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9.09% The Awakened Warrior / Chapter 1: The Symbol of the Stars
The Awakened Warrior The Awakened Warrior original

The Awakened Warrior

Author: Melakistal

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Symbol of the Stars

!Just a heads up!

This story is written in an interactive roleplay format to allow the readers to imagine each scene through speech and actions for comic writing purposes. This means that if the chapter is shorter, it is generally because the sentences contain more detail for image transfer. If you do not enjoy this story like this, please do not read it. Thank you and enjoy.

Text must be read in a specific way to make sense; it will jump from character to character. This means that the text relating to the first person mentioned will not end until the next character is mentioned.


Person 1: {"Speech"} {Narration/Action}


Person 2: {"Speech"} {Narration/Action}


Other meanings:

"????:" = If a character is listed as "????:" their name has not yet been stated in the story.

✎The story begins here.✎

Within the vast, empty expanse, a profound sense of frigid nothingness permeated the atmosphere as though all life had been sucked away into the black void. The mind, too, felt empty and void of thought, as if caught in a perpetual state of limbo.

Yet, a faint voice called out from this void, breaking through the stillness. Its echo reverberated through the darkness, sparking a glimmer of hope that perhaps there was something more beyond this emptiness.

"May you use your light's radiance as a weapon and the sincerity of your truth as a safeguard. Pursue righteousness and cultivate the desire to motivate those around you with love, optimism, aspiration, and clarity.

Become the champion others require, the embodiment of all that is good. Do not allow the fear of darkness or death to destroy your purity or love. Illuminate the world with your brilliance, my creation."

????: As the being gradually regained consciousness, it experienced a sudden jolt of energy coursing through its body. The bright light and warmth of the sky caused its gleaming green eyes to lose focus momentarily. It felt lost and bewildered, with all memories seemingly erased from its mind.

When it placed its hand on the soft grass, it realized it was no longer in a familiar environment and struggled to comprehend the world. "W-where am I?" he thought with a face full of concern and curiosity.

As he wandered through the forest, he suddenly became captivated by the tranquil sound of flowing water. His gaze was drawn to a mystical body of water glowing in the distance. A magnificent waterfall cascaded down from the mountaintop, creating a breathtaking sight. He leaned closer, his eyes transfixed by the mesmerizing pools of mystical blue energy.

As he stood there, he couldn't help but notice his unique features, including his deep grayish skin and long black hair with delicate golden accents that flowed in the wind.

Turning his attention away from the pool of water, he looked down at himself kneeling on the ground, tugging on the strange attire attached to his body; the weird clothing on his body had a blankness to it, lacking in design and a color similar to his skin, but it felt just right on him like a warm hug tightening around his figure.

He sensed that his attire had a much deeper meaning, but as he analyzed his new suit, he noticed something more interesting. There were some strange symbols in the palms of his hands. Raising one of his hands, he grazed against it; this strange sword-like symbol on his hands had some importance, and an overwhelming feeling of curiosity and determination filled his heart to discover what it meant and who he was.

He raised himself to his feet, almost stumbling into the pool of water. He couldn't help but notice some mystical creatures on the other side of the lake stopping for a drink. Curious, he bent down to drink from the magical waters as the animals did.

He felt somewhat refreshed by this new action; his body told itself to swallow the sustenance, and as the fluids flowed into his body, his body became more relaxed than it had before. He looked up at the sky, seeing the visible stars during the daytime.

"Hmm…what beautiful lights of the sky, gleaming their hope onto surrounding life forms." He reached up as if he could touch them, but as he closed his hand, there was a surge of energy in his hand, and an erupting glowing golden light burned from his fist.

This frightened him, causing the atmosphere to shift around him; his sudden scream scared the other animals away.

He released his hand from the fist formation, looking at the symbol on his palm; the outlines of it were glowing with a warm, captivating light of gold. A word echoed in his mind as he stared into the glowing symbol; he couldn't help but say it out loud…"Star."

The light faded away from his palm; it felt like some attachment to the word Star, an extension he had never felt before. As he gazed at the sky growing darker, he found himself lost in thinking about who he was and what he could accomplish.

"My name…yes, my name is Star, but what does that mean for me and my purpose? Am I something important? Am I designed for the future? I have so many questions; how can I discover their answers."

He looked at his palms, trying to decipher the engraved symbols. He felt disoriented and bewildered.

"These markings are supposed to define and guide me towards my purpose. But I'm in the dark about their meaning or why I was created. It's all so overwhelming, and I can't make sense of any of it..." A feeling of sadness and confusion built inside of his body, a feeling people would only feel when they were truly alone. Suddenly, something called to him in the darkness, a voice of pure positive nature and warmth.

