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22.22% MHA: the music hero Orchestra / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"Hello, my name is Obi Daichi. I will be your quirk doctor today." Obi said, then looked at his clipboard and continued. "So, you're here today because you can't talk? And you want to know more about your quirk?"

"Ever since he unlocked his quirk, he has only been able to make what sounds like a triangle," Suru answered. "From what his teacher said to me, It was during music class, and he played the triangle. Then Gakki started coughing. When she went to check what was wrong, he began to copy the triangle's sound. It forced everyone to start to laugh." Suru finished.

Obi hummed to himself and put his pen to his chin. He was like that for a while until his eyes lit up. He got up and went to the back of the room and came back with a piano keyboard.

"Here you go, Gakki. I want you to start to play with this while we talk. Okay." Obi said while giving Gakki the keyboard.

Gakki nodded and started to press notes at random. As he played, Suru and Obi talked.

"Why do you have a keyboard in your office?" Suru asked

"Well, some quirks work with specific sounds. Or, like your son's, his is activated by playing instruments." Replied Obi. "Well, I think at least." He added quickly.

"That makes sense. But do you know if Gakki will be able to talk again?" Suru asked, hoping in her voice.

Obi sighed and said, "I don't think it will be in the same way as before. From what I can tell, your son's quirk has mutated his vocal cords. If I'm correct, he has all three properties of a quirk. He should have a mutation, transformation, and emitter-type quirk wrapped into one quirk. It's rare but not unheard of." Obi concluded.

Suru was stunned, but she needed to know something before she freaked out about this.

"And this has nothing to do with his Galaxy eyes?" Suru asked in a concerned tone.

Obi shook his head. "From what I can tell, no, his eyes are not showing that they are active like yours is."

"S-So you're t-telling me that he has t-two quirks?" She yelled whisper.

Obi nodded and tried to respond, but coughing enveloped the room. Both adults turned to see that Gakki was coughing and had his hands on his neck.

Suru went to help her son, but Obi stopped her. She furiously looked back at Obi, but he only shook his head and pointed. They turned around to see that Gakki stopped coughing and was looking at them.

"Gakki, try talking," Obi asked.

Gakki tried talking, but all that came out were piano sounds. Both adults felt a sudden surge of knowledge flow into their heads for a second. They also felt a sense of comfort too.

"Well, that was interesting," Obi said while writing on his clipboard.

Suru was stunned, with her jaw ajar, not knowing what to say. Gakki was also stunned because he was in awe of his quirk.

"Gakki, can you talk again but continue, please?" Obi asked with stars in his eyes

Gakki nodded, and piano keys started flowing out of his mouth. They were chaotic but alright on the ears. Obi's smile grew more prominent when he realized the potential of this kid's quirk. Suru's eyes grew more and more as she heard her son talk. She was so happy that his quirk was so valuable. He could be a fantastic hero or musician if he wanted to be one.

"Okay, you can stop now," Obi said, still writing on his clipboard.

Gakki stopped talking, and the feeling of intelligence from the two adults stopped.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Suru asked concern and worry in her voice. "Your throat is not hurting, is it?" She continued.

Gakki thought about this for a second. Then, he nodded but gestured that it was only a little. Suru sighed in relief.

"That's understandable. You just unlocked this side of your quirk, and it's bound to be uncomfortable until you use it more." Obi instructed

Obi then looked at his note and remembered to test something.

"Gakki, if you're up to it, I want to test your quirk again. But this time, think of me as a bad guy and your mom as a good guy." Obi asked, excitement in his voice.

Gakki and Suru gave him a confused look, but Gakki nodded and concentrated. After a minute, he nodded to himself and started to talk. It sounded the same, but Obi felt the difference this time. Instead of knowledge flowing into him, his mind felt like it could only think about one thing and one thing. He also felt like he was the most intelligent person in the room. Obi told him to stop, and Gakki did as told. When the piano keys stopped, Obi returned to his usual self. He felt embarrassed about his arrogance. Obi cleared his throat. Both of the Gingas looked his way.

"So I was correct. You can affect people in two different ways. I guess you could call it a buff or debuff." Obi concluded

Suru looked shocked while Gakki's stars in his eyes grew enormous. Gakki was so excited that he accidentally talked. But instead of piano keys, it was a metallic clang. Both adults laughed while Gakki's face grew red in embarrassment. After they recovered, Suru spoke up.

"So, how did you know that he could do that?"

"Well, when he made my intelligence go up, It was a thought that went through my head," Obi sheepishly said while scratching the back of his head.

Both Suru and Gakki nodded. Obi then looked back at his clipboard, and he remembered.

"So two things. First, I believe Gakki can copy more instruments, and second, he should practice the instruments. I think the more he learns the instrument, the more his quirk will have an effect." Obi said with confidence.

"That's wonderful, isn't Gakki," Suru asked, looking happily at her son.

