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12.5% A truly evil fellow! (DC/SI) / Chapter 4: CH4

Chapter 4: CH4

Mr. Villain stood pushing the taco against his mask. The taco simply breaks and falls to the ground as he hums loudly, "Delicious. A snack to prepare myself for today's evil deeds. What is on today's docket?"

His henchmen paused from what they were doing. They glanced around for a few moments before Mr. Villain snapped his fingers, "Step one. Enjoy taco when you spot the Heros. Step two, begin to monologue aloud when the Heros begin to watch you from the rafters. Step three look up to see Heros trapped in a trap."

Mr. Villain glances upwards spotting a Superboy and Robin tied up in glowing black rope, "Ah! Hello there! Now. . .I assume your mentors do not know yet of my EVIL plan to control you both and utilize you to bait your parents!"

Robin hisses as Superboy struggles in the bonds, "Nah! You don't even register on their top fifty so we decided to head out and take you out!"

"Wrong! Superboy! I can sense your moral failings! I will let you play in the Mega-Bouncy House of SUPER bounce and grant you five tubs of Ice-Cream in exchange for joining me for today's deeds," The Henchmen seem to shift uncomfortably at the sight of the two children bound in rope before they heard the ultimatum Mr. Villain gave them. A few started to chuckle and take out their phones to record.

Raising a glowing gauntlet the tied-up Duo was gently brought to the ground. Their tied forms were set upon the concrete as Mr. Villain reached into his shirt and pulled out a small marker. Crouching down a giggle leaves his throat as Superboy stares up at him with wide and terrified eyes while Robin seems mostly frustrated by the binds, "Now Superboy you will get all these wonderful and evil tools. . .If you use this Permanent Marker to write a mustache on your friend's face!"

Superboy's fear instantly melted away as he glanced towards Robin and mutters, "This is the guy Batman's so cautious of?"

Robin shrugs as Superboy turned to Mr. Villain and sighed, "I. . .Will join you!"

Robin blinks glancing at Superboy who gives him a wink which Mr. Villain clearly saw yet ignored. The bindings around Superboy would turn to dust letting only him stand and take the marker out of Mr. Villains' hands. The Henchmen watched amused as Superboy took the cap off of the marker and threw it in Mr. Villains' face. The tip left a big black smudge from the high-velocity impact.

He cries out in surprise and begins trying to rub the black smudge it created out of his mask. "NOOOOOOO! MY PRISTINE SHINY MASK! THIS BUGS ME SERIOUSLY," He shouts loudly as Superboy lunged forward grabbing Mr. Villain and tackling him to the ground. Both slam into the grunt as the rope around Damien vanishes.

Superboy quickly gets both of Mr. Villains' hands behind his back. Mr. Villain kicked his legs widely in the air and shouted, "You little Liar! My evil plans of distracting you while your parents deal with a critical issue! Foiled! Unless. . .Unless LUNCHTIME is enough to barter my precious freedom?"

Damien paused quickly pulling out a small device and checking the news only for Mr. Villains' gauntlet to glow and cause the device to turn off. A faint chuckle comes from him as Superboy reaches down and squeezes the gauntlet only for the device to remain unaffected. Superboy's face twisted into one of concentration as he began to use both hands grunting in the effort as the single gauntlet failed to break, "What the-"

The boy muttered as Mr. Villain laughed, "You cannot break my gauntlets! I made them out of UNBREAKINGIUM! THE SUPERist RAREST AND EVILEST METAL TO EVER EXIST!" Then, Mr. Villain's body is surrounded by a glow vanishing from that spot and appearing across the room. From there he would begin to backflip multiple times further away from the Sidekick duo until ending up on the other side of the warehouse.

Mr. Villain raised both arms and flexed them screaming, "If you think it'll be that easy then dodge this muck head!" Both his gauntlets glowed and boxes Henchmen had been hauling about broke open. Stuffed animals with glowing red eyes flinging themselves out of the box and dog-piling Superboy.

Robin lunges over the first one and with his staff quickly knocks away another. The unending horde of fluffy animals with glowing eyes was dispatched in the scores as Mr. Villain walked to the corner of the room and sat down at a small table. Snapping his fingers a plate with more tacos appeared and a small portal in front of his mouth shimmered into existence. He quickly began to jam tacos into his mouth portal, loud chewing sounds coming from the portal as he watched the Sidekicks work their way through the horde of creatures.

"Alright Henchmen, the Fluffy creatures you moved into positions got about five minutes of delaying actions in them. You can all go on lunch break and all that good stuff the Taco trucks outside and your lunch is paid for have a EVIL break my Minions," A few minutes passed before a faint piece of metal wire shot itself forward and wrapped around Mr. Villian's throat.

He gagged the portal around his mask, vanishing as he was dragged backward by the throat and into the pile of red-eyed fluffy creatures which quickly began to dogpile him. Robin took that chance to grab Superboy and lunge out of the pile. The fluffy animals switch their focus from the sidekicks to Mr. Villain who screams in horror as his own creations attack him.

Superboy stands up and pauses, grabbing a taco from the tray and stuffing it in his mouth despite Robin throwing him a glare and muttering, "Did our parents really just use him to distract us while they dealt with the Joker?"

Superboy shrugged and muttered, "I dunno but you really need to try these Tacos they are amazing!"

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