????: "Dear young one, I understand that all of this may seem overwhelming and perhaps even frightening. However, please know that your purpose is crystal apparent to everyone who encounters you. My dear Star, you were born to achieve great things, to spread your pure message to all people, and to offer hope to everyone whose life you touch. I know that feeling alone or uncertain can be daunting, but please remember that you are special and unique, and when you feel ready, you will fly. Always keep this in your heart."

Star: As he gazed into the forest, he tried to locate the source of the voice he heard. Suddenly, he stopped and placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating with hope and love. He looked down at the ground, recalling the words spoken to him. "You will fly..." he repeated softly.

With a deep breath, he clenched his hands into fists, and the golden glow of energy returned to his palms, igniting the symbols. He closed his eyes and let the warm energy course through his body, comforting him.

Standing there, he could feel his clothes pulsing and transforming into a new attire. The once dull fabric was now sleek black steel with golden lines of hope that elegantly defined his figure. His arms were covered in gauntlets of gold, which caused the energy to pulsate even stronger. The symbol that burned within his hands had now formed on his chest, and the lines that flowed from it created a stunning golden cape on his back.

It billowed gracefully in the wind, adding to the impressive display of power and strength. Opening his eyes, he felt a sense of weightlessness as his body began to float. His green eyes turned into golden lights of will, and he was filled with a new sense of purpose.

"I am Star, destined for greatness. My purpose is to bring hope and will to all who cannot combat the monsters lurking in the world's darkest corners, defending them against those who seek to destroy the peace." As he floated up and gazed out at the endless expanse of space, he raised his hand and stared into it with wonder. "Who can I be?..."

As he tapped his hands together, tiny sparks of energy ignited, fueling his growing curiosity. "I wonder how I can use my power to help others," he pondered, wondering about his true potential. However, his mind felt fuzzy, clouding his thoughts." He felt as if all of these questions had already had answers at one point in time but vanished from his memory by something or even someone.

As he put his hands together and closed his eyes, he felt a deep connection to the world around him. He took in the vastness of space and its life forms, feeling a sense of wonder and awe. He seemed to start moving at undefinable speeds as he absorbed the knowledge and information around him, the universe growing and evolving before him. As he released his hands and everything fell back into place, he felt a sense of purpose and direction, taking in all that there was to see.

He ventured into the endless expanse of space, seeking out any sign of life that might benefit from his care and attention. "How will the universe see me as a monster? As a god? What am I destined to be in the eyes of the innocent?"

As he was about to pass another planet, his mind suddenly roared in pain, and a loud ringing halted him in place. "AGH!" He grabbed onto the sides of his head, holding his aching skull, his vision becoming blurred as the pain increased, but as his vision became blurry, he started to see something...A figure of some kind, floating in a pit of darkness and fear. His vision went back to normal; the ringing began to fade away.

"What…Who was that?" He blinked repeatedly as his eyes readjusted to the surrounding area. He saw a planet of green and blue, and he could sense a strong feeling of life coming from the world. With a curious look, he flew into the planet's atmosphere, and the rush of air blew at his face.

Quietly descending into a dense forest, voices echoed through his ears. "Is there intelligent life here?" he wondered. Following the calls of nearby creatures, he made his way through the woods.

The serene environment captured his attention as the sunlight shone through the leaves, and birds sang melodious tunes. "This planet is wonderful," he thought to himself. Eventually, he arrived at a clearing, having walked downhill all the while. In the distance was a city of loud noise and voices; he walked towards it out of curiosity.

As he neared the towering buildings, he looked up at the imposing structure made of metal and glass and placed his hand on it. The noise of passing cars and honking horns caught him off guard, and the loud voices of people arguing added to the unrest. He tried to ignore the shouting and kept walking further into the city.

As he glanced around, he realized people stared at him with strange and sometimes even disgusted expressions. He couldn't understand why he received such negative attention until he accidentally collided with a passerby. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir-" he apologized.

Bystander: The man turned to face Star and said, "Hey, watch where you're going! What's with the weird outfit?" He then proceeded to mock Star's appearance, tugging slightly on his cape.

Star: He looked confused as the man pulled on his outfit, not understanding what was wrong with his attire. "What's wrong with the way I look?"

Bystander: "Are you dressed up as a character from a show or something? Like, what are you trying to be?"

Star: "I'm just being myself," he said, confused as to why the man had a problem with his appearance.

Bystander: "Whatever, man, just watch where you are fucking going." The human walked further down the street.

Star: He thought to himself, "What a strange individual...Is this how everyone here is?" He continued moving further into the city until he reached a large open park where the humans interacted with their pets. The joy and happiness glowing off their bodies were visible to Star; it brought a smile to his face.

