villain to begin screaming. Hal winces and glances down at his ring only for a flash of light to blind him. Mr. Villain is now on his back and trying to put him in a chokehold. Hal grunts out as he aims his finger behind him and blasts Mr. Villain with a blast of willpower.

"OW! Take this," Mr. Villain shouts, taking a yellow sponge from his shirt and smacking Hal's ring finger with it. The next blast of willpower is blocked by the sponge as Mr. Villain smacked Hal in the face with it. Finally, Mr. Villain falls to the ground with a grunt and a few cracks.

He lays there groaning as Hal lowers himself down. The Ring was now silent as Hal stared at his ring for a few moments waiting for its alert. Nothing comes as Guy floats over raising an eyebrow and chuckling, "Can't even handle one goon eh?"

"Ya, now's not the time. Is your ring doing anything funny," Guy glances down at his ring only for a yellow sponge to smack him in the face sending him flying down the street. Hal glanced down to Mr. Villain who now stood fully decked out in a yellow raincoat and rubber boots.

Clearing his throat he points both gauntlets which begin to glow yellow as he screams, "THIS IS A STAND YOUR GROUND STATE! THERE IS NO EVIL PLAN, I JUST INTEND TO STAND MY GROUND. WHAMNAHAWHA."

Both guns begin to fire. Both Lanterns combine their might to make a shield only for a few blasts to quickly shatter it and send them both scattering for cover. The robot's damages cause it to slowly burn as Mr. Villain begins running through the streets randomly shooting in the air. His bullets pass harmlessly through any birds or buildings it hits.

He rounded the corner only for a green bat to hit him in the back of the head and send him face-first into the ground groaning. He lays there groaning for a long few seconds as Guy lowers himself Mr. Villain creating a pair of cuffs around the man's arm as he paused and glanced to Jordan, "Wait. . .Did we just assault and wrongfully arrest him?"

"No, I mean even if he didn't do the giant freak in robot odds are he has a lot of different warrants out on him anyway," Mr. Villain is slowly raised upwards by the Laterns, his mask still stained with hot dog remains and now slightly cracked.

Mr. Villain keeps muttering for a few seconds before slowly raising his head. Utterly still before screaming, "You cannot break me Bats. . .For I! Am! Bane!" His gauntlets exploded with a flash of yellow destroying the Will constructs. He falls onto the ground quickly flipping himself around and aiming his gauntlets.

The first shot hits Guy's head, sending him flying into the sky. The second one lands its shot on Hal and wraps its power around him. The yellow-colored beam soon wrapped around Hal and slammed him down into the street. Mr. Villain stands cracking his neck as he walked over to Hal. Both superpowered gauntlets steamed with power as he now spoke with a South American accent.

He reached down, picking Hal up and dead-lifting him into the air above his head. "I will break the Bats!"

"W-What? Are you quoting Bane or something," Mr. Villain goes utterly silent for a few seconds as his fingers dug into Hal's clothes.

"Nooo. . ." Mr. Villain says in his best south American lying voice. Hal takes this chance to summon a constructed boxing glove to slam into Mr. Villain's back. The evil-doer is hit so hard he lets go of Hal and does a flip and does not stop! He begins flipping so fast in the air that he begins taking off into the air, his body blurring like the blades of a Helicopter as he zooms away.

His flipping form quickly turns mid-air and impacts at high velocities with Guy who is knocked unconscious from the impact. Guy, is sent through a nearby window and the flipping loop is finally broken sending Mr. Villain slamming into the rooftop and groaning.

Hal floats to the rooftop this time landing to rip off the raincoat and gloves before quickly pulling apart both gauntlets and throwing them to the side. He soon ripped the teleportation belt off and allowed green constructs to wrap around every inch of Mr. Villan who groans and awakens, "Shoot. . .Well, there went with this weekend's plans."

"More like the next ten years once I get you to Belle Reve," They begin floating into the air only for Hal to spot the now roaring fires surrounding the robot. The buildings and streets clearly consumed in the inferno his will weakening just enough for Mr. Villain to scream! A sonic amplifier in his mask turning the girlish scream into a shriek!

Sadly, it does nothing but gets him a dirty glare from Hal who quickly breaks a nearby fire hydrant and redirects the water flow as Mr. Villain muttered, "Prison Episode time."

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