Gakki gave a fist bump in the air in excitement. Suru looked at her son for a second and then remembered something important.

"Oh, doctor, you said there was a way for Gakki to talk again, right?" Suru said with hope in her voice.

"Ah, yes, there is a way, but it won't be the same as talking normally," Obi replied professionally.

Both Gingas was worried about what he was going to say next. Obi cleared his throat again and continued.

"It's with this device that goes around your neck." He then pulled a collar with a box in the middle with a light out of his desk. "Put this around your neck and talk without opening your mouth," Obi instructed.

Gakki complied and put the collar around his neck. The light turned blue when he finished, and he followed the doctor's order.

"H-hello," a male robotic voice said that came from the box. Gakki grew excited. "Yes, I can talk again, mommy!" Gakki continued, but his excitement didn't translate thur his voice. It made him sound monotone.

"Here is the charger for it. It has a twenty-four-hour charge, and if you need repairs or a new one, call this number." Obi said to Suru as Gakki celebrated.

Both Suru and Gakki simultaneously said, "Thank you, doctor."

"It's no problem. Also, there is one more thing." Obi said. "You need to name your quirk, kiddo."

Obi continued with a smile on his face.

Gakki thought for a bit before he looked at his mom and asked. "Mommy, what do you call a bunch of people playing instruments?"

"I believe it's called an orchestra, sweety," Suru asked, smiling knowingly.

"That's what my quirk will be then," Gakki concluded with a big smile.

Both adults nodded.

"Well, I believe that's all. You're free to go," Obi said. "And don't be stranger if there are any new developments on Orchestra or Galaxy eyes." He concluded

Suru took Gakki's hand and nodded at the doctor as they left. Someone called Gakki's name.

"Gakki, wait!" Itsuka said in an excited voice.

The Gingas turned around and saw Itsuka running up to them, with her father walking behind her.

Gakki smiled and greeted back. "Kendo, I can talk now." a robot voice said.

Itsuka's eyes grew, and her smile did, too. "Yay, it was a little weird to try and play mime games with you," She teased.

Gakki flushed a little but continued. "So, how was your doctor's visit?

"It went okay, nothing new that I didn't already know." Itsuka bragged, "How did yours go?" She asked back.

"I learned a lot about my quirk," he replied

As the kids talked, the adults decided to take them to a park so they could play for a while. Since it was noon, and it was a school day. There were no other kids around. Itsuka showed off her quirk by breaking branches that Gakki would hold up. Gakki showed off his quirk in return by playing piano from his mouth. They played for around an hour before they had to say goodbye.

"It was nice playing with you, Gakki," Itsuka said in a tiered tone.

"Same for me, too," Gakki replied, tho his voice didn't show he was also tiered. "I can't wait to see you Saturday, Itsuka," he continued, smiling a little embarrassed from using her first name.

Itsuka nodded and grabbed her dad's hand to head home. Gakki copied and caught his mom's hand. As they walked home, Suru asked Gakki a question.

"So your school also told me you pushed a girl." Her voice was not showing any emotion.

"W-well, she and another girl were pushing this boy and saying mean things to him, so I wanted them to stop," Gakki said, nervous if she would believe him.

She sighed and replied, "Your teacher told me you told her that. I'm proud of that, but next time, get a teacher. So that you don't get in trouble, okay, sweety." There was no hate in her tone, only concern for his wellness.

Gakki let out a sigh of relief and squeezed her hand more tightly.

"I love you, Gakki, and I always will," Suru said with love.

"I love you too, Mommy," Gakki replied with a small smile.

The rest of the week flew by for Gakki. He was initially embarrassed when returning to school, but no one bothered him. It was excellent but lonely because they didn't even talk to him unless needed. Ryo spread a rumor that he had been bullying her since they knew each other, which didn't make sense, but the kids believed it. Gakki's only saving grace was that he would see Itsuka on Saturday, and they could have fun together. He wished she had gone to his school but lived in a different district.

On Saturday morning, Suru and Gakki made their way to the dojo. Gakki was excitedly vibrating while Suru was giggling about how cute Gakki was. Once they arrived, they entered and saw kids and teenagers stretching. Gakki looked around nervously until he saw Itsuka standing beside her father. Gakki immediately ran up to Itsuka and hugged her. Itsuka's face grew red, but she hugged him back.

"Oh, hugging the master's daughter, are we?" Sama said with a cheeky smile on his face.

Gakki immediately let go of Itsuka and apologized, his face growing red.

"S-sorry, I was j-just so excited to s-see you again." Gakki stammered out.

Both Suru and Sama chuckled good-heartedly.

"It's okay, kiddo. Plus, it's always fun to see Itsuka embarrassed." Sama added while patting Itsuka's head, which made her more embarrassed.

"Dad!" She moaned out while she covered her face.

Sama chuckled to the displeasure of Itsuka.

"Okay, Okay, I will stop. Now, can you show Gakki the changing room?