One of the surrounding dogs had noticed Star standing there and had approached him curiously, sniffing his leg. He saw the animal, making the gauntlets on his hands disappear. He kneeled to the animal, allowing it to sniff his hand before gently petting the dog's head. While these motions were new, he felt he knew what he was doing.

"Curious little creature, aren't you? We have that in common. This world is strange to us both." He scratched the dog's chin as he noticed another human approaching him; the lady pulled the dog away from Star while rushing away from him. "Why is everyone so...afraid of me?"

Before he could question life any longer, he heard a scream in the distance, which caused him to stand up almost immediately. He charged into the street to look where the cry came from, noticing a crowd running away and exiting their vehicles. He looked left and right, watching people run away in fear as he suddenly heard a roar.

Where the first scream originated was a monstrous demonic-like creature with four arms and black quills all over its long, blood-red body.

The demonic beast startled a nearby woman, causing her to fall to her side in fear. She screamed as the beast drew closer to the lady, its long claws stretching out to her.

Star clapped his hands together, causing his gauntlets to reappear on his arms. He began to run to the aid of the Woman, but he realized as he ran, everything around him began to slow down; he was looking around as he ran, confused as to why everything was at a sudden halt before he unintentionally rammed into the side of the beast launching it further down the road away from the Woman. He recollected himself before speaking, "Are you alright, my dear?"

The Woman: "Y-yes, I am alright." She did not know whether to be afraid of Star or be happy that he saved her life.

Star: "Good, now run to a safe distance. I don't want anyone hurt!" His voice was assertive yet comforting at the same time. He turned to face the creature rising back up to its feet.

The Demon: The monster shook its head as it rose; it scratched the ground with its long, sharp claws, staring down Star with rage in its eyes. "Arrogant overworlder, you should not have intervened..." Its groggy, rusty, and deep voice would cause a chill down anyone's spine, but Star felt unphased by the beast.

Star: "I will intervene as often as I want, monster! I will not allow you to harm the souls of this planet." He stood his ground, raising his fists into an attack position, the golden glow returning to his hands from before.

The Demon: The beast laughed at Star's words, "You idiotic fool, playing the hero, are we? Very well, then you shall die the hero!" The monstrous animal dashed towards Star, its claws extending out towards him.

Star: As the beast charged towards him, energy began to build up in his gauntlets, and as he was in the grasp of the monster, he went in for a punch to the side of its face, but out of nowhere, some overwhelming force caused him to pull the power of his hole only creating a small shockwave upon hitting the beasts face knocking it back.

The Demon: The force of the attack shattered one of the creature's horns. The beast roared in pain, grabbing a hold of the side of its face. A fusion of confusion and anger crawled all over its body, questioning how the overworlder could reach such levels of strength to affect a demon. "You bastard! I will rip your head from your shoulders and use your blood to paint the walls of hell for that!" The demonic creature grabbed a nearby car and threw it toward Star.

Star: "Woah!" He held up his hands to block the car from hitting him. After a few seconds...nothing happened. He looked up in confusion, seeing the vehicle floating mid-air; he felt a force running through his hands, realizing he was causing the car. Before he could give the demon a moment to think, he used this newfound power to force the vehicle back at it.

The Demon: Using his claw, he sliced the flying car in half, causing a combustive explosion; its red glaring eyes gleamed through the smoke, noticing that Star had moved. He began to look around, attempting to find the caped crusader. "Where are you, little overworlder..."

Star: "Right here!" He floated above the creature before punching it right into the floor, shattering the road pavement for a few blocks, which shook nearby buildings. Grabbing a hold of the beast's tail, he threw it into the sky, flying after the airborne monster. As he caught up to it with one last punch, he hit the beast in the chest, causing a large shockwave and launching it into space, listening as its roars became increasingly distant.

He panted slowly, feeling an overwhelming surge of power flow throughout his body; as he calmed his breath more and more, that surge of energy began to die down. With one more exhale, he floated back down to the city; he could hear civilians come out from hiding places and approach where the battle had taken place. A crowd stood a few feet away from Star, staring at him and whispering.

The low silence was broken when he heard someone cheer and clap in the background. The cheers grew louder and louder until they erupted all around him; he could listen to a thousand voices calling out to him.

"You are our hero!" "You saved us all!" these words of hope and love warmed his heart as some people came forth and asked him, "Where did you come from?" "Did you come from space?" "What is your name?". He once asked that beckoning question, but this time, he had an answer for the people.

"Star, my name is Star."

Melakistal Melakistal

"Being a hero requires you to make decisions you will regret, consequences will come, but it is our job as saviors to fix those consequences." -Star.

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