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Chapter 2: 2


A horde of goblins numbering 52 are making their way to the light of an old tower. They been been lured to the tower seeing the bonfire on top of it. They're being lead by a champion, followed by 5 hobgoblins, and 4 shamans. They're careful as the air around the tower is strong with blood. The forest has grown quiet, as women dress in furs and bones have been hunting and killing just about everything they came across.

The champion learning about the women who have been hunting the wild game of the forest, had his entire hive moved out to claim them. He killed the breeders and ate them before leaving the old cave. The goblins who spotted the hunting party told of a tower full of women after they had followed them after they had taken care of a wolf den.

The scent of rot and death filled the air as they got closer to the tower. They quickly found the cause of the smell, a deep pit is filled with the trash of the tower, rotting carcasses of animals ranging from small animals like birds to large animals like bears. Also giant snakes, griffins, owlbears, wild boars, giant spiders, and more.

There are also the rotting bodies of goblins, the wandering band of orcs, several trolls, the bugbear that was leading a band of goblins, gnolls, an ogre. Showing that the women have been hunting down every single dangerous creature and race around the tower. They used their overwhelming numbers to swarm their prey and when the prey is too strong, the survivors went back to call their leader who is a magic user.

The champion and his horde stared at the pit of rotting bodies, where rats, flies, maggots, and other things are feasting. The pit is also where the drainage of the tower's toilet's empties out, filling the pit with excrement and urine. Which given enough time, will create saltpeter for later.

The champion and his horde suddenly were lifted in the air unable to move. Their heads twisted around breaking them, leaving all of them dead but for the champion who even with his neck broken and unable to move is still alive. Their weapons were all taken as well as any armor and gear they had, then they were dump into the pit. Where the champion would lay as he's eaten alive by the vermin and scavengers, unable to move.


Inside the tower -

Sunset looks over the weapons and equipment that she took from the goblins. Most of the weapons are just crude weapons made from tree branches and sharpen wooden spear or tip with rocks, with a few bows and slings. But there are metal weapons here and there, the champion carried a halberd. The armor that the goblins had are mostly just scrap metal, not to mention filthy.

The metals would be melted down in the rebuilt forge of the castle. The equipment have long since been taken but with her telekinesis, fire spells, and the worker minion's tools, they been able to melt down any piece of metal they found and shape it into crude weapons. Not the finely forged weapons that Sunset remembers the royal guards are armed with but they did the job. Mostly just hatchets, picks, and axes, because of the lack of metals to melt down. Using molds made out of clay from a nearby river, they were able to arm some of the other minions with better weapons.

"Any more around the tower?" Sunset ask one of the fighter minions.

"We check, there isn't any threat that needs you to take action," the mage said.

"Good," Sunset said laying back on the bed of furs and naked bodies.

She's naked along with the minions sleeping with her, all sleeping together for warmth. Her minions are completely loyal and devoted to her. So eager to please her, which lead to them having sex with her. With little to do for entertainment, Sunset began having sex with her minions in a mass of bodies all wanting to please her. Hands and mouths everywhere all very skillful in driving her to the heights of pleasure.

Since the day she found the amulet that allows her to summon her minions, she's been busy. Making the tower more livable, like creating a channel lined with stones from the lone toilet leading to the body pit. Then cleaning out the old well, which the goblins kept clean surprisingly, which she figures that even they want clean drinking water.

The worker minions with their tools were able to fix up the tower. The fighters could do basic repairs and make basic things, but the workers more skillful were able to build things better. The fighters did the unskilled labor while the workers did the real work. Thanks to Sunset being able to show them what she wants made using her magic to project objects of her old world for them to see, they been able to come close to what she wants.

Sunset is sending a fully armed and equipped host of minions to march through the forest and get to the nearest settlement. The Workers had built a hot air balloon using the leather that has been collected and a basket. A worker was sent up into the air after Sunset had casted a telescope spell on her to see further. With the enhance vision spell the worker was able to see for miles from her vantage point, and she spotted a village outside of the forest boundaries.

With the limited resources at hand the workers could only make rawhide armor and a small amount of leather armor. They also made basic helmets for added protection as an unprotected head allows the goblin rock throwers and slingers to get the drop on some of the minions. And some carried wooden shields. (1)

They also forged swords out of the melted scrap metals. The swords are crude, brutal, one handed falchion or machete like blades, or a meat cleaver, which has a spike on the back of the blade for hooking and punching through armor or thick bodies. The blade is single edged so the edge can be sharpened quickly on a grindstone. The weapon is very industrial weapon and very intuitive, where anyone can quickly learn how to use it.

But most of the metal they have is being used to make more important items, namely nails and hinges and other things that are needed to repair the tower. With the work of the minions the tower is more repaired compared to what it was when it was just herself. Sunset is still deciding if she wants to make it into her home base, but it is where the portal back to Equestia is located. But it will need lots of work to be able to be support her and her minions.

Sunset discovered that she can desummon her minions and resummon them later. Which heals them and makes them battle ready. They do need to eat, sleep, and other things like her, but if she desummons and resummon them, that solves the problem in feeding them. Which she does but she needs a number of minions with her for protection, and to keep up the production of weapons and leather armor.

With the lack of proper gear her minions are little more than a band of barbarians wearing furs and wielding stone weapons. Which is why she's having them hunt down animals and dangerous beings around the tower. Equipping most of them with bone weapons and armor, which she at first collected herself thanks to her telekinesis where she was able to grab animals and break their necks where the minions could cut up the bodies for resources.

