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88.74% Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me / Chapter 266: Chapter 150 : No. 1 Konoha!!

Chapter 266: Chapter 150 : No. 1 Konoha!!

"Rain Shinobi Village, sixth place, not too shabby," murmured Nagato.

"If only my Rinnegan were still intact, perhaps Rain Shinobi Village's prowess could secure a spot in the top five. But alas, now we're relegated to sixth," he lamented.

[Uchiha Obito: Sixth place Rain Shinobi Village. Best of luck, Nagato. This time, the reward will surely be yours.]

[Uzumaki Nagato: I yearn for the restoration of our former strength. Nonetheless, Rain Shinobi Village has embraced neutrality and shall refrain from engaging in conflicts.]

[Tsunade: We'll soon climb into the top five of the Ninja Village List.]

[Terumi Mei: Kirigakure shall not settle for less than fourth place.]

[Third Tsuchikage: I reckon Sunagakure holds the fifth spot. After all, beyond Gaara, their ranks seem thin, and their talent pool appears diminished.]

[Fourth Raikage: Considering Sunagakure's geographical disadvantage and consequent poverty, fifth place seems fitting.]

[Gaara: Hmph, nothing is certain until it's certain.]

Though Gaara uttered these words, even he harbored doubts about Sunagakure's standing.

As time passed, the announcement for the fifth position in the Ninja Village Rankings arrived.

In the image, a multitude of ninjas stood, with Gaara at the forefront.

It was evident—Sunagakure of the Land of Wind, claimed the fifth spot.

[No. 5 on the Ninja Village List: Sunagakure]

[Fourth Raikage: As expected, Sunagakure secures fifth place.]

[Third Tsuchikage: Indeed, Sunagakure stands as the weakest among us five great ninja villages.]

[Gaara: Third Tsuchikage, in terms of strength, you now pale in comparison to me.]

[Third Tsuchikage: True, my strength may lag behind yours, but Iwagakure surpasses Sunagakure in might—that's sufficient.]

[Gaara: Humph!]

Sunagakure's fifth-place ranking left its ninjas disheartened.

"Let us train diligently. Next time, we shall ascend the rankings," Gaara declared.

"Yes!" chorused Kankuro and the others.

Before long, Kirigakure claimed the fourth spot in the Ninja Village Rankings, with Terumi Mei leading the charge.

[4th place on the Ninja Village List: Kirigakure]

[Terumi Mei: Is Kirigakure ranked fourth?)]

[Third Tsuchikage: Fourth place isn't too shabby. Kirigakure isn't much stronger than Sunagakure. Consider yourself lucky we didn't place you fifth! In essence, Iwagakure rightfully claims the third spot, acknowledging our strength.]

[Gaara: It's almost certain that Konoha will take first place.]

[Fourth Raikage: Not necessarily!

After a while, the ranking for the third place among the Shinobi Villages was announced.

On the screen, numerous ninjas from Iwagakure appeared, led by Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage.

[Third place on the Shinobi Village ranking: Iwagakure]

[Third Tsuchikage: Indeed, Iwagakure rightfully secures the third spot on the Ninja Village ranking. I'm quite content with that!

[Fourth Raikage: Let's hope Kumogakure takes the top spot!]

[Tsunade: Fourth Raikage, don't hold your breath. First place belongs to Konoha!]

[Fourth Raikage: If Sarutobi Hiruzen were still the Hokage, perhaps we'd be first!

(Third Hokage: Fourth Raikage, what's the meaning behind your words?"

[Fourth Raikage: I'm merely acknowledging your skill in leading Konoha!]

[Third Hokage: Mockery doesn't escape my notice, Fourth Raikage.]

[Fourth Raikage: Believe what you will.]

After some time, the announcement for the second place on the Shinobi Village ranking was imminent.

Tsunade, the Fourth Raikage, and countless ninjas from Konoha and Kumogakure were all on edge. After all, securing second place meant falling behind first place.

Finally, the announcement for the second place was made.

The screen filled with numerous ninjas, including the Fourth Raikage and Killer Bee, indicating they were from Kumogakure.

[Second place on the Ninja Village ranking: Kumogakure]

[Tsunade: Haha, as I said, Kumogakure secures second place, while Konoha takes first.

[Fourth Raikage: Hmph, let Konoha have its temporary first place!]

[Tsunade: Temporary? Heh, Kumogakure will never surpass Konoha!

[Kakashi: Konoha stands as the undisputed first, excellent!]

[Might Guy: I agree, there's no doubt Konoha deserves the top spot.]

[Fourth Hokage: Indeed, with Konoha in first place, we're bound to receive substantial rewards!

[Uzumaki Naruto: I hope the reward benefits many people.]

(Third Tsuchikage: Fourth Raikage, second place is commendable!]

[Terumi Mei: Indeed, second place isn't too shabby. But if you were to grant us Kirigakure, I'd die a happy woman!

[Gaara: Grant me fourth place, and I'll be content!]

After a while, the results of the Ninja Village Ranking were unveiled.

This time, there was little anticipation, for everyone knew...

In the image, numerous Konoha ninjas, along with Tsunade, Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi, and others, graced the top spot.

[No. 1 on the Ninja Village List: Konoha]

With the announcement, excitement rippled through Konoha's ninjas one after another.

After all, being recognized as the top Ninja Village bestowed upon them immense honor!

[Tsunade: I hope Konoha receives a substantial reward this time, one that significantly bolsters our strength.]

[Fourth Raikage: I wish the rewards for the Kumogakure surpass those for the first place!]

[Tsunade: Second place rewards are definitely not on par with the first place. You're dreaming.]

[Fourth Raikage: With luck, anything's possible!]

[Gaara: I too hope Sunagakure's reward is commendable!]

[Terumi Mei: May Kirigakure's reward exceed expectations!]

Finally, amid everyone's anticipation, the distribution of rewards for the Ninja Village Ranking commenced.

As tradition dictated, the distribution began from the top-ranked village.

And then, the reward for the top spot was revealed.

A single item materialized on the screen. As it was Konoha Village's first time making the list, only one reward item was offered, without any choice.

The item depicted was a cyan-colored circle.

[Green Wood Realm: Transforms an area into a realm. Within the Green Wood Realm, chakra can be refined swiftly, enhancing cultivation speed, while providing isolation from external threats. Attacks from outside cannot penetrate the Green Wood Realm. Specific entrances facilitate entry and exit. Moreover, within this realm grows the Green Tree. Every decade, it bears a batch of Green Trees, capable of rapid healing.]

[Tsunade: The Green Wood Realm seems quite impressive!]

[Kakashi: If Konoha is transformed into the Green Wood Realm, wouldn't it resemble a Sage Regions akin to Mount Myōboku? It would ensure heightened security in the future, making it challenging for outsiders to breach Konoha.]

[Fourth Hokage: The crucial aspect is that it would facilitate Konoha Shinobi's training within the Green Wood Realm, greatly accelerating their progress. Plus, there are healing treasures like the Green Tree Fruit. Truly befitting of the top spot in the Ninja Village Ranking!]

[Senju Hashirama: This reward is truly remarkable!]

[Tsunade: Extracting the Green Wood Realm requires over ten Konoha higher ups. Now, they're gathering in the Hokage's office for the extraction!]

Immediately, a renowned Konoha official made their way to the Hokage's office.


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