Itsuka quickly grabbed Gakki's hand and dragged him towards the changing room as fast as she could. There were some chuckles from the older kids who watched the whole thing. Once Itsuka showed Gakki where the changing rooms were, she quickly ran off. Her face was still red from the entire incident. Once dressed, he went next to Itsuka and waited for instructions. Then he noticed that they were the youngest kids there. Before he could ask, Sama started to talk.

"Hello, students. My name is Kendo Sama, but you will call me Sensei when we are in the dojo. Is that understood?" His voice was severe, and it told them that this was no joking matter. Even Itsuka was standing at attention.

"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone said together.

"Good. Since this is most of your first time doing material arts, we will work on form and technique before we do any spars. Also, we will not use quirks until later, so you can get your form down right." Sama announced.

The group got on their mats and practiced stances and basic punches. They practiced for a couple of hours, and in that time, Gakki was having a blast. He fumbled initially, but they got the hang of it soon enough. 'It looks like Itsuka had done this before.' Gakki thought, trying to copy her movement.

"Okay, that will be all for today. Starting Monday, we will practice in the afternoon. So be prepared." Sama declared.

"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone said.

"Good, now go get changed," Sama added.

Gakki went to get changed when he got tapped lightly on the shoulder. He turned around and saw that Sama was behind him.

"Me and your mother talked. You're going to be spending the night with us. Is that alright with you?" Sama said in a softer tone. It was a complete switch from when he was teaching.

"Really!" Gakki tried to say excitedly, but his voice box didn't sound like it. But his face did.

He turned to Itsuka, who was waiting for him.

"Did you hear that we get to have a sleepover!" Gakki proclaimed. In his excitement, he hugged her tightly. She was taller than him, so her chin was on his head. He couldn't see it, but her face turned crimson red, But she had a big smile. He let go of her with a concerned look on his face. "Do you not want to have a sleepover?" He said with tears pricking in his eyes.

That's when Itsuka realized she had never replied. She waved her hands in front of her and started to apologize. "Sorry, I'm super excited to hang out with you." She had an apologetic smile on.

Gakki wiped his eyes and smiled at Itsuka. "I'm glad you're my only friend. So I was worried that you would reject me." Gakki said in a small voice that only Itsuka could hear.

This confused Itsuka. 'Why would nobody be friends with Gakki? He was friendly and fun and brought her feelings up when she was sad.' She thought. She shook the thought away and said, "You're my only friend too. The kids at school make fun of me for my quirk and personality."

Gakki gave her a sad smile and added, "Well, at least we have each other."

Before Itsuka could reply, they were bonked on the head by Sama.

"You two can continue this conversation once you get changed," Sama said with a cheeky smile.

They both nodded and quickly went to the changing room. Once they got done changing and cleaning themselves up, they followed Sama upstairs, where the Kendos lived. When they entered, the three were hit with the smell of cooking. They took off their shoes and entered the apartment.

"Welcome back, honey, sweety." An old female voice said to come from a different room.

An older woman who had the same hairstyle as Itsuka came out to greet them. She looked at Sama, then Itsuka, and finally Gakki. Her eyes met his, and he felt like she was looking into his soul. So he hid behind Itsuka, who started to giggle.

"And who is this?" She asked in a gentle voice, getting closer to him.

"H-hello, my name is Gakki Ginga. I'm Itsuka's friend." He stuttered out, still a little startled by her eyes. They were bright blue, but they were slit like a cat.

"We meet at the doctor's Monday. He cheered me up when I was feeling down." Itsuka pipped in.

"Ah, is that so? Thank you, Gakki, my name is Namba." Namba said in a motherly tone.

"Well, Gakki here will be spending the night," Sama said.

Namba raised one of her eyebrows and looked at Sama. "Oh, and why am I just hearing this now? I would have gotten something special for dinner." Namba poted.

Sama scratched the back of his head before responding. "Well, it was the spur-of-the-moment decision. And his mom does know that he's spending the night. It's not like I kidnapped him." Sama joked. He was giving his wife a cheeky smile.

Namba just sighed and looked at the kids. "Well, you guys can have lunch right now, then you can play in Itsuka's room," Namba said.

Itsuka grabbed Gakki's hand and dragged him to the kitchen to eat. Both of the parents chuckled at how cute the two were. As the kids ate, the parents talked in the next room.

"So, why did you agree to let him spend the night? Not that I mind. He seems like a good kid, and Itsuka seems to like him. But you never agreed to this when she asked her other friends." Namba asked.

"Well, his mom asked if we could look after him for a while since she was going to get him a gift, but it was around five hours away," Sama replied. "She told me that she's a single mother, so she doesn't have enough money to buy the gift online or to get a babysitter." He added.

Namba smiled and gave him a gentle hug. "This is why I fell in love with you. You're just too nice for your own good," Namba giggled while hugging Sama.

Sama chuckled and hugged her back.

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