Besides the leather making and using the bones to make gear. The meat is dried on drying racks that Sunset has seen used to dry out meat and fish when she was taken on a visit to another kingdom and talk with those griffins hunters. As a pony she normally eats just vegetables and fruits but with how little of those she could find in a forest that could be bad for her to eat, she's been eating meat. For ponies aren't herbivores but omnivores as she has eaten shellfish and how many meals have eggs in them.

The main reason for the massive hunt is the amulet needs the life force to level up. She has the magic to summon hundreds of minions a day before she's out of magic, which she does face the danger of burning herself out if she does, something that she heard stories of from... her. But she needs life force to unlock the higher levels of the amulet's abilities. Like the videogames of her world, she needs to grind to level up the amulet. She needs lots of life force to unlock the new minion classes, with some of them have ranks.

"There," Sunset said as she unlocks the next level and summons two new minion types.

The first one has blue hair and blue eyes wearing a skimpy top and loin cloth.

The second one has the same built as the fighters but all has runes all over her body. She has green hair and eyes.

"What do you two do?" Sunset ask.

"My class are the archers, we are your long range units," the first minion said.

"And I'm a spell caster, you magic unit," the second one said.

"Rangers and Mages," Sunset said as she got up and walks over to the window that's covered by a fur cloak to keep out the cold night air.

Opening the window she looks outside to the empty courtyard where she began summoning her newest minions, in mass numbers. Her other minions outside gathered around as more new minions appeared in the courtyard. Till there were hundreds of them, all staring upwards at their mistress.

"Alright, you all rest up, at first light we have work to do," Sunset said to her minions, her mind racing with new ideas.


Days Later -

Sunset is sending over a hundred of her minions, to make contact with the village and to create a gateway which is two stone pillars where a portal opens between them. The mages can create a gateway that allows Sunset to open a portal and just teleport to the location from the repaired gateway in the courtyard. That way the tower would still be protected by the forest while giving a lifeline to the outside world.

The horde has 25 of each type of minions, fighters, mages, rangers, and workers. A horde numbering 100, armed, equipped and have provisions for the long journey. Their armor are decorated with the skulls and bones of both animals and the goblins they killed. Which should scare away any would be attackers.

With a farewell from Sunset the horde of minions, marched out of the courtyard and into the woods.


The village -

Even though it had a name and called itself a town, Nibblet was hardly more than a shantytown. A crude collection of dilapidated houses, even more huts and shacks, muddy streets or frozen in winter, raw sewage and the refugees, castaways and survivors of the current demon lord war. That was how it was till a rich vein of iron was found in the nearby hills, which caused traders to spread the word of the new iron mine.

A flood of people came to Nibblets seeking opportunities, building new houses and businesses. The merchant guild has already started up opening the mine and hiring guards to protect their investments. The goblins that live in the nearby forest had in the past raided the village but have grown quite lately, which was brush off to all the new people and arm guards.

One of the new guards spotted a horde of incoming goblins running out of the forest, numbering 10. He gave out the alarm and bowmen rush out to the field and fired arrows at the incoming goblins, killing all of them. The towns people gave out a cheer seeing the goblins dead, but some adventurers who were hired as protection felt something was wrong with how the goblins had behaved.

"They were running from something," Martial Artist Rhea said.

"What do you see?" Thief Padfoot ask her other teammate.

"A large group is coming out of the forest," Archer Elf said.

Out of the forest came the reason why the goblins were running, a horde of barbarians 60 strong are coming out of the trees. Wearing rawhide armor and decorated with bones, armed with with different kinds of weapons ranging from clubs, to sword and shields. As they got closer the horde are all human women, who are escorting two wagons, one loaded with furs and the other cured meat and horns.

"No wonder the goblins run," Thief Padfoot said.

"There are more in the forest," Archer Elf said being able to see the women in the tree line.

"So what do we do?" Martial Artist Rhea ask.

"Wait and see," Archer Elf said.

Once the women got to the village, it turned out that they just wanted to trade for their goods. They traded the furs, horns, and cured meat for all the iron the village has and filled their two wagons with other goods. They also had coins and jewelry that they used to buy goods with, once they were out of goods to trade and money, they packed up the goods and left.

The women didn't talk to the villagers besides the guards and merchants. With all of them armed and what they're wearing scared off many from getting close to them. Some of the men tried to talk with the women and even hit on them but were just given the cold shoulder. With one being grabbed and punched away by one of the bigger women when he got fresh with her, showing that the women are really strong.

Once the women return back to the forest, disappearing in the tree line. Rumors began flying about the band of warrior women living in the forest. Some people tried tracking them, only to find a fort built made out of logs in the middle of a clearing. Making many wonder who are the warrior women, who only come out of the fort to trade goods at the village. Always trading for more iron ore, but never seem to use them at their fort. Leading to more stories being told about them and spreading far and wide.


Author's Notes -

1 - A rawhide armor, by definition, is just that; a hide, or animal skin in its raw form. Leather is animal skin that has gone through the process of tanning, which, in return produces a more flexible and supple material.

2 - Rangers: These are the archers of the warfare minions, uses only ranged weapons and cloth, leather and light metal armor, they focus on long range, and have the same appearance as the Runners, except they are more curved built and are about 5'8" tall. They focus on the use of bows, crossbows and slings. Which they can make on their own.

Mages: They are weak but powerful in using magic. Their bodies are the same built as the Fighters but their bodies are covered with magic runes. They're the only ones who can do magical damage to magical foes, and uses the same magic that the Overlord can use but only low level spells. They're also the healers of the minions and can bring back a minion back to life. They like wearing either robes or cloaks with hoods.


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